课程结束后我会慢跑 我要每天跑5英里
After hours I’ll run. I’m going to get up to five miles a day.
放我出去 放我出去
Let me out! Let me out of here! Let me out! Please. Please. Let me out.
Well, uh, there sure is a long line of shit-hot rocket aces around here.
我无法伸手关上舱门 有没有什么办法
I won’t be able to lean over to shut the door. Got any ideas?
打破人类的极限 然后安然归来
…pushing back the outside of that envelope and hauling it back.
离开了刚才的萤火虫 我完全不懂那是什么
Leaving the fireflies behind. I have no idea what they were.
我会支持你 你就这样告诉他们
And I will back you up 100 percent, and you tell them that. Okay?
…and all those times I waited and all those times you weren’t there.
…who distinguished himself by valor above and beyond the call of duty.
-飞行员必须驾驶返航 -就是这样子了
-The pilot would have to fly it back. -This is the way it is.
The drill here is to see who can drill the brains out of Nurse Murch.
你们要把飞行员当炮弹射 然后坠回地面
You want a pilot to be a ballistic missile, then splash down.
You mean them root weevils that crawl around popping off cameras?
…another historic flight takes place, as Scott Crossfield streaks…
On the 50th anniversary of the Wright brothers’ historic flight…
But, uh, since, as you say, this sound barrier doesn’t really exist…
…than any other American. Twenty-two complete orbits around the world.
有数百万观众在看 所以…
There’s millions of people watching, and we thought maybe, uh…
We have the opportunity of a lifetime and I won’t stand by and let…
I’d like to, uh, second some of the things Mr. Glenn has said here.
No individual will have ever been so adequately prepared for an event.
This astronaut thing is the best way for us to move up that ladder.
The ball must be maintained in the position between these two lines.
我们有最高机密的命令 要混入这些病人之中
We got top secret orders to blend in with the patients.
你是说 太空竞赛不要最棒的飞行员
You mean for this space race you don’t want our best pilots?
这些人要接受身家调查 会花太多时间
The security clearance just takes too long with those people.
在飞行时代 我们有飞机称霸空中
In the air stage, we were powerful because we had the airplane.
一匹马昨天把我摔下来 我的肋骨受了伤
A horse threw me last night and I dinged up my goddamn ribs.
We feel it is possible to re-enter with the retro-package on.
或电视记者 或任何人进来 就这么办
…or the networks, or anyone else in our house, that’s it.
你没告诉她 所有电视台都会来拍摄
Didn’t you tell her I’ll bring in ABC-TV… NBC-TV, CBS-TV?
…but in a private and crucial way that only she can understand.
And this generation does not intend… to founder in the backwash…
但大家都知道 他们只是在做猴子的工作
The public knows they’re just doing what monkeys have done.
…our boys always botch it. Some say this is not the time to try…
These men are preparing themselves for the ordeal of capsule life.
If I get stuck, you mind coming in and helping me out a little bit?
我不懂 派我们来这里假装成平民
I don’t get this. Sending us down here disguised as civilians.
大英帝国能纵横天下 因为他们有船舰
Later, the British Empire was dominant because it had ships.
让他们去写历史 让飞行员开飞机
Let them write the history, and let the pilots fly the planes.
Leave the retro-rocket package, which covers the heat shield, on.
All of Perth and Rockingham have turned their lights on for you.
听到了 友谊7号♥ 你至少可以绕7圈
Roger, Friendship 7. You have a go, at least seven orbits.
The vice president would like to make a sympathy call if he could.
表现出他个人 空军
These actions reflect great credit upon himself… the Air Force…
被火烧 水浸 摇晃 撞击
…subjected to trial by heat, by water, by shaking, pounding.
等我创造历史后 你想不想要个纪念品
Would you like a souvenir after I get written in history?
你会爱她的 她非常好 我们谈到了孩子
You’ll love her. She’s so nice. We talked about the kids.
不让他小便 我们就要打开座舱让他出来
It’s either that or we get the lug wrench and pry him out.
我们就告诉他们 我们准备好了 我们已经准备好了
We’ll just tell them we’re ready. We’re ready to go.
They are being put through every phase of the astronaut training.
她是个女人 就像其他女人一样会被诱惑
She’s a woman, susceptible to charms like all of the rest.
他没有上过大学 我们只要大学生
He didn’t go to college. We’re only taking college personnel.
他们是有英雄胆 但不仅如此
Heroism and bravery are pan of it. But, uh, there’s more to it.
我去过一次 我希望再也不用去
I was there once before and I hoped I’d never have to go back.
The first American in space is not going to be a chimpanzee.
It will go up like a cannonball, and come down like a cannonball…
然后他们就会忘记了 直到下一个神奇数字
After that, they don’t care, until the next magic number.
我要借你的扫把柄 请握着这里
I need to borrow your broom handle. Just hold this right here.
…it gives me great pleasure, great pride, to present to you…
..they’re still out there somewhere, doing what they always do.
自动系统没有启动 他用手动操纵
Automatic systems are not functioning. He’s in fly-by-wire–
We recommend you do the best you can to keep a zero angle. Over.
The straps may be strong enough to hold the heat shield in place.
…a gruff, mean son of a bitch like you could be so popular.
