and it definitely isn’t a reason for you to dump your fiancée.
这是未来 我们有幸能够看到的未来
This is the future. We’re lucky to be alive to see it.
This might bring… equality.
首先 我们中有个人 手里会放电 这怎么能平等
Firstly, how is one of us having electricity in our hands equality?
其次 谁说我们现在不平等
Secondly, who says men and women aren’t equal?
瓦利 看看你自己 看看你的胳膊这块头
Wale! Look at you, look at you. Look at the size of your arms.
-你一拳过去 这个女孩就完了 -我会那样做吗
Eh? One blow from you, this girl’s finished. – Would I do that?
And has she shocked you?
You know, I don’t remember you being Mr. Women’s Rights before all this.
因为努蒂脸受伤的事情 他觉得有负罪感
Ah, don’t mind anymore. He’s feeling guilty because of Ndudi’s face.
去你的吧 哥们
– Fuck you, bro.
你怎么回事 这是给蜜月用的
What’s your problem? Eh?! That’s for the fucking honeymoon.
Tunde, what’s your problem?
Sorry, sorry. Ma binu, I’m just…
-坐下 冷静一下 -该死
– Just… Just sit down. Relax, huh? – Fuck.
没事的 喝吧
Here, take it.
Where did he go?
I am so sorry.
你妈妈的事我很难过 现在又搞成这样
I’m sorry… about your mum… and now all this.
I’m sorry too.
-你妈妈还是不肯和我说话 -是 她很不好过
– And your mum still won’t talk to me. – Yeah, it’s hard for her.
你妈妈怀孕的时候 伯尼让我妈妈怀孕 这又不是我的错
Was it my fault that Bernie was shagging my mum when your mum was pregnant?
我有次问爸爸为什么我们年纪一样 你知道他做了什么 给我买♥♥了条狗
– But, you know, once, I asked Dad why me and you were the same age. You know, what he did? He bought me a dog.
Of course he did.
– Can I tell you something?
-当然可以 -我受不了了
Always. I can’t do this anymore.
I don’t wanna be a part of it, Dad and the business.
-等我上了大学 我就不干了 -别这么说
– When I go to uni, I’m done. – Don’t say that.
我只想要一点安宁 罗克西
I just want some peace, Rox.
Well, you never did fit in.
里基 是让人讨厌的那个 总是给爸爸拍马屁
Ricky, the greasy one, always up Dad’s arse.
-特里是笨的那个 -是的
– Terry was the thick one. – Right.
我很喜欢他 但是没错
I love him to bits. But it’s true.
是的 没错
Yeah, it is true.
而你 我的双胞胎 在时髦的学校里有时髦的伙伴
And you, my little twin. A posh school with your posh mates.
-我才不时髦呢 -你读书是为了好玩 达雷尔
– I’m not posh. – You read for fun though.
-能问你点别的事吗 -说吧
I’ll ask you something else. Yeah, go on.
What did it feel like when you killed that man?
Felt good.
? I wanna kiss you until I lose ?
? My breath ?
? I don’t wanna be your friend ?
? I wanna kiss your lips ?
You look really pretty today.
-怎么了 -没什么
What? Nothing.
OK then.
I’m not gonna hurt you.
若斯 等等
Jos, hold on.
若斯 我们能停下吗
Jos, can we stop?
停下 若斯 我说了停下
Stop, Stop! Jos, I said stop!
-我的天啊 -该死
Oh, my God. I’m sorry.
I’m– I’m so sorry.
给你 用这个
Here, here, use this.
-怎么回事 赖安 -我说了让你停下
What the fuck, Ryan? I– I asked you to stop.
若斯 不是我不喜欢你
Look, Jos, it’s not like I don’t like you.
Maybe I just don’t want to have sex in a parking lot.
You fucked Karen McCullin in a bathroom stall.
若斯 现在一切都不一样了
Look, Jos, everything’s different now.
若斯 不是你想的那样 若斯
Jos! It’s not like what you think, Jos! Jos!
? I don’t wanna be your friend ?
? Lose my breath ?
? I don’t wanna be your friend ?
? Lose my breath ?
Uh… what the hell?
仇恨信件 全都是
Hate mail. All of it.
安♥全♥部♥门的负责人说 他从没见过这种情况
Head of Security says he’s never seen anything like this.
Been doing this job going on 20 years.
-我们的目标是取悦本届政♥府♥ -你知道这是什么吗
Well, I do aim to please in this administration. Do you know what this is?
-狗屎 -新鲜的狗屎
– Dog shit? – Fresh dog shit.
-送给拥有一切的女人 -这不好玩 我警告过你的
For the woman who has everything. It’s not funny. I warned you about this.
我告诉过你不要激怒那些疯子 这里有死亡威胁
I told you, don’t piss off the crazies. There are death threats in here.
