我们去了以色列之后 得到了很多新的好消息
We got a lot of new and really good information after the trip to Israel,
but we don’t know where he is right now.
Well, I will keep you posted.
其他人都拿到钱了 所以你也应该拿到钱
Everybody else got their money, so you should too.
我看看发生了什么 我晚点会打给银行 好吗
I will see what’s going on. I will call the bank.
爱你 想你 再见
Love you. Miss you. Bye-bye.
他真诚地道歉 然后说他要再多借一点
He really apologizes and says that he needs to borrow a little bit more.
我告诉他 “西蒙 你应该把借走的钱 在一到两周后
I told him, “Simon, you were supposed to transfer back this money you borrowed
a week or two after.”
“Are you sure everything is gonna be okay?”
他说 “是的 一切都没问题”
He’s like, “Yeah, everything is gonna be okay.”
So I transfer him another $10,000.
I guarantee you I will make payment next week.
(谢谢你做的一切 圣诞快乐)
(十万美元 付款记录.pdf)
第二周他给我发了一张 十万美元的银行收据
The next week, he texts me a bank receipt for $100,000.
西蒙很慷慨 他只欠我四万了
Simon is being very generous. He only owes me 40,000.
(我的天啊 西蒙 我好惊讶)
哦 说真的 西蒙你真好
Oh, seriously, Simon, that is so nice of you.
谢谢 太谢谢你了
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so, so much.
在最艰难的时刻 你一直支持我
Through the most difficult moments, you have been there for me.
所以这也是为什么 我想发自内心地感谢你
So that’s why I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
And then the money just don’t arrive.
不幸地是 银行希望我本人到场
Unfortunately, the bank want me there physically
with my lawyer to sign some few other papers.
我得飞过去 把事情处理好 我想请你帮个忙
I need to fly and I need to fix it up. I want to ask you a favor.
所以我用美国运通卡 付了这些航♥班♥的费用
So I pay for these flights on my American Express card.
The money has left our bank account
so you have nothing to worry about.
He asked me to help him with another flight.
And then another flight, and then another flight.
所以随着时间过去了很久 钱就是不到账
So with time just passing, money doesn’t come in.
我刚才就在银行 他们找不到任何转账记录
而且我真的需要付清账单 我真的好害怕
I was just at the bank and they can’t find any transfer. And that I need to pay my bills. I’m really freaking out.
我很慌张 我现在惹了很多很多麻烦
I’m panicking. Like, I got myself in so, so much trouble right now.
They put a stop on my account.
Of course I can give you one of my watches.
I have a watch worth over 100K.
所以他告诉我他会给我 订张机票去他那里
So he tells me he will book me a flight to wherever he is
within a couple of days to collect the watch.
我们得到很多新信息 但我们还没找到他
We have a lot of new information, but we still haven’t found him.
所以我们需要做的 是回到塞西莉给我们的记录里
So what we have to do is go back into the documentation we got from Cecilie.
(美国运通白金卡 账户明细表)
塞西莉用她的美国运通卡 转账了很多次
Cecilie gave us a lot of transactions done with her Amex card.
在这些转账中 我们看到了多张机票
In these transactions, we see flight tickets.
There are also names.
The business partner.
The bodyguard.
But we could also find names of different women.
So one of the names is Pernilla Sjoholm.
所以我在脸书上找到佩妮拉 给她发了一条私信
So I find Pernilla on Facebook and write a message to her.
(你好 我是一名记者)
(厄伦德·阿恩森 给你发送了一条信息)
(你好 我是一名记者)
I… panic.
I thought I was gonna pass out.
I forward the message straight over to Simon.
I would not…
他说我不应该担心 这是他的敌人在套取情报
He says I shouldn’t worry, that this is his enemies trying to get information.
他真的努力让我冷静下来 在挂断电♥话♥后
He really tries to calm me down and even just, like, after hanging up the phone,
我开始意识到 这不可能是编造的
I’m starting to realize, like, this can’t be made up.
我的手♥机♥响了 是厄伦德
My phone rings. It is Erlend.
所以我问她 “我能来斯德哥尔摩 跟你谈谈你的故事吗”
So I asked her, “Can I come to Stockholm to meet you to talk through your story?”
我上了飞机 我们第二天要见面
I get on a plane. We were meeting up the next day.
(瑞典 斯德哥尔摩)
He tells me everything.
