After a failed attempt to kill his step-father with a nine millimeter handgun,
在一次试图使用一把9mm口径手♥枪♥ 射杀他的继父未果之后
he turned the gun on himself and shot himself in the head.”
他掉转枪口对准自己 扣动扳机击中了自己的头部”
I don’t understand.
“The only thing found on his person was a paperback copy of Suburban Tragedy
“在他身上发现的唯一一件物品 是一本平装版的《郊区悲剧》
by renowned author, Sidney Hall.
He owned no less than eight copies of the novel
他拥有这部小说 不少于八册
and according to friends, often quoted passages from the book.
同时 根据他的朋友所述 他经常引用这本书的段落
Henry Crowe is one of many in a growing allegiance of Suburban Tragedy followers
亨利·克罗是《郊区悲剧》的众多粉丝之一 他们对此书的忠诚正不断增长
who take the book so literally that they will attempt to mimic its message
他们过于按照字面意义理解此书 以致会试图模拟它的教诲
and expose the underbelly of Suburban America
no matter what the cost.
The book has already been banned in school libraries
and teaching curriculums in Montana.
And this incident will undoubtedly spiral its resistance upwards,
该事件无疑会导致 对此书的抵♥制♥呈螺旋式上升之态势
possibly at a national level.”
How young was he?
It doesn’t make a difference. How young was he?
这没有什么区别 他多大了?
This book has inspired more people than you can possibly…
这本书已经激励起更多的读者 超过你可能的…
Inspired people to do what? Kill themselves?
Listen to me.
Whatever happens over the next few weeks, this is not your fault.
不管未来数周发生什么 这不是你的错
They’ll make it my fault.
Maybe. For a news cycle, but…
也许 对于一项新闻周期而言 但是…
you don’t read the internet anyway, okay, so just continue that.
你不以任何方式看互联网 好的 继续这么做
Continue that, all right?
继续这么做 好吗?
Now, this book is essentially feeding our youth a dangerously blind idealism.
如今 本质上这本书正在向我们的年轻一代灌输一种危险的盲目理想主义
Promoting disrespect for our elders.
A generation bred on entitlement.
And the fact that it’s being included in our school curriculum
事实是 这种教育理念正在溶入我们的学校课程系统
is a dangerous sign of the times.
How do you feel about the book burnings in Oklahoma?
俄克拉荷马正在焚烧这本书 你对此有何感想?
Well, you have to buy ’em in order to burn ’em.
其实 为了烧书你得先买♥♥书吧
So, maybe sales will go up.
所以 销♥售♥量也许会上升
Any validity in the comparisons between Henry Crowe
and the lead character in Mr. Hall’s book?
No. No. No. The character in question kills himself with a knife. Not a gun.
不 不 没有 这个问题提到的主人公是用一把刀自杀的 不是枪
And any comparison between the two is ridiculous horseshit.
因此 对两者的任何比较都是荒谬至极的无稽之谈
Next. Do you think this book will become federally censored?
下个问题 你是否认为该书会在联邦层面遭到审查删除?
And might it have an effect on the Pulitzer nomination?
以及 它可能会对普利策奖的提名造成影响吗?
I highly doubt that it will be taken seriously.
我极其怀疑 它会成为提名环节需要严肃对待的事项
And I couldn’t care less about Senator Dale’s campaign for fascism.
而且 我没法不关注戴尔参议员操作的法♥西♥斯♥主义式的宣传活动
If he doesn’t like the book, don’t read it.
如果他不喜欢这本书 不去读就是
Do you think he’s read it? I really don’t give a shit.
你认为他已经读过了吗? 我根本不在乎
But don’t quote me on that.
但是 别引用我这句话
But enough about me, at this time, Sidney would like to make a statement.
显然我说的已经够多了 此刻 西德尼想发表一个声明
Please hold all of your questions until after he’s finished.
请诸位把各自的问题 留到他发言之后再提问吧
It saddens me that a life has been lost.
一条生命就此消逝 让我悲痛欲绝
My heart goes out to Henry Crowe’s family and friends.
I empathize with them,
and hope that brighter days will appear sooner
rather than later.
That said…
I apologize for nothing.
I cannot predict what…
reaction any particular individual may or may not have to something I have written.
任何特定的个人对我的作品 可能会或可能不会产生什么反应
Nor can I live in fear, or restraint…
我也无法在恐惧 或束缚中生活…
anytime I write a word on a page.
任何时候 只要我在纸上写下一个词
I can only hope
that in time, the books I write
我写的书 总是
will have a positive impact.
It is sickening… to see that some congressmen are using this boy’s family
这真是令人作呕… 看到某些国会议员正在利用这个男孩的家人
during their time of grief for political gain.
