路斯 路斯 路斯
Ruth! Ruth! Ruth!
下来看看你♥爸♥爸! 路斯!
Come down here and look at your daddy! Ruth!
哦 天哪 爸爸 我们是要发财了吗?
Oh, my God. Are we gonna be rich now, Dad?
哦 小比利 我们发财了
Oh, Billyboy, are we gonna be rich?
我们会很有钱的! 超有钱!
We’re gonna be stinking rich! Stinking rich!
以后一切都不用愁了 孩子 不用愁了
You won’t have to worry about anything, son, anything at all.
你呢 宝贝
And you. Oh, baby.
I’m going to buy you the biggest ring in Texas.
是吗? 是的
Yeah, are you? Oh, yeah.
No more promise ring for Mrs. Stevens.No, ma’am. No, ma’am.
你想要的都有 要什么有什么
You can have anything you want.Anything you want.
等会 等会 我还要去跟一个人讲
OK, wait. Hold that thought. Hold that thought. I got one more person to tell.
不是吧!瑞德!瑞德! 我得去告诉格斯!
No! Red! Red! I gotta go tell Gus!
Ha! Whoohoo! Ah!
我挖到啦 挖到啦 挖到啦
I hit it! I hit it! I hit it!
花的时间够长的嘛 哦 我挖到啦 挖到大的了
Took you long enough, kid. Oh, I hit it! I hit it big, baby!
好吧 是啊 你要记住 你还是只有我的三分之一
(CHUCKLES) Well… Yeah, you just remember, you’re still one to my three.
哦 别担心 格斯 我早就超过这个数了
Oh, don’t worry about that, Gus.Don’t worry, I’m going way past three.
Pretty soon you’re gonna be dust in my rearview mirror.
We’ll see about that.
老板 我们一天采集多达500桶了
We’re up to 500 barrels a day, boss.
506 yesterday.
两美元一桶 光是那口井一天就一千美元
At two bucks a barrel, that’s a thousand a day on that well alone.
按照大学生的说法 这块土地下面的原油存储量
According to college boy,the reserve underneath this land
is at least 50 million barrels.
How fast can we drill and set up another derrick?
About two weeks.
一个星期搞定 会有奖励
Make it one, and it’ll be a bonus.
I want big, beautiful, grasshoppers
bobbing up and down as far the eye can see.
没问题 老板
You got it, boss.
What’s this?
就是他 他就在那儿
That’s him. That’s him right there.
有你的传票 瑞德·史蒂文斯
That there’s a delivered subpoena,Red Stevens.
I got proof you been cheating me out of my mineral rights on this land.
我请了律师 所以你最好算算我的份额
I got a lawyer, so you better start to figure out my cut of this operation.
我希望你有个好律师 因为我的律师更厉害
Well, I hope you got a good lawyer,’cause I got a better one,
and he’s gonna take you to school.
法庭上见! 对 法庭上见!
I’ll see you in court! Oh, I’ll see you in court!
对 我会去的 瑞德!
Yeah, I’ll be there, Red!
哦 我会去的 到时见
Oh, I’ll be there!I’ll see ya!
I’ll see ya!
那么谁是我们的律师 老板
So who’s our lawyer, boss?
That’s a good question.
男人:我是西奥菲勒斯·汉密尔顿 你是律师吗?
MAN: Theophilus Hamilton. You a lawyer?
是的 先生 我叫瑞德·史蒂文斯
Yes, sir. My name’s Red Stevens.
我收到一张传票 我需要
I got served a subpoena and I need a lawyer
在下周二带一名律师上法庭 你厉害吗?
to meet me at the courthouse next Tuesday. You any good?
First in my class at Howard University School of Law.
Editor of the law review,four years running.
Would you like a list of peerreviewed articles?
不用了 太好了 下周二 十点见
Nope. Good enough.I’ll see you next Tuesday at ten.
你准备怎么办 自己上场啊
What you gonna do, represent yourself?
史蒂文斯先生? 汉密尔顿先生?
Mr. Stevens? Mr. Hamilton?
是的 先生 很高兴见到你
Yes, sir. Good to see you.
好久不见 你妻子还好吗?
It’s been a long time.How’s your wife?
实际上 她不久前就去世了
Actually, she died, not too long ago.
I’m sorry to hear that.
I’m not sure his kind is even allowed in this courthouse.
Here’s what they are claiming.