“Urbandox is right,
“你是个会放电的贱♥人♥ 只关心保护其他会放电的贱♥人♥
you’re a sparky cunt who only cares about protecting other sparky cunts.
-“我要用烧热的烙铁…” -好了 我懂了
– I’m gonna shove a hot iron up your–” OK, OK. I get your point.
他们在做放电能力测试 每个人都要做
They’re testing for EOD. – They’re saying everyone has to do it.
什么 不行 不能这样 这根本不合法
– What? No, no. That– that’s not happening. – That’s not even legal.
其实这是合法的 如果是为了 响应全国公共安全紧急情况的话
– It is actually, if it’s in response to a statewide public health emergency which
I officially declared approximately four, now five minutes ago.
嗨 既然现在不预约了 我就顺路过来了
Hi. Just figured I’d stop by seeing as we don’t make appointments anymore.
-丹尼尔 -靴子不错
– Daniel… – Nice boots.
我们不谈靴子 你们两个谈吧
We’re not talking about the boots. I’ll give you a moment.
我们不能这样 这是侵犯隐私
We can’t do this. – It’s a violation of privacy.
不 这是数据采集 好让我们可以更了解工作环境
– No, it’s data collection. Right? So we can better understand
保障人们的安全 做出可靠的评估
the workplace. Keep people safe.
Make informed assessments that help shape best practices and policies.
Best practices?
这么说 你和谁来决定 什么是放电女性最佳的行动
So, what? You and who get to decide the best practices for women with EOD?
不是所有会放电的女性 只是政♥府♥机关内部的
Yeah, we’re not talking about all women with EOD, just those working in government buildings.
我的天啊 这太有攻击性了 太不道德 有违伦理
Oh, my God. This is– This is invasive, it’s unethical. – It’s immoral, it’s–
好 听着 冷静 我只是想要一个名单
– OK, listen. Calm down. – I’m just asking for a list.
– It starts with a list,
但你我都知道那个名单 会变成可以解雇女人的武器
but you and I both know that that list can become a weapon that can fire women
and I am not doing that to my staff.
Well, you and your staff are welcome to decline the test…
回家享受无薪假期 选择权在你们
and go home on unpaid administrative leave. That’s your choice.
我真的很喜欢这双靴子 非常适合你
I really do like the boots. They suit you.
混♥蛋♥ 去他的吧 我才不接受
Son of a bitch! – Fuck him! I’m not taking it.
-我要告诉他我有这种能力 -玛格特
I’m gonna walk right up to him and I’m gonna tell him I’ve got it. Margot–
他不能解雇我 我是民选官员
– I mean, he can’t fire me. I’m an elected official.
如果你想要继续当民选官员 或是再次当选做公职
If you wanna stay an elected official or get elected for any public office ever again,
keep a lid on it.
这种投票 人们没有准备好
The way that this is polling, people are not ready.
玛格特 你想想 你觉得 丹尼尔为什么现在要这样做
Margot, think. Why do you think Dandon is pulling this shit now?
Because he is threatened by you.
You are the only person in this entire state
可以和他竞争 竞选参议院席位的
that can give him a run for his money for that Senate seat
and he thinks you have this.
So he’s using all of this to try to take you down.
好吧 那我怎么办
OK. OK. – What do I do?
好的 这上面说那台机器的工作原理
All right, this says that the machine works by sending
an electric current through the body.
天啊 这也太古老了吧
Oh, my God, it’s fucking mediaeval.
The skein fills like a bladder
and then the machine stimulates an accidental discharge.
-我怎么能避免这样做呢 -我的天啊
Oh, how do I not do that? Oh, God.
没有相关信息 这是一种新技术
There’s hardly anything here. It’s all new technology,
which means it’s fallible.
好吧 有一些疼痛控制技巧 深呼吸…
OK, there’s some pain management techniques. Deep breathing.
一个女人使用 拉梅兹减痛法通过了测试
One woman beat the test using the Lamaze me–
对 疼痛控制技巧和深呼吸
Right, so… pain management and deep breathing.
我生过孩子 有过儿童时期的创伤
Well, between childbirth and childhood trauma…
I got this.
市长 请坐
Mayor, please have a seat.
在我们开始之前 你是否有起搏器 或其他内置医疗设备
Before we begin, I need to ask, do you have a pacemaker or any other internal medical devices?
You’re not allowed to ask me that.
这台机器可能会干扰 某些特定医疗设备的功能
The machine can interfere with the function of certain medical devices.
No, I don’t.
I understand this might feel intrusive.
我今天早些时候自己也做了这个测试 我知道看起来很可怕
I had to take this test myself earlier today. I know how frightening it can seem.
I’m actually just very busy.
明白 不会耽误很久的
Understood. This won’t take long.
我要做的是放电测试 寻找是否有绞线体存在
