Good night. – Good night.
It’s so nice here.
I’m glad.
…I have simply got to reach him.
我可以吗? -当然
May I? – Of course.
你好 艾玛 -从伦敦来的电♥话♥找你
Hello, Emma. – Michael, your call to London.
I’ll take it here.
看看这位新被发掘的迈克先生 这是我们盛大演出的处♥女♥秀
Emma, look at the poster Michael unearthed. Our very first gala performance.
你仍然在跳舞 迈克 你也是 -你之前在芭蕾舞团的伴舞队
You were still dancing. You too, Michael. – You were in the corps de ballet.
好吧 我现在成了坐办公室的
Well, I’m behind a desk now.
别担心 是我们共同努力使这家公♥司♥一直在运转 这才是最重要的
Never mind. We’ve all kept this company going, and that’s what matters.
是啊 又是一年 又是一场表演 这些让我想起了奥林匹克运动会
Yes, another year, another gala. They remind me of the Olympics.
亲爱的 经历了这么多你难道不紧张吗?
Dearie, you’re not nervous after all this time?
好吧 我一个小时以后再打
All right, I’ll call back in an hour.
This is going to be a super gala.
玛西娅和理查德会从斯图加特过来 还有…
Marcia and Richard are coming from Stuttgart, and…
你猜他们会不会旅游观光? -阿德莱德
Do you suppose they’ll travel tourist? – Now, Adelaide.
I hear you’re also going to do Arnold’s new ballet.
不 我只是想知道埃米利娅会不会被邀请参加那个聚会
No, no. I was just wondering if Emilia was going to be invited to the party.
So she will.
It’s very pretty.
Why are you angry?
你又是为什么? -我没有
Why are you? – I’m not.
你当然有 你只会冷冰冰的掩饰 跟艾玛一个样
You damn well are, you’re just covering it up with ice, like Emma.
那个色兮兮卑鄙的俄♥罗♥斯♥人就是个混♥蛋♥ 所以你发泄在我身上了
That horny little Russian behaved like a bastard so you take it out on me.
我从没有对你掩饰什么 我把罗西带到这里 你很清楚…
I didn’t hide anything from you. I brought Rosie here. You knew exactly…
我要去洗头了 -过里 到这里来 埃米利娅
I gotta wash my hair. – Come here. Come here, Emilia.
坐下来 我想和你谈谈 好好听我说 我依然是你妈妈
You’ll sit down. I wanna talk, you’ll listen to me. I’m still your mother.
如果爸爸和贾尼娜来了 你希望他们看到我们这样吗?
When Daddy and Janina come, do you want them to see us like this?
You wanna hurt them too?
说话呀 我们不能敞开了说吗? -没有什么可说的
Talk. Can we talk it out? – There’s nothing to talk about.
Stop punishing me.
Look at me.
求你了 看看我
Look at me, please.
你知道的 我和你♥爸♥爸整个夏天都一直分开着
You know, Daddy and I have been away from each other all summer.
Daddy wouldn’t do what you did.
你怎么知道? -我了解爸爸
How do you know? – I know Daddy.
Like you know Yuri?
我是唯一不受欢迎的人? 别这样 埃米利娅 公平点
I’m the only louse? Come on, Emilia. Be fair.
你受到了伤害 我… 我知道
You hurt, I… I know.
我也理解 我可以帮助你
And I understand. I can help you.
让我来 宝贝儿 不要把我拒之门外 我们是朋友
Let me. Don’t shut me out, sweetheart. We’re friends.
Nobody can help you better than I can.
没有人比我更了解你 没有人
Nobody knows you better than I do. Nobody.
妈 你真的对艾玛很生气 不是吗?
Momma. You’re really just angry about Emma, aren’t you?
埃米利娅 我爱你
Emilia, I love you.
I may have seemed like a monster,
但这是想让你明白我对芭蕾的理解不是你想的那个样子 我…
but it was to help you understand what my ballet is, not what you wanted to make it. I…
太精彩了 阿诺德 接着讲 她会异常兴奋的
Bravo, Arnold. Keep talking like that. She’ll be more hysterical.
我不兴奋 -我也不啊
I’m not hysterical. – I’m not hysterical either.
我可不晓得你为什么不兴奋 -你说这话什么意思?
I don’t know why you’re not. – What do you mean by that?
可能你是对的 一些差劲的表演 本季的最盛大的舞会
Maybe you’re right. Some lousy gala, biggest night of season.
It’s only your biggest opportunity…
埃米利娅最大的机会… 真的没有什么特别的
Emilia’s biggest opportunity… It’s really nothing special.
我必须再去约翰那儿一次 -你还好吧?
I have to go to the john again. – Are you all right?
不要担心他 他一会儿就好了
Don’t worry about him. He’ll be all right.
对你我没有什么好隐瞒的 你知道 现在紧张再正常不过了
I have little secret for you. You know, I think it’s perfectly all right to be nervous.
真的吗? -真的 我确定
Really? – Really. I know.
Dance well.
I’m not at all surprised. You know, if we sell out the last two weeks,
季度末的时候 我们的亏损不到80000
we end the season with a deficit of less than 80,000.
想象一下 -差不多是你项链的价格
Imagine. – About the price of your necklace.
哦不 丹尼斯 这是人造宝石
Oh, no, Dennis. This is paste.
The real one went for…
真的那个用来干什么了? -音乐家大罢♥工♥
What did it go for, Michael? – The musicians’ strike.
