I’ve been busy with the rest of the company. Wayne, I love the company.
我希望他们永远不要离开 我想跟他们一起走 我想念他们 我想…
I don’t want ’em to ever leave. I wanna go with ’em. I miss ’em. I want…
哦 见鬼 你的眼睛
Oh, what the hell. Your eyes.
Your ass.
艾玛? 有人看见艾玛没有?
Emma? Anybody seen Emma?
With all that experience you’re really a professional.
Would you like to take class with the company in the morning?
埃米利娅 没必要害羞
Emilia, it’s pointless to be shy.
You must know what you want and say it.
我知道我想要些什么 -比如?
I know some things I want. – Such as?
To take class with the company.
Had I understood 38 years ago what I was getting myself into,
I’d never have started this bloody ballet company.
我当时只有一个想法 “我们需要一个一流的美国剧团”
I had just one thought. “We need a first-class American company.”
但是你剧团里有很多外国人 -舞蹈是国际化的
But you’ve got a lot of foreigners in yours. – Dance is international.
My company’s almost gone under five times.
但看看现在 世界上最好的芭蕾剧团
But here we are, the best ballet company in the world.
额 在国内至少是最好的
Well, in this country, anyway.
你妈是这样教你的吗? -是
Is that the way you were brought up? – Yes.
Your mother.
好吧 我想让她和你♥爸♥爸介绍几个阔佬给我认识
Well, I want her and your father to introduce me to some rich oil folk.
他们有一家芭蕾舞学校 亲爱的 而那意味着
They have a ballet school, dearie, and that always means
a half a dozen rather lumpy little girls with very rich daddies.
我不会干涉他们的生意 贾尼娜
Now, I won’t interfere with their business, Janina.
我知道怎么跟富人打交道 你给他们希望 他们给你钱
I know how to handle the rich. You give them hope, they give you money.
Don’t put that ham away.
省省嘴皮子吧 阿德莱德 贾尼娜 一分钱也没有…
Save the commercial, Adelaide. Janina hasn’t got a penny.
她应该去开个餐馆 -多谢夸奖
She should open a restaurant. – Thank you.
It’s a choreographer’s prerogative to keep his ideas to himself.
可是 阿诺德 你非要守口如瓶吗? 给我们讲一下你的新芭蕾吧
But, Arnold, must you be so secretive? Tell us a little something about your new ballet.
There won’t be a swan onstage.
也算讲了一点 -但还不足以让你保证去上映?
That’s a little something. – But not enough to guarantee you’ll do it?
不要逃走 阿德莱德 -我告诉过你迈克尔和我会尽力做到最好
Don’t run, Adelaide. – I told you Michael and I will do our best.
And I never run.
How do you get anywhere with her?
By realizing she knows exactly what she’s doing.
哦 顺便说一下 这个季度我们想为艾玛创作一部新芭蕾剧
Oh, by the way, we’d like to have a new ballet for Emma this season.
哦 你不用非得用她 阿诺德 这只是一个构思
Oh, you don’t have to use her, Arnold. It’s just a thought.
哦 你今晚与艾玛相处的愉快吗? -是的 很愉快
Oh, were you pleased with Emma tonight? – Yes, very.
我一手创造了艾玛 贾尼娜
I made Emma, Janina.
不 她没有 迈克尔创造了艾玛 但你帮忙了 阿德莱德
No, she didn’t. Michael made Emma. But you helped, Adelaide.
喝了酒之后变得挑剔起来了 我当时也能帮忙创造你
Booze brings out the nit-pickers. I could have helped make you.
真的吗 妈妈? -你当时像艾玛那样棒吗 妈妈?
Really, Mom? – Were you as good as Emma, Mom?
我跟她不一样 -很不一样 从你们两个加入舞团的第一天开始
I was different. – Very. From the day you both joined us.
Different how?
Your mother preferred to get married.
好了 大家晚安 -我送你去坐车
Well, good night, all. – I’ll walk you to the car.
晚安 -来了 晚安
Good night. – Coming. Good night.
天啊 舞者有一双丑陋的脚
God, dancers have ugly feet. Ugh.
如果我是个男人 我会把脚… 我是说孩子… 我想要孩子 却还是选择了跳舞
If I were a man, I could have had all the feet… I mean children… I wanted, and still danced.
How many children?
三个 就像你那样
Three. Like yours.
And a husband like Wayne.

You’re a very lucky girl.
Wanna change places?
不了 我想象不到你教一群笨孩子是什么样子
No, I can’t see you teaching a pack of klutzy kids.
或者住在一个小镇 终于等到舞团来了
Or living in a town where the company finally, finally comes.
And when they do, it’s for a two-night stand.
不 你选择了自己想要的生活 艾玛
No, you picked the life you wanted, Emma.
So did you.
