faculty included.
Don’t worry about me. l’m a hard-ass.
你不用担心 我不会心软的
lf a kid gets out of line, l got no problem smacking him.
如果哪个小鬼敢不听话 我会毫不犹豫的教训他
No, no. We don’t use corporal punishment here.
不 我们不支持体罚
OK, so just verbal abuse?
lf you have any problems with any students, send them to me.
如果你对学生有任何不满 你可以叫他们来见我
l will do the disciplining. Check.
我会负责管教他们 明白了
Please take your seats.
l’d like to introduce Miss Dunham’s substitute.
This is Mr. Schneebly.
Why don’t you write your name on the board.
Yes, l will.
是 我会的
You know what? Why don’t you all just call me ”Mr. S”.
Mr. S has never taught here at Horace Green,
史老师今天是第一次在 贺瑞斯.格林小学上课
so l want you all to be on your best behavior.
So the curriculum is on the desk.
And do you have any questions? Yeah, when’s lunch?
你还有什么问题吗? 什么时候吃午饭?
The children just had their lunch.
ls there anything else you need?
l’m a teacher. All l need are minds for molding.
我是个老师 我只需要大脑供我开♥发♥
All right, then. Well, thanks again. You saved the day.
好吧 那么就多谢你了 今天多亏你了
OK, who’s got food in here?
好了 你们谁有吃的
You’re not gonna get in trouble. l’m hungry.
我不会惩罚你们的 我不过是饿了
You. What do you got?
你 你有什么吃的?
That’s what l’m talking about.
OK. Teach. Teach. Teach.
好的 教书吗…
All right, look, here’s the deal.
好了 你们听着
l’ve got a hangover. Who knows what that means?
我宿醉未醒 谁知道是什么意思?
Doesn’t that mean you’re drunk? No. lt means l was drunk yesterday.
是不是指你喝醉了? 不 是指我昨天喝醉了
lt means you’re an alcoholic. Wrong.
那表示你是个酒鬼 错
You wouldn’t come to work hung-over unless you were.
如果你不是酒鬼 就不会带着宿醉来上课
Dude, you got a disease.
老师 你有毛病啊
What’s your name? Freddy Jones.
你叫什么名字? 佛德里.琼斯
Freddy Jones, shut up.
佛德里.琼斯 你给我闭嘴
Shut up.
The point is, you all can just chill today.
我想说的是 你们今天都可以轻松一下
We’ll start on this crapola tomorrow.
我们明天再 开始上这些无聊的课
Yes, Tinkerbell? Summer.
什么事啊 小妹妹? 我的名字是夏莫
As class factotum, first l’d like to just say, welcome to Horace Green.
作为班级代表 首先我想欢迎您加入贺瑞斯.格林小学
Thank you. Any questions about our schedule?
谢谢你 您对我们的课程有什么问题吗?
Because usually now Miss Dunham teaches vocabulary,
按照登翰小姐往常的上课程序 我们首先会学习单词
then gives us a pop quiz, then splits us up into reading groups.
然后小考 接着会分小组阅读
Track B is… OK, hey, hey, hey.
然后再… 好了 够了够了.
Miss ”Dumbum” ain’t your teacher today, l am.
今天你们的老师是我 不是什么”登登小姐”
And l got a headache and the runs.
So l say, time for recess.
But Mr. S, that poster charts everyone’s performance.
但是史先生 那海报是纪录我们进度用的
We get stars when we master the material covered.
我们每次有进步 都会在上面贴一颗星星
How do we get gold stars if we just have recess?
如果我们光休息 怎么拿星星?
What are these black dots here? Demerits.
这些黑点是什么意思? 记过
What kind of a sick school is this?
As long as l’m here, there will be no grades or gold stars or demerits.
在我任教期间 不会有成绩 星星 或记过
We’re gonna have recess all the time.
But Miss Dunham only gives us recess for 1 5 minutes…
但我们平时 的小休只有15分钟…
You’re not hearing me, girl. l’m in charge now, OK?
小妹妹 你还没听明白? 现在我说了算
And l say recess.
Go. Play and have fun, now.
快去吧 玩的开心点.
Now, you don’t want me to have to call your parents, do you?
你不想我 打电♥话♥给你家长吧?
lt’s all right, Emily, don’t cry. Just try to be a bit more conscientious.
不要哭 艾米丽 没关系的 你下次认真一点就行了
Would you like a hug?
l’ll be good, l swear!
我会听话的 我发誓!
All right, well, that’s fine, Emily. You’re excused.
好啦艾米丽 你一定很累了吧 你可以走了
Yes, we did it. We did it, come on.
Give me some. Give me some. Give me some. Give me some of that.
表现不错 干得漂亮 大家都来一下
l will see you cats on the flip-flop. Later!
小鬼们 明天见了!
l heard she slipped in the bathroom.
Yes, but we’ve got a wonderful new substitute
是的 但是我们 请来一位优秀的代课老师
who comes very highly recommended.
