I got a job offer from CNN.
– 等等 努蒂… – 我对你很生气
– Wait, Ndudi– – I’m so mad at you.
图恩德 那是我的报道 是我发现的
Tunde, that was my story. I found it!
– You didn’t even want to come. – Shh.
You were messing around with Adunola.
Making up some nonsense about some business.
Then you put my face…
发到网上去 让全世界都看得到
all over the Internet for the whole world to see…
现在你又来到这里 寻求我的建议
and now you come here asking me for advice?
– 因为你觉得我就是个笑话 对吗 – 不是的 努蒂
– Because I’m a joke, abi? – No, no. Ndudi, listen…
我给你点建议 做点你自己相信的事 哪怕就一次
Here’s some advice. Do something you believe in for once.
做个男人 图恩德
Be a man, Tunde.
努蒂 我不知道我想做什么
Ndudi, I don’t know what I want to do.
That’s not my problem.
努蒂 进来
Ndudi! Come inside!
What do you think you’re gonna do at this time of the night?
你就这样走了 妈妈和爸爸会疯掉的
So you’re just gonna leave? Mom and Dad are going to lose their minds.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
电视新闻网给我打电♥话♥了 他们想要我做自己风格的报道
CNN called me, they want me to do my style of reporting.
报道 哥们 你做的是自♥拍♥视频
Reporting? Bro, you take video selfies.
我能和其他记者不能交谈的人交谈 我能去他们去不了的地方
I can speak to people other reporters can’t. And get into places other reporters are not allowed…
Dad is not going to allow you to come back to the house.
你放弃了学校 生意上的事
You’re neglecting your school, your job–
那是他希望我要的 我想要的东西呢
Things he wants from me. What about what I want for myself?
达米 努蒂说得对 我需要成为独♥立♥的人
Dami, Ndudi is right. I need to be my own man.
Ah, I’m wasting my life here.
把时间浪费在 自己根本不感兴趣的学习上
Wasting my time with studies that don’t interest me,
还有自己忍♥受不了的工作 以及我并不在意的女孩
work I can’t stand, girls I don’t care about.
我理解你说的绝大部分 但女孩
I understand most of what you are saying. But the girls?
– 她们没那么糟 – 达米 这种力量在传播
They’re not so bad. Dami, this power is spreading.
And it’s going to change things.
但在全球范围 情况会超乎我们想象
Here in Nigeria, but all over the world, In ways we cannot imagine.
这种变革是巨大的 达米 真♥主♥给我指明了道路
This is huge, Dami. Allah is showing me my path.
This is my destiny.
– 离眼睛太近了 – 嘿 若斯
Look, Jos.
Do you like my boobs?
你知道兄弟姐妹之间 总是会打架
是 我知道
宝贝 医生拿到结果了
Honey. The doctor’s got results.
好消息 他的反射还很明显
Good news, his reflexes are strong.
当时他迅速闭上了眼睛 所以只伤到了皮肤
His eyelid shut quickly, so the injury is limited to the skin.
– 谢天谢地 – 但是…我听到了“但是”
Oh, thank God. But… I hear a but.
His eye should be okay
but you should consult with a plastic surgeon for a second opinion.
There may be some scarring.
Oh, man.
– 好的 非常感谢 – 谢谢你
All right. Thank you so much. Thank you. – Thank you.
– Dr. Stevens to the ICU.
没事的 会没事的
It’s okay, it’s gonna be fine. It’s gonna be fine.
现在的皮肤移植 他们已经能做到很高的水平了
Gonna be fine. There’s so much they can do with skin graft these days.
– 说真的 他会好起来的 – 是的
You know? Seriously, he’s gonna get better. Yeah.
亲爱的 等我一下 我就回来 塔什 你还好吗
Honey, hold on. I’ll be right back. Hey, Tash. How are you?
– 嗨 – 怎么样 好久没见了
Oh, hi.
是啊 你看起来很不错
You didn’t mean to.
– 我知道这是个意外 – 别这样了
– I know it was an accident– – Stop.
Stop what?
别再假装我们很亲密 而你是个超级妈咪
Stop pretending like we’re so close and that you’re super mom.
I’m not pretending anything.
今天是一年来 我们在一起时间最久的一天
Today’s the most time we’ve spent together in over a year.
只因为我是你完美的生活中 必须有的责任
And it’s only because I’m becoming a liability for your perfect life.
若斯 不是这样的 我爱你
Jos, that is not true. I love you.
And… sorry that I’m not around more.
I thought you didn’t wanna spend time with me.
我的天啊 他为什么要说到我
Oh, my God. Why is he talking about me?
若斯 走吧 咱们去寻找一下答案
Jos, come on, let’s go get some answers.
宝贝 她没事的 这种操作他们每天要做几十次
Honey, she’s okay. They do dozens of these a day. Come on.
若斯 我需要你 尽可能保持不动 好吗
Jos, I need you to stay as still as possible, okay?
