有好多孩子说 她们也遇到了同样的事
They are filled with kids saying that it’s happening to them
不然就是曾经看到过 有电火花从她们手中出现
or they’ve seen it before. Electricity coming out of their hands.
– 都是十几岁的女孩 – 我所看到的都是
All teenage girls? From what I’ve seen, yes.
– 丹顿州长那边有消息吗 – 他一整天都在开会
– Any word back from Governor Dandon? – He’s been in meetings all day.
胡扯 参议院竞选 他是在筹款
Oh, horse shit. It’s the Senate Campaign. He’s fundraising.
他的助理说今晚在他的宅邸 会为募捐者举办一个宴会
His assistant said he has a private function for campaign donors at the mansion tonight.
我想这意味着我要在纪念日当天 去趟奥林匹亚了
I guess that means I’m going to fucking Olympia on my fucking anniversary.
你能给罗伯打个电♥话♥ 告诉他我要晚到一会儿吗
Can you please call Rob and let him know I’m going to be late?
– 当然可以 能帮我个忙吗 – 好 玛丽波平斯 这是什么东西
Sure. Oh, can you do me a favor? Okay, Mary Poppins. What are these?
以防丹顿家有媒体人士 人们对你的高跟鞋有负面评价
In case there’s press at Dandon’s. We’ve got negative feedback on those heels.
– 它们太昂贵了 – 我的高跟鞋
Too expensive. These heels?
我花800美金买♥♥的 这不是因为你说 我需要看起来“更有雄心壮志”吗
That I paid $800 for ’cause you said I needed to look more aspirational?
对不起 进步的基础就是不断改变
I’m sorry. The progressive base is a fickle mistress.
These aren’t too bad.
– 穿起来脚很疼 – 一分钱一分货
They hurt. You get what you pay for, I guess.
你知道 丹顿州长穿的是 一千美金的菲拉格慕
You know, Governor Dandon wears $1,000 Ferragamos.
没人说什么 盯着我的鞋的那些人 肯定生活非常悲惨
No one says anything. Whoever’s obsessed with my shoes should get a fucking life.
世界文明史考试怎么样 你做得怎么样
How’d the World Civ exam go, huh? How’d you do?
– 很不错 – 不错 只是不错而已
It was fine. Fine, just fine?
– 是啊 – 好吧
Yeah. Okay.
你很棒吗 若斯
You’re on point, Jos.
你很棒吗 若斯
You’re on point, Jos.
你很棒吗 若斯
You’re on point, Jos.
我们来用放克 介绍一下我有多好
告诉你妈妈 告诉你♥爸♥爸 发一封电报
我就像是超能电池 能量充足又持久
我的团队从不会搞砸 因为我们很坚强
Yeah, yeah!
我的天啊 这是我 像你这么大时听的音乐
Oh, my God. That– that was the kind of music I used to listen to when I was your age.
回到从前的感觉真好 天啊
It was so cool to me back then. Oh, my God.
你也应该听一下 我觉得你可能会喜欢
You should, you should, uh, check it out sometime. I think you might like it.
这些人不止很有趣 他们也有社会意识感
‘Cause these guys, not only were they fun, but they were socially conscious.
在“觉醒”之前就已经觉醒 这是非常了不起的
You know, woke– woke before even woke was a thing.
那些歌♥曲采样 我的天啊 那太棒了 用的是世界性音乐
And the sampling, oh, my God. It was everything. They used world music, jazz.
爵士 我是说 我知道现在所有人 都在做歌♥曲采样 但当时…
I mean, I know– I know everybody samples now, but back then–
好了 我懂了 我是个差劲的爸爸 我只管闭嘴开车就好
Alright, alright, I get it. I’m a lame dad, alright? I’ll just drive and shut up.
Oh, shit!
The fuck?
– 天 宝贝 你没事吧 – 我没事
Shit, honey. Are you okay? I’m okay.
What the hell was that?
不知道 像是静电
I don’t know. Um, like a static shock or something.
若斯 微波炉也是这种情况吗
Jos, was that– was that the same thing that happened with the microwave?
– 若斯 – 不是的
– Jos? – No.
– 你可以告诉我 – 不行
You can tell me. No.
天 或许是因为你的音响太旧了 就和你听的蠢音乐一样
God. Maybe your stereo is just old like your stupid music.
丽贝娜 萨莎娜 高个男孩 漂亮女孩 丽贝娜 萨莎娜
高个男孩 漂亮女孩 丽贝娜 萨莎娜 高个男孩 漂亮女孩
You okay?
– 是什么故障 – 启动不了
– What’s the trouble? – Won’t start.
– 能让我看一下吗 – 我找人了
– Can I take a look? – I got a guy coming.
只不过又是一个低估你的人而已 这里没什么好看的
Just another man underestimating you? Nothing to say here.
– 你们要去哪儿 – 食物银行
– Where are you headed? – Food bank.
别说话 我们的事跟谁都说
Hush now. Telling everyone our business.
我从小就在修车行长大 我爸爸是机械师
I grew up around cars. My dad’s a mechanic.
Yeah, you got jumper cables in your back pocket?
Yeah, maybe.
– 你一个人这是从哪儿来 – 我错过了公交
Where’d you come from all alone? Missed my bus.
You know what you can do to help me?
我打火的时候告诉我油门线 是不是动了
Tell me if that accelerator cable moves if I start it.
– 没动 – 再试一下
– Nothing. – Try again.
– 她是个巫师 – 有动静吗
– Is she a wizard? – Anything?
