You walk out of my life, no explanation…
– 你没有收到我的信吗 – 全部都收到
– Didn’t you get the letters? – Every one of them.
我没有拆开 全部撕碎烧掉了
I didn’t open them. I tore them up and threw them in the fire.
那么你叔父给你的七万五千元 遗产支票也没收到
So you didn’t get the cheque for $75,000 that your uncle left you in his will?
Why are you here?
I remembered something about the crime.
我看见窗外对面街上 停了一部红色的面包车
Outside the window, I saw a red van parked across the street.
红色的面包车 谢谢 这资料很有用
Red van? Thank you, that’ll be very helpful.
你说完了 可以走了 对吗
You’ve said your piece, you can go now, right?
That’s not my only reason for being here.
– 我希望大家仍是朋友 – 好 朋友…
– I want us to be friends. – Sure, friends…
要是我在你身上扫指模 定全是你情人昆田的
I bet if I dusted you for prints, they’d be your lover Quentin’s.
I see a certain kitten still knows how to scratch.
对不起 我不该这样
I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.
我们果然没办法相处 你眼中只有查案
We’re no good together. All you ever lived for was police work.
You were always busy saving the “end zone” layer.
臭氧层 你从来不尝试理解
Ozone layer! Frank, you never tried to understand.
How can you say that,
我把积蓄全花在买♥♥下 千亩巴西雨林之上
when I sank every penny into buying 1,000 acres of Brazilian rainforest.
然后把雨林砍掉 好让我们兴建梦想的家园
Then I had it slashed so we could build our dream house.
弗兰克 你怎么如此麻木不仁
Frank! How could you be so insensitive?
麻木不仁 你以为叫整个部落迁徙轻易
Insensitive? You think it’s easy displacing an entire tribe?
– 你自己试试看 – 我告辞了 我来错了
– You try it sometime. – I’d better go. This was a mistake.
我不知道为什么到来 本来希望你有意中人
I don’t know why I came here. I was hoping that you’d have someone.
我仍然独身 我喜欢独身
I’m single. I love being single!
自离开童军队以来 数现在最风流
I haven’t had this much sex since I was a boy scout leader!
I mean, at the time, I was dating a lot.
– 我早说过放炸♥弹♥没有用 – 别无他法
– I told you the bombing wouldn’t work. – We had no choice.
Look at this headline.
总统让迈汉麻 在记协晚宴上 自♥由♥发表建议
“President to give Meinheimer blank cheque at Press Club Dinner.”
That speech is in two days.
– 你以为我不知道吗 – 大家都知道
– Don’t you think I know that? – We all know that.
Gentlemen, gentlemen…
我知道大家都很焦急 亦不无道理
I know that you’re all worried, and I agree.
There’s plenty to be worried about.
如这座早已在洛杉矶运作的 太阳能发电厂
Like this solar power plant, already operational outside Los Angeles.
Photovoltaic cells.
They convert sunlight directly into electricity.
萤光灯 比传统灯泡耐用十倍
Fluorescents. Last ten times as long as a conventional light-bulb.
Uses only a quarter of the power.
超级玻璃窗 保温功能犹如十块玻璃
Superwindows. They insulate as well as ten sheets of glass.
An electric car, partially powered by solar panels.
But the truth is, gentlemen,
that I’m not worried about any of these things.
Because no one is ever going to know about them.
– 迈汉麻及其报告呢 – 他会告诉总统的
– What about Meinheimer and his report? – He’s going to tell the President.
问得正好 我们干脆来问他本人吧
Good question. Why don’t we just ask him?
– 这是绑♥架♥ – 老天
– That’s kidnapping! – Good heavens!
– 他周二会发表演说呢 – 迈汉麻博士会发表
– What about his speech on Tuesday? – Dr. Meinheimer will deliver his speech.
我认为人类必须倚赖 煤 石油及核能
It is my view that we must rely on coal, oil and nuclear energy.
Our Dr. Meinheimer.
– 太像了 – 真假难辨
– Oh, my God! – That’s incredible!
让我介绍阿尔赫克 杰西汉斯的前美术顾问
Meet Earl Hacker, former arts consultant to Jesse Helms.
我跟贺士伯先生说过 我收费是一百万美元
As I explained to Mr. Hapsburg, my fee is one million dollars,
and, might I add, I’m worth every penny of it.
But you gentlemen don’t have any choice.
Do you?
熟睡一晚之后 我回到警署去
After a good night’s sleep, I headed back to police headquarters.
I figured that if I buried myself in police work,
可让自己忘记珍 和时间…
I could forget about Jane and maybe in the process
又可能在凶手再度出来前 将他缉捕归案
catch a vicious killer before he struck again.
So far we had few clues and no real leads.
I was hoping that the lab boys had come up with something.
Shut it off!
– 别胡来 – 作最后祷告
– Take it easy. – Say your prayers.
– 干得好 – 什么
– Nice work. – What?
能否给我研究所得来的 化验结果
Can you show us the results from the Research Institute?
We weren’t able to get any clean fingerprints,
but we did find footprints outside the Institute.
