I never said a word to her
Look, I mean, you can’t even
看一下这张照片 看看这张照片
Just look at the picture for a second. Look at the picture
让我… 没错 那个人肯定是我 但另一个人是谁
Let me – Sure, yeah, that’s me, definitely, but who’s that other guy?
这个人吗 – 她是和那个人一起的
That guy? – She was with that guy
She was with that guy?
就是他 她是在和他吵架
That guy. They were the ones who were bickering
They were in a whole thing
我们都在一旁看着 真的很…
And we were all watching, and it was really
It was kind of uncomfortable for all of us
You must think that I am so stupid
我没觉得你傻 我永远都不会说你傻
I don’t think that you’re stupid. I would never call you stupid
凯瑟琳 这是媒体的套路 好吗
Kathryn, look, it’s the press, okay?
他们总爱混淆视听 你知道的
The press always gets it wrong. You know this
I want to believe you
你可以相信我 你永远都可以相信我
You can believe me. You can always believe me
听着 我…
Look, I
我知道自己以前犯过错 真的
I know that I’ve made mistakes in the past, I do
可我很幸福 我爱你 我绝不会做任何事毁掉这份幸福
but I’m happy, and I love you, and I would never do anything to jeopardize that
我真的很想今晚再谈这件事 真的
And I so wanna talk about this later tonight. I do
But obviously, I can’t
我爱你 我…
I love you. I’m
我要在车上给律师打电♥话♥ 因为媒体欠我们一个道歉
I’m gonna call my lawyer from the car because they owe us an apology
Earhart opens in five days!
我不能让这件事传出去 我要它消失
I can’t – I can’t have this getting out there. I need it gone
她在飞往伦敦的派对飞机上 去参加她侄子的成人礼
She’s on a party plane to London for her nephew’s bar mitzvah
Why is she
让她一落地就给我打电♥话♥ 我需要公♥关♥人员
Just tell her to call me the second she lands! I need my publicist!
她说 “别慌” – 我当然会慌了
She’s saying, “Don’t freak out” – Of course I’m freaking out!
I’m having an anxiety attack!
These are very judgmental times
你不能只做个好演员 还得做个好人
You can’t just be a good actress. You have to be a good person too
我的药到底在哪 – 左下角 你的保持器旁边
Where the hell are my pills? – Okay. Bottom left. Next to your retainer
好的 提♥前♥预♥测♥我的需求
Okay, anticipate my needs
I have three studios circling this company
waiting to see how the box office does
如果这部电影失败了 你就要和这一切告别了
If this movie tanks, you can say goodbye to all of it
带薪休假 瑜伽静修 免费饮用水 通通都会消失 全部都会
The wellness days. The yoga retreats. The free water. All of it! Everything!
Why isn’t this opening?
She’s gonna divorce me
我会失去公♥司♥ 她和她爸爸会把我排挤出去
I’ma lose the company. She and her father, they’re gonna squeeze me out
丹尼尔 你是我的律师 我要你解决这件事解决
Daniel, you’re my lawyer. I need you to fix this
我们可以造一台时光机 让你做出更好的选择
Well, we could create a time machine and have you make better choices
I pay you not to judge me
如果给我几周时间 或许我可以买♥♥下足够的股份
Look, if I had a few weeks, maybe I could buy up enough shares
然后通过离岸… – 我没有几周时间
through an offshore – I don’t have a few weeks
Maybe you do
假如 这只是我的构想
What if, and I’m just formulating this
we find the other guy in the photo
and get him and Olivia to pretend to be a couple
这是个愚蠢的主意 继续说
That’s a dumb idea. Keep going
他们只需要在公共场合露面几次 拍一些照片
All they’d have to do is be seen in public a few times, get some pictures out there
and before you know it, your lie becomes the truth
I like when my lies become truth
♪ Wet just like a fisherman ♪
♪ At French Laundry No, she never tasted Michelin ♪
好了 我会取消2点的会议
Okay, that’s it. I’m canceling my two o’clock
好撩人哦 – 把自己铐在户外淋浴间
That is so hot – Handcuff yourself to the outdoor shower
Tried talking to my wife like that once…
It did not go well
快点 诱惑我
Come on. Give me the milk
是吗 继续说 亲爱的 – 喂
Oh, yeah? Tell me more, baby – Hello?
