And he sang as he watched And waited till his billy boil
I got a rocket in my pocket And a roll in my walk
So baby don’t fuss me With that north 40 talk
Here they come Zooming to meet our thunder
Oh you’ll come a-waltzing Matilda with me
My friend stole my sweetheart from me
When an old friend I happened to see
I introduced her to my loved one
Off we go in a wild blue yonder
The beautiful Tennessee waltz
At ’em boys Give ‘er the gun
Yes I lost my little darlin’
The night they were playing
And while they were dancin’
Climbing high into the sun
You are here And so am I
But they all disappear
And I only have eyes
1959年2月 新墨西哥州阿布奎基医院
I remember the night
俄♥罗♥斯♥星城 1957年10月4日
1961年5月1日 卡纳维尔角
I only have eyes
1959年4月9日 华盛顿
爱德华空军基地 1953年
From view
美丽的格伦 妮丝
For you
For you
…and who bears responsibilities in this field,
and the members of the House and Senate…
The government spends all kinds of time and money…
teaching pilots how to be fearless.
Soon you’ll even immortalize us…
by putting our pictures up there on your wall.
The Russians set a new record of 1♥1♥4♥,000 feet…
going straight off the ground.
with the talents for something like this.
Will you correlate the actions of the particles… with that of your control jets?
正接受征选 找出首先上太空的人 他们要
…vying to be one of the first men… to go into space. These are the most…
我们也考虑让夫妻上太空 增加情感上的稳定
We’re thinking about… putting a couple into orbit. Adds emotional stability.
By order of the president of the United States…
the Distinguished Service Medal…
This footage was assembled from sources operating under deep cover at,
Since you’re relocating here,
to show our appreciation for all you’ve done…
There’s something you don’t understand.
This is the final form of the capsule.
决定谁来驾驶小鹰号♥ 进行第一次飞机的飞行
…tossing a coin to see which one would take the first airplane flight…
I, for one, do not intend to go to sleep… by the light of a Communist moon.
Going up in a hurtling piece of machinery… putting their hides out on the line…
我们要访问戈登•库珀 下一个环绕地球的太空人
We’re talking to Gordon Cooper. He will be the next to orbit the Earth.
They’re being subjected to every stress our doctors and engineers can invent.
我相信用其他人会更好 任何人都更好
I’m sure we can do better with another type of man… any other type of man.
如果苏俄要送人上太空 一定是他们两个中的一个
If the Soviets ever do put a man up there, it will be one of these two.
为何那位帅哥 没有照片
How come a fancy pilot… …like Slick there doesn’t have his picture up there?
也别考虑沃克 克罗斯菲尔德与其他的民间飞行员了
Forget about Walker and Crossfield and the other civilian pilots too.
…of the Korabl rocket and the German scientists they captured after the war.
不久都会来到此地 大家都想要打破极限
…will be headed this way, wanting to push the outside of the envelope…
当我认识你 你已经是飞行员 所以我毫无怨言
When I met you, you were already a pilot, so I never had a complaint.
Well, look, I’ve got to go to the Holiday Inn for some… beer call with the guys.
搞定了 我告诉她你很稳定 很适应 很专情
You’re all set. I told her you were stable, well-adjusted, attentive.
降落时很灵活 他在本月15号♥就可以来
…and, uh, agility in the splashdown. Also, he is available on the 15th.
但没有什么东西松脱 我不可能碰到按钮的
There were no loose items. I don’t see how I could have hit the button.
You wouldn’t mind if we had the press to take a few photos of us, would you?
两楼上面 冈萨雷斯会带你去 现在先等另一个
Two floors up. Gonzales will take you there, but wait here with him.
与当今最快速度的人握手 斯科特•克罗斯菲尔德
…as he shakes the hand of the fastest man alive, Scott Crossfield.
恶魔存在于屏障之后 据说无人能跨越
He lived behind a barrier through which they said no man could ever pass.
Now, in honor of… these, the greatest pilots in the history of mankind…
But there was… one pilot I once saw who I think, uh, truly did have the right–
由于你是7人当中最后一个 也最不出名
Since you’re the last of the original seven and the least well known…
Now President Kennedy has started an even more ambitious space program.
You think a monkey knows he’s sitting on a rocket that might explode?
I’ll give you one of these dimes I’m taking up so you can play with it…
格斯是说 他们要送人上去做猴子的工作
Gus is saying… they’re trying to send a man up to do a monkey’s work.
我只想做好这个工作 不要乱来
The others want to get the job done and keep the Mickey Mouse to a minimum.
I’d like to know whether your wives and children… had anything to say.
我们很幸运能得到这影片 虽然牺牲了一些探员生命
We’re fortunate this material did not perish with a couple of men.
请告诉我 你见过最棒的飞行员是谁
…could you begin by telling us, who was the best pilot you ever saw?
But I never could stand a man who was one of those, um, “remember-whens.”
我比你们还要冷 赶快解决问题 点燃这个大蜡烛
I’m cooler than you are. Fix your problems and light this candle.
Now I want them all to meet my people who will write their true stories.
