Uh, If you’re looking for a book on how to please your woman,
呃 如果你想找本书 讨你妹子的欢心
the card catalog is just over there.
I liked your essay the other day.
你那天读的那篇散文 我很喜欢
Oh yeah? Why?
哦 是吗?为什么?
‘Cause it was honest.
All the rest were bullshit, but yours was honest.
其他人写的都特虚伪 只有你的那篇很坦诚
We wouldn’t be caught dead talking to each other in the halls.
Yet, here we are for the very first time, and you want to talk to me about my homework?
不过 既然这是第一次 你就想跟我聊聊我的作业?
It’s a compliment, Hall.
这是一种恭维 豪尔
And plus, that’s not true. We hung out once in the 5th grade.
另外 这并不准确 五年级的时候我们有过一回 一起出去浪
I was running away from home, you lent me an extra bicycle.
我离家出走 你把一辆多出来的自行车借给我了
You remember that? Yeah, I remember that, dipshit.
你还记得? 是的 我记得 呆子
We rode up to that hill by the winery.
我们一直骑到那座山顶 就在那家酿酒厂旁
That, um…
那个 呃…
It’s actually what I’m here to talk to you about.
实际上 这就是我今天在这儿想跟你聊的
I’m surprised you’re bringing that up.
我很惊讶 你提起了这件事
That was a really long time ago.
You remember what we did when we got there?
你还记得 我们到了那里之后做了什么吗?
You had a paper bag.
It was, uh, wrapped up in tape.
它 呃 用胶带包扎了起来
Right? It was kinda bulky.
We buried it.
On Farmer’s Peak.
You wouldn’t tell me what was in it. Right. Well, I need it back.
你没有告诉我袋子里面是什么 对的 那么 我现在想把它拿回来
What do you want me to do about it?
Look, I don’t know that area, man, all right?
听着 我不了解那个地方 兄弟 明白吗?
All the hills look the same to me.
对我来说 那些山长得都是一个样子
Never been back since.
Oh, you need my help.
哦 你需要我帮忙
Yeah, Hall. All right? I need your help. There, I said it.
是的 豪尔 行吗?我需要你的帮助 你看 我都说了
I don’t know, man. I mean…
我不知道 哥们 我的意思是…
The day after we hung out, you pretended like nothing ever happened.
那天我们出去鬼混之后 你装得像是什么都没发生
I saw you in the halls, you laughed in my face.
我在走廊里见到你 你却当面嘲笑我
You were an asshole then. You’re an asshole now.
你过去是个混♥蛋♥ 现在还是
Tell me one good reason why I should care.
为什么我要参合 给我个理由先
You’re right, forget it.
你说得没错 不再提了
Oh, come on.
哦 拜托
Please, please, don’t throw away my comic books.
拜托 拜托 别扔掉我的漫画书
Haven’t you outgrown those things?
还没长大吗 还痴迷那些儿童读物?
Sorry, Dad. I got you.
对不起 老爸 别担心
What’s next? You’re gonna throw away my CDs, my books, everything in my room?
接下来是什么?你再准备扔掉我的CD 书 和我房♥间里的所有东西?
Hey, Dad, you want something to read? I got a comic…
嘿 老爸 你想读点什么吗?我有一本漫画…
You have any ideas about who you’re taking to prom?
你想好了吗 准备带谁去参加毕业舞会?
Not this one. I’m not going to prom.
这次不会去 我不准备去参加舞会
How does that look? Why not?
这本怎么样? 为什么不?
Because it’s a segregated ritual wherein the unpopular people are ostracized
因为这是一个有特别限定的活动 不受欢迎的同学被排斥在外
by the beautiful ones. Oh my God.
只有那些可人儿能参加 哦 天呐
Dr. Phil: 即Dr. Phil McGraw, 美国家喻户晓的电视心理学家,
Are you Dr. Phil?
Your father and I have great memories from prom night.
你♥爸♥和我对毕业舞会之夜 都有着非常美好的回忆
Yeah. Me.
对 我就是
Get over it.
All right.
Brandi. Okay.
布兰迪 好的

There you go.
Uh, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Hall.
呃 很高兴见到你 豪尔先生
Hey. Uh, what’s your name?
嗨 呃 你叫什么名字?
My name’s Henry Crowe.
I’ve read your book so many times.
Um, it’s really affected the way I think about things.
