I’m not kidding! Stop!
他在改变方向 把车拦住
He’s changing direction. Stop the car.
Oh, no!
– 他越来越接近 – 随时可发现其踪影
– He’s getting closer. – We should see him any minute.
Keep your eyes peeled.
Oh, no!
看 好接近
Look, he’s real close now.
Step on it!
救命 停车
Help! Stop, stop!
弗兰克 停车
Frank, stop!
马上停车 我受不了 停
Stop right now! I’ve had it! I said stop!
特别行动组的卓斌 出了什么状况
Drebin, Police Squad. What do we have?
情势很危急 野人窝藏在房♥子里
It’s a tense situation. Savage is holed up in that house.
– 说手上有人♥质♥ – 他可能虚张声势 还有呢
– Says he’s got hostages. – He could be bluffing. Anything else?
红色面包车的登记车主是 昆田贺士伯
Yeah. That red van is registered to one Quentin Hapsburg.
Well, it looks like the cows have come home to roost.
兵哥 还好吗
How are you doing, trooper?
Hey, stop firing!
停 别开枪
Hold it! Stop firing!
Stop firing! Stop firing!
All right, give me the bullhorn.
This is Frank Drebin, Police Squad.
把枪放下 举起双手出来
Throw down your guns and come out with your hands up,
或者是出来再把枪放下 都不要紧
or come on out, then throw down your guns, whichever you want.
Remember the two key elements:
一是要把枪放下 二是要出来
One, guns to be thrown down. Two, come on out.
卓斌 你只管对付我 我绝不会投降
You just try and take me, Drebin! I’ve got more if you want them, copper!
– 看来他胜券在握 – 不一定
– Looks like he’s holding all the cards. – Not all the cards.
How about it?
你不能开坦克 你一窍不通
You can’t drive that tank! You’re not checked-out on it!
别担心 分散他的注意力
Don’t worry, Ed! Just keep him busy.
好 你要什么
All right, what do you want?
我要一部汽车 刺♥激♥的保时捷吧
I want a car out front. Something fun. A Porsche.
还有到牙买♥♥加的机票 住一流的饭店
Then I want a plane ticket to Jamaica. And I want a nice hotel.
No touristy place.
Something indicative of the people and their culture.
不可以 你是虚张声势而已
We can’t do that. We’re calling your bluff.
双手放在头上 走出来
Now put your hands on top of your head and come out.
他已被包围 前后…
We’ve got you surrounded front and… hey!
弗兰克 你干什么 上哪里去
Frank, what are you doing? Where are you going? Frank!
弗兰克 救命
Frank! Help!
– 先生 你的大衣 – 是的
– Your coat, sir? – Yes, it is.
And I have a receipt to prove it.
– 署长 你的电♥话♥ – 谢谢
– Telephone call, Commissioner. – Thank you.
Excuse me.
He did what?
跑掉了多少只动物 老天爷
How many animals escaped? Oh, my God!
署长你好 你今天真漂亮
Good evening, Commissioner. You’re looking lovely tonight.
你可知道你闹得满城风雨 禽兽四处乱跑
Do you realize that because of you this city is being overrun by baboons?
Well, isn’t that the fault of the voters?
Excuse me.
谢谢各位出席 这个为迈汉麻博士举♥行♥的盛会
Thank you all for attending this event in honor of Dr. Meinheimer,
who tomorrow will make his historic address.
Along with the President, I pledge to support his recommendations,
whatever they may be.
And now, please enjoy the evening.
I’ll see you later.
May I cut in?
– 你来干什么 – 我爱狂欢派对
– What are you doing here? – I enjoy a good party.
– 你究竟是所为何事 – 我可以用三个字总结
– Why are you really here? – I can sum that up in three words:
昆田贺士伯从第一眼开始 就不喜欢他
“Quentin Hapsburg.” I never liked him from the moment I laid eyes on him.
他像煤矿工人在一月份的 内衣裤那么脏
The man is as dirty as a coalminer’s underwear in January.
你有什么不对劲 他善良和蔼 关怀别人
What’s gotten into you? He’s a kind, gentle, concerned man,
who cares about people and is not as suspicious as some people I know.
问他跟案发当晚 那部红色面包车有何关系
Ask him what his connection is with the van you saw the night of the explosion.
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
问他跟那笨贼黑陀野人 是否一伙
Ask him if he’s pals with a two-bit goon named Hector Savage.
住口 你妒忌有人能给我…
Stop it! You’re just jealous because another man can give me
the understanding that you never could.
我只希望昆田正在看着 怒火中烧
I just hope Quentin is watching right now, because he’ll be jealous.
And a jealous man always makes the wrong move.
I’m counting on that!