– 是女巫 – 再来
– She’s a witch. – No. Again.
– 女孩当不了巫师 – 女孩可以当任何人
Girls can’t be wizards. – Girls can be anything!
– One more time.
Hey, what’d you do? Huh?
– 不 冷静 深呼吸 – 她烧伤了她
– Ow! Daddy! – Please. No, no. Calm down. – She burnt her!
– 爸爸 – 出什么事了
– Daddy! – What’s happened?
– 她弄疼我了 – 离孩子们远点
– Daddy, she hurt me! – You stay away from my daughters!
– 她把手放在发热的引擎上了 – 离我女儿远点
– No, no! She put her hand on a hot engine! – You need to call– – You get away from my daughters, now!
– 别碰我 – 爸爸
Don’t touch me! Daddy! Daddy!
– Daddy, help!
– 回车上去 – 爸爸
– Get back in the car. Get back in the car! – Take it easy. – Daddy, daddy!
– Are you okay?
– 爸爸 – 好了 姑娘们 没事了
– Daddy… Daddy! – Okay, girls, it’s fine. – Daddy…
你不听我的 就会这样
That’s what happens when you don’t listen to me.

天啊 你干了什么啊 你不知道怎么骑自行车吗
Bloody hell! What did you do? Don’t you know how to ride a bloody bike,
你个傻姑娘 这是怎么回事
you stupid little girl? What the fuck!
– 他一直在看你 – 可能是因为你一直在看他
He keeps looking at you. Yeah, probably because you keep looking at him.
– 到那边去 – 才不
Go over there. Absolutely not.
为什么 你在害怕什么
Why? What are you afraid of?
他一直和布里迪阿兹在一起 我可没那种本事
He’s been with Brie Diaz. I don’t have those kind of moves.
若斯 拜托 这又不是迪士尼冰上巡演 只是过去…
Jos, come on. It’s not Disney on Ice. – Just go over there…
别说了 天啊
– Stop it! My God.
一周之前 我的生活十分里只能打四分
A week ago, my life was like a four out of ten.
– 现在差不多有七分 – 七分
Now it’s like a seven. A seven?
We can electrocute shit.
我们可以烧掉东西 伙计 才七分 不是的 是满分十分
We can blow things up. Dude, a seven? No, it’s a ten.
It’s a motherfucking ten.
– 玛格特 – 丹尼尔
– Margot. – Daniel.
– 很晚了 – 我办公室打过电♥话♥的 很多次
It’s late. My office did call… a lot.
– 谢谢 – 我们去书房♥吧
– Oh, thanks. – Let’s take this into the study.
各位 玛格特柯丽瑞洛佩兹市长来了
Everyone, this is Mayor Margot Cleary-Lopez.
– 抱歉打扰 – 是给你发牌还是给她
Uh, sorry to interrupt. – Deal you out, or deal her in?
我们休息五分钟 很快回来
– Uh, let’s take five. I won’t be long.
没法相信在这种混乱中 你居然还能召集扑克牌局
I can’t believe in this shitstorm, you’re hosting a poker night.
来打牌的就是给你的住房♥倡议 和扫盲计划出资的人
with the guys who fund your housing initiatives and literacy programs.
That’s politics.
有时改变许多人生活的决定 都是在牌桌上做出的
Deals that change lives sometimes happen at poker tables.
– 康普茶酒 – 当然 谢谢
– Hard kombucha? – Yeah, sure.
我收到了你的消息 打算明天一早就给你打电♥话♥
So I got your messages and I was going to call you first thing tomorrow.
– 你需要我♥干♥什么 – 首先 我需要你接电♥话♥
Now, what do you need from me? First off, I need you to answer the phone when I call.
– 我们现在处于危机状态 – 有很多火情需要处理
I mean, we’re in a state of crisis here. There are a lot of fires to put out,
有些是字面意思 但“危机”这个词有点太过了
some literally, but I think “crisis” is maybe a little strong.
Oh, please don’t do the whole “Daddy Dandon’s got everything under control” bit.
I get that you want to manage optics with the Senate campaign.
No, this isn’t about my campaign.
This is about you coming to my house in the middle of the night,
大喊着什么“天要塌了” 你知道吗
screaming the “sky is falling”, and guess what?
天总是会塌的 因为这就是政♥府♥管控
The sky is always falling. Because that’s governing.
我该怎么才能 帮你做得更高效一些呢
Now, how can I help you do that more effectively?
我的应急服务没有资金了 我们需要紧急筹资
My EMS services are tapped. We need emergency funding.
Is there anything else?
Okay, um…
我有东西给你看 我知道看起来很疯狂 好吗
I’m going to show you something. And I– I know it seems crazy, right?
但你要看看 好好看看
But just– just look at it. Just watch.
我觉得发生的所有这些事 都可能与这个东西有关
See? I think everything that’s happening, it could be connected to whatever this is.
– 玛格特… – 我知道
– Margot… – I know, I know.
That is a video on Yoozer.
是 唯一与所有报告相符的东西
Yes, and it’s the only thing that makes sense. With all the reports we’re getting.
– 你看起来压力很大 – 我压力很大 我的城市失火了
You seem like you’re under a lot of stress. I am stressed. My city is on fire.
– 今天不是你的纪念日吗 – 是的
Isn’t it your anniversary? Yes.
– 多久了 – 20年了
How long? Twenty years.
太了不起了 政♥治♥中 很难找到这种平衡感
That’s impressive. It’s hard to find that kind of balance in politics.
I will have a team look into this quietly.