Mr. Schneebly? Mr. Schneebly? Yeah!
史布里先生? 史布里先生?
Hold on, buddy!
慢点 伙计
Oh, my God. You’ve gotta be kidding me.
天哪 他一定是开玩笑的吧
Oh, man, this guy sucks, man.
Here, call him. Call him? Yeah, right.
我们打电♥话♥给他 打给他? 才怪呢
OK. Yes, you can be in my band.
好吧 你可以加入我的乐队
But, Ned, no power plays, man.
但是奈德 你可不许抢我的风头
l’ve got vision up the butt, so just go with it.
我都已经构思好了 你听我的就可以了
No, thanks.
You’re not a teacher, Ned.
奈德 你根本不适合做老师
You’re the cross-dressing, blood-sucking incubus
真正的你本应 是死亡狂想乐队里…
from Maggot Death. That’s the real you.
Dewey, l’m not a satanic sex god anymore.
杜威 我已经不玩乐队了
l’m a working stiff. And that’s cool.
我现在是个正经人了 这样也不错
She’s got you brainwashed. l’m working.
她已经把你洗♥脑♥了 你看不到我在工作吗?
That’s terrific. But who are you, babe?
那太好了 但你算老几呀 宝贝?
This is my apartment, babe.
这可是我家 宝贝
Not if you don’t pay your rent, it’s not. Get a job.
你不付房♥租这里就算不上是你家 找份工作吧!
l got a job. l’ll have rent by the end of the week. Go tell the mayor.
我已经有工作了这星期就能付房♥租 快去向你的市长大人报告吧
You got a job. Doing what? l do what Ned does, temping.
你有工作了? 做什么? 和奈德一样 临时工
l’m not a temp. l’m a sub. And soon l’ll be a certified teacher.
我不是临时工 我是个老师 而且我很快就可以升正式老师了
Come on, man! One show, $20,000 prize,
来吧老兄 就一场表扬 奖金有$20 000啊
we split it 60/40. Grab your bass and come back to the garage.
我们六♥四♥分账 快拿着你的贝司跟我去练习吧
l mean, don’t you miss rocking out?
lf you think anyone is gonna be in a band with you,
如果你以为 有人愿意和你组乐队
you’re more delusional than l thought.
那你痴心妄想的程度比我 想像中还要严重
Dewey, you know, maybe it’s time to give up those dreams.
杜威 或许是时候 放弃那些不切实际的梦想了
l did, and things are going really great for me.
我放弃了 看我现在多好
Are you gonna teach us anything or are we just gonna sit here?
你准备教我们点什么吗? 还是我们就干坐着?
Just do whatever you want.
l want to learn from my teacher. Besides that.
我想听老师讲课 除了这点
Freddy, what do you like to do?
佛德里 你喜欢做什么?
l don’t know, burn stuff?
我不知道 烧东西?
Just go out and have recess.
My parents don’t spend $1 5,000 a year for recess.
我父母每年付$15 000 学费不是为了让我来小休的
You want to learn something? Yes, l do.
你想学点东西吗? 是的
You want me to teach you something?
All right, here’s a useful lesson for you.
好吧 让我给你上堂有用的课
Give up. Just quit.
放弃吧 认输吧
Because in this life, you can’t win.
因为生活就是这样的 你不可能赢
Yeah, you can try, but in the end, you’re just gonna lose, bigtime,
你可以努力尝试 但结果一定会以一败涂地而告终
because the world is run by The Man.
Who? The Man.
谁? 老大.
Oh, you don’t know The Man?
哦 你不知道”老大”?
Well, he’s everywhere.
ln the White House, down the hall. Miss Mullins, she’s The Man.
比如说白宫里 或走廊那边的玛林小姐 她就是个”老大”
And The Man ruined the ozone, and he’s burning down the Amazon,
“老大”们毁了大气层 烧了原始森林
and he kidnapped Shamu and put her in a chlorine tank.
There used to be a way to stick it to The Man. lt was called rock ‘n’ roll.
曾经有个方法可以表达 人们对”老大”的不满 它叫做摇滚
But guess what. Oh, no.
The Man ruined that too with a little thing called MTV!
“老大”用一个叫 流行音乐的玩意把摇滚也扼杀了!
So don’t waste your time
所以 不要再浪费你的时间了
trying to make anything cool or pure or awesome.
空有热诚想 创造点出类拔萃的东西
The Man’s just gonna call you a fat, washed-up loser and crush your soul.
“老大们”却只会轻蔑的叫你胖子废物 将你的热情全部浇熄
So do yourselves a favor and just give up!
所以 为了你们自己好 早日放弃吧!
Mr. Schneebly, it’s after 1 0.
史布里先生 已经过了10点了
On Tuesdays, the children have music class now.
每星期二这时间 孩子们应该上音乐课
Right. OK. Good work, people.
好 同学们做的不错
We will continue with our lecture on The Man when we return.
我等会儿再 继续教授”老大”这个课题
Have a good music class.