我很生气 西蒙为什么要这样对我
I am furious. Why would Simon do this to me?
他是我真正关心的朋友 我爱的人
This was a friend who I really cared about, who I loved.
He really created this person that I would like,
someone who would be a really good friend.
所以 如果他不只是 通过浪漫关系来实施骗术
So, if it’s not only through romantic relationships that he’s pursuing scams,
what else could there be?
我告诉厄伦德所有旅行的经历 和他花的那么多钱
I tell Erlend about all the travels and the amount of money he has been spending,
and all the other people that I have met.
When he tells me about this Norwegian girl,
I’m starting to realize that the amount of money she has lost
doesn’t add up to the lifestyle that he’s been living,
因为已经花出去的钱 数额巨大
because there is an extreme amount of money that has been spent.
This must just be the tip of the iceberg.
看了佩妮拉的银行账户后 我发现这可能是庞氏骗局
After looking at Pernilla’s bank accounts, I realize this may be a Ponzi scheme.
He uses Cecilie’s money on Pernilla,
and he uses Pernilla’s money on somebody else.
信♥用♥卡♥上从来不是他的名字 所以他有合法的理由
It’s never his name on the credit card, so he has plausible excuse.
他总能说 “我只是借钱而已”
He can always say, “I was just borrowing the money.”
It’s almost like the perfect scam.
当然 用一个女人的信♥用♥卡♥
Of course, by using one woman’s credit card
去给第二个女人买♥♥机票 然后请第三个人吃晚餐
to buy plane tickets to a second woman and to buy a dinner to a third,
他经常旅行 而且从不在一个地方呆太久
he was able to travel a lot, and he never stayed long in one place.
That made it very hard for local police authorities with low budgets
追查这样一个男人 在他们的世界里 这就是个小骗局
to go after a man that, in their world, was like a small scam.
喂 我们点了整个菜单
Hey, we order all the menu.
我问佩妮拉 “你能告诉我他在哪儿吗”
I ask Pernilla, “Can you tell me where he is?”
I don’t just only know where he is.
I am booked on a flight to go and see him tomorrow.
He’s in Munich.
再过十小时 我们就要去慕尼黑
In less than 10 hours, we need to be in Munich.
(德国 慕尼黑)
Our goal in Munich was to film him
向警方证明 他是可以被追查到的
to prove to the police that he was possible to find.
You’re really focused.
你知道你只有这一次机会 拍到想要的东西
You know you have this one chance to get what you want.
Also you have responsibility for Pernilla.
西蒙绝对不能发现他们来了 是我带他们来的
Simon can absolutely not find out that they are there or that I have done this,
because I don’t know if it’s dangerous for me
我背着他这样做 会不会对我造成危险
if he does find out that I’m doing this behind his back.
I’m going in there trying to sabotage his fabulous life.
The plan is to keep a safe distance,
要想做到这点 娜塔莉会在手♥机♥上 追踪佩妮拉的位置
and to do that, Natalie is tracking Pernilla’s whereabouts on the iPhone.
In case Simon should look at Pernilla’s phone,
Pernilla saves my number as a different name.
That makes it possible for Pernilla to have constant contact with me.
She writes that she’s just landed.
我们在机场外面安排了摄影师 可能会拍到照片
We have a photographer outside the airport who may be able to get pictures.
她发消息说 “我朋友来接我”
She writes, “My friend is picking me up.”
That must be Simon.
I’ve now received a picture from the photographer.
哇 他真在慕尼黑
Wow, he’s in Munich.
My heart is pounding.
这是我第一次见到他的商业伙伴 阿维谢
This is the first time I meet his business partner, Avishay,
that he had told me so much about.
I’m starting to become very, very paranoid
因为我不知道跟我坐一辆车的人是谁 他们到底是谁
because who am I in the car with? Who are they really?
我看着他 我知道真♥相♥ 知道他所做的一切
I’m looking at him, and I know the truth, like everything that he has done.
These former feelings that I had that this was my friend just got erased.
I don’t think I ever hated a person my entire life
直到我坐在车里 看着他的
until that second when I was sitting in that car
and just looking at him.
(我们准备好了 告诉我们你们准备去哪儿)
佩妮拉给我发短♥信♥说 他们要去文华东方酒店
Pernilla texted me that they were going to Mandarin Oriental Hotel.
That’s a fancy hotel with a restaurant inside.
