I really wanted to explore that…
Who dressed you? – No one
My neighbor did the bow tie
but, I dressed myself – Hi – Olivia
你好 – 奥利维亚
A few words for Despierta América. What would you like to say? Did you dress him?
你有什么想说的吗 是你打扮的他吗
Oh, thank you so much. We’re gonna go and watch the movie now
非常感谢 我们现在要去看电影了
丘乔 礼服的事对不起了
Chucho, sorry about the tuxedo!
我知道你说过什么都不想要 但我还是给你拿了吃的 以防万一嘛
I know you said you didn’t want nothing, but I brought you some just in case
They were not charging for anything
我有种不好的预感 米莉
I have a bad feeling, Meeley
There’s something in the air that ain’t right
Remember the Iowa State Fair
when I saw my first aircraft?
那是一架摇摇晃晃的旧飞机 我怕得不敢上去
It was a rickety old flivver, and I was too scared to get on
但你拉着我的手 我们一起上去了
But you took my hand, and we went on together
Be with me again today as I fly across the Pacific
你是最棒的 妈妈
You’re aces, Mom
嗨 你真漂亮 走吧
Hi. You look great. Let’s go
这是你们的座位 需要什么吗
Um, here’s your table. Can I get you anything?
好 一张大披萨 我要饿死了 我不想吃这些小点心
Yeah, a giant pizza. I’m starving. I don’t want any of this finger food
点过了 – 看吧 你预测了我的需求
Already ordered – See? You’re anticipating
安东尼奥 你有什么需要吗
Antonio, can I get you anything?
I – I’m just here to support Olivia on her big night
Where was that on the red carpet?
我是说 他长得不算差 但我错过了什么吗
I mean, he’s not bad – looking, but what am I missing?
历史证明 最厉害的情场高手 从来不是有魅力的男人
Historically, the world’s great lovers haven’t been attractive men
卡萨诺瓦就很丑 但在床上 他是个传奇
Casanova was ugly. But in bed, he was a legend
我们只需在这里待20分钟 然后就能…
and then we can… Well, we only have to stay for 20 minutes
我的天啊 – 怎么了
Oh, my God – What?
他来了 – 谁来了
He’s here… – Who’s here?
和凯瑟琳一起 – 谁是凯瑟琳
with Kathryn – Who’s Kathryn?
文森特的老婆 – 谁是文森特
Vincent’s wife – Who’s Vincent?
那个已婚男人 – 什么已婚男人
The married man – What married man?
我男朋友 – 什么男朋友
My boyfriend – What boyfriend?
我… 明明之前都跟你解释过了
I – This was all explained to you
名字太多 把我搞糊涂了
Uh, th – th – there were many names. It was very confusing
Mmm. Mmm – Where are they?
他们在吧台边 而且她起来并不消沉
They’re over by the bar, and she does not look depressed
Does she look depressed to you?
或许吧 或许她的眼神有点悲伤
Well, maybe, maybe her eyes look a little sad
是这样的 – 好的
Yeah. Yeah – Okay
他们来了 – 好的
Okay, um… – Oh, they’re coming. Um, sh – sh – should I do something? Should I hold your hand?
我该做点什么吗 我该拉着你的手吗
对 拉着我的手 别那样
Yeah, hold my hand. Hold my hand. Hold my hand. Don’t do that
亲… 亲我… 和我亲热 离我远点
Just make – Kiss me – Make out with me. Get away from me. Just get away
你好 我是凯瑟琳·罗伊斯 – 你好
Hi. I’m Kathryn Royce – Hi
这是我丈夫文森特 – 你好
This is my husband, Vincent – Hi
We’ve seen all of your movies
That’s so nice
不过我得告诉你 我觉得这部可能是我最喜欢的
I have to tell you, though, I think that this one might just be my favorite
It’s very empowering
亲爱的 我们还是别独占她 走吧
Uh, honey, we shouldn’t monopolize her. Come on
我… 我很喜欢这种组合 女演员和泊车员
I just – I – I love this – The actress and the valet
I mean, we are dying to know how the two of you met
我当时在比弗利山庄开车… – 比弗利山庄
Oh, well, I was driving in Beverly Hills… – In Beverly Hills
然后车爆胎了 – 爆胎了
and I got a flat tire – Flat tire
Oh, no. Ugh
这个帅哥开着法拉利停了下来 – 是我 对 法拉利 然后…
Me. Yeah. Ferrari. And… – This handsome man pulled up in a Ferrari
等他把备胎换上 – 换上备胎
By the time he had the spare on… – Spare on
我就迷上他了 – 对 套住了 她就被我套牢了
I was smitten – Yeah. Mitten. She was very mitten
太浪漫了 – 看吧
That is so sweet – You see that?
