but then it looked like she was seizing. So I grabbed her.
I just wanted to make sure she didn’t hit her head or something…
你看到了吗 毯子是怎么着火的
And then? Did you see it? How the blanket caught on fire?
没有 我什么都没看到 发生得太快了
No, I didn’t see anything… it was so fast…
她想要推开我 她的手就放在这里
She was trying to push me off, and her hands were here.
And then there was this, like, jolt.
一阵剧痛 然后突然一点都不痛了
And it hurt like hell, and then… it didn’t hurt at all.
It felt fucking amazing.
我没法解释 我觉得是她给我的
I can’t explain it. I think she gave it to me.
I think we both brought the plane down.
走吧 市长 结束了
Let’s go, Mayor. You’re done.
这个房♥间严格警戒 只允许得到批准的人进入
This room is strictly for approved personnel only.
我的天啊 罗伯 你不会相信我刚才…
Oh, my God, Rob. You’re not gonna believe–
是若斯 我们要马上去她的学校
– It’s Jos. – We gotta get to her school right now.
什么 怎么了 出什么事了
What? What? What’s going on?
Thank you for getting here so quickly, Mrs. Cleary-Lopez,
– 我知道你非常忙… – 若斯
I know you’re very busy– Jos?
– 乔斯琳柯丽瑞洛佩兹 – 若斯
Jocelyn Cleary-Lopez! Jos!
– 我的天啊 – 若斯
Jesus… – Jos! – …Christ.
– 妈妈 我在这里 – 我的天啊
Mom, I’m… I’m over here. – Oh, my God!
– 天啊 你没事吧 宝贝 – 这到底是怎么回事
– Jesus! – Are you okay, honey? – What the hell is going on here?
– 我没事 – 天啊
– Yeah, I’m fine. – Oh, my God!
你来干什么 我以为只有爸爸会来
What are you doing here? I thought only dad was gonna come.
Well, we were both worried.
你在干什么 乔伊
What are you doing, Joe?
你曾经去过我家 吃过饭 却把我们的孩子当罪犯对待
You’ve been to our house. We’ve served you dinner. And you’re gonna treat our kids like fucking criminals?
怎么回事 你病了吗 失去人性了吗
What’s wrong with you, man? Are you sick? – Have you lost your humanity?
– 必须照看好她们 – 我的天啊
– They’re gonna have to be taken care of. Jesus fucking Christ.
把这些东西拿掉 不然我就把它们缠到你脖子上
Can you get those fucking things off her or I’m gonna wrap them around your mother fucking neck?
– 听到我说的了吗 听到了吗 – 听到了
– You hear me? You hear me? – Yeah.
如果这些女孩一个小时后 没有回到家里父母身边
If all of these girls aren’t with their parents at home in the next hour,
you have a huge problem.
– 是 – 没事的 好吗
– Are you okay? – Yeah. – This will be fine, all right?
– Okay.
我知道有些女孩可以 更好地瞄准并控制力量
I know some girls can, like, aim it or control it more.
就好像她们知道如何用它发动袭击 可以控制袭击的力度
It’s like they know what they want to hit and how hard they want to hit it.
– 好的 – 但是我的…
Okay. But mine…
mine doesn’t work like that.
好的 你的是什么样的
Okay. How does yours work?
– 看到吗 – 嘿
See? Hey! Hey!
– This?
You know, this is some weird ass convent shit you got going on here.
你当时的状态不好 差点死在路边
You were in pretty bad shape, you almost died out there on the road.
你知道吗 你需要找个医生检查一下
Do you know that? You need a doctor to check you over
但周五会有暴风雨 所以要等到那之后了
but… we have a storm coming Friday so it’ll have to be after that.
There’ll be no one in or out for a while.
Can I leave?
你可以下午之前离开 之后我们要封锁这个地方
Well, as long as you’re out by this afternoon. After that we have to lock the place down.
You need to stop by the office and fill out the identity forms.
– 所有的女孩必须登记 – 哦 姑娘 不能留下书面记录
All girls must be on record. Uh-uh, girl. No paper trail.
– 我拿到鞋就走 – 没问题
As soon as I get my shoes, I’m gone. That suits us just fine.
You won’t find much.
We take a vow of poverty.
这是莫妮卡修女 不守规则孩子的守护神
Sister Monica, Patron Saint of Wayward Children.
坐吧 夏娃 我不想惹麻烦
Have a seat, Eve. I don’t want trouble.
没有警♥察♥ 我们只是聊聊
No police. Just talk.
维罗妮卡修女很严厉 但我保证 她是个好女人
Sister Veronica can be a hard ass… but I promise, she’s a good woman.
She has done amazing things.
反叛的修女 在卡罗莱纳海滩上掀起波澜
艾滋病 我们需要研究 不需要歇斯底里
Doesn’t seem very Catholic-y.
的确 我们是跟随本心的修女
It isn’t. We’re nuns in our hearts.
基♥督♥姊妹属于我们的本心 不属于教会
Sisters of Christ in our hearts. But not in the church.
我年轻的时候 决定为自己的真理而活
When I was younger, I decided to live my truth.
I told my family, this is who I am.
“我是个女人 不是你们认为的是男人”
I am a woman. Not the man that you believed me to be.