不 不尽然是
No, not really.
You didn’t let me.
什么意思? -“什么意思?”
How not? – “How not?”
我们一路走过来都学会了一些花里胡哨的表达 不是吗?
We’ve picked up some fancy-schmancy expressions along the way, haven’t we?
I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about.
记得迈克尔创作安纳卡列尼娜吗? -嗯 我当然记得
Remember Michael doing Anna Karenina? – Yes, of course I do.
他让谁为安娜这个角色排练了? -你和我
Who did he rehearse for the part of Anna? – You and me.
你怀孕了 -对了
You got pregnant. – Yeah.
And you got 19 curtain calls.
哦 迪迪
Oh, Deedee.
你因为这件事憎恨我吗? -不 不是因为这件事
You resent me for that? – No, not for that.
Would you like to change places?
I don’t get 19 curtain calls any more.
其他人演其他剧或许可以得到 但不会是我了
But somebody will in something else, and it won’t be me.
Remember Dahkarova?
Well, she lives in an apartment in Carnegie Hall that’s as old as she is,
splattered with photographs of herself as Giselle.
She coaches…
when she can.
She rents rooms to dancers when she can.
她是个伟大的芭蕾舞演员 她曾是我们的偶像 但迈克尔从没有考虑过让她扮演安娜
She was a great ballerina. She was our idol. But Michael never considered her for Anna.
She was too old.
这是不得不接受的事实 艾玛
Well, that’s a fact of life, Emma.
而且我不得不每天都上早课 这也是不得不接受的事实
And I have to take class in the morning. That’s another fact of life.
嗨 妈妈
Hi, Mom.
伊桑… 伊桑?
Ethan… Ethan?
Women aren’t allowed in here.
I suppose the game was called on account of rain.
不是什么游戏 我在练习
It wasn’t a game, only practice.
你会被从队伍里踢出去 -我不会
You’re gonna get kicked off the team. – I won’t.
哦 你觉得你很有价值是吗? -我不觉得 但他们觉得是
Oh, you think you’re so valuable? – No. But they do.
穿上衣服 出去 回家
Get dressed. Out. Go home.
这可是爸爸的高等课程 -我清楚时间表
It’s Dad’s advanced class. – I know the schedule.
我不想缺这堂课 你就省省吧
I’m not gonna miss that class, so you can save your breath.
你省省吧 让我们直说吧 年轻人
You save yours. Now, get this straight, young man.
如果你想打棒球 那你去练习 如果你想跳舞 那就不要迟到
You wanna play baseball, finish practice. You wanna dance, be on time.
如果是我的话我选棒球 因为运动员职业生涯长的多赚钱也多
I prefer baseball, because athletes last a lot longer and make a lot more money,
但不管你选哪个都要按照规矩来 你听明白没有?
but either way you follow the rules. You got it?
I got it.
OK 第二组
OK, second group, please.
稍后的排练见 再见
See you in the rehearsal later. Bye.
Be ready.
预备 音乐起
Pr‚ paration. Music start.
转过来 抬脚
Turn. Heel forward.
继续 加油姑娘们 一起来 不要太慢
Continue. Come on, girls. Together. Not too late.
Everywhere she’s studied, she’s been on scholarship.
她曾经在洛杉矶跟着卡梅丽塔学习 仍然拿到了奖学金
She studied with Carmelita in Los Angeles, again on scholarship.
谢谢 小伙子们 请
Thank you. Boys, please.
She’s danced professionally in Houston and Santa Fe.
Lots of money in Santa Fe.
停顿 保持住 停 女孩们紧接着跟上
And pause. Hold it. Pause. Girls, continue immediately.
阿♥拉♥贝斯克 双脚靠拢 注意始终保持正确位置
Arabesque. Feet close. All the time in proper position.
Take the time right.
漂亮的收尾 动作调整到身体左侧
Proper ending, and the whole combination to the left side.
迪迪和韦恩工作做的很出色 你认为呢 阿德莱德?
Deedee and Wayne did a good job. What do you think, Adelaide?
爸爸 尤里能在空中转体两周半然后单膝着地是真的吗?
Dad, is it true that Yuri does doubles in the air then a twist, and comes down on one knee?
听说是这样 -天啊
That’s what I heard. – Jesus.
My girlfriends couldn’t care if he did triples and landed in a split.
她们只想看他穿紧身衣的样子 -你不想吗?
They just like to see him in his tights. – And you don’t?
不想 舞者很无聊 他们都是些没事照镜子的自恋狂
No. Dancers are boring. They’re all in love with themselves. It’s those mirrors.
爸爸 你听见她刚刚说什么了吗?
Dad, did you hear that?
爸爸和妈妈是老师 不是舞者 你也不是
Mom and Dad are teachers, not dancers. You’re neither.
是这样吗? -据我所知 是的
