Wanna take a seat?
– 胳膊怎么样了 – 没事 我没事
– How’s the arm? – It’s fine. I’m fine.
– 我想要见她 这些混♥蛋♥… – 她叫玛卡亚拉
I wanna see my daughter, and these arseholes– Her name’s Makayla?
– 她现在可能很害怕 – 是 我理解 我自己有三个孩子
She’s probably terrified right now. Yeah. I mean, I get that. I’ve got three myself.
她没做什么错事 我是说 她不是有意…
Look, she didn’t do anything wrong. I mean, she didn’t mean…
我甚至都不知道发生了什么事 她有飞行恐惧症 她很害怕
I don’t even actually know happened… She’s afraid of flying and she panicked.
她是个好孩子 不会伤害任何人
But she’s a good kid. She wouldn’t hurt anyone.
听我说 我去看看发生了什么事
Listen, I’m gonna find out what’s going on.
与此同时 你能帮我个忙吗
But in the meantime can you do me a favor?
If you deck one of those agents,
I’m pretty sure you’re not gonna see your daughter today,
所以在得到我的消息之前 坐在这里别动
so sit tight ’til you hear from me?
– 好 我能做到 – 是吗 好的
Yeah, I can do that. Yeah? Okay.
海伦 我要进去见一下玛卡亚拉凯利
Helen, I need to get in to see Makayla Kelly.
这些联邦调查局的人 连她父亲都不允许进去见她
These Feds won’t let her own father in to see her.
好吧 那我们绕过他们
Okay. So we’ll go around them.
嘿 一切都好吗
Hey, is everything okay?
还好 你认识在华盛顿大学医学中心 隔离病区的人吗
Yeah. Do you know anyone at U-Dub Northwest who works in isolation?
有几个联邦调查局的人 不让我和一起坠机事故相关人员谈话
I have some Feds blocking access to a crash survivor I need to talk to.
我认识 我帮你联♥系♥塔什
– Yeah, yeah. I do. – Let me put you in touch with Tash.
塔什 你的前任
Tash, your ex?
没问题 太好了
Uh, sure. That’ll be great.
Lazarus has risen.
Praise be.
没事的 姑娘 这里没人会伤害你
It’s okay, girl. No one is gonna hurt you here.
– 我这是在哪儿 – 这里是基♥督♥姊妹修道院
Where am I? This is the Sisters of Christ Convent.
我是玛丽亚修女 你叫什么名字
I am Sister Maria. What’s your name?
– 夏娃 – 这名字选得不错
Eve. Ooh… Good choice.
Those are fresh.
我们这里的大部分食物 都是自己种植的
We grow most of our food here.
我们用海藻做肥皂 来支付我们需要的所有东西
And we make soap, with seaweed, to pay for anything else we need.
自从开始接收你们 我们需要的东西越来越多了
Which is more and more. Since we’ve started taking you all in.
We get more girls like you every day.
我这样的女孩 什么样的女孩
Girls like me? What kind of girl is that?
Girls with no place else to go.
你很快就会见到她们 她们现在在宿舍里
You’re gonna meet them soon enough They’re in the dormitory.
We… found this in your bag.
– 你翻过我的东西 – 我必须这样做
You went through my stuff? I have to.
我们这里不允许有毒品 酒精和武器
We don’t allow drugs, alcohol, weapons…
Are you a believer?
– 我每天都和上帝说话 – 现在呢
I talk to God every day. Do you now?
And He talks back?
是她 她回答我 一直都回答我
She. She does. All the time.
How lucky. To have such faith.
夏娃 很高兴认识你
Eve. I am glad to meet you.
It was no accident I found you on that road.
So rest as long as you like. Please.
You’re just gonna stare at her like that?
维罗妮卡修女 维罗妮卡修女
Sister Veronica! – Sister Veronica!
嘿 怎么 你以前没见过 身材好的女孩
– Hey! What, you never seen a girl fit before?
尽管这看起来非常令人震惊 但没有证据显示这段视频是伪造的
No evidence that the footage was doctored…
– 有人认为这是个应用程序 – 或是泰瑟枪 我觉得是泰瑟枪
Some even believe it’s an ad. – For Taters. – It looked like Taters to me.
Or could this be another issue caused by video gaming?
等下 我们会听到你的想法
Later today, we’ll be hearing your thoughts
以及针对这种现象 针对女孩放电恶作剧的专业分♥析♥
together with expert analysis, on the Internet phenomenon, “The Electric Girl” hoax.
– 什么 – 嘿 说你呢 走开
What? – Yo move. – And so, as adults catch up
…弄明白孩子们 几周来一直在看的东西
with what the kids have apparently been watching for weeks,
we have the latest footage from around the globe.
这是恶作剧吗 你来决定
Is this a hoax? You decide.
有些观看者可能会觉得 下面的视频令人不安
Some viewers may find the following scenes distressing.
Watch out.
Okay, okay. Okay.