How fast would you like this to be over?
Real fast.
传票看起来没什么问题 但是…
The subpoena appears to be in order, but…
当然没问题 你以为我是吃素的啊
Of course it’s in order.What do you think I am, an amateur?
实际上 先生 我对你还真是不了解
Actually, sir, I have no idea what type of lawyer you are.
在你打断我之前 我是说传票没什么问题
Before you interrupted me,I was saying the subpoena is fine.
但是问题是 信托契约有问题
The problem is the deed of trust.
I took the liberty of pulling it from the County Hall of Records.
You didn’t know what I’d be asking you to be doing.
How did you know what to look for?
好吧 我查了下传票 这个是公开的
Well, I looked up the subpoena and it’s public record, too.
Don’t worry about it.
正如我所说 在查阅档案的时候 我发现我方委托人
As I was saying, in pulling the records I noticed my client purchased the land
在两年多前 通过换地协议购买♥♥了你方的土地以及矿权
and mineral rights from your client in a landswap more than two years ago.
Maybe we should wait till the judge gets here before we…
Just answer the question.
好吧 既然你坚持的话
All right, if you insist.
The deed was recorded exactly two years and two months ago.
德克萨斯州法律规定 矿产权纠纷的诉讼时效
Texas law says that the statute of limitation on mineral rights dispute
is two years… on the nose.
Please tell me you knew that.
好吧 我 呃… 怎么会这样
Well, I, uh… Well, how could you let this happen?
都跟你说过了 我是个离婚律师
I told you, I’m a divorce lawyer.
Come back here!
你告诉我说这是板上钉钉的事 说我们会和解的
You told me this was a sure thing.You said we’d get a settlement.
Tens of thousands of dollars, easy!
我希望 密尔顿先生 你愿意为我的专职律师 怎么样
I’ll be! Mr. Hamilton, how’d you like to work for me fulltime?
My business is going through the roof
and I could use a good man like you around me.
史蒂文斯先生 我很荣幸 但我还有其他的客户
Well, Mr. Stevens, I’m honored,but I do have other clients.
好吧 好吧 嘿 那就兼♥职♥吧 我们双赢
OK, OK. Hey, we’ll call it parttime then. Everybody wins.
双赢的意思 是你优先吧
Somehow, “everybody wins”means you win first?
好极了 我们互相理解
Excellent. We understand each other.
应该是吧 你对石油了解多少?
I guess so. What do you know about oil?
嗯 挺脏的
Well, it’s messy.
Texas gold!
RED: So let me get this straight.
你告诉我的是 附近的土地下有更多的石油存储
What you’re telling me is, there’s a bigger deposit on adjacent acreage.
男:是的 至少有2亿桶
MAN: Yeah, at least 200 million barrels.
And we can’t get it?

That’s twice as much as on this patch.
That’s 600 hundred million worth of crude.
Why ain’t this rancher selling?
瑞德… 我想要这片土地!
Red… I want this land!
我们给他市价三倍的价格 他就是不卖♥♥
We have offered him triple the going rate. He’s just not selling.
他为什么这么固执? 不是每件事都和钱有关
So why’s he being stubborn? Because not everything is about money.
瞎说 所有的问题都是钱的问题
Well, that’s a lie.Everything is about money.
HAMILTON: Not for this guy.
Last name:Early.
雅各布·尔立吗 汉密尔顿:一个家族的
Jacob Early? HAMILTON: Same family tree.
是他侄子安迪 这片牧场已经传了五代了
Nephew Andy, the land’s been passed down for five generations.
Cattle is… his legacy.
How come I didn’t know about this?
得了吧 瑞德 这些年 所有的土地交易中
Come on, now, Red.All these years, in all the land deals,
只要价格合适 什么时候在乎
as long as the price was right,when did it ever matter
who was selling, as long as they sold?
Tell me again about this horizontal drilling.
哦 好 我还以为你不会问呢
Oh, yeah, thought you’d never ask.
耶 嗯 所以…
Yeah, um, so…
It’s a cow.
Now, they’ve tried it elsewhere with success,
and I think I can make it work here.
理论上 我们土地上的钻井
Theoretically, a well on our land
可以 采到邻居的原油资源
could… tap into a neighbor’s reserve,
当然 前提是你拥有矿权
provided, of course,that you owned the mineral rights.
有什么缺点吗? 这是新的事物
What’s the downside? It’s new.
