口袋! 错了 这些!
The pockets! No,these!
这些才是口袋 白♥痴♥!
These are pockets,idiot!
主人 我们只找到了这些
Master,this is all we found.
Do they have the book?
但我知道它在哪 我回去拿给你 我发誓
But I know where it is. I’ll go get it and give it to you. I swear.
I’m placing my trust in you.
If you give me the book,
你就可以继续你的生活 像什么都没有发生过一样
your life will go on as if nothing ever happened.
However,if you fail,
I’m afraid I’ll have to find somebody else to get my book for me.
去 去吧
Go. Go on.
Run along.
Mulgarath! Mulgarath! Mulgarath!
Mulgarath! Mulgarath! Mulgarath!
你真让我失望 Redcap!
You failed me,Redcap!
There are two human boys with the same faces.
一个是Jared 另一个不是 我们抓错人了
The Jared and the not Jared. We took the wrong one.
那就去把Jared找出来 拿回那本书 然后把他们全杀了!
Then find the Jared,get the book and kill them!
Kill them all!
Move out!
就因为你那本愚蠢至极的书 那帮怪物差点杀了我!
Those things were gonna kill me over your stupid,stupid book!
– 他们就在附近 – 我受不了了
– They’re right over there. – I can’t take this.
我们回家 把书拿给他们
Let’s just get to the house and give it to them.
嘿 书不在房♥子里 它就在我的背包里
Hey,it’s not at the house. It’s right here in my backpack.
– 什么? 那我们赶快把书给他们 – 不行 不管怎么做 他们都会杀了我们的!
– What? Then let’s just give it to them. – No,they’ll just kill us anyway!
得了 我们把…
Well,let’s just…
– 把它给我! – 住手!
– Give it! – Stop!
Give it!
– 抓住他们! 快! 快! 快! – 快跑!
– Get them! Go! Go! Go! – Come on!
After them!
抓住他们! 抓住他们! 把他们撕成碎片!
Get them! Get them! Rip them apart!
除了书以外! 别弄坏书了!
But not the book! Don’t hurt the book!
Jared! Jared! 这里! 救我! 救我!
Jared! Jared! Over here! Help me! Help me!
Come on!
– 冷静! – 赶走他们! 把他们都赶走!
– Calm down! – Keep them away! Keep them away!
没事了 房♥子周围有保护圈
It’s okay. There’s a protective circle around the house.
– 我们在圈里面很安全 – 你们在这啊
– We’re safe inside it. – There you are.
你们知道吗 妈妈让我管理家务
You know,Mom left me in charge,
so you can’t just run off without telling me.
– 抓住她 – Mallory 这边来 快!
– Get her. – Mallory,this way,now!
快! 快!
Now! Now!
– 什么? 别对我吼来吼去的 – Mal 过来啊! 快!
– What? Don’t yell at me. – Mal,come on! Come on!
往前门跑 快!
Run to the front door,fast!
我哪都不去 别朝我扔石头了!
I’m not running anywhere,and stop throwing rocks at me!
听他的! 你被小妖怪包围了!
Listen to him! You’re surrounded by goblins!
Get inside the protective circle!
哦 天啊 Simon 他也把你变疯了?
Oh,God,Simon,he’s got you in on this now?
最后说一遍 没有妖魔鬼怪之类的东西…
For the last time,there’s no such thing as…
What’s happening?
不 Mallory 他们很矮的 目标在你膝盖以下 10点钟方向
No,Mallory,they’re short. Aim below your knees. 10 o’clock.
10 o’clock!
Mallory! Mallory! 12点钟方向!
Mallory! Mallory! 12 o’clock!
你后面! 在你后面! 6点钟方向!
Behind you! Behind you! 6 o’clock!
3点钟方向! 3点钟方向!
3 o’clock! 3 o’clock!
接着 用这个看
Here. Look for this.
回来! 你安全了 安全了
Come back! You’re safe. You’re safe.
You’re safe.
Now do you believe me?
这下糟了! 糟了!
It’s gonna be bad! It’s bad!
– 噢 天啊 – 不 真糟糕
– Oh,God. – No,that’s bad.
– 妈妈! – Jared!
– Mom! – Jared!
– 那些到底是什么东西? – 我告诉过你的 是小妖怪
– What were those things? – I told you,goblins.
没事的 Simon 没事的
It’s okay,Simon. It’s okay.
不 没事才怪! 不! 不!
No,it’s not okay! It’s not! It’s not!
他说得对 要我怎么说? 显然没有那么简单!