瞧瞧啊 是不是很浪漫 – 是的
Look at that. Isn’t that sweet? – Yes
看吧 爱总能战胜一切
Yeah, see? Love always finds its way
Oh, he’s such a romantic – Mm – hmm
很高兴见到你们俩 保重
It was nice meeting you both. Take care
我只是出于好奇… – 见鬼
Just out of curiosity… – Shit
how long did it take for him to tell you that he was just parking the car?
我只是来… – 打扰一下 非常抱歉
I’m just here – Excuse me. I’m so sorry
I really need to steal these two
不 其实他当下就告诉我了
No, you know what? He told me right away
谢天谢地 因为我受不了开豪车的人
and thank God, because I can’t stand men who have showy cars
那你也会讨厌文森特的 他有一车♥库♥的豪车
Ah, you would hate Vincent then. He has an entire garage just full of ’em
好了 我们真得走了 所以… – 好
Okay – Uh, we really have to go, so, um – Yeah. Yeah
I’m just here to support Olivia on her big night
好的 这边走 非常抱歉
Uh – huh. Right this way. So sorry
嘿 往事历历在目啊 老兄 – 嘿
Hey. Blast from the past, man – Hey
What are you doing here?
你知道的 老兄 有人在和不该在一起的人乱搞 你呢
Ah, you know, man. Someone’s screwing someone they’re not supposed to. You?
一样 人类啊 我们都是有缺陷的生物
Same. Homo sapiens, bro. We’re flawed creatures
嘿 我多点了一份法拉费丸子 你要不要吃
Hey, extra falafel. You want one?
Is that Falafel King?
Is it Falafel King?
当然是了 – 那肯定要吃了
Hell yeah – Come on, bro
吃吧 老兄
Come on, bro
你猜怎么着 我忘记带纸巾了
Oh, you know what? I forgot the napkins
You still, uh, keep an extra stash in the glove compartment?
I have upgraded to moist towelettes
Love that
太好了 谢谢你 老兄 – 城里最好吃的
Perfect. Thanks, man – It’s the best in the city
他们舍得放芝麻酱 – 舍得放芝麻酱
They do not skimp on the tahini – Don’t skimp on the tahini
时间过得真快 我得走了
Oh, time flies. Gotta go
Oh. Thanks
我的药呢 – 在你手里
Where are my pills? – It’s in your hand
对不起 我以为这里是男洗手间
My apologies. I thought this was the men’s room
She knows
All right. Okay
抱歉 票是凯瑟琳弄到手的
Uh, I’m sorry. Look, Kathryn got the tickets
She sprung them on me at the last minute
I’m in hell here
I should wait outside for this
She’s nothing like you described
她很优雅 有威严
She’s elegant. Regal
你怎么会和那样的女人离婚 – 为什么
Why would you divorce someone like that? – Why?
Because I’m in love with you
因为没有你 我的所有行为 话语和感受都没有意义
Because nothing I’ve ever done or said or felt makes any sense without you
There’s a level of intimacy here that’s getting very uncomfortable for me
so I’m just
I had this whole narrative in my head about how awful she was
to justify my behavior
But now I find out…
She’s great at a cocktail party
好吗 可她在家就是个怪物
Okay? But she’s a monster at home
我们就快成功了 奥利维亚
We’re so close. We’re so close, Olivia
She’s totally buying all of this
It’s gonna be me and you
I can’t handle this
You were incredible in the movie
I know
我讨厌这工作 可恶
谢谢 兄弟
Thanks, bro
不管我老公给你多少钱 我出双倍
Whatever my husband is paying you, I’ll double it
好吧 我出四倍
Fine. I’ll quadruple it
我不知道你在说什么 – 我会给你10万美元
I – I don’t know what you’re talking about – I’ll give you $100, 000
奥利维亚·艾伦不可能 把时间浪费在一个泊车员身上
There is no way that Olivia Allan is wasting her time with a valet
我的工资不高 所以我很想接受你的钱
I don’t get paid a lot, so I would love to take your money