卓斌先生 贺士伯先生请你过去
Mr. Drebin, Mr. Hapsburg would like you to join him at his table.
– 孤独是寂寞人的玩意 – 探长
– Solitaire is a lonely man’s game. – Lieutenant!
我不记得宾客名单上 有你的名字
I don’t recall seeing your name on the guest list.
不用感到尴尬 我有时用母姓
Nothing to be embarrassed about. I sometimes go by my maiden name.
好热闹 碰见许多熟悉的脸孔 都拉过脸皮
Nice party. I see a lot of familiar face-lifts.
– 探长 你爱赌博吗 – 每次叫外卖♥♥都难以避免
– Do you gamble, Lieutenant? – Every time I order out.
Que sera, sera…
– 你懂法语吗 – 很可惜 不懂
– You do speak French, don’t you? – Unfortunately, no.
But I do kiss that way.
对不起 你站了我的位置
Excuse me! You happen to be standing in my place.
迈汉麻博士 还记得弗兰克吗
Dr. Meinheimer, you remember Frank?
– 你姓… – 卓斌 隶属特别行动组
– Uh… Mister… – Drebin, from Police Squad.
– 你们在研究所见过 – 当然 请坐
– You met him at the Institute. – Yes, of course! Do sit down.
谢谢 我不打算逗留
Thank you, I don’t intend to stay.
再玩另一个游戏 他是谁
Let’s play another game. Who’s this?
– 我怎么知道 – 他是大坏蛋
– I wouldn’t know. – He’s been a bad boy.
炸毁了大厦 开着你名下的面包车
He blew up a building and is driving a van registered in your name.
敝公♥司♥旗下有许多面包车 其中一部三天前被偷了
We own lots of vans. One of them was stolen three days ago.
探长 我光明正大
Look, Lieutenant, I have nothing to hide.
也许吧 但我警告你
Maybe, but I’m warning you.
你稍有差池 我一定把你逮个正着
If you so much as sneeze, I’ll be there to wipe your nose.
各位 该是抽出第一个大奖的时候
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the first door prize of the evening:
an all-expense-paid trip to the Gilligan Islands.
And to draw the first winner, we would like to ask our guest of honor:
Dr. Albert S. Meinheimer.
– 我来帮你 – 不必了
– Let me help you. – That won’t be necessary.
I don’t understand what’s gotten into Frank.
I’m afraid it’s merely a case of jealousy, my dear.
你要把我的法宝都弄坏了 不该这么推
You’re going to wear all my gears down. We shouldn’t push it like this.
– 他适应得很不错 – 对
– He gets around marvelously. – He does.
– 弗兰克 – 珍
– Frank? – Jane.
I just wanted to tell you that I’m sorry about what happened tonight.
– 弗兰克 – 我有话跟你说 能进来吗
– Oh, Frank. – I need to talk to you. May I come in?
好 可是家里很乱
OK, but the place is kind of a mess.
我正准备炮制蛋白质奶昔 你要吗
I was about to make a protein shake. Do you want some?
不用 谢谢
No, thank you.
真的不用 我今天尝试新配方
Are you sure? I’m trying out a new recipe tonight.
你可知道迈汉麻博士 明天演说的内容
Do you know what Dr. Meinheimer will say at the dinner tomorrow?
他会支持节约能源 及使用太阳能等能源
Yes, he’ll endorse energy efficiency and renewable energy like solar power.
– 还有谁知道这内容 – 只有我 我也告诉了昆田
– Who else knew that? – Only me. And I told Quentin.
假如总统接纳 节约能源及使用太阳能的政策
And if the President adopts a policy of supporting efficiency and solar energy,
who would be the biggest losers?
煤 石油及核电商人
Coal, oil and nuclear.
– 弗兰克 – 多一个问题而已
– Frank! Frank! – Just one more question.
你说过迈汉麻博士 有过目不忘的本领
You told me that Dr. Meinheimer had a photographic memory,
yet tonight he never recalled meeting me.
那倒奇怪 但他最近面对许多压力
That’s strange, but he has been under a lot of stress lately.
他身上可有任何特徵 例如伤疤 痣 纹身…
Does he have any identifying marks? A scar, a mole, a tattoo,
webbed toes or a third nostril?
他右边屁♥股♥有胎痣 形状如土拨鼠
He has a birthmark in the shape of Whistler’s Mother on his right buttock.
这样… 你最近可觉得他有异样
I see… Have you noticed anything different about him?
他高了一英尺而已 而且成了左撇子
Only that he is a foot taller and seems to be left-handed now.
弗兰克 你想说什么
Frank! What are you trying to tell me?
难道昆田找人顶包 冒充迈汉麻博士
That Quentin has found a double for Dr. Meinheimer
and that he will give a fraudulent report to the President?