That coffee’s two hours cold.
I put a cigarette out in it.
-找到下一名女子了吗? -没 只有电♥话♥留言
-Did you reach the next girl yet? -No. I got her answering machine.
-派组人去 -已经派了 还没回音
-Send a unit. -I sent a unit. There’s no answer.
-那个经理还没回家 -打电♥话♥给她
-The apartment manager’s not in. -Call her.
-刚打了 -再打
-I just called her. -Call her again.
Give me a cigarette.
你好 捉弄到你了 你在跟留言机谈话
Hi, there. Fooled you. You’re talking to a machine.
但别害羞 留言机也需要爱的 跟它谈谈吧
But don’t be shy. It’s OK. Machines need love, too, so talk to it…
金珍 是我啦…
and Ginger, that’s me,
或者萨拉会回复你的 等候哔哔声啦
or Sarah will get back to you. Wait for the beep.
Same shit.
我现在听到了 就叫他”电♥话♥簿杀手”吧
I can hear it now. He’s gonna be called the goddamn Phone Book Killer.
我讨厌这些触目案件 特别是变♥态♥的案件
I hate these press cases. Especially the weird press cases.
-你去哪里? -发表声明
-Where are you going? -To make a statement.
Maybe make these jackals work for us.
若我11点前能上电视 或许她会找我们的
If I can get on the tube by eleven o’clock, maybe she’ll call us.
怎样? 我的样子怎样?
Well, how do I look?
-很难看 老总 -不错
-Like shit, boss. -Your mama.
刚收到消息 警方已经宣布了
This just in. Police have announced the name of the victim
今天发生的命案的 第二名死者的姓名
in the second of two murders which took place today.
奇怪的是 两名死者都是同名同姓
Incredibly, the names of the two victims are virtually identical.
两小时前 35岁的萨拉·康纳…被发现死在寓所里
Two hours ago, 35-year-old Sarah Ann Connor was pronounced dead…
-转台吧 -萨拉·路易斯…
-Can we change this? -Sarah Louise…
Don’t touch it.
murdered earlier today in her home.
Police are refusing to speculate
on the similarity between the shooting deaths
and no other connection between the two victims has been established yet.
We’ll have more on this late-breaking story as it comes in.
-有电♥话♥吗? -在里面
-Hey, you got a phone? -It’s in the back.
Hey. Four-fifty.
You have reached the Los Angeles Police emergency number.
All lines are busy.
如需警车支援 请稍候
If you need a police car sent out to you, stay on the line.
走开 我会拿你来制皮带
Go on. I’m gonna make a belt out of you.
Don’t make me bust you up, man.
你好 捉弄到你了 你在跟留言机谈话
Hi, there. Fooled you. You’re talking to a machine.
但别害羞 留言机也需要爱的
But don’t be shy. It’s OK. Machines need love, too.
跟它谈谈吧…金珍 是我啦 或者萨拉会回复你的
So talk to it and Ginger, that’s me, or Sarah will get back to you.
Wait for the beep.
金珍 我是萨拉 快接听
Ginger. This is Sarah. Pick up if you’re there.
我在比高大道的黑科技酒吧 我很害怕
I’m at this place on Pico Boulevard called Tech Noir. I’m really scared.
I think that there’s somebody after me.
I hope that you play this back soon.
I need you and Matt to come and pick me up as soon as possible.
警方不停转驳我的电♥话♥线 我会再试的
The police keep transferring me. I’m gonna give ’em another try.
这里的号♥码是5559175 快回电 我要你帮忙
The number here is 5559175. Call me, kiddo. I need your help.
It’s her.
-萨拉·康纳? 我是戴探长 -听着…
-Sarah Connor? It’s Lieutenant Traxler. -Listen…
Don’t put me on hold. Don’t transfer me to another department.
-我不会 -你在哪?
-I won’t. -Can you tell me where you are?
-一间叫黑科技的酒吧 -我知道 在比高大道
-I’m in this bar called Tech Noir. -I know it. It’s on Pico.
-你没事吧? -没事 但我不想离开
-Are you all right? -Yeah, but I don’t wanna leave.
-我觉得有人在跟踪我 -留心听着
-I think there’s a guy following me. -Now, listen carefully.
你身处公众地方 会较安全的
You’re in a public place so you’ll be safe.
留在显眼处 别出去 别上厕所
Stay visible. Don’t go outside.
