我不想知道 – 好的
I don’t wanna know – Okay. Okay
You’re having sex
你和她上♥床♥了 你这混♥蛋♥
You’re having sex with her, you bastard
我知道你和她上♥床♥了 告诉我
I know you’re having sex with her. Tell me!
我不知道你想听什么 – 我什么都不想听
I don’t know what you wanna hear – I don’t wanna hear anything
飞得离太阳太近 会被灼伤的
Fly too close to the sun, you get burned
White people don’t like us dating their women
他们看见了 就会问问题
They see you with one… They ask questions…
We get deported!
我是美国公民 我是合法的
I’m an American citizen. I’m legal
你是吗 – 你不是吗
You are? – You’re not?
是 我当然是了
Yes. Of course I am!
And what are you saying that’s so funny?
你一次都没让我笑过 一次都没有
You’ve never once made me laugh. Not once
Let’s take a selfie
或许他们可以用一位 年轻女性的呼声来帮助他
Maybe they could bring on a young female voice to help him
艾伦小姐 – 我不是说… 什么…
Ms. Allan! – I’m not saying – What
嘿 我给你换了过滤器 – 谢谢
Hey. I replaced your filter – Thank you
都处理好了 – 这个我来
You are good to go – I’ll take that
我在想 如果你和那个泊车员处不来
So, I was thinking, if it doesn’t work out with the valet
又想来个升级的话 账单上有我的号♥码
and you want an upgrade, number’s on the bill
祝你们今晚愉快 女士们
Have a good night, ladies
It’s working
嘿 你知道这件事吗
Hey. Did you know about this?
知道 全校都知道 我都不知道我爸还有这种招数
Yeah, the whole school knows. I had no idea Dad had this kind of game
He doesn’t have game
他没招数 他就是零招数
He has, like, no game. He’s, like, game – free
说不定还是负招数呢 – 听着 你永远都会是我妈
He’s, like, minus game – Look, you’ll always be my mom
但如果她成了我继母 我会很高兴的
but if she ends up being my second mom, I’d be kind of psyched
It’s good for actors to be around other actors
我应该向你真诚地道歉 我之前的行为太荒谬了
I owe you a huge apology. I mean, I acted like a crazy person
不 别… 拜托
Oh, no, no, no, do – Please
I’m just so sorry that you had to go through all of that
I mean, it must have been a real emotional roller coaster
你太好了 我太爱你了
You’re sweet. I just love you so much
I love you so much
我得挂了 好吗 回家见 好吗
Listen, I gotta run, okay? But I’ll see you when I get home, okay?
亲亲 – 亲亲
Kisses! – Kisses to you
有收获吗 – 看起来没有问题 女士
What do you got? – Looks legit, ma’am
艾伦小姐还要带那个墨西哥人 参加她的首映式
Ms. Allan’s even takin’ the Mexican dude to her premiere
There’s a lie here somewhere
I got this!
Don’t worry…
I’m a valet
How much for the Snickers?
They’re free
And the M&Ms?
所有东西都是免费的 兄弟
Everything’s free, bro!
You like music?

You have any Pepe Aguilar?
You’ll love this even better
哇 你真漂亮
Wow. You look very nice
谢谢 一群人花了12个小时给我捯饬的
Thank you. It just took a team of people 12 hours to assemble me
这样很好 这样可以的
This is good. This will work
我当然在躺着了 防止衣服起皱
Of course I’m lying down. It’s to avoid wrinkles
是的 早期评论如何
Yeah. How are the early reviews?
不 别告诉我 我不想知道 除非评论非常好
No, don’t tell me. I don’t wanna know. Unless they’re really good
评论… – 别告诉我…
They – Don’t tell me. Don’t tell me
我不想知道 除非评论非常非常好
I don’t wanna know. Unless they’re really, really good
好吧 那… – 住口 不 别告诉我
Okay, so… – Shut your face. No, don’t tell me
别告诉我 我不想知道 – 喝香槟吗
Don’t tell me. I don’t wanna know – Champagne?