Nobody’s looking at the rise of violent crime.
嘿 说你呢 你能让开吗
Hey, yo! Can you move?
…或是美国警方已经达到 警力极限这一事实的人
The US Police force has a breaking point.
都不会认为这是好事 这非常糟糕
And suggesting that this might be a good thing we got going on. That’s dumb.
You got this thing?
我们都有 大多数都有
We all do. Well, most of us.
That’s why we’re here.
现在所有人都有了 所有人都很特别
So everyone has it now? Everyone’s special.
这些女孩们都做不了你能做的 宝贝
None of these girls can do what you can, baby.
– 我们收到了衣物捐赠 – 太好了
– We got a clothes donation. – Okay.
– 谁都别碰我 – 快来
姑娘们 到外面来 开全体大会
Girls, outside now! Family meeting!
我们注意到最近 你们一些人报告的事件
It has come to our attention that the recent issues that some of you have reported
regarding your fingers and, uh, sparks,
这种情况在整个美洲蔓延 范围可能更广
has been spreading across America, possibly further,
and it would seem that this mutation is incredibly dangerous.
I think the unfortunate business with the chicken,
具体我就不细说了 这显示出了我们所面对的问题
which I won’t get into again… has shown us just what we are dealing with.
这是为了我们的安全 我随时可以让你们离开
This is about all our safety. It’s my word and you’ll be out of here.
不要使用放电能力 现在去工作吧
No Electricity! Now get to work!
走吧 姑娘们
每个春天和夏天 我们都需要不同的快乐男孩
吹吧 丽萨 吹吧
吹吧 丽萨 吹吧
吹吧 丽萨 吹吧
吹吧 丽萨 吹吧
吹吧 丽萨 吹吧
吹吧 丽萨 吹吧
吹吧 丽萨 吹吧
吹吧 丽萨 吹吧
Is this necessary?
这是预防措施 现在我们还不知道面对的是什么
It’s just a precaution until we know for sure what we’re dealing with.
有很多传言 但并没有什么答案
There are a lot of rumours floating around and not a lot of answers.
没错 所以你和罗伯 是在无国界医生活动中认识的
Right. So you and Rob met at Doctors without Borders?
是的 医学院毕业之后 就去柬埔寨待了六个月
Yeah, yeah. Six months in Cambodia right out of med school.
他说那次旅程改变了他的人生 以及他对医学的看法
Hmm. He says that trip changed his life, his whole outlook on medicine.
是啊 我也一样 这真的带来了不一样的视角
Yeah, mine too. It really put things in perspective.
好吧 特工每20分钟检查一次 所以看好时间
Okay. The agents have been doing checks every 20 minutes, so just watch your time.
– 再次感谢 – 不客气
– Thank you again. – You’re welcome.
嗨 我是玛格特 我是西雅图这个城市的市长
Hi. I’m Margot. I’m the mayor here, of Seattle.
– 我想要找我爸爸 – 我和你♥爸♥爸谈过 他在楼上
I want my dad. I actually just spoke to your dad. He’s right upstairs.
为什么他们不让我见他 我有麻烦了吗
Why won’t they let me see him? Am I in trouble?
没有 没有人有麻烦
No. No, no one is in trouble.
No, I’m just here to find out what happened.
I already told them. I didn’t… do anything.
我只是讨厌飞机晃动 我觉得我要死了
I just… hate when the plane shakes, I feel like I’m gonna die.
My daughter Jos used to be terrified of flying, too.
You remember anything about what happened?
可能会帮我弄明白状况 好让你可以回家
Might help me clear things up and get you home.
My hands.
They started hurting a few days ago.
你知道碰到烘干机里的衣服时 会有静电吧
You know, like when you touch laundry in a dryer and you get a shock?
I was really nervous for the flight,
所以爸爸给我吃了苯海拉明 让我睡觉
so my dad gave me a Benadryl to help me sleep. Then the plane was shaking,
然后飞机开始摇晃 我醒了 特别害怕
I woke up, I was so scared and it was so hard to breathe.
很难呼吸 有位女士让我系好安全带
And then a lady started telling me to put on my belt.
The… the flight attendant?
And then my hands started hurting again.
And then she reached over to put on my belt.
And then suddenly the blanket was on fire and…
所有人都在尖叫 所有东西都在乱飞 然后飞机…
everyone was screaming and everything went flying, and then the plane just…
I swear, I didn’t mean to hurt anybody.
– 亲爱的… – 我不知道自己做了什么
– I don’t know what I did. – Hey.
没事的 我们会弄清楚的 没事的
It’s okay. We’re gonna figure this out. It’s okay.
It’s okay.
– 你能告诉那位女士我很抱歉吗 – 哪位女士 空乘吗
Tell the lady I’m sorry. What lady? The flight attendant?
I think I hurt her.
I thought the kid just didn’t want to put her belt on…
但她看上去像是有病症发作 所以我就抓住了她
