主演:玛丽莲·梦露 汤姆·伊威尔
Manhattan Island derives its name from its earliest inhabitants…
…the Manhattan Indians.
They were a peaceful tribe,setting traps,fishing,hunting.
一个爱好和平的种族 终日在设陷阱 钓鱼 打猎
There was a custom among them:
Every July,when the heat became unbearable…
每年七月 热浪来袭的时候 岛上的气候变得令人难以忍♥受
…they would send their wives and children away.
Up the river to the highlands…
…or,if they could afford it,to the seashore.
如果负担得起 他们会到海边去
The husbands remained behind to attend to business:
当然 丈夫们会留在 热得要命的岛上
Setting traps,fishing and hunting.
继续设陷阱 钓鱼 打猎
Our story has nothing whatsoever to do with Indians.
事实上 我们的故事 跟印第安人一点关系也没有
It plays 500 years later.
Portland,Rockland,Plymouth and Bar Harbor.
前往波特兰 洛克兰 布来蒙斯和巴尔港的列车
Departing at 6:30…
We brought up the subject to show how nothing has changed.
我们之所以提及到他们 只是要证明世界一点都没改变过
Manhattan wives and children are still sent away in the summer.
曼哈顿的已婚男士 依然要把妻儿送去避暑
Husbands remain behind to attend to business:
而他们依然要留在 热得要命的城市工作
Setting traps,fishing and hunting.
设陷阱 钓鱼 打猎
We want you to meet a typical Manhattan husband.
现在我们去看看 一位典型的曼哈顿已婚男士
whose family living for summer
This is Mr. Richard Sherman,his wife,Helen,and son,Ricky.
这是理查德舍曼先生 这是他的太太海伦 跟儿子瑞奇
Ricky,what are you doing?
瑞奇 你在做什么?
He’s an interplanetary spy. I blasted him into dust.
他是个星际间谍 我要把他轰成宇宙垃圾
Cut it out. take this things off,you’re going to Maine,not to Mars.
别玩了把那玩意拿开 你要去缅因州 不是要去火星
– Goodbye,Helen.- Goodbye,Richard
– 再见 海伦 – 再见 理查德
Mammy. Why can’t Daddy come up with us?
妈咪 为什么爸爸不能一起去?
Poor daddy has to stay hot city and make money .
因为可怜的爸爸得待在 热得要命的城市里赚钱
Don’t worry. I’ll be fine
瑞奇 别担心 我会没事的
– How will I get my allowance? – I’ll mail it to you.
– 你会没事 但我要怎样拿我的零用钱呢?- 我会寄给你
You promised to eat properly and not smoke.
记住 要保重身体 别抽烟
– like Murphy doctors tell you – I know
– 听墨菲医生的话 – 我知道
– And you promised not to drink.- I know
– 还要听桑摩斯医生的话暂不喝酒 – 我知道
– I’ll call you tonight at 10. – Goodbye,Helen.
– 今晚10点我会打电♥话♥给你 以确定你没事 – 再见海伦
Goodbye,Ricky. Let me kiss you.
再见瑞奇 来吧 亲一下
– Take that thing off. – Mammy He’s shutting off my oxygen!
– 把那东西拿开 – 妈咪 他把我的氧气关掉了
Come on,we’ll miss the train.
来吧 火车就要开了
Helen,Ricky,the paddle! You forgot the paddle!
海伦 瑞奇 你的桨 你忘了拿桨
– Ticket,mister? – Ticket? this paddle!.
– 车票啊 先生 – 我没有车票 这个桨…
I’m not going anywhere. My son forgot the paddle
我不是要乘车 我儿子忘了拿桨
Sorry,only those holding tickets admitted through the gates.
抱歉 先生 持票者才可进入
Oh,no,not me.
不 我不能
And I’m not gonna smoke either.
Look at them. Awful. The train isn’t even out of the station.
看看他们 真的太可怕了 火车根本还没离站呢
Gotta get back to the office. Man,is this hot!
我得回办公室去 天啊 真的好热
A few more facts about Mr. Sherman:
He works for a publishing firm,Brady & Company.
They publish those pocket editions,two bits in any drugstore.
他们专出版袋装书 也就是在书报摊可买♥♥到 那种袖珍书籍
Old Mr. Brady is the boss,but Mr. Sherman is the key man.
老布兰迪先生是老板 但事实上舍曼才是关键人物
He keeps the whole operation together.
In the 25-cent book business,you can sell anything.
这种一本2角5分的书 什么种类都有
Even the old,dreary classics.
连古典小说都不放过 从不管那书有多无聊
The trick is to soup up the title…
“小妇人” 重点是书名要有吸引力
…and get an interesting cover.
It’s all a question of imagination…
…and Mr. Sherman has a lot of imagination.
而舍曼先生就是 一个具有丰富想象力的人
That’ll be all,Miss Morris.
摩丽丝 就这样了
Oh,no,not me. Not me.
