And part of me keeping my job right now is playing nice with dickwads like Dandon
– 所以请尽快准备好 – 我真的不想去
so please hurry up and get ready. God, I really don’t want to go to this thing.
Yeah, well, neither do I,
但丹顿需要我在他的 募资活动上闪亮登场
but Dandon needs me there to get the shine on the EOD support for his fundraising bullshit.
我要站在他这边 防止他对女孩们做疯狂的事
And I need to stay on his good side so I can keep him from doing crazy, apocalyptic shit to girls.
– 特别是如果他可以进入参议院的话 – 我和你不一样
Especially if he’s going to the Senate. Margot, I’m not like you,
我不能微笑着和 丹顿和他的混♥蛋♥同伙们坐在一起
I can’t just sit down with Dandon and a bunch of his asshole buddies
and smile and pretend like the whole world is not fucking burning up.
但我需要你这样做 我需要你的支持
Yeah, but I need you to. I need your support.
靠我自己不行 所以去换衣服 拜托去换西装
I can’t do it on my own, so get dressed, please. In a suit.
德克兰布里兹 呼叫手♥机♥…
Roberto fucking Lopez
德克兰 我情同手足的兄弟 你好吗
Deck, brother from another mother. What’s up?
Wolf man himself, eh?
– 自从聚会之后就没见过你 – 很久没见了 哥们
Haven’t heard from you since the reunion. Long time, man. Long time.
– 还是喜欢喝廉价威士忌吗 – 不了 现在不喝那么廉价的了
Still got a taste for cheap whiskey? No, not so cheap these days.
你和我们在波哥大遇到的那个 可爱的热辣女孩发生了什么
Hey, listen, whatever happened between you and that cute firecracker we met down in Bogota?
拜托 你知道发生了什么 她上了你所在的报纸头版
Oh, come, on, you know exactly what happened. She was on the front page of your paper last Wednesday.
That’s not why you’re calling out of the blue, is it?
Something the paper said about your wife
不是的 和玛格特没关系
No, no, it’s not about Margot.
我大概知道了一些事的线索 很重要的事
I might have a lead on something. Something really, really big.
好 我洗耳恭听
Okay, I’m all ears.
Uh, I got my hands on some documents.
一些关于绞线体的研究 非常详细
Some skein research and it’s pretty graphic.
《泰♥晤♥士♥报♥》已经发布了 一幅那个器官的图片
The Times already published an image of the organ
不是的 那个我知道 这个远不止于此
I know, I know but this is something so much more.
德克兰 有女孩被谋杀
Deck, girls were killed.
现在他们想要研制一种药物 可以抑制这种放电现象
And they wanna come up with a drug that’ll suppress the EOD and the benchmarks are something scalable.
On a massive level.
I’m talking colourless, odourless, tasteless, and with high solubility.
听起来像是可以 不小心掉进供水系统里的东西
Sounds like something you could “accidentally” drop into a water supply.
你懂了 嘿 我把材料发给你
You get it. Hey, I’m sending the documents over to you.
听我说 不能和我扯上关系 好吗
But listen, you can’t tie this to me, okay?
不会的 当然不会 你想让我怎么表示来源
I know. Of course not. How do you want me to source it?
我不知道 你通常都怎么做 用个代号♥还是…
I don’t know, what do you usually do? Some code name, or is it–
用个很酷的间谍的方式 一种颜色和一种动物怎么样
How about some cool spy thing where it’s a colour and an animal.
比如黑豹或是翠绿苍鹰 类似这种的
Like “Black Jaguar” or “Emerald Eagle” or some shit like that.
天啊 你都看了什么谍战片啊
Jesus. What kind of spy movies have you been watching?
罗伯 你怎么用了这么久 车在等着了
Rob? What’s taking you so long, the car’s waiting!
我就来 德克兰 我要挂了 我马上给你发材料
I’ll be right in! Deck, I gotta go now. I’m sending the documents over right now.