做了些脚模 尺码是九号♥半D
We made plaster casts of them. A size 91/2 D.
正在找与之吻合的人 但更有趣的是…
We’re running a trace on it. But more interesting…
We also found this dinosaur footprint.
– 是旧石器时代的重大发现 – 还有什么
– A major find from the Paleolithic era. – Anything else?
有 在二十英尺处发现了 挪亚方舟的远古木块
Yes, 20 feet down we discovered ancient timbers from Noah’s Ark.
About the case…
我明早将飞往波士顿 向美国考古学协会…
I’ll be leaving for Boston tomorrow where I’ll deliver a major address
发表重要报告 下星期得上杰拉杜的节目
to the American Archaeological Society. And I’m booked on Geraldo next week.
You’re going on Geraldo because of this?
不 内子是进行了变性手术的 魔鬼门徒
No, my wife is a transsexual Satan worshipper.
Meanwhile, we’ll be continuing fingerprint analysis,
纤维 DNA和毛发样本
fiber checks, DNA breakdown and hair samples.
Then, using the microscopic dirt particles on this footprint,
we’ll get a geological breakdown of the entire city.
– 也许来不及了 – 那么这或许有用
– We may not have that kind of time. – Then maybe this will help.
We found this wallet on the curb outside the Institute.
还没有彻底调查 化验室才刚送来
We haven’t examined it thoroughly. It just came down from the lab.
来自底特律的”黑陀野人” 我记得这傢伙
“Hector Savage”. From Detroit. I remember this pug.
以前学拳击的 真名是祖儿芝加哥
Ex-boxer. His real name was Joey Chicago.
对 他在拳坛上的艺名是 明尼亚波利斯小子
Yeah. He fought under the name of Kid Minneapolis.
我看过明尼亚波利斯小子打拳 在辛辛那堤
I saw Kid Minneapolis fight once, in Cincinnati.
不 那是纽约小子 他只在费城外打
No, that’s Kid New York. He fought out of Philly.
他在候斯顿被德州科罗拉多 在擂台上打死
He was killed in the ring in Houston by Tex Colorado.
– 阿利桑那州杀人狂 – 对 来自达科塔州的
– The Arizona Assassin. – Yeah, from Dakota.
– 是南还是北 – 北
– Was it North or South? – North.
南达科塔州的是他兄弟 来自西维吉尼亚州
South Dakota was his brother. From West Virginia.
You sure know your boxing.
我只知道永远别把赌注 押在白人身上
All I know is: never bet on the white guy.
– 有地址码 – 卡片上写着梦妮狄卡露
– You’ve got an address? – The card says, “Monique De Carlo”.
“210 Bleckman Street.”
红灯区 “野人”到那里干嘛
That’s the red-light district. I wonder why Savage is hanging out down there.
买♥♥♥春♥ 弗兰克
Sex, Frank?
艾德 现在不行 要查案
No, not right now, Ed. We’ve got work to do.
The address we had for De Carlo was in the city’s Little Italy.
我们前去 希望有黑陀野人的线索
We went there, hoping it would lead us to Hector Savage
and lead us to a clue that would break the case wide open.
警♥察♥来了 你得把他们打发走
That’s the cops. You’ve got to get rid of them.
我会应付 快到地库躲起来
All right, I’ll handle it. Quick, hide in the basement.
You’ll be safe down there.
– 艾德 – 弗兰克
– Ed. – Frank.
– 红色面包车 – 是 我知道
– Red van. – Yes, I know.
珍说在爆♥炸♥前看到 一部红色面包车停在研究所外
Jane said that she saw a red van outside the Institute before the explosion.
– 把他抓回去 – 他有同党的
– Let’s take him down. – No, he’s not working alone.
– 在车上安装追踪器 – 好点子
– Bug the van. See where it goes. – Good thinking.
– 洛保 – 没问题
– Nordberg! – No problem.
在下是弗兰克.卓斌探长 这是艾德霍肯队长
Lieutenant Frank Drebin, Police Squad. This is my Captain, Ed Hocken.
– 这算是拘捕吗 – 胸脯倒很壮观…
– Is this some kind of bust? – It’s very impressive, yes…
But we need to ask you a few questions.
听着 我们在找黑陀野人 他在哪里
Listen. We’re looking for Hector Savage. Where is he?
Why should I tell you?
因为我是他这种社会渣滓 和一等良民之间的…
Because I’m the last line of defense between sleaze like this
and the decent people in this town.
弗兰克 你订的D83瑞典吸吮器到了
Hi, Frank. We got that D-83 Swedish Sure-Grip Suck Machine you ordered.
It’s a gift.
过来 快 是野人 他要逃掉了
Frank, come here. Quick! It’s Savage. He’s on the move.
What? Hey!
停车 我是警♥察♥
Hey! Stop, stop! I’m a police officer!
来 可是千万别让他发觉我们
Let’s go. But remember, we can’t let him spot us.
Pull over!
Nordberg’s bugging device is right on the money.
我不是说笑的 停车