Help me!
I’m trapped here!
He won’t let me go!
Come back inside!
她被关起来了 我们一起去
She’s trapped, let’s go together.
Rise up!
看到这种力量 这种新的自♥由♥
It is awe inspiring to see this Power, this new freedom…
从一只伸出的手传给另一只 是令人心生敬畏的
Being passed from one outstretched hand to the next.
现在 全世界范围内
Now, across the world…
A sleeping giant has been awakened.
今天将以“女孩之日”的名义 被载入史册
Today will be known throughout history as The Day of The Girls.
I’m getting rid of my EOD as soon as I can.
你开玩笑吧 我们才刚得到
No, you serious? We only just got it.
他们把我女儿从我身边带走了 说我很危险
They took my daughter away from me. Said I was dangerous.
那是胡说八道 好吧 你没有伤害任何人
That’s bullshit, alright? You haven’t hurt anyone.
Even how I got it was bad.
杰森威尔曼 26岁 仅供参考 未经我同意捅我的屁♥股♥
Jason Wheelman, who’s 26, FYI, stuck an uninvited finger up my ass
and it’s like he found an on switch.
– 该死 好吧 – 我知道
Oh, shit. Okay. I know.
如果我试试的话 是不是能关上呢
You reckon if I root around up there, I’ll find an off switch?
不会的 你会蹭一手屎
No. You’ll just get really shitty fingers.
你觉得我们为什么会具备这种能力 没有道理啊
Why do you reckon we got this thing? It makes no sense.
你们真的觉得这是意外吗 是巧合 只是随机发生的
Okay, come on, you really think this was an accident? A coincidence, just a chance thing?
– 可能是吧 – 你不觉得吗
Probably. – Don’t you?
不 我真的不这样认为 拜托
– No, I don’t really, come on.
他们在电视上说 “我们在水里放了什么
They’re all on TV like, “Shit, what did we put in the water?
“卫生棉条里有什么 我们做了什么才会发生这种事 ”
What’s in their tampons? What did we do to possibly make this happen?”
他们把我们当垃圾对待 现在我们就成了这样
You treat us like garbage for all this time and now here we are.
– 我们就成了这样 – 我们得到这种能力是因为我们需要
Here we are. Look, we got it because we need it.
– 所以你认为这是上帝做的 真的 – 可能吧
So, you think it’s God, really? Maybe,
或许真有上帝 她多年来对我们 不管不问 让我们自己弄清楚什么
I mean maybe there is a God and she just left us alone all these years to figure out the, what?
Equality between ourselves?
然后几周之前她还认为 “该死 给过你们机会了”
And then a few weeks ago she just thought, “Fuck it. You had your chance.”
现在她又想:“该死 我要插手摆平这件事 来吧”
And now she’s like, “Shit y’all. I’mma have to step in with a little something to even things out.” Go!
I think you’re right.
对我女儿来说 这会是个完全不同的世界
It’s gonna be a different world for my daughter.
已经如此了 我们只需要接受就好
Already is. We just gotta take it.
Thank you.
他甚至不跟我谈这件事 他没有勇气面对
He won’t even talk to me about it. I think he’s bottled it, you know?
有两个人 我告诉他了 为什么他不去找他们
I mean, there was two of them, I told him there was two of them, so why hasn’t he gone after them?
– 不想惹更多麻烦 – 那他就这样放过他了
Dad doesn’t want any more trouble. What, so he’s just gonna let them get away with it?
– 他需要一点时间 – 你想喝点什么吗
He’s gotta take his time. You want a drink?
– 我能处理好 为什么不让我处理 – 好了 你胆子最大
I can deal with it. Why won’t he just let me deal with it? Alright, Billy Big Bollocks.
– 你觉得我做不到 – 喝点什么吧
You don’t think I could? Just have a drink.
在这里别这样 罗克西
Not in here, Rox!
你给她吸了多少 特里 拜托啊 特里
How much d’you give her, Terry? Oh, for fuck’s sake, Terry.
后退 散开 不然我们开枪了
Get back! Disperse or we will open fire!
自♥由♥ 现在就要自♥由♥
Freedom. Freedom now!
来帮我一下 用你的手
Come, help me. Use your hands.
孩子 有点慈悲心吧
My son… have some mercy.
我们只是想要过去而已 孩子
We just want to pass, son.
Heaven lies at the feet of your mother.
Heaven lies at the feet of your mother.
Lower your weapons!
Take my hand.
What are you doing?
我们想要的是阻止他们 不是杀死他们
We want to stop them, not kill them.
拜托 帮他们下来
Please. Help them down.
天 别摇摆得太用力
Oh, my God. Don’t shake too hard.
Why not?
Go faster! Go faster!
一 二 三 一 二 三…
One, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three…
You ever tried it on your coochie?