-我会很快派车来 -好的
-I’ll have a car there in a minute. -OK.
Hey, that guy didn’t pay.
Come with me if you wanna live.
Come on!
这是1-L19 有人袭击后逃跑
This is one-L-19. I got a hit-and-run felony.
可疑车辆是旧型灰色福特 在第七街向西逃走
Suspect vehicle -Iate model grey Ford headed westbound on Seven.
He’s really moving -punching lights.
马上派救护车 来第七街和百老汇街交界
I’m gonna need an ambulance at Seventh and Broadway right now.
Hold it.
Hold on.
你有没有受伤? 你有没有中枪?
Are you injured? Are you shot?
照我的说话做 照着做
Do exactly what I say. Exactly.
没我允许不准动 不准发出声音
Don’t move unless I say. Don’t make a sound unless I say.
Do you understand?
-明白吗? -明白 求你别伤害我
-Do you understand? -Yes. Please don’t hurt me.
I’m here to help you.
我姓李斯 科技步队中士DN38416 受命来保护你
I’m Reese. Sergeant Tech-Com. DN38416. Assigned to protect you.
You’ve been targeted for termination.
嫌犯在国民街与奥♥运♥道交界 1-L19 请通话
Attempt to intercept, 1-L19.
这是1-L19 在奥♥运♥道向西行 接近奥佛兰道
This is one-L19. Westbound on Olympic. Approaching Overland.
一定是搞错了 我没做过什么
This is a mistake. I didn’t do anything.
不 你会做的 你活着很重要
No, but you will. It’s very important that you live.
不可能 那个人怎能站起来追你…
This isn’t true. How could that man just get up after you…
它不是人 是机器
It’s not a man. A machine.
一个魔鬼终结者 电脑达因系统101型号♥
A Terminator. Cyberdyne Systems model 101 .
机器? 像机械人?
A machine? Like a robot?
不是机械人 是电子人 电脑控制的生物
Not a robot. A cyborg-cybernetic organism.
-不 他刚才在流血 -等一下
-No. He was bleeding. -Just a second.
Get your head down.
Listen. The Terminator’s an infiltration unit. .
Part man, part machine
Underneath it’s a hyper-alloy combat chassis.
Microprocessor controlled.
全副武装 非常强劲 但外表是活人组织
Fully armoured, very tough. Outside it’s living human tissue.
肌肉 皮肤 毛发 血液 都是为电子人培植的
Flesh, skin, hair, blood grown for the cyborgs.
-你想我怎样做? -留心听着
-Look, Reese, I don’t know -Pay attention.
I gotta ditch this car.
600系列有塑胶皮肤 很容易认得出
The 600-Series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy.
但这批是新造的 它们很像人类
But these are new. They look human.
流汗 口臭 诸如此类 很难辨认
Sweat, bad breath, everything. Very hard to spot.
我要等他向你下手 才能对付他
I had to wait till he moved on you before I could zero him.
听着 我不是蠢才 他们还不能制♥造♥那样的东西
Look, I am not stupid. They cannot make things like that yet.
还不可以 40年后就可以了
Not yet. Not for about forty years.
Are you saying it’s from the future?
一个有可能的未来 从你的角度看
One possible future…from your point of view.
I don’t know tech stuff.
Then you’re from the future, too. Is that right?
-对 -对
-Right. -Right.
电子人感觉不到痛楚 可我能 别再那样做
Cyborgs don’t feel pain. I do. Don’t do that again.
-放我走 -听着…还有搞清楚点
-Just let me go. -Listen and understand.
That Terminator is out there.
它不讲情面 也不讲道理
It can’t be bargained with, it can’t be reasoned with.
It doesn’t feel pity or remorse or fear
它绝不会罢休 永远不会 直到你死掉
and it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.
Can you stop it?
I don’t know.
靠这些武器 我不知道
With these weapons, I don’t know.
All units.
Ford suspect vehicle has been found in a parking structure
at Fourth and Beaudry.
李斯? 为何是我?
Reese, why me?
Why does it want me?
There was a nuclear war.
A few years from now,
这里的一切…这个地方 所有的东西
all this, this whole place, everything,
都会消失 就此消失
it’s gone, just gone.
There were survivors.
Here, there.
Nobody even knew who started it.
-是那些机器 -我不明白
-It was the machines, Sarah. -I don’t understand.
Defence network computers.
新型的 功能强劲
New, powerful,