Before me is an EOD test. An EOD test searches for the presence
放电能力 简称EOD
of a skein or electric static power, also known as EOD.
有可能你自己都不知道 但放电能力测试结果是阳性
It is possible to test positive for EOD without knowing that you have it.
Results will be collected and reported to the governor’s office
and other relevant state agencies.
May I?
The test involves the passing of an electric current through your body.
你可能会感觉有刺痛感 肌肉动作或紧张
You may experience a tingling sensation, muscle movement or tension,
light-headedness, dizziness.
How can you live with yourself doing this?
如果你觉得结果令你不安 可以寻求咨♥询♥帮助
If you find the results of this test disturbing, counselling is available to help you consider your options.
All set?
我什么感觉都没有 它开始了吗
I don’t feel anything. – Is it doing anything?
– Just… relax.
– What are you writing?
请在测试完成之前不要说话 谢谢
– Mayor, please refrain from speaking until the test is over. Thank you.
– OK.
完了 结束了
That’s it? – Is it over?
结束了 你通过了
– That’s it. You passed.
I’ll see you in the primaries.
I just need to get some air.
绯红鲦鱼 真的吗 你就只能想出这名字来
Scarlet Minnow? Really? That’s the best you could come up with?
我觉得女性化的名字 可能会是你的掩护
I thought a girly name might help cover your tracks.
还有 没错 我承认是故意整你的
Also, yes, admittedly, I was taking the piss.
我不知道 德克兰
I don’t know, Dec…
Pressure’s really on.
-如果他们知道是我… -不会的
– If they connect this back to me– – Won’t happen.
我绝对不会告诉他们你的名字 你知道的
I would never give them your name. You know that.
我告诉你 这个报道很好
Tell you what, it’s a good story.
I’m off to Carpathia tomorrow to do some follow up.
Oh, great.
你可以全世界旅行 成为英雄 可能会获得普利策奖
Right. You get to globe trot, be a hero and probably win a Pulitzer
and I get to live in the doghouse for the rest of my fucking life.
-你妻子还在生气 -你这样说都是轻的
I gather the wife’s still pissed, then? That’s an understatement.
I thought Margot was the type to enjoy a good righteous whistleblower moment.
她以前喜欢 现在她满脑子政♥治♥
She used to be. Now she’s all about the politics.
你应该听听她和我说话的方式 她跟我说话时都满脑子政♥治♥
And you should hear the way she talks to me. That’s when she talks to me.
和一个有野心的坚强女人在一起 对我来说不是问题
Never had a problem being with a powerful woman who’s ambitious. I haven’t.
-她做的工作很重要 -但是呢
I mean… The work she’s doing is important. But?
But… I didn’t sign up for this.
我的孩子们也一样 我们总是遭受死亡威胁
And neither did my kids. I mean, we’re getting death threats all the time now.
我女儿都不敢拆开 自己收到的生日贺卡
My daughter can’t even… can’t even open up her own fucking birthday cards.
这是暂时的 没有人能永远留在头版
It’s temporary. Nobody ever stays on the front page… forever.
这段时间过去 你们就去找婚姻咨♥询♥师
Her 15 minutes will wean. And you’ll go to couples counselling.
度个浪漫假期 找个地方在沙滩上喝鸡尾酒
Take a romantic vacay somewhere with cocktails on a beach.
我说不好 德克兰 这次不一样
I don’t know, Dec, this is different.
-我能再来一杯吗 -这个世界变了…
Can I get another round? – I mean, the world’s changing and…
-不 你不能喝了 -她也随着变了
No, you are cut off. …she’s changing with it.
Give me a fucking drink!
迈克 这就是我不给你的原因 你打扰了这些好人
OK, Mike. See, this is why I can’t. You’re interrupting the nice men.
给我杯啤酒 贱♥人♥
Give me a beer, you bitch.
好 够了
OK, that’s it.
给你10秒钟离开这里 十 九 八
You got ten seconds to get out of here. – Ten, nine, eight, seven–
势均力敌 你不觉得吗 会放电的小姐
Evens the scales, don’t you think? Miss Sparklefingers.
我比你高 比你强壮
I’m bigger than you, I’m stronger than you.
-我可以直接回击你 -你当然可以 这样如何
And I can zap you right back! Yeah, I bet you could, I bet you could. But just come on, how ’bout that, huh?
Come on, come on.
她威胁我 你看到了 我是自卫
She fucking threatened me! You saw! I’m defending myself.
-拜托 伙计 -迈克 我们去外面透透气
– Come on, pal. Come on, Mike. Mike, right, yeah?
