Who won’t stand up for sharing the information!
And won’t stop this drug!
她甚至没法问自己丈夫 一天过得如何
She won’t even ask her husband about his day.
She… she’s not even there for her kids.
I… I’m not here for the kids?
我拼命地赶回家 好能及时陪伊兹读故事
I am killing myself to get home in time to read Izzy’s stories with her,
and check over Matty’s homework.
你做这些事是例行公事 玛格特 你并不走心
Oh, you do that on autopilot, Margot. You’re not paying attention.
Otherwise you’d know that Matty is into Urbandox.
你知道他开始讨厌 你所代表的一切吗
Do you know that he’s starting to hate everything you stand for?
– 好了 我们进去吧 – 不
– Okay. All right. Let’s just go inside. – No, no.
我们赶快进去 罗伯
– Get inside now. – And…
你觉得若斯说自己没事 她就真的没事吗
And you think Jos is fine ‘cause she says she is?
宝贝 她很纠结 她甚至无法控制自己的身体
She’s struggling. She can’t even control her own body!
而你喜欢这种放电的能力 仿佛这是彻底的赋权
You’re on this EOD kick like it’s 100% empowering,
like, wow, it’s gonna change the world.
没错 玛格特 有改变是好事 可你知道吗
And yeah, Margot, change is good. But you know what?
改变也很糟糕 好吗
Change is piece of shit, too, okay?
我在警告你 亲爱的
And I’m warning you, honey,
如果你还不加以注意 就会被抛下
if you don’t start paying attention, you’re gonna get left behind.
– I’m sorry…
– 进来吧 – 我们会抛下你
– Just come inside. – …but we’re gonna leave you behind. – Come inside, Rob.
我会抛下你 我要游走了
I’m leaving you behind and we’re gonna swim away.
– Oh my God. Oh my God.
– Are you guys fighting? – Uh…
– 没有 回去睡觉吧 没事的 – 我游走了
– No, go back to bed. Everything’s fine. – I’m swimming away.
– 没事的 去吧 – 像一条绯红鲦鱼一样
– Everything’s fine. Go. – …like a scarlet minnow.
– 爸爸在水里干什么呢 – 回去睡觉 没事的
What the hell is Dad doing in the water? Go back to bed! It’s… Everything’s okay. – I’m swimming!
– 罗伯 你…罗伯 快上来 – 我很自♥由♥ 我很自♥由♥
– Rob, just… Rob, get out! I’m free!
Is Daddy drunk?
Yeah, looks like it.
This whole family’s a shitshow.
It’s okay.
I’m free!
一场前所未有的事件 在挑战我们的国家…
An unprecedented event that challenges our country
我的镯子松了 可以麻烦你吗
My bracelet is loose. Would you mind?
对不起 他来帮你
I’m sorry. He will help you.
Go now!
Are you still thinking about the television in my bathroom?
I won’t let it affect my training.
Getting married. I’m still going to do this.
宝贝 你不需要训练了
Sweetheart, you don’t need to train anymore.
Just because he’s in the government,
我还要训练 没有免费的入场券
I’ll still need to train, there’ll be no free passes,
– 我要自己得到奥♥运♥会参赛权 – 你不去训练了
I have to get to the Olympics on my own. I mean there’ll be no more training for you.
– 达莉亚会去参加奥♥运♥会 – 她很差劲
Daria will be going to the Olympics. But she’s shit!
– 不是的 听我说 塔蒂阿娜 – 不行
– Look– – No, no!
你不能送达莉亚去 埃琳娜也不行 她的脚部动作太僵硬
You can’t send Daria. And you can’t send Elena with her concrete feet.
What will you do?
莫斯卡列夫部长不希望 自己的妻子分心 你的训练结束了
Minister Muskalev doesn’t want his wife to be distracted. It’s over.
I want to go to the Olympics.
I can make money and give it to you.
几年之后你年纪大了 不能练体操了呢
And in a few year’s time when you’re too old to tumble?
他太老了 要是他想和我上♥床♥怎么办
He’s too old. What if he wants to have sex with me?
Of course you’ll have sex with him.
And you’ll be warm and have a full tummy when you do.
妈妈 求你不要逼我
Mama please don’t make me!
You have to help me.
我一辈子都在为了你工作 塔蒂阿娜多尼西
I have worked my whole life for you Tatiana Donici.
I wish I had a chance like this.
I wish I’d never been born.
Me too!
– 塔蒂阿娜 求你了 – 我不想看到你
Tatiana, please. I don’t want to look at you.
– 求你了 – 如果我是你 我会离开的
– Tatiana, please don’t leave me. – If I was you I would run for it.
– 有多远走多远 – 塔蒂阿娜 求你了
Run as far as you can.
