Shit shoes!
Let’s go!
起来 站好 挺起胸来
Get up, stand up. Chest up,
脸抬起来 胳膊用力伸直
chin up. Arms strong, extended.
腿部站稳 脚趾抓地
Strong legs! Push through your toes.
Don’t embarrass me.
再来 快点
Do it again. Hurry up.
塔蒂阿娜 看着我
Tatiana, look at me.
Huh? Focus.
Come on, let’s go!
Stop messing about!
– 停下 – 我再来一遍
Stop. I’ll go again.
I can’t watch anymore.
他们肯定会带走你的 你赢了
They will definitely take you. You won.
Nothing is certain
妈妈说政♥府♥的人在选拔赛时 一直看着你 所以肯定的
My mum says the government men were watching you all the time at the trials.
我的天啊 他们在那里
Oh, my God, there they are!
是他们吗 天啊
Is that them? Oh, my God.
Do that again.
怎么了 我只是很欣赏你的技巧
What’s wrong? I’m just appreciating your… skill.
You know who I am?
– 你是政♥府♥的人 – 我是财政部长
You’re from the government? I’m the Finance Minister.
– 不是体育部的 – 不是
Not sport?
I’m the money guy.
塔蒂阿娜 我有事要问你
Tatiana, I have something to ask you.
You want to go on a date with me?
Very good.
Very good.
They waste Alaskan gas to test new drugs…
总统邀请了一批科学家 来检查这个器官
The president invited a group of scientists to come and examine the skein.
They will be with us for a while.
我们正在把她们集中到一起 好让你们可以开始
We are rounding them up for you to get started.
我们需要测试那些还没有形成 器官的女性 只有初始状态的
We’ll need to test on women…
所以要女孩 年纪不到12岁的女孩
我一直关注你的作品 谢谢你过来
I’ve been following your work. Thank you for coming all the way out here to talk to me.
不 谢谢你的宝贵时间 柯丽瑞洛佩兹市长
Oh, no, no, no, no. Thank you so much for making the time, Mayor Cleary-Lopez–
我知道 有点拗口 就叫我玛格特吧
I know, it’s a bit of a mouthful. Please, call me Margot.
听我说 你从利雅得拿来的视频 和那些女人一起游♥行♥的
Listen, uh, your footage from Riyadh, marching with those women,
– 是非常重要的作品 – 谢谢你 市长…
oh, it’s such important work. Thank you, Mayor…
– 叫我玛格特 – 玛格特
– Margot. – Margot.
surrounding EOD legislation.
You are a rising voice as an opponent to such measures.
我更愿意把自己称作 身体自主的倡导者
I prefer to think of myself as an advocate for bodily autonomy.
但你并没有站出来 表明自己是否有这种放电能力
But you have not come forward and stated whether or not you have EOD.
批评者们认为你是 在利用这个平台构建自己的事业
Detractors have speculated that you’re using this platform to build your career.
What is your response?
Well, a month ago,
你有个视频频道 订阅者大概有七个吧
you had a Yoozer channel, and, uh, with seven subscribers.
Now, you’re a household name.
让自己上线 这是有代价的 不是吗
But putting yourself on the line, it’s… it’s come with a price, hasn’t it?
I shouldn’t have to disclose whether I have EOD.
这是我的身体 没有人有权利知道具体细节
This is my body. And no one has the right to know jack about it.
原谅我的法语不好 没有 不是有
Pardon my French. Now, having it, not having it,
I’ve always been an advocate for freedom and choice.
你呢 你没有这种能力 但你却冒着生命危险报道这件事
What about you? You don’t have EOD, and yet, you’ve risked your life telling its story.
我是穆♥斯♥林♥ 是尼日利亚人 还是个男人
Well, um… I’m, uh, I’m a Muslim, a Nigerian, and a man.
我从未真正考虑过 这些身份之间的交叉关系
You know, I never really thought about how those identities intersected.
我的性别如何影响我的位置 和在另外两个领域的权利
How my gender informed my position and privilege in those other two spheres.
所以我真的不理解 不是男人怎么会影响
So I didn’t really understand how not being a man affected the safety
我所认识的女人的安全 发声的权利 或是该有的空间
or the voice or the space that the women in my life were granted.
但放电事件让我看到 这个世界可能会成为的样子
But EOD has made me see a world that could be,
你知道 可以成为 对我们所有人来说都更好的地方
you know, one that’s better for all of us.
Right? I think men might be more willing to hear that from another man.
我同意 我们比以往任何时候 都更需要男人做同盟
I agree. We need men who are allies more than ever.
因为像丹顿州长这样的男人 试图通过立法
Because men like Governor Dandon are trying to pass legislation
逼迫女人们将放电能力 注册为武器
that would force women to register EOD as a weapon,
借着“公共安全”的名义 这是为了谁的安全
supposedly in the name of “public safety.” Safety for who?
I mean, male politicians don’t exactly have the strongest track record
when it comes to advocating for the safety of women’s bodies.
我们还有人在鼓吹 女人不该获得
In fact, we still have people advocating that women shouldn’t have access to safe,
sterile procedures–
– Margot. – I mean, what,
我是说 我们是要把所有有 放电能力的女人关在橡胶牢房♥里吗
are we gonna lock up every woman with EOD in a rubber cell?