-下一轮我请 -敢威胁我
– Yeah. – Let’s get some fresh air. – Next round’s on me. Come on. – Fuckin’ threatening me!
你以为没人能治你了 才不是 你会明白自己的位置的
You think you’re at the top, you’re not at the top. Y’all gotta learn your place.
-都市毒素知道 -走吧 迈克
Urbandox knows! Come on, Mike.
是啊 再见 迈克
Yeah, bye, Mike.
Um… Whatever you have, please.
富有的政♥府♥如何在 杀人后逍遥法外 德克兰布里兹撰文
嘿 帅哥
Hey, handsome man.
Oh, excuse me.
著名的图恩德奥乔 回拉斯基迪了
So the famous Tunde Ojo finds himself back in Lasgidi?
-我不著名 -真的吗
– Omo, I’m not famous. – Really?
You’re this… verified on all socials somebody.
– Mr Million Hits!
-你拥有了想要的一切 -不是一切
You have everything you ever wanted. Not everything.
你想喝一杯吗 我们有时间
You want a drink? We have time.
她很小 你知道吗
You know what?
瓦利想取消婚礼 我一点都不惊讶
I’m not surprised Wale wants to cancel the wedding.
那个孩子总是只凭肌肉 没有实际力量
That boy was always muscle and no strength.
拜托 你知道这是真的 很容易就被威胁到
Come on, you know it’s true. So easily threatened.
那孩子想要成为男子汉 举止却像个小孩子
The boy wanted to look like a big man, but he behaves like a small boy.
他现在很敏感 男人不能有感情吗
He’s sensitive now. Ah, can’t a man have feelings?
我是说他的世界崩塌了 给他点时间
I just mean his whole world is upside down. Eh, give him a break.
How was Riyadh?
It was…
It changed you.
真是改变了生活 不是吗
It’s life changing. All of it is.
The freedom EOD has brought.
姐妹情谊 我从未见过它如此强大
Sisterhood. I’ve never seen it so strong.
You’ve never seen sisterhood here?
不是的 我只是希望 你可以和我一起去
No, I… I just– I just wish you could have come with me.
我去是因为你 因为你那天晚上说的话
– You know? You know I went because of you. Because of what you said that night.
你说得对 我之前 就是个享受特权的傻瓜
You were right, I was just… just one privileged ode.
I wish you had come with me.
我不知道 但我在这里有工作要做
I didn’t know it, but I have work to do here.
What are you involved in?
A coalition.
We want to… to heal Nigeria.
让世界其他地方管好自己吧 他们向来如此
Let the rest of the world… look after themselves, eh? They always do.
-他们的行为会影响我们 -除非我们从内部强大起来
Yeah, well, their actions affect ours. Not if we strengthen from within.
-世界不是那样运转的 -世界变了
Ndudi, the world doesn’t work that way. The world has changed.
我们有机会在这里 建立真正的女权社会
We have the opportunity for a… a true matriarchy here.
清除那些男人放任 毁掉这个国家的腐♥败♥
Dismantling the corruption men have let destroy this country.
I miss you.
I don’t want your pity.
-不 努蒂 我不是… -我需要你其他的东西
No, Ndudi, I don’t, I… I need something else from you.
-你有那种能力吗 -你说呢 图恩德
Do you have it? You tell me, Tunde.
你应该写下来 把你的旅行写成一本书
You should write it down. Make a book of your travels.
And where am I going?
Come with me.
My work is here.
-婚礼开始了 -是的
– Is the wedding on? – Yes.
Leave me alone!
是我 马蒂让我进来的
Jos, it’s me. Matty let me in.

-我很抱歉 -不 是我很抱歉
– I’m so sorry. – No. I’m… I’m really sorry.
我不应该在车里对你大喊 我的放电能力不太好用
I shouldn’t have yelled at you in the car. My EOD doesn’t work that well.
有时候会有点问题 会控制我整个身体
Like it just, fritzes out sometimes and kinda takes over my whole body.
I can get that that must have been pretty scary for you.
不是的 你的能力没有吓到我 若斯
It’s not that. Your power doesn’t freak me out, Jos.
Well, then, why didn’t you wanna…
I have something I need to tell you.
I’m… intersex.
I was born with both.
婴儿时期就做了手术 但我是男人 我自我认定是男人
I had surgery when I was a baby, but I’m a guy. I… I identify as a guy.
我是说 不管你是谁 我都喜欢你
Well… I mean, I– I… I like whoever you are.
I mean, I like… I like you. And…
I’m gonna keep liking you,
-你知道吗 -知道
you know. Yeah. Uh…