– 塔蒂阿娜 带我一起走吧 – 不 我恨你
Tatiana, please. Tatiana. Take me with you. No. I hate you.
Why would you say that?
No goodbye for me?
This power is real.
他们带我去卫生间时 我在新闻上看到了
I’ve seen it on the news when they were taking me to the bathroom.
沙特阿♥拉♥伯发生了一些事 一次妇女起义
Something is happening in Saudi Arabia. An uprising of women.
– 那为什么我们不可以 – 更多的是更年轻的女孩
Then why isn’t it happening for us? It’s more in younger women,
或许是因为这个 他们才不要年轻的
maybe that’s why they’re not taking the young ones anymore.
太好了 他们带我来这里时 我是很年轻的
Oh, great. When they brought me here, I was young,
but there was no such thing as this,
现在我太老了吗 这也太扯了吧
and now I’m too old? What kind of bullshit is this?
他们最好希望 我永远都得不到那种能力
They better hope I never get it.
我首先要做的 就是把那些混♥蛋♥的老二都打掉
The first thing I’d do is fry the dicks off those motherfuckers.
Fry motherfuckers, fry!
没有人会帮我们 我们没有那种能力
There’s no help coming for us, no power for us.
那个给我们送零食的聋女孩 我觉得她有
The deaf girl that brings us the snacks. I think she has it.
What have you got in there?
不用担心她 她什么都听不到
She’s nothing to worry about, she’s not all there.
快走吧 下一个就是你了
Go, go now… it’ll be your turn next.
You okay?
– 爸爸没事吧 – 没事 我们没事
– Is Dad okay? – Yeah, he’ll be fine. I think.
实话实说 我喝得 比自己认为的稍微多了点
But I think am a little bit drunker than I thought if I’m being completely honest.
我只想说如果我忘记 问你一天过得如何的话 对不起
I just want to say if I ever forget to ask how your day was, I’m sorry.
我非常爱你 我在尽力去做
I love you so much, and I’m doing the best I can.
– 你喝多了 – 是的 但我是认真的 我爱你
You are, like, drunky drunk. I am, but I mean it. I love you.
I’m just…
天啊 我只是太累了 我不想总是要做决定
Oh, God, I’m so tired I don’t want to have to make decisions all the time.
I feel like I’m failing at everything,
就好像我分身乏术 无法应付一切
like there’s not enough of me to go around, you know?
– 你有大♥麻♥吗 – 什么
Do you have any marijuana? – What?
拜托 我知道你和那个猫咪吸大♥麻♥ 没事的
– Oh, come on. I know you and that Cat girl smoke. You’re not gonna get in trouble.
猫咪对你影响不好 我不同意你吸大♥麻♥
Okay, that Cat is a bad influence on you. And I do not approve of you smoking marijuana,
– 你听到了吗 – 好吧
do you hear me? Okay.
Wanna come outside?
– 该死 我忘了打火机 – 或许我可以…
Oh, crap, I forgot a lighter. Maybe I can just…
probably just…
这太酷了 干得漂亮 宝贝
That is so cool. Good job, honey.
– 我不知道你还有这种时候 – 我也年轻过
I didn’t know you had it in you. I was young once, too, you know?
I am not handing this to you.
你真的觉得我是为了自己 才站出来吗 为了我的事业
Do you really think I went public for me, for my career?
– 天 永远都是为了你的工作 – 不是的 听我说
God, it’s always about your job. No, listen
I didn’t have a mum who looked out for me.
是我要照顾她 大多数晚上 我都要把她从地板上拖起来
I was the one to take care of her. I had to scrape her off the floor most nights.
我必须做家里的成年人 我必须要担心所有的事
You know, I had to be the grown up, I was the one who worried.
The last thing I want to do is be anything like her.
我做这些事是为了你 为了你的将来
I did what I did for you, for your future.
For Matty’s future and Izzy’s future.
– 为了保护你们 – 我明白 真的明白
– To protect you. – I get it, I do.
– 我觉得是你不明白 – 好吧 那就让我明白一下
But I don’t think you get it. Okay, well, help me understand.
– 你不用再保护我了 – 宝贝 你是我的孩子
You don’t have to protect me anymore. Oh, honey, you’re my kid,
– 我总是要保护你的 – 我知道
I’ll always– No. I know.
You’re still stuck in the mindset of how you grew up.
你认为因为我们改变了 就需要更多保护
Like you think we need more protecting now that we’ve changed,
你不知道那种感觉 所以你觉得害怕
and you don’t know how that feels so instead you’re just afraid.
You know, I kinda hate that you’re the face of this now,
because you go around telling everybody that it’s great,
but you’re just faking.
You don’t really know.
你没有这种能力 你感受不到
You don’t have it, you don’t feel it.
Well, I want to know.