I was cast out,
没有家 丢了工作
no family. I lost my job.
I was on the streets.
And Veronica found me.
And she guide me.
但却因为她的善良 被教会驱逐
But for her kindness… she was excommunicated.
All of the women here, they have been cast out.
为正义而战 为弱者而战
Standing up for justice. Standing up for the weak.
如果她为人们而战 为什么她那么反对放电能力
If she stands up for people, why is she so against the electricity?
Veronica’s a revolutionary.
But this power is a crisis of faith.
她为此很担心 她知道改变会带来后果
And she worries. She knows that consequences come with change.
有点耐心 留下来吧
Have patience and stay.
– Rebel nuns and wayward girls.
看到吗 我告诉过你 会有一个地方是属于你的
– See? I told you there’s a place where you belong.
And then, in 2016…
我是说 这可能吗
Is it impossible? Maybe…
或许这种力量可以转移 或许她碰到了什么东西或什么人
Maybe it’s transferrable. Maybe she touched something.
这是一种病毒吗 怎么回事
Wait, you’re talking about a virus here? What the hell?
孩子们在发各种相关视频 所有人都说是恶作剧
The kids have been posting about it, everyone is calling it a hoax.
有火灾和断电情况 我警告过丹顿
I mean, there’s fires and outages… I warned Dandon about this.
I know you did.
我的天啊 没法相信这事 会发生在我们孩子身上
I can’t believe this is happening to my baby!
I’m telling you. She’s gonna be okay. She’s gonna be fine.
不 飞机上那个女孩 被当做外星人关起来接受测试
No, she’s not. That girl from the plane? They had her locked up like E.T., running tests on her.
不能让人们把我们的女儿 当成实验室里的小白鼠
It is not okay with me that the world is gonna use our daughter as a lab rat.
– 我觉得不会发展成那样 – 你怎么知道呢
– Honey, honey. I don’t think it’s headed that way. – How do you know?
如果高中里有50个 往外扩展一下
– I mean, if there are 50 in a high school and you extrapolate from there… – Yeah?
就有成百上千个女孩 在经历这一切
…statistically, that’s hundreds and thousands of girls going through this.
我们要为她寻求帮助 并且要快
I think we need to get her some help and we need to do it quietly. – Okay.
你能联♥系♥一下马蒂去年夏天 见的那位治疗师吗
Can you contact that therapist that Matty worked with last summer?
– 他叫什么来着 医生… – 这消息传出去之前我会告诉海伦
What was his name? Doctor… And we need to tell Helen before this gets out.
– 怎么会传出去 – 我们不能永远保守秘密 罗伯
Whoa, how would it get out? Well, we can’t keep something like this a secret forever, Rob.
– 会牵涉到政♥治♥ – 别那样做
It’s gonna get political. – Don’t do that. Don’t do that.
– What?
Don’t use that Mayor Seattle voice on me, okay?
– 我不是你的敌人 – 说真的 你想因为我的语气吵架
– Because I’m not the enemy, okay? – Seriously? You wanna argue about my tone of voice right now?
– 你想要这样吗 – 我不想为这个吵架
– 谢谢你 – 嘿
– Thank you! – Hey!
The electric eel is the only animal
that can produce a killing shock of electricity.
– 这是你失散多年的家人 – 尽管“鳗鱼”这个名字…
Oh, look, Jos, it’s your long-lost family. Despite the name eel…
– 还给我 我正看着呢 – 可怜的妈妈和爸爸
Give it back I was watching that. Poor Mom and Dad.
就好像他们最爱的孩子 被鳗鱼传染上了性病一样
It’s like their favourite kid got an STD from having sex with an eel.
– 性病是什么 – 拿来
What’s an STD? – Give it.
– 马蒂 – 你干什么
Matty. – What are you doing?
Let go!
– 那是什么东西 – 马蒂 你没事吧
Matty, are you okay?
若斯 怎么了
– Jos! Jos! What’s happening?
我不是故意的 这是意外 我是想要拿遥控器
– I didn’t mean to. It was an accident.
马蒂 让我看看他
Come here.
Let me see… Let me check.
– 他没事吧 – 他的眼睛怎么了
Is he okay? What happened to his eye?
玛格特 要弗兰克把车开来 我们要送他去医院
Margot, tell Frank to pull up front. We gotta get him to a hospital right away.
– 这是意外 是意外 – 没事的
It was an accident… accident.
没事的 别紧张
It’s gonna be fine, champ, I’m telling you. Relax.
拜托 努蒂
Come on, Ndudi.
– 你来这里干什么 – 嘿 我只是想和你谈谈
– What are you doing here? – Hey, hey. I just wanna talk…
– 拜托… – 我不能去
– Just go. – Please. Come on.
你不该来这里 如果我奶奶 看到我们在一起 我们就完了
You shouldn’t be here. If my grandmother sees us together, we are finished.
我知道 只是…
I know. I know, It’s just…
努蒂 我很抱歉 非常抱歉
Ndudi, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.
– 我非常抱歉 我只是… – 你只是什么
I’m so sorry. I, I just… You just what?
I just… I had to see you.
我得到了一个 在电视新闻网工作的机会