去获取政♥治♥利益 而此刻正是他们的哀恸期
It’s shameful.
Furthermore, um…
此外 呃…
I’m sorry, uh…
抱歉 呃…
I’m so sorry. Are you all right?
我很抱歉 你没事吧?
Uh, that will be it, ladies and gentlemen.
呃 就这样了 女士们先生们
Thank you all for coming.
There is some evidence of scar tissue on the side of your brain.
I think you’re having partial seizures.
It could be from trauma. Could be the result of a serious blow to the head.
这可能源自外伤 可能是对头部的一次严重撞击产生的后遗症
Has anything like that ever happened to you?
Last week,
you called me, you claimed to be…
你打电♥话♥给我 你声称…
seeing things “outside the realm of reality.”
Are you still experiencing these aberrations?
I’m… I’m sorry, I have to go. Sidney there’s medication you can take.
我… 我很抱歉 我得走了 西德尼 你可以做一些药物治疗
Hey, Hall, I don’t have all day.
嘿 豪尔 我们没有一整天的时间
Look man, you don’t have to tell me whatever’s in the box.
听着 老兄 你不必告诉我盒子里到底是什么
It’s fine, it’s your right.
没事 这是你的权利
I would like a little gratitude.
You want something else, Hall? The Lewis Chang deal ain’t enough for you?
你还想要些别的 豪尔?关于路易斯·张的交易对你来说还不够?
No, no, that’s not what I’m saying. I just don’t like being treated like shit.
不 不 我不是这个意思 我只是不想被象垃圾一样对待
You like Melody Jameson.
I saw you talking to her in the street.
You know her?
Yeah dude, she’s my little sister’s friend.
是的 哥们 她是我妹妹的朋友
What’s she like? What’s she interested in?
Is she… is she cool? Does she read? Does she read?
她… 她很酷吗?她喜欢阅读吗? 她阅读?
Hooked on Phonics是《英语自然拼读》教材的商业品牌名称;英语自然拼读法通过直接学习字母及字母组合在单词中
Yeah, she’s “Hooked on Phonics”.
是的 她喜欢“英语自然拼读”教材
Dude, I don’t fucking know, Hall.
哥们 我特么真不知道 豪尔
Jesus Christ, I’m not into girls who like… long walks on the beach and all that shit.
老天 我对那些喜欢… 在沙滩上悠长漫步 诸如此类破事儿的妹子 真没啥兴趣
I mean, I could introduce you to her.
我的意思是 我可以把你介绍给她
If you’re having trouble.
I’m not having trouble.
Oh, yeah.
哦 那就好
Yeah, right. You really sealed the deal in the street there.
是的 没错 你在那条街上确实把事儿都搞定了
God knows you’re too pussy to ask her out, I might as well do it for you.
天知道 你太胆小不敢约她出来 我可以替你把这事儿给办了
All right, out of sheer curiosity, what would you do?
好吧 纯粹出于好奇 你打算怎么做?
my sister’s birthday is this coming weekend.
I can take her to the fairgrounds for ice cream or something.
我可以带她去游乐场 吃点冰激凌啥的
Coax Melody to tag along.
And you can show up out of the blue and boom.
然后你突然出现 大喊一声
Next weekend, right?
下个周末 对吗?
So? Think you can grow a dick and a pair of balls by then?
Not that it’d matter anyway. She’s as prude as they come.
不管怎么说 这也没那么重要 她的确很拘谨
It’d take a crowbar to get those legs open.
需要一个撬棍 才能让大腿张开
All right, thanks again, man.
好吧 再次感谢 老兄
Oh, shit. Um…
哦 糟了 呃…
Here, hide this. Now. Go.
这里 把这藏好 马上 快点
Now. Yeah. Yeah, okay.
马上 行 行 好的
What are you doing here? Your sister told me where you were.
你在这儿干嘛? 你妹妹告诉我你去哪儿了
The question is, what are you doing here? Hanging out with a friend.
问题是 你在这儿干什么? 跟一个朋友出去玩
Your mother has been worried about you all day.
She called the goddamn police.
要命的是 她还报了警
Overreact much?
Get out of the car! What the fuck do you think you’re doing?
Just hanging out with a friend. You are driving home with me.
就是和一个朋友出去玩了 跟我一起开车回家
Say goodbye to your friend.
Hey, I gotta go, man. I’ll, uh… I’ll come back for the car later.
嘿 我得走了 兄弟 我 呃… 稍后我会回来取车
Come on. Yeah, that’s cool.
快走 好 没问题
Remember, Hall, you hold the key. All right? You hold the key.
记着 豪尔 拿着车钥匙 知道吗?拿着车钥匙
You hold the key.
