it is the dawn of a new day.
新的自♥由♥ 新的权利 新的能力
New freedoms. New privileges. New abilities.
A byproduct of new Power.
But this liberation is not without its costs.
这是自然规律 每个作用力都会产生反作用力
It is a law of nature that for every action, there is a reaction.
But we must all be better than our nature.
为了我们当中那些 为了所有人类平等而战的人们
For those of us committed to the equality of all humanity,
it must be our mission to ensure that
这个新生的时代 所付出的代价不要太大
the price of this new day dawning is not too steep.
我相信我们可以做到 我相信我们骨子里的善良
And I believe we can. I believe in our inherent goodness.
我对超越这种代价的 美好重生心怀希望
I have hope in the bright rebirth beyond this reckoning.
你站出来为它发声的那一刻 就已经成为了它的代言人
The minute you stepped out in front of this thing, you became the face of it.
天啊 我甚至都不知道 你现在到底是谁
God I don’t even know who you fuckin’ are right now.
Five minutes of fame has gotten to your head.
敢破坏我的竞选 我就毁掉你的前程
You fuck with my Senate, I’m gonna run dust with what’s left of your career.
你是亲眼所见 钟声总会敲响
You saw first-hand. This bell is not getting un-rung.
This power is real.
所有的女人都被要求离开 他们说我可以留下你
All the women were told to leave. They said I could keep you.
I just feel like a hundred pounds lighter
并且强大了百倍 因为我具备这种能力
and a hundred times stronger. Because I have this thing in me.
Don’t. Move.
All of you, sit the fuck down!
