than a body that you killed accidentally and buried.
对吧 船长
Right, Captain?
You’re not supposed to bury bodies whenever you find them.
It makes people suspicious.
似乎也对警♥察♥透露了什么 或表明了什么
Supposed to tell the police or advertise or something.
噢 山姆 你是不明白的 你根本不理解
Oh, Sammy, you don’t understand. You don’t comprehend one bit.
You wouldn’t like me to go through
my life not knowing if I killed him or not, would you?
Very inconsistent.
First you tell me you’ve got no conscience.
Now you talk about something that sounds remarkably like a conscience.
噢 山姆 过来帮我一把吧
Oh, Sammy, come on. Help me.
其实我并不关心 是否是我杀了他
I don’t care if I killed him or not, for all that matters.
但我一见到警♥察♥就抖 说我没干过又不好受
But I’ll get the shakes whenever I see a policeman, and it’s no good saying I won’t.
All right.
如果是我 我宁愿被误认 是杀人犯也不愿去证明山姆
If I had my choice, I’d rather be thought a murderer than proved one.
我们俩一起挖 我们就能 很省事就把哈里挖出来了
With two of us digging, we’ll have Harry out of here in nothing flat.
Can’t see much from here.
I’d better get in down there and look at him.
-让我来代劳吧 -好的 你的眼睛好使
Let me do the honors. All right. You’ve got good eyes.
嘿 那不是子弹伤的
Hey. That isn’t a bullet wound.
-不是子弹伤的 -不是
“Isn’t a bullet wound”? No.
What d’ya know?
That’s what they call a blow with a blunt instrument.
噢 你有什么看法 山姆
Huh? What are you thinking, Sammy?
我想 怀尔斯船长 遇到了一宗谋杀
I think, Capt. Wiles, we’re tangled up in a murder.
谋杀 如果是谋杀 是谁干的
Murder. If it’s murder, who done it?
-是谁干的 -我刚才不是问过了 是谁干的
– Who “did” it? – That’s what I say Who done it?
除了詹尼弗 罗杰斯 还会有谁想杀他
Apart from Jennifer Rogers, who else’d want to kill him?
“Apart from Jennifer”?
对 你认为她会否
Yeah. Do you think that she would…
噢 荒谬
Oh, it’s ridiculous.
你说过当她来到这儿 看到死尸时 她很惊讶的
You said she was surprised to see the body when she came up here.
You said she hit him on the head.
加岛来 船上会有渔夫
Coming home from Madagascar once, we had a fireman on board…
用砖头敲了他的头 接着两天后就死了
who hit his head on a brick wall and died two days later.
Where could he find a brick wall on board a ship?
That’s what we always wondered.
不会是詹尼弗的 不是
Couldn’t have been Jennifer. No.
Besides, what’s it matter who did it?
如果把他埋了眼不见心不烦 对我们大家都有好处
It’ll be better for all of us if he’s buried and out of the way.
不行 我可不来收拾别人的烂摊子
Nothing doing. I’m not burying someone else’s bad habits.
呃 或许是格勒夫利小姐干的
Hmm? Suppose it was Miss Gravely?
No, it’s not as funny as all that.
You said yourself she wasn’t particularly startled…
to see you dragging Harry up the path.
You artists have got no idea of etiquette.
格勒夫利小姐秉性温柔 而且有教养
Miss Gravely is a lady of gentle habits and upbringing.
一位内敛的女士 如果不是我拖着哈里
A lady to hide her feelings. If I hadn’t been holding Harry by the ankles,
I don’t suppose she’d have mentioned him at all.
-真的 -啊 当她说
– Really? – Nah! When she said,
“怎么啦 船长”
“What seems to be the trouble, Captain?”
说得非常的畅心 就好像在说
It was nothing more than a pleasantry, so to speak.
“今天天气不错啊 是吧””我想是的”
Like, “Nice day, isn’t it?” “I’m sure, yes.”
Or something like that.
Going to help me bury him again?
呃 不知道
Um… I don’t know.
也可能是格林保医生 或流浪汉或
‘Course, it might have been Dr. Greenbow or the tramp or…
-或者是詹尼弗 -我说过那不可能是
OrJennifer? I told you it couldn’t…
噢 再争这个也没有意思了 我们安顿好他吧
Well, no point in arguing about it. Let’s get rid of him.
好的 你在我需要时帮忙 我想也是时候我帮你一把了
All right. You’ve helped me in my hour of need. I guess it’s up to me to help you.