He’s right. What am I saying? Of course it isn’t!
How many of those things are out there?
我不知道! 我不知道! 好吗? 在这待着! 我马上回来!
I don’t know! I don’t know! Okay? Sit tight! I’ll be right back!
Jared! 天啊 他会让我们丢掉小命的!
Jared! God,he’s gonna get us all killed!
我马上回来 压住那
I’ll be right back. Keep pressure on that.
压住? 什么?
Pressure? What?
他们为什么要这样做? 他们想从我们这得到什么?
Why are they doing this? What do they want from us?
The book.
哦 天啊! 他们从四面八方聚集过来了!
Oh,God! They’re coming from everywhere!
我知道 我看得见
I know,I can see.
这样下去不行 不能这样
This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening.
Where did you get that book?
那么 这本书放在这里 上面还有着大大的警告
So,the book was in here with a big warning that said,
“禁止翻阅” 而你却读了?
“Do not read,” and you read it?
不过是本书而已 我又不知道翻一下就会把那些妖怪引出来 好吗?
It’s a book. I didn’t think reading it would unleash goblin fury,okay?
这就是症结所在 你做事从不经大脑!
But that’s the thing,you never think of anything!
– 你总是这样! – 对 没错
– You’re always doing this! – Yeah,right.
不顾后果 鲁莽行事!
You don’t think,you just do!
如果你能别再说话 也许我可以想想
Maybe I could think if you’d stop talking.
你惹了麻烦 却让我们受到牵连
You do stuff and we pay for it.
嘿 你那么聪明 你觉得我们该怎么处理它?
Hey,if you’re so smart,what do you think we should do with it?
如果那些畸形的怪物想要这本书 我看我们就给他们好了!
If freaky goblins want this book,I say we give it to them!
让开! 把书留在这里!
Back off! The book stays here!
– 留在这里! 这里 这里 这里! – 不! Mallory 不要! 不要!
– Right here! Here,here,here! – No! Mallory,no! No!
What is that hideous thing?
我说得还不够清楚吗? 碰它是要付出代价的!
Haven’t I made myself that clear? Touch it and you’ll pay!
– 停下! 冷静! 冷静! – 敢碰它 我就咬掉你的手指!
– Stop it! Chill! Chill! – Touch it and I’ll bite your fingers off!
Get me some honey from the kitchen.
– 什么? – 照做就是了!
– What? – Just do it!
来啊 试试看! 试试看啊! 有本事就碰一下试试!
Come on,try it! Try it! I invite you to try it!
– 快去! – 你别想要你的手指了 你…
– Go! – You’ll be fingerless,you…
你 给我滚!
You,get away!
– 你毁了这一切! – 好的 保护好这本书
– You ruined everything! – Okay,protect the book.
好的 我保证
Okay,I promise.
– Mallory! – 我来了!
– Mallory! – I’m coming!
– 好了 蜂蜜来了 蜂蜜来了 – 蠢货!
– Okay,honey’s coming,honey’s coming. – Idiots!
– 我才不要你那恶心的蜂蜜! – 来 喝吧 喝吧
– I don’t need your stinking honey! – Here,drink,drink.
– 好了 好了 – 好了吗?
– It’s okay. It’s okay. – It’s okay?
事情太复杂了 没有这么简单
There is so much about this that’s not okay.
I don’t even know where to start.
Why can I see him without that stone thing?
Because he’s letting you see.
Thimbletack 如果小妖怪夺走了那本书会怎样?
Thimbletack,what happens if goblins get the book?
你死 我死 大家死 拜拜了
You die,I die,we all die. Bye-bye.
– 他什么意思 我们都要死? – 我想 他说的就是我们都会死掉
– What does he mean,we all die? – I think he means we all die.
他不能知道那些秘密 不能! 不要相信食人魔
He can’t know the secrets. He can’t! The ogre is not to be trusted.
他说得没错 我们不能把书给Mulgarath
He’s right. We can’t give it to Mulgarath.
不管怎么样他都会把我们杀了的 我听见他这么说了
He’ll just kill us anyway. I heard him say so.
Then let’s just burn it.
拿来! 把书拿来!
Give it! Give the book!
Give it!
对不起 主人! 原谅我们!
Sorry,master! Forgive us!
Give the book!
好吧 好吧 好吧 等等!
你赢了 你是个坚强又聪明的孩子
You win. You are strong,smart human boy.
别犯傻了 把书给我们 我们从此互不相干
So don’t be foolish. Give us the book. We’ll leave you alone.
I don’t believe you!