白 宫
The honorable Allen D. and the former Mrs. Eastern.
The honorable William and Mrs. Breslow.
The honorable Nelson and Mrs. Winnie Mandela.
各位来宾 美国总统布♥什♥及夫人
Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States and Mrs. Bush.
Here’s everybody on the list, Barb. Everybody’s here.
彼得 他们今天让你早下班了
Hi, Peter. They let you out of the office early today.
杰克 很高兴你能到来
Jack, glad you could make it.
把胡子刮掉 我不喜欢 形象太自♥由♥了
Hi. Get rid of the beard. I don’t like that, too liberal.
弗兰克 杜鲁地
Hi, Frank. Trudy.
彼得 你来了真好 这套西装很不错
Hi, Peter. Glad you could make it. I like your suit.
大家都来了 署长
Everybody’s here. Commissioner.
迈汉麻博士 多谢光临
Thank you very much. Dr. Meinheimer, I’m glad you could make it.
I’m looking forward to hearing your speech.
必定言之有物 见解独到
I’m sure it’s a wonderful, well thought-out piece of work.
Ah, here she is. Dear.
Have you met Dr. Meinheimer formally?
Thank you.
第♥一♥夫♥人♥遇袭 重复 第♥一♥夫♥人♥遇袭
Great Lady down! Repeat, Great Lady down!
– 怎么回事 – 别紧张 小心桌子
– What happened? – Easy, watch the table!
– 你没事吧 老婆 – 没事
– How are you, dear? – I’m OK, I’m fine.
那就好 请坐
Good. Please be seated.
欢迎各位 很高兴大家能出席
Welcome. I’m glad you could all come.
I’m pleased that we have so many distinguished guests tonight.
This week we are celebrating
Law Enforcement Week all across the country.
So I’d like to turn the proceedings over
to our own Washington DC Police Commissioner,
Captain Annabelle Brumford.
I would like to introduce a most distinguished American.
本周他因杀了其第一千个毒贩 而获嘉许
This week he is being honored for his 1,000th drug dealer killed.
请欢迎来自警队的 弗兰克.卓斌探长
Please welcome Lieutenant Frank Drebin of Police Squad.
老实说最后两个 是在我倒车时辗毙的
In all honesty, the last two I backed over with my car.
Luckily, they were drug dealers.
– 好 – 妙极
– Good. – Excellent!
谢谢 布南弗处长
Thank you, Commissioner Brumford.
Now I’d like to call on my Chief of Staff, Mr. John Sununu,
to introduce some special guests.
谢谢 总统先生 今晚我很荣幸能在此欢迎…
Thank you. Mr. President, tonight I’m extremely proud to welcome
our guests from the nation’s energy suppliers.
First, representing the oil industry,
石油业领袖协会 简称油领协会会长
head of the Society of Petroleum Industry Leaders, better known as SPIL,
Mr. Terence Baggett.
From the coal industry, Chairman of the Society for More Coal Energy,
简称添煤会会长 当奴芬士维克先生
or SMOKE, Mr. Donald Fenzwick.
Thank you.
From the nuclear industry,
President of the Key Atomic Benefits Office Of Mankind, KABOOM,
Mr. Arthur Dunwell.
As you know, for the past three years,
这个组织致力制订 一套全国能源政策
this administration has been trying to formulate a National Energy Policy
对未来十年以上 我国人♥民♥的生活方式
that will have a lasting impact on the way we live
for the next decade and beyond.
To make sure that we choose the right path,
the President has appointed as his top advisor in this area,
Dr. Albert S. Meinheimer.
众所周知迈汉麻博士 在行内声名显赫 首屈一指
As I’m sure you’re aware, his reputation in this field is without peer,
博士将于本周二 全国记者协会晚宴上
and Dr. Meinheimer will present his recommendations
to the Annual National Press Club Dinner this Tuesday evening.
Mr. President.
I want all of you here to be the first to know
我已决定在制订 政♥府♥的整套能源政策时
that I’ve decided to base my administration’s entire energy policy
全部以迈汉麻博士的 建议为根据
on Dr. Meinheimer’s recommendations.
这个问题事关重大 不能取决于政客或一己之私利
This issue is too important to be left to politicians or special interests to decide.
必须听从无党派的研究人员 制订日后的行动
We need an independent and informed source on which to base future actions,
迈汉麻博士 正是行内公认的专家
and Dr. Meinheimer is the recognized expert in this field.
总统先生 请恕我直言
Mr. President, if I may say so,
I do hope that Dr. Meinheimer won’t be influenced…
…influenced by any of the so-called environmental groups.
