不是你吓跑狐狸的 -是我 用我的丑脸 -没错
You didn’t scare the fox away, I did… with my ugly face. -True,
although I still think the sword fight sounds better.
But we can work that out on the way.
我只是一个丑八怪 -那就是关键 -什么关键?
I’m just an ugly freak. -But that’s the point! -‘That’s the point’?
生命的关键! 那就是生命的意义
Of life! That’s the point of life!
如果大家长得千篇一律 世界是不是很无趣?
If everybody was the same the world would be a very boring place, right?
其实 你不是自己想像的那样独特
Anyway, you’re not as different as you might think.
心灵深处 每个人都… -美丽?
Deep down, everybody’s –Beautiful?
不 每个人都是丑陋的
No, everybody’s ugly.
You see, beautiful people spend all their time trying to stay beautiful.
But beauty’s a passing thing.
当他们明白的时候 他们已经把生命
And by the time they figure that out, they’ve wasted their lives
on hand cream and early nights.
It’s guys like you and me that have all the fun.
我还是不明白 -别担心 等你长大了就明白了
I still don’t get it. -Don’t worry, it’ll all make sense when you grow up.
我等不及了 我要长大 -别太心急 孩子
I can’t wait until I’m a grown-up. -Don’t hold your breath, kid.
Growing up isn’t something that happens overnight.
你是谁!? -我是小丑鸭!
Who are you!? -I’m Ugly!
I can see that!
不 我是说…我是小丑鸭
No, I mean it’s me… Ugly.
真奇怪! 不可思义!
Freaky! This is great!
我是说你曾经很丑 但现在…
I mean, you were ugly before, but now…
But now I think you’ve really grown into yourself.
真的? -当然! -别说这个了!
Really? -Sure! -Well don’t go on about it!
到底是怎么回事? -我不知道
What was all that about? -I don’t know.
没什么可烦的 -我控制不了 我感到很奇怪
Well that’s not annoying. -I can’t help it, I feel weird.
你倒是无所谓! -什么?
Not that you care! -Now what?
你不明白 -明白什么? -就是这样
You wouldn’t understand. -Understand what? -Exactly!
你变了 -啊!
You’ve changed. -Duh!
What if I was to ask you to give me a hug?
You are soooo embarrassing!
I see.
如果我跟你说 你十六岁之前不能飞呢?
And what if I told you, you weren’t allowed to fly until you were sixteen?
没门! 你不能这样! 这样太不公平!
No way! You can’t do that! That is soooo unfair!
我想我知道你出什么事了 -你知道? -当然
I think I know what’s wrong with you. -You… you do? -Yeah,
我见过这种事 我自己也经历过
I’ve seen this kind of thing before, even happened to me once.
你进入青春期了 这正是我需要的
You’ve turned into a teenager. This is all I need.
What’s wrong with being a teenager?
青春期有什么不好? 我来告诉你
What’s wrong with it?! I’ll tell you what’s wrong with it,
first of all you’re going to want to have a mind of your own,
“不用你告诉我该怎么做 爸爸!” -但是爸爸
‘Don’t tell me what to think, Dad!’ -But Dad –Then…
然后你开始不尊敬我 “有这样的老爸真丢人”
…you’ll lose all respect for me, ‘Like, I’m ashamed of you old man.’
告诉我 我该拿那么叛逆的你怎么办?!
Now, you tell me, how am I supposed to get things done with you acting up all the time?!
典型的年轻人! 自我为尊 四处碰壁
Typical teenager! Prime of your life and you just lie around the place.
但是爸爸 我不知道如何当年轻人
But Dad, I don’t know how to be a teenager.
It’s easy.
话语诙谐 对父母蛮横 与第一个对你笑的女孩
Just speak funny, be rude to your parents and fall in love with the first girl
who smiles at you.
你好! -哦?
Hi! -Huh? -O-oy…
It’s you…?
杰西 看你都长大了
Jesse. And look who’s all grown up.
别说了 小妹妹 -很高兴再见到你们
Cut it out, sister. -Boy I’m glad to see you guys,
我到处找你 -我看没准 -没想到会再见到你
I’ve been looking everywhere. -I’ll bet. -I didn’t think I’d ever catch up with you.
那只狐狸把我伤得不轻 我的翅膀好像断了
That fox banged me up pretty good I think my wing is broken.
Does it hurt?
有点 -都打住
A little. -Whoa, whoa, whoa, back it up.
杰夫 是吧? -是杰西
Geoff, right? -Jesse.