噢 一群猪头
Oh, yes. Pigs.
你好 斯图尔特太太 我超爱斯图尔特一家 去年他们给了我们25 000美元
Oh, hello, Mrs Stewart. I love the Stewarts. They gave us $25,000 last year.
哇 你看起来好漂亮啊
Oh, don’t you look nice.
你应该看看充满魅力的观众席 -我不想去想它
You should see the glamour out front. – I don’t wanna think about it.
你正在扮演安娜 -自杀场景
You’re doing Anna. – The suicide scene.
其他所有的女士将会穿上芭蕾舞短裙 做至少100次的皮埃特旋转动作
All the other ladies will be in short tutus and do at least a hundred pirouettes.
因此那些不怎么年轻的女士就会 覆盖在地板上然后演绎出一场风暴
So this not-so-young lady will be covered to the floor and act up a storm.
This is a knockout.
Wanna be my date for the party?
或者你已经有一个了? -没有 那个失败了
Or do you have one? – No, that’s kaput.
就像你送给埃米利娅的那件华丽的连衣裙一样 但事实上你本不应该送
Terrific dress you gave Emilia, too. But you shouldn’t have.
为什么? 她是我的教子啊
Why not? She’s my godchild.
你就是不应该 就这样 祝你好运
You just shouldn’t have, that’s all. Good luck.
即使是现在 也会有高光时刻
Even now, there are moments when it all comes together.
那舞蹈 那音乐 那灯光…
The dancing, the music, the lights…
Your mother chose to get married.
You got 19 curtain calls.
And you got pregnant.
我看不下去了 他们太老了 这让我很沮丧
I can’t watch it any more. They’re too old for it. That depresses me.
我年龄大了 不能再跳一次了 这让我更加的伤心
I’m too old to do another one. That depresses me more.
迈克 这真是一场精彩的芭蕾舞表演 它将永世流传
It’s a beautiful ballet, Michael. It’ll live forever.
Why can’t we?
Why aren’t you watching?
太痛苦了 我不停地看到我和艾玛在为你排练
It hurts. I keep seeing me and Emma rehearsing for you.
嘿 如果我问一个问题 你能诚实的回答我吗?
Hey, if I ask you a question, will you answer me truthfully?
上帝啊 你相信吗? 我都憋了二十年了
Jesus, can you believe this? I’ve wanted to ask it for 20 years.

如果我没有怀孕 你会不会选我做安娜而不是艾玛?
If I hadn’t been pregnant, would you have used me as Anna instead of Emma?
我不记得了 迪迪
I don’t remember, Deedee.
诚实的说 我真的不记得了
Honestly, I don’t.
I wish to God I didn’t.
赶快 你要错过我的芭蕾舞表演了
Hurry up. You’re going to miss my ballet.
我想她会为你去做成的 迪迪
I think she’s gonna do it for you, Deedee.
It’s wonderful.
I’ve gotta take my bow.
敬埃米利娅 亲爱的宝贝 -我真为她感到高兴
To Emilia, dearie. – I’m so glad for her.
传统是一种延续 感谢上帝我能活着看见这一切
Tradition is continuity, and thank God I’ve lived to see it.
Second generation in our own family.
当然 还有你们 现在 我们要把这位年轻的芭蕾舞♥女♥演员怎么办?
And yours, of course. Now, what should we do with our baby ballerina?
I think she’d be lovely in Sleeping Beauty.
太完美了 这个季度我们会捧红她的
Perfect. We’ll warm her up this season,
and then she’ll warm up the box office the next season.
你想告诉她吗? -不
Do you want to tell her? – No.
我认为这个想法棒极了 -我也是
I think it’s a fabulous idea. – I do too.
简直太美了? 你兴奋吗? 我为你感到非常自豪 我好激动…
Isn’t it wonderful? Aren’t you excited? I’m so proud of you. I was so excited…
有谁看到我那个贱♥人♥老婆了? -小宝贝儿
Has anyone seen my bitch of a wife? – Now, dearie.
Very smart of you to do Anna.
下一次你要把我举起来 艾玛 我的后背做好牵引的准备了
Next time you’ll have to lift me, Emma. My back is ready for traction.
可怜的弗雷迪 -这很值得
Oh, poor Freddie. – It’s worth it.
你知道我们要你做什么吗 艾玛? -一个新芭蕾舞?
You know what we’d like you to do, Emma? – A new ballet?
传统使得一个公♥司♥… -这是个”传统”之夜
Tradition makes a company… – This is “tradition” night.
哎呀 迈克 闭嘴
Oh, shut up, Michael.
I’d like to restore the full-length Sleeping Beauty to our repertoire.
噢 太感谢你了 但是我觉得我已经没能力跳那个了
Oh, thank you very much, but I don’t think I could dance that any more.
对 但是你可以做舞台筹划
No. But you could stage it.
你对此轻车熟路 会非常有趣的 一个全新的挑战
You know it inside out. It’d be fun, a new challenge.
她会干的漂漂亮亮的 迈克 你不这样认为吗?
She’d do it beautifully. Don’t you think so, Michael?
我觉得你的时机选的太不好了 阿德莱德
I think your timing’s lousy, Adelaide.
不好意思 我真的得去补个妆
Excuse me. I really must do something to my face.
看在上帝的份上 阿德莱德
For God’s sake, Adelaide.
宝贝儿 甚至连艾玛都不得不往前看