We’ll file Harry away once and for all. Yeah.
No more nonsense about it.
请进 格勒夫利小姐 请进
Come aboard, Miss Gravely, come aboard.
It’s just an old salt’s snug anchorage.
很小 没你家那般富丽堂皇 但非常的温馨
Small, not palatial like yours. But homely, very home…
请坐吧 格勒夫利小姐
Won’t you sit down, Miss Gravely?
Thank you.
真是有趣 我们就那么一个下午 就变得那么亲近了
It’s funny, you know. Funny how we got to be so friendly in one afternoon.
I knew you weren’t as prim and starchy as they made out.
Not by a long shot.
-真的吗 -不
Really? NO.
I’m a man who can recognize the human qualities in a woman.
When I first saw you down where Harry was…
-怀尔斯船长 -啊
Capt. Wiles. Yes, ma’am?
在你这么好意地评价我之前 我
Before you make your kind thoughts known to me, I…
我想向你解释一下我今天下午 为什么这么突然地
should like to offer you some explanation of my sudden invitation…
to coffee and blueberry muffins this afternoon…
还有我 我现在为什么会 和你坐在一块
and my… and my sitting with you here now.
不 你不必解释任何东西
No, ma’am, you don’t have to explain anything.
你在我困难时帮助我 实在感激
You came to my aid at a moment of crisis, for which I’m truly grateful.
谢谢 但这也是我觉得 亏欠你的地方
Thank you, but it’s just that I owe you some reason.
不 不 不 我可不想听你这样说
No, no, no. I won’t hear a word of it.
You saw the predicament I was in with that body on my hands and all,
and you shut your eyes to it in a most sporting fashion, if I may say so.
-怀尔斯船长 -怎么了
Capt. Wiles. Yes, ma’am?
我要告诉你我请你去喝咖啡 和吃蓝莓饼的原因
I’m trying to tell you that the reason I asked you to coffee and blueberry muffins…
是因为 我觉得
was because… I felt…
-同情我 -感谢你
Sympathy. Gratitude.
感 但应该是我感谢你才对的
Gra… But I’m the one who should be grateful.
不 我该感谢你 我感激你
No, I was grateful. L… I am grateful.
我感激你帮忙 把我所杀的人给埋了
I’m grateful to you for burying my body.
Your body?
The man you thought you killed…
是被我用高跟皮鞋砸他的 脑袋而死的
was the man I hit over the head with the leather heel of my hiking shoe.

-最后还用了铁板 -为什么
– And with a metal cleat on the end of it. – But why?
He annoyed me.
我回家时 这时他
I was walking towards home when he…
突然冒了出来 眼神怪怪的
suddenly came at me with a wild look in his eye…
and insisted… we were married.
噢 之前你们都认识的
Oh, then you’d known each other before.
相信也好 不相信也罢 我之前从未见过他
Believe it or not, I had never seen him before in my life,
即使是见过他 我也肯定不会和他结婚
and… if I ever had, I never would have married him.
He must have mistaken you for someone else.
不 他应该不会 他拉着我到矮树林
No, he definitely… pulled me into the bushes.
-我挣扎出来了 -继续
– I came out again. – Go on.
He pulled me back.
他用非常可怕 非常硬朗的声音对我说话
He swore at me… horrible, masculine sounds.
I didn’t understand them, of course.
Of course you didn’t.
-我们打了起来 -然后呢
– We fought. – Then what?
我赢了 我的鞋子在挣扎过程中 掉了出来 我就敲了他
I won. My shoe had come off in the struggle, and I hit him.
I hit him as hard as ever I could.
You killed him.
我不得不这样 我被他骚扰了 船长
I must have done it. I was annoyed, Captain.
-非常的不礼貌 -那很自然
Very annoyed. Naturally.
I don’t think I’ve ever been so annoyed.
Consequently, I, I didn’t realize my own capabilities.
噢 在我看来
Whew! Seems to me…
罗杰斯夫人傻乎乎地敲了他 你却完结了他
Mrs. Rogers knocked him silly, and you finished him off.
Why should Mrs. Rogers knock him silly?
She was really his wife.
可怜的女人 我想她的品味独特
Poor woman. I thought she had better taste.
你知道吗 船长
You know, Captain,
我逃跑后 我就决定我永远 不会对其他人说这事
when I ran away I decided I would never tell a soul what happened.
接着我遇见了你 我想
Then I met you, and I thought…
你认为这是你杀的 这真是太好不过了