My wife’s attitude has been the same as it’s been all through my flying.
现在要发资料了 赶稿的记者
Following distribution of the kits, those of you who have p.m. deadlines…
A lonely beacon of restraint… and self-sacrifice in a squall of car-crazies.
这些人很熟悉机械 都有自己的头盔
These people are experienced with machinery and have their own helmets.
罗马帝国能统治世界 因为他们懂得建造道路
The Roman Empire controlled the world because it could build roads.
How dog-eat-dog and cutthroat it was… on Madison Avenue, places like that.
I guess you’re too shy to tell this guy how I used to wax your tail.
…the first waves of modern invention, and the first wave of nuclear power.
I think we ought to be… forthright, gracious, and magnanimous and say…
Which one of you is going to be the first one… to be launched into space?
海军称为航♥空♥员 他们说比空军飞行员更优秀
The Navy calls them aviators. They say they’re better than pilots.
Now, uh, this is, uh, personnel… who have very well-developed equilibrium.
红石号♥ 擎天神号♥ 我们可以射一个座舱上去
…the Redstone, the Atlas… I agree that we could launch a pod.
反正有人这么决定 就这么办吧
Well, anyway, someone figured it out that way, and that’s the way it is.
如果他们发现这件事 就会找别人来飞了
If these guys find out, they’ll use somebody else to fly this thing.
We are here with Virgil I. Grissom and his lovely wife Betty.
还会有一根控制杆 让乘客可以控制…
And there will be pitch and yaw thrusters to enable the occupant–
现在我们必须赶快射东西上去 不择手段
Now we must get something up there quick and dirty, any way at all.
不 他要追的是空中的恶魔
No, he won’t. He’ll be going after that demon that lives in the thin air.
就像60支全垒打 4成打击率 4分钟跑完一英里
Like 60 homers, like batting .400, like the four-minute mile.
我不是飞行高手之一 我是最厉害的飞行员
I am not one of them hot-dog pilots. I am the Hot Dog Man himself.
I get a feeling this plane might be able to beat that Russian record.
格斯是下一个上太空的人 我等不及与杰姬聊天
My Gus goes up next. I can’t wait to talk to Jackie after that.
他们什么都没做 只是来参加记者会
…and they haven’t done a thing but show up for a press conference.
…and holder of the coast-to-coast, nonstop, supersonic flight record…
如果你手上没事 恢复 水平控制
…if you got nothing better to do. Elevator effectiveness regained.
I don’t want Johnson or the others to even put a toe in our house.
舱门自己炸开的 那是一次故障
The hatch just blew! It was a glitch! It was a technical malfunction!
要到最后一刻才揭晓 大家都在问:
…was not revealed until the final moment, and everyone has asked:
现在不是打败俄♥国♥人的时候 但真正的问题是
…desperate deeds to beat the Soviets. The question really is:
这里也要一步步爬上去 就像我们在兰利空军基地
We’ll climb right up that ladder just like we did at Langley.
我见过很多 他们照片都挂在墙上
I’ve seen a lot of them, and most of them were pictures on a wall–
免费得到一栋屋子与家具 还有跑车
…got a free house with all the furnishings, got me a Corvette…
Your neighbors here and I, we’d like to give you this little barbecue…
See if scanners will pick it up and correct retro-fire attitude.
我想你会成功的 你会成为太空人
I think you’re gonna make it. I think you’re gonna be an astronaut.
They will be guiding a new machine… through a hostile environment.
Now maybe if we talk privately to Yeager and some of the other boys–
反正他们都在这里 包括王牌中的王牌
Anyway, they’re all here, including the, uh, ace of aces himself.
在你还没有达到2倍音速之前 飞机控制起来就会很困难
Even before you hit Mach 2, she’ll be unforgiving on you.
But soon, every fighter jock, rocket ace, and rat-racer in the country…
Some say we haven’t taken all the safety precautions we’d like to.
一切都很好 不用担心 只是延迟发射了
Everything’s A-okay. Nothing to worry about. Just some delays.
请问你们是否准备升空 但又临时取消飞行
Is it true you were ready to go and the flight was canceled?
我们必须改变局面 他是说我们都是飞行员
…we’ve got to change things. He’s saying that we are pilots.
It’s a god-forsaken spot on the roof of the high desert in California.
由于他不使用视力 其他感官都更敏锐
Since he works without eyesight, his other senses are sharpened.
Soon they’ll have space platforms to drop nuclear bombs on us…
…there was a one in four chance he wouldn’t come out of the meeting.
可能吧 我还在继续攀升 就像蝙蝠逃出地狱一样
Could be. I’m still going upstairs like a bat out of hell.
…Gordo Cooper became the greatest pilot anyone had ever seen.
…Gus Grissom was killed along with astronauts White and Chaffee…
The bad news is the entire program’s probably going to be scrapped.
…sharing the anxiety and pride of the world at this tense moment…
受够了大家说我们不是飞行员 我受够了猴子
…of people saying we are not pilots. I’m tired of monkeys.
我们需要一个可炸开的门栓 让我们能自己打开
We need a hatch with explosive bolts we can open ourselves.