无所谓了 很高兴见到你 但我们得走了
Whatever. Nice to see you but we’ve really got to be going.
但是爸爸… -走吧 小丑鸭
But Dad… -Let’s go, Ugly.
你知道我的家人都已经 飞到南方过冬去了
I… I was wondering, you see my family have already flown south for the winter and well.
do you think I could tag along with you two for a while?
那太好了 -等我伤好些了
Oh That would be great. -Just until my wing gets better.
不行 我和我的儿子要单独行动 另外
Not a chance. Me and my boy work alone. Plus,
I have a no girls on adventures policy.
这里是狐狸的地盘 我无处可待
It’s just that I really don’t fancy my chances here in fox country.
You’d only slow us down.
走吧! -嗯 嗯…
Come on! -m, m…
我想了想 决定试试让杰夫跟着我们
I’ve thought about it and have decided to let Geoff come along on a trial basis.
还等什么? 走吧!
What are you waiting for? Let’s go!
哈?! 看来那条虫子说对了
Ha?! Looks like the worm was right.
Ratso has found himself a little friend.
So that’s what that blue line means.
It looked so cute on the map.
How are we ever going to get across that?
哦 很简单 我们只要
Oh, It’s easy. All we have to do is
喔 !喔! 我只是在自言自语
Woah! Woah! I was talking to me.
你可以跟着 但是这里我说了算
You can tag along but I’m calling the shots here.
但是我 -我自己可以解决 -好吧!
But I –I can do this. -Fine!
这冰看上去很薄 -顺便说一句…
Ha, It looks pretty thin. -By the way…
青少年还有个特点 他们喜欢冒险
the other thing about teenagers is, they love adventure.
The more danger the better.
哦 不 我们不会过去的
Oh no, we’re not going out there.
你又”自己拿主意”了 你必须先过去
There you go with that ‘mind of your own’ thing again. you have to go first
我不会游泳 -但是我们比你重 -正是这样
I can’t swim. -But we’re heavier than you. -Exactly.
如果你过去了我就没问题了! -那样的话
If you make it I’ll definitely be safe! -In that case
…we’re definitely not going.
你必须得去! -为什么!
You have to! -Why!
呃 呃 因为我是大人 你得听我的…
…Well, well, because I’m the grown up and I tell you to…
因为 因为…?!
Because, because…?!
啊 好吧 我来!
Aaagh Okay, fine, I’ll do it!
但是我警告你 如果我有个三长两短
But I’m warning you, if anything happens to me
you’ll be heartbroken.
Sending his own father out onto an icy death trap
I’m really going to do this you know!
是啊 -看着我!
Sure you are -Watch me!
听着 年轻人…
Listen here young man…
I’ve had just about enough of you carrying on,
如果将来我再让你做什么 你们最好给我乖乖听话!
and if I ask you to do something in future, you’d better just darn well do it!
啊! 小丑鸭! -爸爸!
A-a-a-a! Ugly! -Dad!
小丑鸭! -爸爸!
Ugly! -Dad!
不 小丑鸭 不要!
No Ugly don’t!
爸爸! 你的脑袋!
Dad! Your head!
小丑鸭! 小丑鸭! 你还好吧? -嗯…
Ugly! Ugly! Are you alright? -Well…
…我还好 -你太棒了!
…I guess so. -That was amazing!
是… 是吗?
It… it was?
it was?
你犯傻吗?! 一开始你救我 现在又救了罗塔梭!
Are you kidding?! First you save my life and now Ratso’s!
没什么大不了… 我只是…
It’s not such a big deal… I just…
你听到他说了 没什么大不了
You heard him, no big deal.
听着杰夫 如果这是你的真名
Listen Geoff, if that even is your real name,
如果你的翅膀真的受伤了 实际上没有
if your wing is really broken, which it isn’t,
那你怎么过河的? -我从桥上过来的
…then how did you get across the river? -I used the bridge.
I tried to tell you.
呃 不好意思
Eh. Excuse me.
真好 我们拣木头的时候你让杰西休息
It’s nice that you let Jesse rest while we get the wood.
是啊 嗯…
Yeah, well…
…sometimes you have to give women a little privacy,
otherwise they’ll talk to you.
你觉得杰西怎么样? -我情愿那狐狸吃了她
What do you think of Jesse? -I wish the fox had eaten her.
I like her too.
你觉得那个吊带怎么样? 好用吗? -棒极了!
How do you like your sling? Is it okay? -It’s perfect!
听着 小丑鸭…你不用说话 只要听着…
Listen Ugly… I don’t want you to say anything, just listen…