我们什么时候才能明白 不能立法管理女人的身体
When are we going to learn? We can’t legislate women’s bodies.
在沙特阿♥拉♥伯你是亲眼所见 对吗
You saw firsthand in Saudi Arabia, right?
我是说 钟声总会敲响 这是一个进步
I mean, this bell is not getting un-rung. – This is progress–
我很抱歉 但很遗憾 时间到了
– Oh, I am so sorry, but unfortunately, time’s up.
The Mayor has quite a busy schedule today.
– 抱歉 – 没事 不用担心 谢谢你
– Sorry. – No, no, of course, of course. No, no worries, thank you.
– 最后一个问题 – 好 可以的
One last question. – Yes, that’s fine.
– Yes, um,
有传言说你会挑战丹尼尔丹顿 竞选参议院席位
there are rumours that you could challenge Daniel Dandon for the Senate seat.
Is that true?
没错 不过我要先去参加 《与星共舞》
Sure. Right after I join Dancing With The Stars.
抱歉让你失望了 我在 西雅图这里有很多事要做 谢谢
I’m sorry to disappoint, I have plenty of work to do here in Seattle, thank you.
You’re taking one emotional, hot-button issue
and amplifying it with another one.
Well, if the practically-priced yet-horrendously-uncomfortable shoe fits.
这太危险了 不只是政♥治♥方面 真的是有实际的危险
It’s dangerous, not just politically, it is literally, actually dangerous.
We have extra security detail monitoring
你公开宣布之后就一直监测着 我们收到的所有威胁
all the threats we’ve been getting since you went public.
Not to mention Urbandox.
– 都市霉素是什么 – 应该问是谁
– What is Urbandox? – Who.
他是个狂热的厌女狂 天生就会拉拢不满的男人
He’s a rabid misogynist who has a unique talent for riling up disgruntled men.
当然是完全匿名 还用一个非常男性化的头像
Completely anonymous, of course. Oh, and he uses this hyper-masculine avatar.
所以呢 他是个躲在地下室的 狂暴处♥男♥ 在乎他干什么
Oh, so he’s an angry virgin in a basement. Why do we care?
他有九百万订阅量 还在不断增加中
He has nine million subscribers. And counting.
And you’re on his hit list.
这是简单的自然规律 每条食物链都有顶端
It’s a simple law of nature. Every food chain has its apex,
地球上的食物链的顶端 就是我们 是男人
and in the food chain of Earth, that apex is us. Men.
现在 可能会出现破坏情况
Now, disruptions can happen.
偶尔会有优胜者出现 试图占据食物链顶端
Once in a while, a new top dog shows up and tries to supplant the apex.
你觉得结果会是 某种和平的权利更迭吗
You think it goes down like some peaceful transfer of power?
不是的 整个系统都会变得混乱
No, the entire system devolves into chaos.
这是一场灾难 不只是对男人 对所有人来说都是
It’s catastrophic. And not just for men, for everybody.
We can’t let these femi-Nazis zap us into submission–
那是什么 是那个都市什么素吗
Whoa, what the hell is that? Is that that Urban dick guy?
– 都市毒素 – 是 那个人在满口秽语说你妈妈
Urbandox. Yeah, the guy who talks shit on your mum.
其实他并没有 他只是并不完全同意她的看法
Actually, he doesn’t. He just doesn’t agree with her all the time.
那样有错吗 这里仍然是个自♥由♥的国度
Is that wrong or something? It’s still a free country.
这里当然还是自♥由♥的国度 但是 马蒂 看看这个
Of course it’s still a free country, but… Matty, look at that.
他用了滤镜 你不知道他的样子 他隐藏了自己的真实面目
He’s using a filter. You don’t even know what this guy looks like. He hides his face.
敢于发表自己的观点和看法的人 像你妈妈那种人是不用隐藏的
People who own their words and stand by their ideas like your mum don’t have hide their faces.
That’s easy when your opinions are trendy.
Guys like Urbandox who are actually pushing boundaries
have to protect themselves.
We all have to protect ourselves now.
– 这是因为若斯出的事吗 – 不是所有事情都与她有关 好吗
Is this because of what happened with Jos? No, not everything is about Jos, okay?
是一切都是如此 再没什么是正常的了
It’s everything. Nothing’s normal anymore.
学校里的女孩子们很刻薄 说她们 不喜欢听的 她们就会给你颜色看
And the girls at school are mean. You say one thing they don’t like and they shock you.
拜托 女孩子们这样做 是因为她们喜欢你
Come on, girls do these kind of things, ’cause, you know, ‘cause they like you. You know…
好吧 对不起
Okay, I’m sorry, I know,
我知道你要面对这一切 这对你来说不容易
I know you’re going through this, and it’s tough for you too, but…
you gotta remember that these girls are probably scared
她们身体上发生的情况 谁都不明白是怎么回事
and things are happening to their bodies that nobody understands.
我知道我们要达到一个新的 正常状态并稳定下来
And look, I know we’re gonna get to a new normal and things will settle down,
但在那之前 你能尽量别惹怒她们吗
but until then, can you maybe try not to make them mad?
– 你是说这是我想要的吗 – 当然不是
– Are you saying I asked for this? – No, of course not–