不 我不能 绝对不能
And I’m not gonna smoke either.
Some husbands run wild because their wives are away.
有些丈夫认为太太去避暑后 自己便可以大玩一场
Do anything they want.
Like Charlie Lederer. Annie was gone two days…
像去年的查理·李德勒 安妮走了还不到两天
…when Charlie got himself tattooed.
Green dragon on his chest,butterfly on the shoulders.
在胸口纹了一条大青龙 两肩各纹一只蝴蝶
Not me. Oh,no,work,work–
不 我不能 工作…
I’ll work till 6,then have dinner at the saloon–
我要在这里工作至6点 然后去街角的沙龙吃晚餐
No! No saloon,no drinking like Dr. Summers said.
不能去沙龙 要听桑摩斯医生的话 不能喝酒
I know,I’ll try that vegetarian restaurant.
我知我该怎样了 我要去第三街的素食餐厅吃饭
Health food,that’s the stuff.
健康食物 没错
The human body is a very delicate machine.
You can’t run it on martinis and goulash.
不能有马丁尼 或匈牙利炖牛肉来污染它
Especially in this hot weather.
– Miss,may I have the check,please? – Yes,sir.
– 小姐 结账 – 好的
Let’s see. We had the special,the soybean hamburger…
我来算算 你点了七号♥特餐 大豆汉堡
…with French-fried soybeans.
Soybean sherbet and peppermint tea.
I had a cocktail to start.
Yes,we had the sauerkraut juice on the rocks.
对 还有冻酸菜汁 对吧?
You’ll be proud to know that the meal was only 260 calories.
你一定很高兴 因你点的餐只有260卡路里
I am proud.
That’ll be $1.27.
– Keep the change. – We don’t permit tipping.
– 不用找 – 我们不准收小费的 但如果你想的话
I can put it in our nudist camp fund.
我会把它放进 裸体主意基金的筹募箱
– You do that. – Oh,thank you,sir.
– 没问题 – 谢谢你
It’s a worthy cause. We must bring the message to the people.
裸体主义是很值得推行的 我们得把这讯息传播出去
To unmask our suffocating bodies and let them breathe again.
得教大家露出可怜受苦的身体 让身体有喘息的空间
Without clothes there’d be no sickness and no war.
衣服是人类的敌人 没有衣服便没有疾病和战争
Can you imagine two armies on the battlefield…
先生 我问你 你能想象两支在战场上的军队
…no uniforms,completely nude?
不♥穿♥制♥服♥ 全身光溜溜的?
No way of telling friend from foe,all brothers together.
假若不能分辨敌友 他们就会再度和平相处
Good night
Just a moment,sir. You forgot your paddle.
等一下 先生 你忘了你的桨
Thank you.
I like this house.
Why does Helen want to move into one of those…
…buildings out of Riot in Cellblock 11?
So much nicer here. Just three apartments.
这里舒服多了 一栋楼只住了三户人家
Ours,Kaufmans upstairs…
…and two guys on the top,interior decorators or something.
It’s peaceful with everybody gone. Sure is peaceful.
大家不在了 一切变得好安静 真的好安静
No Howdy Doody. No Captain Video.
没有卡♥通♥ 也没有连续剧
No smell of cooking. No “What happened at the office dareing?”
没有煮饭的味道 没有老婆问 “今天工作怎样啊 甜心”
What happened at the office,I shot Mr. Brady in the head,.
工作还能怎么样 我一枪把布兰迪的头轰掉了
made violent love to Miss Morris…
…and set fire to 300,000 copies of Little Women. That’s what happened.
What can happen at the office? It sure is peaceful.
“Use the opener,Richard.”
理查德 用开瓶器开
“Carbonated water,citric acid,corn syrup…
原料碳酸水 柠檬酸 玉米果糖
…artificial raspberry flavoring…
…vegetable colors and preservative.”
Why is this stuff better for you…
…than a little scotch and a twist of lemon?
为什么这玩意比 一杯威士忌加青柠水好?
I’d really like to know.
Helen’s gonna call at 10.
I guess I better do a little reading.
I brought Dr. Brubaker’s manuscript home with me–
Okay,where is it? Where is the other one?
好 在哪里?另一只在哪里?
I know it’s lurking here somewhere to get me.
Where is Captain Video’s other roller skate?
录像带队长的 另一只溜冰鞋在哪?
Now,who’s that?
– Yes,what is it? – I’m sorry to bother you.
– 有什么事吗?- 很抱歉打扰你了
I forgot my key,so I had to ring your bell.
但我忘了带大门的锁匙 所以得按你家的门铃
I do stupid
It’s perfectly all right.
Anytime. Anything else I can do for you?
随时欢迎你按门铃 还有什么需要我帮忙的吗?
-Yes would you mind pressing it again? – Press what?
– 有啊 麻烦你再按一次 – 按什么?
The button,my fan’s caught in the door.
开门钮 我的电风扇卡住了
Oh,of course.