停下来 停下来 你能接近我吗 停下来
Stop that, stop it. Will you quite pushing me? Stop it.
It comes down to who is going to control this thing from here on.
…I’m giving them $500,000 split seven ways over three years.
放开夹子后 你体内的气球会膨胀
When the clamp is released, the balloon inside you deflates.
选了我们3个 就只剩下4个名额了
After they pick us three, there’s only gonna be four spots.
任何人去坐火箭 都会变成一罐火腿
Anybody goes up in the damn thing’s gonna be Spam in a can.
配备了降落伞 让里面的生物不会死掉
with a parachute to spare the life of the specimen inside.
我往上爬 你也往上爬 一直爬到最颠蜂
I move up, you move up. Right to the top of the pyramid.
来吧 啧啧 来 来 来
Come on, tsk, tsk. Hyah, hyah. Come on, come on, come on. Go.
我们看到警告灯亮起 可能是防热盾松脱
We’ve got a warning light. Possibly a loose heat shield.
I can see clear back, a big cloud pattern, towards the Cape.
叫她让他带电视采访进去 这是新闻报导
Tell her to let him in with the networks. It’s coverage.
听到了 我正在解开太空装 这里有点热
Roger. I’ve unplugged my suit, so I’m kind of warm now.
Soon, one American astronaut will climb atop that rocket…
The so-called… astronaut would merely be a redundant component.
7 6 5 4 3 2.1 发射
…seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, ignition.
…if we did not volunteer for something as important as this is…
我与我的朋友认为 你模仿何塞还不错
…me and my friends think your José Jimenez imitation…
I hear they got some 50-some guys trying out for seven spots.
As you’ll see, they’re quite comfortable in conditions of flame.
Now the communists have established a foothold in outer space.
以防热盾朝下 它就会被烧毁
…with the blunt end and heat shield down, it will burn up.
Those bitter guys that just sit around thinking about old times.
如果在测试时发生这种事 他就被淘汰了
To pull all that in flight test, it’s all over for him.
老天 他弄掉了太空船 还坚持没有错
My God. He lost his capsule but he’s keeping his story.
自♥由♥钟7号♥ 这是亨特俱乐部1号♥
Liberty Bell 7, Liberty Bell 7, this is Hunt Club 1. Over.
她是艾伦•谢泼德的妻子 谢泼德准备上太空
…wife of Al Shepard, who is about to go into space.
I’m tired of smocks, of engineers telling us what we can’t do…
Gus is saying… we heard they want to send a monkey up first.
These are men who will have to face any danger for their country.
你疯了 她根本瞧不起我们
You’re nuts. She thinks we’re all just miserable pudknockers.
不是一般的空军基地 只有一个地方可以去
Not just some air bases. There’s only one place to go.
一个太空舱 我们必须完全控制这个座舱
A capsule. Now, we will be in full control of this pod.
我想恶魔是在2 3倍音速
I guess that demon lives out at about 2.3 on your Mach meter.
他还没升空就死定了 别在这里谈这个
He was dead before he went up. Don’t talk about it here.
Gordo thinks he’s one of those hot-dog pilots you hear about.
Don’t just stand in the doorway like some lonesome sheepherder.
目前没有 这是控制中心的决定
Uh, not at this time. This is the judgment of Cape Flight.
And I’m thinking of changing the order of flight assignments!
也不落于人后 我们将实际参与
…of the coming age of space. We mean to be a part of it.
我只是躺在那里 它就炸开来了
I was just lying there, flat on my back, and it just blew.
…I think there is a power greater than us that will place…
Some boys here want to talk to you about being an astronaut.
我是首席太空人 美国星际…
I am the chief astronaut of the United States Interplan–
我们要见公♥关♥人员 他们在等我们
We’re meeting the liaison officer. They are expecting us.
比较能够接受命令 否则事情会更复杂
A more manageable type. It will only complicate things.
These are people we felt would be excellent in the splashdown.
And your pudknockers who dream about getting the hot planes.
They’re going faster, farther and higher than anywhere else.
我要试飞一次 有人反对吗
I’m taking her up to wring her out a bit. Any objections?
So far the key word on this textbook flight is “operational.”
You tell them that astronaut John Glenn told you to say that.
我要对太空总署施压 直接找顶头上司
I’m going to lean on NASA. I’m going right to the top.
We even drop them from a height of 100 feet onto concrete…
…into the pure oxygen of the capsule and the pressure suit…
我是生活杂♥志♥的人 我不是与这些记者一起来的
I’m from Life magazine. I’m not with these people.
…and the most rigorous physical testing ever done on humans.
少校 艾迪与女友有点问题
Major, Eddie here has a little problem with his girlfriend.
只要一点训练 他们都会服从命令
With some work, they could be very responsive to orders.
We have film of some people we think are strong candidates.
The aerodynamics would take so long to explain to you that–
每次有人飞得更快 他就会迎头赶上
Every time somebody goes faster, he just goes up again.
戈登•库珀比任何人都要飞得更高 更远 更快
Gordo Cooper went higher, farther, and faster…
Here I am, I got $25,000 a year for a magazine contract…
我要登月 老天作证 我要登上月球
I’m going to the moon, I swear to God, I’m on my way.