Okay, great.
绞线体研究报告 PDF文件
I’m just the arm candy tonight.
Just standing here, looking pretty,
keeping my mouth shut.
看到那边那位女士了吗 那是我妻子
You see her over there? That’s my wife.
She’s a big deal.
Another one, please.
Nice to meet you.
我感激你今晚能过来 我知道你的日程安排很紧张
I appreciate you being here tonight. Especially considering your suddenly packed schedule.
为你我什么都可以做到 丹尼尔
Well, anything for you, Daniel.
I’m sure it has nothing to do with rehabilitating your image.
My image?
你开了那个令人惊讶的 媒体发布会之后
Party leaders are concerned about your lack of “team player” impulses,
党派领袖担心你缺乏 团队合作的意识
after that press conference surprise you pulled.
我更担心的是选民 不是那1%
Well, I’m more worried about the constituents than the one percent.
你有责任代表所有人 不只是那些长着阴♥道♥的
You have a duty to represent all people, not just the ones with “vaginas.”
Why is “vaginas” in air quotes?
说实话 我很惊讶你还想要我过来
To be honest, I’m surprised you even wanted me here.
是党派想要你来 拜托 你现在是名人了
The party wanted you here. – Come on, you’re a celebrity now.
– How was the Vanity Fair feature?
非常好 不用担心 我根本没提到你
Oh, great. Yeah. Don’t worry, I didn’t mention you at all.
我一直听说你那五分钟的出名 冲昏了你的头脑
I’ve been hearing your five minutes of fame has gotten to your head.
That you might may be considering a run for the Senate.
在这个新世界里 一切皆有可能
Well, in this new world, anything is possible.
你有那种能力 不是吗 那种放电能力
You have it, don’t you? The EOD.
敢破坏我的竞选 我就毁掉你的前程
If you fuck with my run, I’ll dust what’s left of your career.
吉娜 来见见玛格特柯丽瑞洛佩兹 这场运动的代言人
Mm, Gina, meet Margot Cleary-Lopez, face of the movement.
– 玛格特 这位是吉娜 你的大粉丝 – 幸会
Margot, this is Gina. She’s a big fan. – Pleasure.
见到你真好 你所做的事需要极大的勇气
– So lovely to meet you. Really took brass balls to do what you did.
– 丹尼尔非常为你骄傲 – 丹尼尔向来如此
Daniel was so proud. Well, that’s our Daniel.
Such a great ally to women everywhere.
来点鱼子酱吧 女士们先生们
Ooh, some caviar, ladies and gentlemen.
太好了 别介意我自己动手
Ooh, nice. Don’t mind if I help myself, huh?
天啊 真不错 你们知道 鱼子酱什么时候最美味吗
Oh, boy, that’s good. Hey, you guys know… You know when caviar is at its tastiest?
– 不知道 – 别担心 我只是有点喝高了
No idea. I’m only a little bit drunk.
其实 是在鲟鱼准备好产卵的
Actually, it’s three days before the sturgeon is ready to, you know,
你们知道怎么收集鱼子吗 我来告诉你们
You know how they collect them? I’ll tell you.
They wait for her to be nice and juicy,
然后猛击它的头部 切掉它的卵巢
– then they whack her over the head… and cut out her ovaries. – Rob.
– 你可真搞笑 真是会开玩笑 – 这太可怕了
– God, you’re so funny. Such a jokester. No, this is horrible.
我是说 他们会切掉它的卵巢 整个切下来
I mean, they cut out her ovaries, the whole things
and then they rip out little baby eggs
and then they pop them like little zits, like…
– 就放在你吃的吐司上 – 能拿一下这个吗
– Right on your toast like that… – Could you hold this, please?
– 没问题 任何事都可以 – 谢谢
– Thank you. – Sure, anything to help out.
“泄露出的文件披露了 政♥府♥对女性的残暴行为”
“Leaked document exposes government’s torture of women”?
