And while that happens, you will wait patiently and quietly.
同时 我把你需要的资金转过去
In the meantime, I will divert the funding you need.
Thank you.
不过 玛格特 我这样说 是因为我关心你和你的事业
But, Margot, I say this as someone who cares about you and your career.
冷静下来 回家去陪你的丈夫
Calm down, go home. Go hang out with your husband.
好吧 你说得对
Okay. You’re right.
– 谢谢 – 嘿 没事的
Thanks. Hey, it’s no problem.
等你做这个像我这么久 就能学会不要有这种女性才有的焦虑
You do this as long as I have, you learn not to get your panties all in a bunch.
– 什么的焦虑 – 你懂我的意思
My what in a what? Hey. You know what I mean.
是的 我完全明白你的意思
Yeah. Yeah. I know exactly what you mean.
Thems is the last of the Thai leftovers.
我订餐订得太晚了 抱歉
It was late notice, honey. I’m sorry.
我还在我们常去的法式餐厅 定位置了 真的
You know, you know, I had reservations at her friend’s spot. – I did.
我饿死了 这个真的太好了 太感谢了
– No, I’m starving, and this… This is really great. Thank you so much, I’m…
I’m sorry.
别担心这个了 亲爱的 反正♥法♥餐也会让我胀气
Don’t worry about it. Don’t worry, honey. French food gives me gas anyhow.
– 你从哪儿弄来的这些花 – 邮箱旁边 邻居的花盆里
Where’d you get those flowers? You know the neighbours’ barrel around the mailbox?
他们的猫以前总是在我们 孩子玩的沙盒里拉屎 所以扯平了
Their cat used to shit in the kid’s sandbox. – So that’s kind of fair, actually.
没错 这完全没问题
– That’s right. Damn straight it is.
– 该死 怎么了 – 显然 网民们不喜欢我的鞋子
Damn. What happened? Apparently the Internet hates my shoes
– 还有我的脸 – 别碰 我来弄
and my face. Don’t touch it, don’t touch it. Let me get it, let me get it, let me get it.
你今天过得怎么样 有什么好玩的事吗
So how was your day, huh? Anything fun or interesting happened?
不 我不想谈我这一天
Uh… No. Nope, nope. I don’t wanna… I don’t want to talk about my day.
好吧 那你想谈什么
Okay, so what do you want to talk about then?
你刮毛刮得怎么样 对 我们谈谈这个吧 洛佩兹医生
Your manscape? Yeah, let’s talk about that, Dr. Lopez.
好吧 小女人
Okay. Okay, little mama.
– Here you go.
不 你知道吗 我们来谈谈你的一天
No, you know what? We’re going to talk about your day.
不 我不想谈 为什么要谈我的一天
No. I don’t want to. Why do we have to talk about my day?
就算你努力让自己的声音 显得很可爱
Because even with that trying-to-be-cute thing you’re doing with your voice,
我也知道有情况不对劲 好吗
I can see that something’s up, okay?
And you’re bottling it, woman,
and if you don’t let that shit out,
你的情绪会爆发 毁掉我们这个晚上的 好吗
it’s gonna explode over the fucking place and ruin our night, okay?
对不起 我今天接诊了一位患者
Sorry, sorry. You know, I had this patient today, this– this poor teenage girl.
一个可怜的十几岁的女孩 她充满了愤怒 那感觉太疯狂了
I mean, she was so full of rage, it was crazy.
他们给她吃药 让她降低感觉 但她还是被愤怒控制
And they had her medicated till oblivion and she was still boiling over.
I don’t know.
This whole world seems like it’s boiling over these days, huh?
That’s why you got to let that shit out, okay?
我做不到 哪怕我的表情只有一秒种 看起来很愤怒
I can’t. Even if my face looks too angry for like one second,
我就会被认为是情绪化 易怒 歇斯底里 彻底无法当选
I am emotional, irrational, hysterical and totally unelectable.
胡说 这里只有我们
Bullshit. This is our space.
我是你丈夫 我说了在这里你可以生气 好吗
And I’m your husband and I say you can be angry here, okay?
让愤怒爆发出来吧 来吧 生气吧
So let that fur fly. Come on, be fucking angry.
这座城市里有一堆烂事 我说的是真的 对吗
There is shit going on in this city. I’m talking real shit, right.
同时 在这个属于手♥机♥ 短♥信♥
And meanwhile, in the age of cell phones and text messages
and emails and Panogram,
我要开车去奥林匹亚 就为了得到他两分钟的关注
I had to drive to fucking Olympia to get his attention for two minutes.
– 然后 你知道他对我说什么吗 – 不知道 他说什么
– And then you know what he said to me? – No, what?
He told me to not get my panties in a bunch.
I don’t like him talking about my wife’s panties like that.
– 想揍他吗 – 等等 你当时没揍他
You want to kick his ass? – Wait, wait, you didn’t?
– 我想揍 我可以打倒他的 – 我知道你可以
– Well, I wish! I could have taken him! Oh, I know you could. I know you could!
你说什么了 因为我知道你肯定说了什么
So, so what did you say? ‘Cause I know, I know you must have said something.