是安东尼奥吗 他和你在一起吗 – 对 不 他就在这里
Is that Antonio? Is he with you? – Yeah. Yeah, no. He’s right here
我担心他会乱说 – 是我的公♥关♥
I worry about what he’s gonna say – It’s my publicist
She’s worried you’re gonna say something stupid
我也担心 我很紧张 非常紧张
Me too. I’m nervous. Very nervous
我满身大汗 你看
I’m sweating. Look
Oh, Jesus
好了 你能跟他聊聊 让他停止出汗吗
Okay, well, can you talk to him and tell him to stop sweating?
你好 我是安东尼奥
Hello. I’m Antonio
尽量什么都不要说 他们的注意力主要会在奥利维亚身上
Just try not to say anything. They’ll mostly be focused on Olivia
不会 我什么都不想说
No, no, I don’t wanna say anything
如果必须要说的话 就说
But if you have to, just say something like
you’re here to support Olivia on her big night
来支持奥利维亚 她的盛大之夜
Here to support Olivia. Her big night
好的 – 不是吧
Okay – Oh, no
我… 我来… 是 “我来” 还是 “我是来”
I am – I’m here – “I’m here” or “I am here?”
我是来支持奥利维亚的盛大之夜的 她的盛大…
I’m here to support Olivia on her big night. On her big
我是来支持奥利维亚的 在她的盛大之夜 我是来…
I’m here to support Olivia? In her big night? I’m here – I’m here to
奥利维亚·艾伦饰演埃尔哈特 全球首映
Please, sign my photo!
Olivia! Olivia!
Please, sign my photos!
这里 奥利维亚
Right here, Olivia!
We love you!
奥利维亚 – 奥利维亚 这里
Olivia! – Olivia, right here!
Right here, right here!
奥利维亚 这里
Olivia, right here, right here! Right here, right here!
This way
奥利维亚 这里 – 奥利维亚
Olivia, over here! – Olivia!
安东尼奥 – 挺胸 站直 微笑
Antonio! – Shoulders back, core engaged and smile
自然点 像在照镜子一样 这边
Just look natural, like you’re looking in the mirror. And this way
嘿 美国情侣来了
Hey! There’s America’s sweethearts
标签朝外 我等下可不想接到投诉电♥话♥ 托尼
Labels out. I don’t want an angry phone call later, Tony
走吧 秃鹫们在等着呢
Let’s go. The vultures are waiting
拜托 再来一张
Come on. Come on. One more shot
My son’s on TV!
He’s so handsome!
看看你舅舅 好优雅
Look at your uncle, so elegant!
Elegant like his mom!
我听说你穿的是加尔万 你真的太漂亮了
I’m told you are wearing Galvan. Oh, you look absolutely stunning
Thank you so much
安东尼奥 这是你第一次参加首映式 对吗
And, Antonio, this is your first premiere, right?
I mean, it’s pretty exciting, right?
他怎么回事 为什么看着傻乎乎的
What’s wrong with him? Why that dumb face?
你为什么跟我说西班牙语 我听不懂
Why do you speak to me in Spanish? I don’t understand
Do you understand her?
I have no idea what either of you are saying
Olivia – Mm – hmm
新电影 新男友 新公♥司♥
New movie. New man. New company
今年是你的成功之年 – 安东尼奥
This is a big year for you – Antonio
谢谢 是的 我…
It’s just such an honor to… Thank you. Yeah, I mean, I’m
我很荣幸能… – 安东尼奥
Antonio. Antonio, a few words for Despierta América?
安东尼奥 对《唤醒美国》说几句话吧
For the Latinos!
做个了不起的女人 – 嘿
about an incredible woman – Hey
You’re Raúl González
My mom never misses your show
那太好了 告诉我你今晚穿的是什么
That’s great. Tell me what you’re wearing tonight. A tuxedo
没错 但是是谁的
Yes, but whose is it?
It’s mine
It was a gift
all started with my great – great – grandmother
who was really into aviation and airplanes
My question is…
Is it from a famous designer?
不是 这是我的
No, it’s mine
我平时会借礼服穿 但这身是我的
I usually borrow one, but this one is mine