呃 它确实影响了我思考问题的方式
Is that Crowe with an “E”?
Yeah. An “E,” yeah.
没错 一个”E” 好的
I think I know what I’m supposed to do now.
Sorry, what was that?
不好意思 那是什么呢?
“The core of our nation is etched inside these plastic smiles.
“我们国家的核心部分 其内在 已经蚀刻下这些虚假的微笑
And endless rows of nowhere houses.
以及连行成排 没有穷尽 籍籍无名的房♥舍
This is how we live.
It’s also how we die.”
也是 我们死亡的方式”
Sorry for the wait. Harold’s ready for you.
不好意思久等了 哈罗德在等您
Lawyers are only trouble.
Listen, I gotta go.
听着 我得挂了
A great writer has just entered the room.
All right, love you.
好的 爱你
Sidney, my dear boy.
西德尼 我亲爱的孩子
Don’t take this the wrong way, I say it as a friend.
别误会 我说这个纯粹以一个朋友的身份
You look like shit.
You look like one of those lost children on milk cartons.
你看上去就象一个 照片印在牛奶纸盒上的失踪孩子
You’ve been number one on The New York Times best seller list for eight months.
你已经占据《纽♥约♥时♥报♥》畅销书排行榜榜首位置 长达8个月
And still, no smile.
却还是 笑容难见
Please, tell me. What ails you? What can I do?
拜托 告诉我 是什么让你如此烦恼?我能为你做什么?
I’m having panic attacks, Harold.
我有急性焦虑症 哈罗德
That’s good. All of my clients have panic attacks.
那很好 我所有的客户都有急性焦虑症
Yeah, but you know, none of your other clients have my kind of pressures.
好吧 不过你知道 你的客户中没有人有我这种压力
None of my other clients have your kind of talent.
我的其他客户 也没人有象你一样的天赋
If you weren’t having panic attacks, I’d be very worried.
如果你没有急性焦虑症 我倒是要担心了
No, it’s different this time.
不 这次不一样
I’m seeing things, things that aren’t there.
我会看到那些 实际上并不存在的东西
Right now, it looks like you’re not wearing pants.
此时此刻 就象 你没有穿裤子
I’m not wearing pants.
Sidney, do you know what I have in this folder?
西德尼 你知道这个文件袋里是什么吗?
No. It’s starts with the letter “P.”
不知道 这件东西的名字以字母”P”开头
Protest letters? No. Not protest letters.
申诉书? 不 不是申诉书
Christ, man! You’ve got to get optimistic.
老天 老铁! 你得乐观点
Forget about Montana. Everything that we have worked for.
忘掉蒙大拿 我们为之奋斗的一切
Everything that we have talked about has come down to this.
我们讨论争执的一切 归根结底都是于此
Open it.
The Pulitzer Prize.
You’re a finalist. We find out the winner later this month.
你已入围最终的评选 本月晚些时候就会决出最后的获奖者
Good, you’ve heard of it.
很好 你已经听说了

Whatever you want, it’s not as important as what I’m doing right now.
不管你想说什么 都没有我现在正在忙的事重要
Love you, bye-bye.
爱你 拜拜
Ay, my mother.
哎 母亲大人
So, can I get a fucking smile now, or what?
那么 这下你总可以特么笑一笑了吧 是不是?
This guy, Francis, uh, Bishop, should I be worried about him?
这个人 弗朗西斯 呃 毕晓普 我是不是应该担心他?
Francis Bishop is the literary equivalent of Valium.
Forget the other guys, you’re a shoo-in.
忽略其他提名人吧 你被公认可以轻松获胜
Prologue to Paris.
That’s a good title. No.
书名很不错 不
No, that’s a bad title. The worst title since Gone With The Wind.
不 很差劲的书名 自《飘》以来最差的书名
More importantly, I’m throwing a big party tonight.
更重要的 今晚我会举办一个大派对
There’s going to be women.
Alcohol. Women drinking alcohol.
还有酒 美女和美酒
Promise me you’ll come.
答应我 你一定要来
I don’t do parties, Harold. You know that.
我不参加派对的 哈罗德 你知道的
Well, that’s a damn shame.
那么 真太特么可惜了
‘Cause you’re going to be the guest of honor.
Even worse.
So, that’s a yes?
那么 这就算答应了?
It’s late and I’m confused.
这是一封迟到的信 我很困惑