Well, we’re all aware of Dr. Meinheimer’s reputation.
他最有资格亲自解释 其研究方法
He is best qualified to explain his research methods.
– 迈汉麻博士 – 第♥一♥夫♥人♥再度遇袭
– Dr. Meinheimer. – Great Lady down again.
妈的 每次去逛街 都出这种状况
This happens every fucking time when I go shopping!
– 珍… – 迈汉麻博士
– Jane… – Dr. Meinheimer.
– 你早回来了 – 你这么晚还在
– You’re back early. – And you’re here late.
老实说 你这么标致的女子
Surely, a lovely woman like you
can think of something better to do on a Saturday night?
对不起 我太无礼了
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be so blunt.
没关系 博士
It’s all right, Doctor. It’s OK.
你又在想着他吧 他叫什么
You’re thinking about him again, aren’t you? What was his name?
– 弗兰克 – 是
– Frank? – Yes.
You just can’t forget about him?
– 谁 – 弗兰克
– Who? – Frank.
Oh, yes!
不 我就是不能…我尝试过
No, I can’t. I… I try.
It’s just that when you’ve had that much man…
But then, you wouldn’t understand.
珍 你不该难为自己
Jane, you mustn’t be so hard on yourself.
You’ve done a wonderful job here at the Institute.
是研究所历来 最优秀的公♥关♥总监
You’re the finest Director of Public Relations we’ve ever had.
过奖了 我稍尽绵力而已
Thank you, Doctor, I try my best.
But I see you here night after night past ten.
你得忘记过去 出外结交新朋友 开心一下
You must forget about the past. Go out, see new people, enjoy yourself.
我也遇到了意中人 就在昨天
There is someone I’m seeing, in fact just yesterday.
I was telling him about the speech…
– 你好 – 你好 诺文
– Good evening. – Hello, Norm.
我都忘了 白宫晚宴怎么了
I forgot. How was the White House dinner?
棒极了 总统答应实行我的建议
Extraordinary. The President promised to implement my recommendations.
太好了 你将要发表 你提及的那篇演说
Wonderful! Then you’re going to deliver the speech you told me about?
一字不漏地发表 本来今晚已想发表
Every word of it. I would’ve given it tonight,
不过有宾客令场面很混乱 谁也无法听清楚内容
but a guest there made such a ruckus that they wouldn’t have heard me.
艾 肯 你们看
Hey, Al! Ken! Look at this.
I found this in the waste-basket.
Hey, that’s a pretty nice clock!
I wonder why they threw it out.
大概是因为慢了四分钟 让我把它调校好
It’s probably because it’s four minutes too slow. Let me fix it.
My name is Sergeant Frank Drebin, Detective Lieutenant, Police Squad.
I was getting my car washed when I heard the call come over the scanner.
发生了爆♥炸♥ 我正在往警署途中
There had been a bombing and I was on my way to advise the DC Police
是总统的”大扫除行动”的 部分
as part of the President’s “Operation Scum Roundup”.
– 准备好了 – 是
– Ready? – Yeah, got it.
投身警务工作 偶尔会碰到…
As far as police work is concerned, once in a while something comes up
that nothing quite prepares you for.
看来一个疯子 大概对自己充满恨意
Somehow, a demented madman, probably full of self-hate,
也可能欠租几个月 终于发作了
and possibly a couple of months behind in his rent, finally snapped.
– 很高兴你能赶来 – 我已尽快赶来
– I’m glad you could make it. – I got here as quickly as I could.
恭喜 听说艾娜又有喜了
Congratulations, I understand that Edna’s pregnant again.
– 对 要是我查出谁人经手… – 警官
– Yes, and if I catch the guy who did it… – Captain.
搜查过大厦 没闯入的痕迹 亦无金钱失窃
They’ve searched the building. No sign of a break-in, no money missing.
This was one hell of an explosion.
We’re still trying to figure out what they used.
– 还有其他受害者吗 – 你脚下正好有一个
– Any other victims? – You’re standing on one right now.
– 看见了… – 把他抬出来
– Oh, I see… – Get him out of here.
– 场面 真够混乱 – 这边 弗兰克又发现了死者
– This one’s a real mess. – Over here, Frank found another one.
– 有目击证人吗 – 有 一个女的
– Any witnesses, Ed? – Well, there’s one. A woman.
她说发生爆♥炸♥前 看见一个男子离开
She saw a man leaving just before the explosion.
– 该让洛保处理 – 不 打铁趁热
– We should let Nordberg handle it. – No, I’d better do it while it’s still fresh.
还不行 她当场昏倒过去