My hands aren’t going anywhere near my cooch for a while.
但我运气好 可以对下面放电 我就是靠这个出名的
Be just my luck to blast my foof off. That’s what I’d be known for in life.
When I was a kid, my mum used to tell me I’d go blind if I even thought about touching down there.
Damn lies.
但这让我对我祖母有点想法 她带老花镜
Kinda made me judge my grandma though. She had glasses for reading.
I wanna try it now.
So try it.
– 我害怕 – 别怕
I’m scared. Don’t be.
So you’re a fancy bitch now, huh?
就是这样 宝贝
This is it, baby.
这就是你一直在寻找的 是你的家
This is what you’ve been searching for.
This is your family.
好了 姑娘们 暴风雨来了 所有人请回宿舍去
Okay, girls. The storm is coming. Everybody to the dormitories, please.
– 谢谢你们 – 我们来了
– Thank you. – I’m coming. Thank you.
看看你们啊 这么晚了还容光焕发的
Look at you, glowing at this hour, ah?
– 都是因为祷告 – 祷告 那就赞美吧
S’all the praying. Praying, praise be, praise be.
These candles smells like tobacco!
走吧 快走
Come on, quick! Quick! Quick!
走吧 姑娘们
Oh, my God! Come on, girls.
把你的放在她的旁边 谢谢各位修女
Put yours right beside theirs. Thank you, Sisters.
Do not make us guilty of innocent blood…
– 该死 等一下 – 露安娜
– Whoa. Fuck. – Luanne!
Does anyone know what to do?
抱住她就行 她几个小时之后就会好转
You just have to hold her. She’ll come out of it in a few hours.
不要又来 该死
Oh, shit.

What are you doing?
– 你不能用你的… – 闭嘴
– You may not use your electricit– – Shut up!
感觉你的方向 像鸟儿一样
Feel your way. Just like the bird…
Where is the glitch?
Where is the short circuit?
– Oh, my God.
– Oh, my God.
– 别看 – 夏娃把她害死了
– Oh, my God. – Eve killed her.
Oh, my God.
What have you done?
That was amazing.
You’re gonna get us chucked out!
– 好了 别碰我 – 我说过一千次了 够了
Alright, hands off! Enough, all right? I’ve said it a thousand times already, enough!
– 如果那是你妈妈 你是什么感觉 – 你要相信爸爸
– How would you feel if it was your mum? – Roxy… – You gotta trust Dad.
为什么 他为我做过什么 我可不是你们中的一员
– Why should I trust my Dad? What has he ever done for me? I’m not one of you, am I?
我妈妈对他并不重要 为什么我要信任他
My mum isn’t as important to him as your mum, so why the fuck should I trust my dad?
– 你要冷静 – 别这样说了
– You need to calm down. – Stop saying that.
– 好 对不起 – 爸爸最喜欢你 好吗
– OK, I’m sorry. – Dad likes you best, okay?
– 才不是 – 是真的 你是他最爱的孩子
– No, he doesn’t. – Yeah, it’s true. You’re his favourite.
Is that why he’s giving the business to Ricky then?
– 他想要保护你 – 我不需要
Nah, he wants to protect you. – I don’t need protecting.
– 我们知道 – 等我们回去 和他谈谈
– Yeah, we know. Look, when we get back, talk to him.
– 可你现在要做什么 – 你为什么要在乎呢
All right, but what you gonna do about it now? Why do you care anyway?
You’re off to your fucking shitty university soon.
I’ve got him a little beret.
好吗 我们 好好过一个晚上吧 好吗
Ain’t I, all right? So can we just– Can we just have a good night, yeah?
我们好好玩一个晚上 好吗 可以吗
Let’s just have a good one, yeah? Please, all right?
– 好的 – 好吗
Yeah. Yeah.
对了 谢谢你 对 我去吸支烟
All right, thank you. Right, I’m having a fag.
特里 你要告诉我吗 说实话 我什么都不会做
Terry? Tel? Tel, will you tell me honestly? I’m not gonna do anything about it,
不知情让我很绝望 你知道这个托尼是谁吗
it’s just driving me mental not knowing. Do you know who this Tony bloke is?
托尼古戎 诚实点 大家都知道
It’s Tony Goujon. I’m just being honest with her. Everyone fucking knows.
– 爸爸在处理这件事 – 我知道这个名字
– Dad is dealing with it! – I know that name.
– 佩勒姆街上那个家伙 – 不是 古德温球场旁边那个
The bloke that lives on Pelham Road? No. He lives up the station by Goodwin’s Court.
秋千旁边那个 那个地方很乱
You know, the one at the end by the swings. – It’s a proper fucking shit palace–
– 特里 – 卑鄙小人
– Terry!