– 我的天啊 – “绞线体的解剖”
Oh my god. “The Anatomy of the Skein?”
– 等等 这不可能 – 你看这个了吗
No way, this can’t be happening. – Have you seen this? – Oh, my God.
他们在折磨女性 拿她们做实验
They’re torturing women? Experimenting on them?
这是国外的研究 我们不可能做这种事
It’s foreign research. There’s no way we did this.
– 但我们买♥♥下来了 – 各国都买♥♥下来了
But we bought it. Everyone bought it.
作者声称提供材料的人是 “绯红鲦鱼”
The writer credits it’s source as “The Scarlet Minnow.”
“绯红鲦鱼” 听起来有点女性化
“Scarlet Minnow”? That sounds kind of… feminine.
我来拿吧 谢谢
I’ll take that. Thank you.
– 鲦鱼是什么 – 是一种鱼 一种很小的鱼
– What’s a minnow? – It’s a fish, a tiny little fish.
– 我要打个电♥话♥ 失陪一下 – 好的
I’m sorry, I need to get on a call. – Excuse us. – Sure.
你知道自己做了什么吗 你泄漏了机密信息
Do you even realise what you’ve done? You leaked… classified information.
有人发现的话 你会丢掉工作的
You could lose your job if anyone found out.
You could ruin your whole fucking career.
– 我的天啊 你可太夸张了 – 我的天啊
Oh, my God. You’re so over dramatic. – Oh, my God!
德克兰是我大学时的好友 他绝对不会出♥卖♥♥♥我的
– Declan is my buddy from college! – He’d never sell me out
神圣布里兹 为了一篇报道 他连自己母亲都能出♥卖♥♥♥
– Declan? Declan Blease? Blease the Sleaze? He’d sell his own mother for a story.
不会的 他不是问题
No, no. He’s not the problem. He’s not the problem.
你知道什么才是问题吗 你才是 你从不过问我一天过得如何
You know what the problem is? You! You never asked me about my day.
没错 来啊 问我啊
Yeah. Go head, ask me.
– 什么 – 你看吧 现在你都做不到
What? – See, you can’t even do it right now.
– 这太可笑了 我的天啊 – 我的天啊
– This is ridiculous. Oh, my God.
这么多年来你从来不问我 你知道的 对吧
You haven’t asked me in years, you know that, right?
and I always make it a point to ask you.
因为我问的时候 你就叹气耸肩 说过得很不好
That’s because every time I do I ask you, all you do is sigh and shrug, and say it was shitty.
– What? You could still ask me.
你也可以知道我也过了一天 也做了一些事情
You could still acknowledge that I have a day… …that I do stuff!
我工作的地方有个女人 认为我很搞笑
There’s a woman at work who thinks I’m funny,
– 一直在和我调情 – 天啊 我不开玩笑
she flirts with me all the time. Jesus. I am serious.
– 你也让我的职业生涯岌岌可危 – 果然如此
You risked my career too. There it is… There it is!
这就是你真正关心的 你的政♥治♥生涯
That’s what you’re concerned about is your political career.
天啊 我甚至都不知道 你现在到底是谁
God! I don’t even know who you fucking are right now!
声音压低些 过来
Lower your voice.
– 什么 – 我们上♥床♥去吧
Let’s… Let’s go to bed.
– 走吧 快走 – 不
– Come on, let’s go to bed. – No!
– 罗伯 – 我不跟你去任何地方
– I’m not going anywhere with you! – Rob.
绝对不去 我要去游泳
Hell no. I’m… I’m going for a swim.
我的天啊 罗伯
Oh, my God. Rob. Rob! Rob.
罗伯 天很冷 我的天啊
Rob. It’s freezing. Oh, my God.
– 你会吵醒邻居的 – 我就要吵醒
You’re gonna wake up the neighbours. Oh, I’m gonna wake up the neighbours.
Who is this “Celebrity Margot”?
