因为她们生气 就可以对我们发脾气
Just ‘cause they’re pissed off at the world, they get to take it out on us?
这不公平 这是胡闹
It’s not fair, it’s bullshit!
我知道 你应该也可以发火
I know, and you should be able to get angry, okay?
But can you just stop filling your head with this crap, huh?
…us into submission.
This system needs to be protected.
作为男人 提供保护是我们的神圣职责
And as men, protection is our sacred duty.
所以我们要让这些会发电的 贱♥人♥们看看谁才是老大
So, we’ve gotta show these powered bitches who’s boss.
你的屏幕卡住了吗 有技术故障了
Is your screen frozen? We are having technical difficulties.
什么时候开始 怎么回事
When will this start? What’s going on?
不知道 问问将军
I don’t know, ask the General.
– 将军 什么时候开始 – 很快
My baby.
将军 这是关于移除 发电器官的研究报告
General, uh, here’s the report on your skein removal research program.
活组织切片检查结果清楚显示 这个器官的大小
From the biopsy, it’s clear that the science of the organ
seems to vary for each individual.
可以看到 这个器官 最初是在锁骨上形成的
As you can see, the nerve fibres look well intact
where the original parts of the skein would form on the collarbone.
These rope-like muscle strands encompass the electrolytes
which create the electrical charge.
我们明白这个器官需要 大量血液供应才可以运转
We understand the skein requires a large blood supply to work,
器官移除之后 这个女人死了 这是本周第三例死亡了
and since removal, the woman has died. That is the third death this week.
It’s ugly.
It says here that none of the girls survived the removal.
天啊 我不想知道 这报告是哪儿来的 好吗
My God, I don’t… I don’t wanna know where we got this, do I?
– 是喀尔巴阡的志愿者 – 志愿者
Volunteers from Carpathia. “Volunteers.”
在东欧人口贩卖♥♥的首都 安娜 算了吧
In the human trafficking capital of Eastern Europe? Anna, come on.
That’s why I had to sign an NDA, huh?
我们是无辜的 我们没有资助过任何这些行为
Our hands are clean. We didn’t sponsor any part of this.
We acquired the research after it had already been conducted.
And that’s supposed to make me feel better?
That’s exactly why I wanted you on this.
我不需要应声虫 我需要有良知的人
I don’t need a Yes Man, I need someone with a conscience.
罗伯 我被委任完成一个敏感任务
Rob, I’ve been tasked by the board to put together a sensitive project.
Absolutely confidential.
你在情绪稳定剂和抗抑郁药 方面的成就令我印象深刻
I’m extremely impressed with your work in mood stabilisers and off-label use of antidepressants.
谢谢 但这些正在 测试阶段的药物 镇静剂
Thank you, but… These drugs that are being tested, the sedatives,
受体拮抗体CXCR4 激素阻滞剂…
the CXCR4 receptor antagonists, the hormone blockers.
为什么 为什么要用到激素阻滞剂
Why? Why the hormone blockers?
这个器官的进化 似乎与一套胚芽系统
Development of the organ appears to be linked to a set of nascent buds
在持续偏高的雌性激素的情况下 成长为成熟器官的过程有关
that mature into full skeins under sustained, elevated oestrogen levels.
或是在能力转移的案例中 是一种持续偏高的电脉冲现象
Or in cases of transference, sustained, elevated electrical impulse.
你是说你们建议制♥造♥一种 联邦政♥府♥资助的抑制剂
So you’re suggesting creating a suppressant that’s federally funded?
– 是的 – 安娜…
Yes. Anna…
这个绞线体是维系生命必需的器官 在体内系统性地与身体连结
The skein is a vital organ, systemically linked within the body.
Removing it is fatal.
所以你认为 最好的办法就是化学阉♥割♥
And so you think the best idea is chemical castration?
许多女孩和女人报告说 绞线体让她们感到恐慌和忧虑
A lot of girls and women are reporting panic and distress due to this skein.
这种抑制器官生长的药物 是有市场需求的
There’s market demand for a drug that will inhibit the organ’s growth.
How do you think that girl felt,
– 那个把飞机弄坠毁的 – 不要这样对我
the one who brought down the plane? Oh, don’t… don’t… don’t do that to me.
Not everyone sees this as a gift.
And without a safe medical suppressant,
some of them are likely to do this to themselves.
Is that what you want?
A generation of women dying by desperate acts of self-mutilation?
Girls deserve to have a choice.
Help us give it to them.
When you’re good to talk numbers,
我保证 专利奖金肯定不容轻视
I promise, the patent bonus is nothing to sneeze at.
– 我的天啊 有作用吗 – 看到吗 我就知道你可以的
Oh, my God, is it working? See? I knew you could do it.
Holy shit!
其他人做得都很好 只有我的搞砸了
Everyone else’s works fine all the time, and mine just fucks up.
I’m a freak.
是啊 你是我见过的最性感的怪人
Yeah, well, you’re the hottest freak I ever saw.
Shut up.
嘿 若斯
Hey, Jos?
– 嗯 – 你能出来一下吗
– Yeah? – Yeah, uh, can… can you come out here for a sec, please?
嘿 赖安
Hey, Ryan.
嗨 洛佩兹先生
Uh, hi, Mr. Lopez.
