Wait. Wait! Oi, wait!
Rox! Rox!
喂 去找罗克西 该死 她知道托尼的事了
– Oi! Get Ricky! – Oi! Oi! Fuck sake. She knows about Tony.
– 罗克西 – 马上回来
Be right back.
喂 罗克西 别管这件事了
Oi, Rox! Rox! Rox, just let it go! Let it go!
– 求你了 – 你干什么啊
– Fuck’s sake. – Where the fuck are you going?
– 罗克西 让她下来 – 该死 让她下车
Rox! – Oi, get her out! – Fuck off, you get her out.
– 你根本不会开车 – 别说了 走开 这就是辆卡丁车
You can’t even drive. Stop, go, it’s a fucking Go-Kart!
Get out the car!
好吧 说到点子上了
Alright, alright, you made your point!
Let’s go, let’s go.
你女朋友很迷人啊 哥们
Oi, your misses is peng, bruv!
– 里基 你在给谁打电♥话♥ – 爸爸
– Ricky? Who you calling? – Dad.
– 不要 不要打 – 安静 达雷尔
– No, no, no, no. Don’t call Dad. – Be quiet, Darrell.
– 别给爸爸打电♥话♥ – 闭嘴 达雷尔
– Oi, don’t call Dad– – Shut up, Darrell!
– Shit.
– 那是什么 – 看起来像什么 坐下
– What’s that? What’s it look like, you bell end? Sit down.
– 看起来像支枪 哥们 – 他不接电♥话♥
It looks like a piece, bruv! Hey, Darrell– – He’s not picking up.
达雷尔 你想要吸点吗
– Dal, d’you want a bump, mate?
– Oi! Oi! Enough. – What?
开心点 伙计 来吧
Oi, you’ve had enough! Fucking chill out, mate. Here we go, look.
别吸了 大毒枭 求你了
Oi, relax with that, Scarface, fuck’s sake.
– 还想再来点吗 – 要 快点
– Do you want a bit more? – Yeah, go on, quick one. Go on. – Give us a bit more of that.
– 罗克西 你要来点吗 – 要
– Rox, d’you want a bit? – Yeah, now.
– 她吸得够多了 – 她可以吸一支 没事的
– She’s had enough! – She can have one, chill out. – Fucking hell.
– 特里 再给我点 – 看着点路
– Terry! – Eyes on the road, eyes on the road.
He deserves it.
Stop recording.
Leave him alone.
What are you doing?
Get away from her!
Oh, shit.
He’s with me!
Leave him!
放开他 他是和我一起的
Leave him, he’s with me!
You need to get up.
你现在回家吧 你的工作就是看着 你只能看着
You are going home now. Your job is to watch. You can only watch,
不能插手 你会害死我们两个 你知道吗
you cannot get involved. You could’ve killed both of us, you know that?
文 我是图恩德奥乔 我有消息告诉你
Er, Vin? Yeah, it’s Tunde Ojo. – I have something for you–
– 你在哪儿 – 在利雅得 女性反抗活动事发地
– Tunde, where are you? In Riyadh. I’ve been here protesting with the women all day.
– 你不会相信我拍到的视频 – 离开那里
Listen, you won’t believe the footage that I have– – Get out of there.
– 那里不安全 – 我知道 我把我拍的发给你
– It’s not safe for you. Just le– Yeah, I, I know, just let, let me send you what I have–
别发 我不能收 我不想让你因为我出事
Tunde, you don’t file from there, okay? I can’t take it, I don’t want your blood on my hands.
我没事 我只是…
Listen I, I, I’m fine. I’m fine. I just– I just need to sen– I need–
– 去个安全的地方 我们再谈 – 文 听我说…
Get somewhere safe and then we’ll talk. Vin, li– listen–
该死 我在沙特他就不肯接收视频
Oh, fuck. He won’t take the footage while I’m still in Saudi.
I need to get out of here.
我们去拿你的东西 我带你去机场
Let’s go get your stuff. I’ll take you to the airport.
他们翻了我的包 我的东西 我的摄像机 所有东西都翻乱了
They went through my bag. My stuff, my cameras, everything was everywhere!
They want your footage.
– 你可能会上禁飞名单 – 怎么会 为什么
You could be on a “No Fly” list. How? Why?
We need to find another way to get you out of here.
We can’t use the airport.
我是唯一的记者 也许就是因为这个他们才找我
I was the only journalist. Maybe that’s why they’re after me…
这里曾是我朋友的公♥寓♥ 这幢楼空置了一段时间了
This was my friend’s apartment. The building’s been empty for a while,
but we should be alright to stay here for the night.
你想要上传选定视频吗 上传中…
My sister’s friend is an American doctor.
我去试试看 她是否可以开车载你去约旦边境
I’m going to try to see if she can come and drive you to the Jordanian border.
嘿 纳迪亚 能听到我吗
Hi, Nadya. Can you hear me?
嗨 我是努蒂
Hi, it’s Ndudi.