– 妈妈 爸爸 – 快把她弄出来
Mom. – Dad! – Get her out. Get her out now.
– 能再放一遍吗 – 好
– Can you, can you play it again? – Yeah.
– 她没事 – 看看这个
So is she okay? Watch this.
– 这是什么东西 – 你看到了吗
What am I looking at? See that?
电力不是从她们手中出来的 是从那儿出来的
It’s not coming from their hands. It’s coming from right there.
我从全国各地同事那里听说过 我从没见过
I heard from some colleagues from around the country, but I hadn’t seen it for myself.
我们有几个案子 是女孩身上有烧伤
We’ve had a few cases come through. Two girls with burn scars.
好吧 若斯在做扫描时 闪出了电火花
Okay, so Jos sparked when she went through the scan.
把机器弄坏了 但拍出了这张非常清楚的照片
It blew the machine but it gave us this beautiful, clear picture.
横纹肌组织 连接着颈脊神经
That striated muscle tissue, it banded into cervical spinal nerves right here.
at these points, there and there.
Are those pacemaker cells?
– 这就解释了电脉冲的成因 – 说点我能听懂的
– Like the sinoatrial node? – Yeah, which would explain the… electrical impulse. – Layperson terms, please.
– 这是个器官 – 一个新的器官
– It’s an organ. – It’s a new organ.
是的 一种能产生电能的器官
One that generates electricity.
Well, that’s… insane.
并不是 心脏 眼睛 大脑 它们都会产生电能
– Well, not really. The heart, the eye, the brain, they all generate electricity.
– 但这和它们不一样 它只负责这个 – 这是从哪儿来的呢
Yeah, but unlike those organs, that’s all this one seems to do. Well, where did it come from?
如果只出现在一个女孩身上 我会说是随机的变异情况
Well, I mean, if it was one girl, I’d say it was a random mutation?
大自然出现了某种偏离 但现在是成百上千个
And then nature throws us curve balls, I know that, but… it’s hundreds and thousands.
It could be some genetic switch that flipped.
有些东西之前就在 处于休眠状态 它只是…
Something that was there, dormant, and it just…
But why would it do that?
是环境问题 不是吗
Has got to be environmental, right? Don’t you think?
– 污染 有毒的土壤 各种压力 – 为了生存下去
Pollution, contaminated soil, stressors, or– Survival.
– Yeah.
天啊 等等
Oh, God damn it.
你是说要么是 我们造成这些女孩这样
So, wait, you’re saying either… we did this to these girls or…
they developed it out of necessity.
嗨 这是丹的私人电♥话♥ 请留言或联♥系♥我的助理
Hi, you’ve reached Dan’s private line. Leave a message or try my assistant.
怎么回事 玛格特 你知道现在几点了吗
What the fuck, Margot? Do you have any idea what time it is?
This is harassment.
那是个器官 那些女孩进化出了一个器官
It’s an organ. Girls are developing a new organ.
她们在进化 那些电流 火灾 坠机事故
They’re, they’re evolving. That’s what this is. The electricity, all the fires, the plane crash.
我们什么都没做 我们应该在这件事上投入更多资源
And we did nothing to prevent this. We should’ve put more resources–
– 冷静 好吗 深呼吸 – 别让我冷静
Okay, calm down, okay? Just take a breath. Don’t tell me to calm down.
This might be contagious.
怎么会有传染性 你说这是进化
How can it be contagious? You just said it’s “evolution.”
好吧 飞机上那个女孩 玛卡亚拉凯利
Okay, that girl from the plane, Makayla Kelly,
she transferred it to a flight attendant.
And how would you know that?
Unless you interfered with an FBI investigation?
你个混♥蛋♥ 你知道这一切 却瞒着我
You motherfucker. You know all this and you kept it from me,
kept it from the public?
I don’t have any obligation to share classified information.
Classified by whom?
There are a lot of people in Washington, people much smarter than you
and me putting plans into place.
没有人希望半途而废 引起恐慌
No one wants to go off half-cocked and create a panic.
We wait until we have answers
不 你正在为你的参议院竞选筹款
No, you are in the middle of fundraising for your senate campaign
and this might fuck up your chances.
丹尼尔 这件事比任何竞选都更重要
Well, Daniel, this is much bigger than any campaign.
我们要帮父母们做好准备 要帮这些姑娘们做好准备
We need to prepare parents. We need to prepare our girls.
They need to know what’s happening in their own bodies.
你知道他们会怎么对待吹哨人吗 记得新冠疫情时发生了什么吗
You know what they do to the messenger, right? You remember what happened with Covid?
I’m not going to put my face out there as a target for an angry mob.
We wait until D.C. moves on this.
在那之前 我们努力不要失控 控制好自己的情绪
Until then, we try not to get hysterical and we keep a lid on our feelings.
你喜欢以一个英雄的姿态 去面对摄像机