你和赖安 你们两个… 你们是不是在…
Are you and Ryan… are you guys… are you…
不是的 我们在学习
No. We’re studying.
好吧 我不小心把一张纸点着了
Okay, I accidentally set a piece of paper on fire.
如果你需要找人谈谈 随时可以找我 好吗
You know, if you do need to talk to someone, you know you can always come to me, okay?
我不知道你在经历什么 也不知道你身体怎么了…
I mean, I can’t pretend to know what you’re going through, what’s happening with your body, but…
– I know.
宝贝 如果你想要在我不在时 把门关着…
– And honey, if you do want to keep that door closed when I’m not around, and…
对你这个年纪的孩子来说 这太正常了…
it… it’s perfectly normal and natural for kids your age to…
还有 你知道 我只是…
and, um, you know, I’m just, um…
I just expect that… you’re being safe.
好吧 是的 我们没有上♥床♥
Okay, yeah, we were not having sex.
我是个医生 若斯 不是普通的爸爸 你什么问题都可以问我
I’m a doctor, Jos. I’m not like a regular dad. You can actually ask me anything.
爸爸 我保证 我没事
Dad, I… I promise, I’m okay.
With everything that’s going on with my body.
– 但你不用担心我 – 我很高兴
You don’t have to worry about me. Oh, I’m glad.
– 我今天过得很糟糕 – 听你这样说真难过 宝贝
Oh, I am having the day from hell. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, honey.
太多访谈 我都忘记吃饭了
I had so many interviews, I forgot to eat.
Now I gotta go to this stupid Dandon thing,
and of course, there’s not gonna be any real food there.
Oh, hey, Helen says that all the crazies are starting to come out of the woodwork.
You know, these people are making, like, creepy masks of my face now.
No one asked you to do that press conference.
– 不想做 就别做 – 这不是我想不想要做的事
If there’s something you don’t want to do, don’t do it. It’s not about what I want.
我有责任 我想要这个世界更美好
I have a responsibility, you know, I want to make this a better world,
because the people I love the most have to live here.
我只是说或许你不该 成为你没有的东西的代言人
I’m just saying, maybe you shouldn’t be the face of something you don’t even have
如果有放电能力的女人们 觉得站出来是安全的 我就不用这样
And maybe I wouldn’t have to do it if the women who have it felt safe coming forward,
– 她们没有我这样的平台 – 随便吧
you know, but they don’t have the platform I do. Whatever.
– 我回去学习了 – 把门开着
I need to get back to studying. Keep the door open.
– 赖安在这里 – 她不喜欢我
– Ryan’s here. – She hates me.
– 她没有 – 就是有
– No, she doesn’t. – Yeah.
Did you get my messages?
没有 我还没顾上听 抱歉 给你
No, I haven’t listened to them yet. Sorry.
玛格特 我有事要和你谈
Margot, I… I gotta talk to you about something
能回头再说吗 我赶时间 已经迟到七分钟了…
Can we do this later? I’m running on fumes and I have, like, negative seven minutes to…
Do you think anyone would notice if I just Febreezed myself?
说真的 我得跟你讲讲我的一天
I’m serious. I need to tell you about my day.
好吧 但这样看起来是不是 很有支持力 并且毫无威胁感
Okay. But does this look supportive and ‘unthreatening’ enough, you think?
很美 你总是很美的
Yeah, yeah, it looks great. You always look great to me.
玛格特 我们今天拿到了 来自喀尔巴阡的研究结果
Margot, we got research in from Carpathia today, top secret.
最高机密 我说的是很可怕 违背人伦的事情
I’m talking scary unethical type of shit.
对绞线体的研究 我知道 我看到了简报
The skein research? I know, I’ve had the debrief on it.
等等 你看到了
Wait… You did?
– 你怎么会不害怕呢 – 不 那是很可怕
How come you’re not freaking out about it?
我讨厌我们的政♥府♥为此投资 但每个国家都买♥♥账
No, it’s terrible, and I hate that our government paid for that, but… let’s be honest, every country bought it,
and those butchers would’ve done it regardless.
我还一直以为你会保护 女孩的身体权利之类的呢
Wow. I always thought you were about protecting girls’ bodily rights and everything.
我是 罗伯 天啊 那些可怜的女孩子
I am, Rob. Jesus, those poor girls
但至少现在如果这个研究 可以用来帮助其他人
but at least now, if the research is used to help others,
她们的死就是有意义的 对吗
their deaths can mean something, right?
Margot, they want me to work on a drug.
一种可以用来化学阉♥割♥ 这些女孩的药物
A drug that they can use to chemically castrate these girls.
然后他们可以把它放进 供水系统或是其他地方
And then they’re probably gonna put it in the water supply or something.
听起来像是世界末日 他们是谁
Okay, that sounds a little apocalyptic. Who is “they”?
丹顿那样的人 政♥府♥
People like Dandon, like the government,
– 就是他们 – 我也是政♥府♥的一分子
that’s who. I’m part of the government.
只要我在这个职位一天 我就不会允许这种事发生
And I promise, I’m never going to let that happen As long as I keep my job.
现在要保住我职位的部分方式 就是和丹顿这样的混♥蛋♥周♥旋♥