什么都没说 我是从政的女人 他每天都这样对我
Nothing. Because I am a woman in politics and he gets to shit on me all day long
– 我必须要怀着感恩的心接受 – 你对他是威胁 好吗
and I have to take it gracefully. No, he’s threatened by you, okay?
因为你能力更强 比他更有资格
Because you’re more capable, more qualified than he is.
所以他必须压倒你 不让你开口
So he has to knock you down and shut you up.
– 但你不会输给他的 – 我已经输给他了
But you’re not– you’re not gonna let him win, are you? Well, he already did.
我只想吃顿美餐 和我丈夫上♥床♥
Because all I wanted to do tonight was have a nice meal and fuck my husband.
好 待在那里别动
Okay. Sit right there.
– 你这是… – 等等 别…
– What do you– – Wait, wait, don’t. Here it is.
这是什么 好像是个…
What? What is this? Like–
是个礼物 还是…
It’s a present, or…
是的 是你那个疯妈妈 给你的结婚礼物
This is– It’s a wedding present from your crazy mother.
打碎它 来吧
Break it. Yeah, go ahead.
打碎它 我认真的
Smash it. I’m serious.
我的天啊 这感觉太好了
Oh, my God! Holy shit. That felt really fucking good.
是不是 感觉好吧
Did it? Did it feel good?
– 好 我还要 – 不行不行
– Whoo! Okay, I’m going again! – No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
我去拿宜家备用的 好吗 别动这些
Just a sec. Let me get the Ikea backups, okay? No, no.
– 快点 – 你疯了 我喜欢这样
– You’re crazy, I love it! – Hurry!
Mysterious fires continue to rage across the world,
燃烧着公园 商业建筑 住♥宅♥及学校
burning parks, businesses, homes and schools.
In many cases, officials have discovered an alarming connection:
显示都是与女孩子们有关 有些女孩只有12岁
girls, some as young as 12, appear to be responsible.
Are these deliberate acts of arson?
是社交媒体上的点火挑战 出乱子了吗
A social media fire-starting challenge gone horribly wrong?
Overwhelmed fire departments across the globe are fighting
都在与火灾作斗争 并试图寻求答案
the flames and searching for answers.
在喀尔巴阡 莫斯卡列夫总统 宣布这些年轻女性为恐♥怖♥分♥子♥
In Carpathia, President Moskalev has declared these young women as “terrorists”
and threatened arsonists…
她们只是女孩子们 维克多 傻女孩们在恶作剧
They are just girls, Viktor, silly girls doing pranks.
Surely you have more important things to worry about?
你认为我不知道 自己的国家里发生了什么事吗
You think I don’t know what’s happening in my own fucking country?
许多家庭都躲在家里 在烛光下坐在一起
就连路灯都不亮了 让整座城市陷入了黑暗之中
同时 在中国根纠
– Meanwhile… – Leave me alone.
一家生产手♥机♥的工厂报告说 因电路起火导致
…in Tianjin, China a factory that builds cellular phones,
reported millions of dollars of damaged merchandise…
A visitor for you, Mrs Moskalev.
…mostly young women. Your mother.
It stinks of shit out there.
你在访谈时不能那么野心勃勃 他们不喜欢
You can’t be ambitious like that in interviews, they won’t like you.
你应该充满感恩 我很奇怪他们居然注意到你了
You need to be grateful, surprised they even noticed you.
可我是最好的 所以他们才会采访我
But I’m the best, that’s why they interviewed me.
我的上帝啊 你有没有听我说话
Dear God! Are you even listening to me?
别拿那么多 你姐姐需要训练
Don’t take so much, your sister has to train.
表现得谦逊点 你不是个孩子了
Show some humility. You’re not a kid anymore.
– 我工作不是… – 我们…
– I don’t work– – We–
This isn’t about you!
我们每个人做三份工作 工作这么长时间
We don’t work three jobs each, all these shit hours to pay for your training
都是为了给你付训练的钱 而你的自大会毁掉这一切
so you can ruin it with your arrogance.
你肚子里装这么多 还怎么做侧手翻
You can’t cartwheel with all that inside you.
好了 我明白 别那么野心勃勃
OK, OK, I understand, don’t be ambitious.
No! No!
当然要有野心 当然要有
Of course be ambitious, of course.
You must be ambitious…
but you mustn’t show them you’re ambitious.
他们不会喜欢的 你要做个可爱的小姑娘
They won’t like it. A sweet little girl is what you have to be!
You’ve had work done.
Fancy bitch!
Aren’t you going to offer me something?
– 你好残忍♥ – 我是跟最残忍♥的人学出来的
You’re cruel. I learnt from the best.
你父亲死了 他死了 什么都没给我留
Your father is dead. He’s dead and left me with nothing,
not a bean in the house.
现在日子很难过 没有工作可做
Life is hard right now. There’s no work.
I have nothing to live on.
我几乎三个星期没怎么吃东西了 也没有地方洗澡
I’ve barely eaten in three weeks. I have nowhere to wash.
And the bunions!
Look at my fucking bunions.
Put them away.
I’ve come for what I’m owed!

Dad died?