蓝牙已连接 小调皮
♪ Take a picture with me ’cause ♪
Tell me how bad you want it, Gordon
告诉我 你有多想要 戈登
对不起 我是泊车员
I’m sorry, I’m – I’m just the valet
泊车员 那我是欲♥火♥焚身的富家千金 你要对我做什么
Ooh, a valet? And I’m a horny, rich bitch. What are you gonna do to me?
快点 戈登 告诉我 – 请稍等
Come on, Gordon. Tell me – Hold, please

祝你今天愉快 戈登
Have a nice day, Gordon
Keys can’t get dirty… – Dirty when you touch them…
你一碰 它们就脏了
听着 猜猜刚才发生了什么事
Listen! Guess what just happened…
我刚在车里… – 给我买♥♥手套吧
I was just in the car… – Buy me some gloves?
For what?!?
Just now in the car
好吧 我随后再告诉你们
OK, I’ll tell you later
欢迎光临科布拉 先生
Welcome to Kobra, sir
Did you forget something?
你是安东尼奥·弗洛里斯 对吗
You’re Antonio Flores, right?
Olivia Allan is gonna go out with me?
没错 – 那个大名鼎鼎的女演员吗
That’s right – The famous actress?
对 – 那个美女吗
Yes – The beautiful one?
对 你们出去约会几次
Yes. You’ll go out on a few dates
With me?
没错 她会假装爱上了你
Correct. And she’ll pretend to be in love with you
爱上 是那种…
In love like, you know, like…
可以拥抱吗 – 拥抱 可能还会接吻
hugging? – Hugging. Probably some kissing
how much do I have to pay?
不 是我们付你钱
No. We pay you
Did Benny put you up to this?
Where’s Benny?
你是他雪茄店的朋友 对吗
You’re one of his friends from the cigar store, right?
You got me
弗洛里斯先生 我为一位亿万富翁做事
Mr. Flores, I work for a billionaire
We desperately need your help
You can name your price
$12, 850?
我也很吃惊 数字竟然这么具体
The exactness of the number surprised me too
Now it’s your turn
Well, Olivia’s not gonna be so easy
我答应 – 真的吗
I’ll do it – Really?
如果能成功 这将会是个大新闻
If we can pull this off, it’ll be a big story
媒体会大肆报道 这样就能掩盖我们的事
The press will eat it up. It’ll bury any talk about us
It’s good. It’s good
我就知道你是爱我的 我就知道你会为我这么做
I knew that you loved me. I knew that you would do this for me
我这么做不是为了你 我这么做是为了阿梅莉亚·埃尔哈特
I’m not doing it for you. I’m doing it for Amelia Earhart
Now tell me about this man in the photograph
安东尼奥·米格尔·弗洛里斯 47岁 和妈妈一起生活
Antonio Miguel Flores. Age 47. Lives with his mom
虽然存款只有320美元 但信用评级很高
$320 in the bank, yet has an excellent credit rating
That’s a rare combination
好吧 她不可能和一个泊车员在谈恋爱
Okay, there is no way she’s dating someone who parks cars
我做这一行很久了 女士 我见过更奇怪的情侣
I’ve been in this game a long time, ma’am. I’ve seen weirder couples
Much weirder
To be honest
他信用评级这么高 让我很不理解
it’s the excellent credit rating I can’t get my head around

看一下你的后视镜 有一辆维多利亚皇冠
Look in your rearview mirror. There’s a Crown Victoria
I’m being followed?
我爱你 宝贝 你做得很棒
Love you, babe. You’re doing great
那是洛杉矶警♥察♥局前警♥察♥斯特格曼 他为罗伊斯太太做事
That’s Stegman. Ex LAPD. Works for Mrs. Royce
Take three deep breaths
你们怎么知道的 – 我们在监视他们的眼线
How do we know? – We have eyes on their eyes
两辆车后面那位开斯巴鲁的先生 他是卡普尔 他是我们的人
The gentleman in the Subaru two cars back, that’s Kapoor. He works for us
我是你儿子… 那不是我的…
I’m your son – This is not my
爸爸 挂电♥话♥ 爸爸
Dad, get off the phone. Dad?
各位 我在工作 我得挂了 这就是我去看心理医生的原因
Guys, I’m working. I gotta go. This is why I go to therapy!
So your sister really wants you to give this music teacher a shot
Maybe I was too hard on her
This is from their retreat in Lake Arrowhead