我没法接电♥话♥ 请留言
I can’t answer the phone right now, but leave a message.
Thank you, for all of this.
I’m so grateful.
听我说 如果你需要我 帮你离开这里 我可以
And listen, if you need me to help you get out of this place, I will.
你才来我的祖国24个小时 就了解这个国家了
You come here for 24 hours and you know my country?
– 我读到过 – 你读过
– Well, I’ve read about it– – You’ve read?
Wow. You’re a top journalist for sure.
昨晚 你在这里为自♥由♥而战
Last night, you guys were here fighting for freedom?
我想要改变 没错 但我不是为了离开而战
I want change, yes, but I’m not fighting to leave…
I grew up in Jeddah.
小时候我爸爸送我去埃及 让我接受了教育
My father sent me to Egypt as a child, so I had an education.
我想要与众不同 想要所有女性都能得到我所得到的
I want it to be different, I want all women to have what I have had.
But I love my country.
I’m– I’m really sorry.
How do you feel when the rest of the world tells you
住在你祖国的感受时 你是什么感觉
what it’s like to live in your country,
他们感叹你是多么不幸 即使他们对此一无所知
how unlucky you are, even though they know nothing about it?
– 我觉得有点生气 – 没错 “有点生气”
I find it a little bit irritating. That’s right, a little bit irritating.
Did you think you were going to save me?
Your car is here.
Easy, easy! Fuck’s sake.
走吧 宝贝 上楼去
– 你是谁 想干什么 – 只是过来打个招呼
Who the fuck are you and what d’you want? I just come to say hi.
我在哪儿见过你 不是吗
I know you from somewhere, don’t I?
– 我在哪儿见过你呢 – 我是伯尼芒克的孩子
– Where do I know you from? – I’m Bernie Monke’s kid.
You killed my mum.
Who’s your mum again?
Remind me.
– 该死 – 你给我滚开
– Oi, fuck, fuck off! – Shit.
走吧 你别碰她
– Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go. – Get your hands off her!
你吵醒邻居 我就打断你胳膊
You wake the neighbours up… – Roxy, you okay? – …I’ll break ya fucking arm–
Stop, Rox!
– Alright, alright– – Easy fellas, alright?
不是我♥干♥的 不是我
– We’re going, we’re going. – I didn’t do it.
– 我可以告诉你 – 我看到你了 当时我在场
It wasn’t me, I can tell you. I saw you. I was there.
现在他得到教训了 走吧
He’s had enough of that, let’s go–
看到这个吗 要是我放到你嘴里 会怎么样 混♥蛋♥ 过来
You see this, yeah? What if I put this in your fucking mouth, you prick? – Come here!
– 把那个给我 – 特里 放下枪
– Hey! – Gimme that now! – Terry, put it down! – Oi, oi! – Terry, put it down!
– 过来 – 放下枪
– Come here, eh? – Put it away! Put it away!
– Fuck!
– 上车去 – 罗克西
– Get in the car, get in the fucking car! Oi, Rox! Rox!
罗克西 我们走了 上车
Roxy? Rox! Rox, we’re going! – Get in the car.
– C’mon, let’s go, let’s go!
– Fucking drive!
– 不行 开不了了 她把它弄坏了 – 快走 达雷尔
– No, no, it’s not working– – It’s not working! – Darrell!
She bust it!
– Shoot! – Fuck! Fuck!
– Will you pack it in? – Come on!
– 快点 – 爸爸
– Come on! Come on! – Dad?
快开车 快开车
Drive. Drive! Drive. Drive.
Terry? Terry?
– 特里 – 快开车
– Terry… – Right. Right again.
– 爸爸 我们这就来 – 特里
– Dad, we’re coming now. – Terry. Terry…
我们这就来 特里昏迷了
Right, Terry’s hurt…
– 放开他 达雷尔 放开他 – 不 里基
– Darrell, leave him. – No. – Leave him. – No, Ricky… Darrell, leave him, leave him, leave him now. – Leave him now.
– 拜托 – 他没事 我们带他回家
– Please… We’ll get him home, yeah? We’ll get him home.
达雷尔 抓住他的腿
Darrell! Darrell, get his legs.
抓住他的腿 达雷尔 把他弄进去
Get his legs, Darrell, get him in the house!
爸爸 嘿 爸爸
Dad! – Dad! – Dad! – What’s going on? – Dad! What’s going…
– 我的天啊 你们去哪儿了 – 该死的罗克西 是罗克西
Oh, my God! Where were you? It was fucking Roxy! It was Roxy!
真搞笑 我好饿
Thank you. I’m so hungry.
夏娃 过来
Eve! Come here!
夏娃 有一些不良影响
Eve, there are repercussions.
你不能在我这里使用电力 你该走了
You can’t use your electricity under my roof. It’s time for you to go.
You don’t get to tell us what to do anymore.
在沙特阿♥拉♥伯 对世界各地的女性来说
In Saudi Arabia, for women all over the world,
