Hey. Hey.
Wake up.
Happy anniversary.
纪念日快乐 现在几点了
Happy anniversary. What time is it?
很早 抱歉 我想在上班前跑个步
Early, sorry. I wanted to get a run in before work.
是啊 好多汗啊
Hmm, so sweaty.
I have an insane day.
I wanted to tell you… to your face before you leave.
I love you.
– 今晚我们要喝葡萄酒 – 是吗
And tonight, we’re going to drink wine. – Oh, yeah.
我们要聊聊成人话题 不聊工作或孩子
Yeah, and we’re going to talk about grown up stuff. It’s nothing to do with work or the kids.
Oh, thank God.
And then… we’re gonna fuck.
We’re gonna what?
好吧 我会安排好孩子们 然后刮个毛
Okay. I– I’ll get rid of the kids, and I’ll, uh… I’ll manscape.
天 我喜欢你的计划 但我更爱你
God, I love your plan. But I love you even more.
– 什么情况 – 天啊
– What? – Oh, God.
– 你开玩笑吗 – 到底是怎么回事
– Are you kidding me? – No, what the hell is going on?
– 这是怎么了 – 警报
– What is going on, you guys? – Come on.
若斯 出什么事了 天啊 你没事吧
– Jos, what happened? – Oh, God! – Oh, my God. Are you okay?
– Back off, back off! – Don’t touch me!
我来处理 当心 后退 宝贝
– I got it, I got it. I got it, watch out. Move back! Move back, honey!
警报响了 有火情吗
We got an alarm. There’s a fire?
– 现在没有了 – 我们没事了 谢谢 弗兰克
– Not anymore. – We’re okay. Thanks, Frank.
Why is the house screaming?
Jos tried to burn it down.
– 青春期少女荷尔蒙激增 – 闭嘴 马蒂
– Teenage girl hormone rage, probably. – Shut up, Matty!
好了 没事了 我们控制住情况了
All right, guys, come on. Everything’s fine. We got it all under control.
快准备好 我们要迟到了
Now get ready for school, we’re running late. Let’s go, let’s go.
– 什么意思 这简直是切尔诺贝利 – 这太夸张了
What d’you mean everything’s fine? It’s Chernobyl in here. Uh, that’s a little dramatic, Matty.
– 若斯 出什么事了 – 我不知道
Jos, what happened? I don’t know.
– 嗨 能讲英语吗 – 亲爱的 我们结婚多久了
Hi! Hola! Can we speak English? Honey, come on. Respectfully. How long have we been married?
二十年了 还是一个字都不懂 我没给你下载学习语言软件吗
Twenty years and you haven’t picked up one word. Didn’t I get you the Rosetta Stone?
她没时间 忙着亲宝宝剪彩了
She hasn’t the time to learn our language. She’s too busy kissing babies and cutting ribbons.
嘿 若斯 你不能这样跟你妈妈说话
– Hey, hey. – Oh, come on, come on, Jos, Jos, come on. You can’t talk to your mom like that.
嘿 你怎么了
Hey, what’s going on with you?
是海伦 对不起
– It’s Helen, I’m sorry.
– 是 – 对不起
– Yeah. – I’m sorry.
没事的 宝贝
– That’s okay, babe. It’s okay.
– 最好是要紧事 – 到处都在着火
This better be important. The fucking world is on fire.
We need you here. Now.
紧急服务部门 今年的加班预算已经快满了
Emergency Services are reaching their OT budget for the year.
We need to hit up someone with deeper pockets.
– 安排和州长通电♥话♥ 还有什么 – 普捷湾能源公♥司♥
Um, will you set a call with the Governor, please? – All right, what else? – Puget Sound Energy.
停电 断网 熔断器盒子 他们说这不是设备故障
Blackouts, blown grids, fuse boxes. They’re saying it isn’t equipment failure.
I think we should get an outside party to verify that. Please.
笔架山的又一起火灾 是在一家家庭餐厅
Another fire in Beacon Hill, a family restaurant.
负责人说已经得到控制 但火势蔓延到了一幢公♥寓♥楼
The Chief is saying it’s under control now, but it spread to a neighbouring apartment building.
三人死亡 七位居民失踪
Three dead, several residents still missing.
又是个十几岁的女孩 家人坚称是意外
Another teenage girl. The family is insisting it was an accident.
父亲声称火是从她手里烧起来的 原话就是这样
The father claims the fire came from her hands. Exact words.
Beacon Hill is predominantly Chinese immigrants.
Is it possible that something was lost in translation?
It’s possible.
– 你会说普通话吗 – 粤语我也会 我查一下
– You speak Mandarin, right? – And Cantonese. I’m on it.
好 太好了 你们都太棒了 谢谢你们
Okay. Kick ass. You all kick so much ass. Thank you.
所有人都知道该做什么了 对吧
Everybody has their marching orders, right?
这是怎么回事 本周第12起火灾
It’s the twelfth fire this week?
– Crazy. – What the hell is happening?
Teen girls are setting shit on fire.
我并不吃惊 毕竟她们成长在这样一个世界里
I’m not surprised, this world they’re growing up in…
是啊 我自己有时候都想放把火
Yeah, I wish I could set some shit on fire sometimes.
火灾 女孩 断电 你觉得这其中有联♥系♥吗
Fires, girls, the power outages. I mean, y’think they’re somehow connected?
I’ll look into it.
嘿 若斯 我很抱歉…
Hey, Jos, I’m so sorry about–
是我妈妈 她就不能像个 正常人一样发短♥信♥吗
My mom. Can’t she just text like a normal person?
你听说了女孩子们做的那些 奇怪的关于电的事情吗
Have you heard about this weird electric thing girls are doing?
听说了一些 怎么回事 你听说了什么
I mean, yeah, kind of. Why? What have you heard about it?
– 我听说那就是原因 – 什么 短♥信♥
– I’ve heard that’s what causes it. – What, texting?
不是 是女孩子们 用震动棒自娱自乐
No. Girls, you know, messing with themselves… with vibrators.
好吧 这个我倒是第一次听说 但我有世界文明史考试
Okay, well, I haven’t heard that one yet. Uh, but you know what? I have a test for World Civ,
所以回头见吧 好吧 嘿 奎恩 猫咪在哪儿
– so I will see you later, okay? Cool. – Oh. Okay. Hey, Quinn. Uh, where’s Cat?
或许因为有考试 所以逃课了 你复习了吗
Uh, probably ditching ’cause of the test. Did you study?
算是复习了吧 说不好 一整章都是关于法国革命的
Yeah, kind of. I don’t know, like a whole chapter on the French Revolution?
– 我生活里什么时候会用得上 – 我知道 会挂得很惨
Like, when am I actually going to use that in my life? I know, right? I’m about to fail so hard.
– 看啊 没有考试了 – 天啊 太棒了
– Look at that. No more test! – Oh, my God. So fire!
快走 快走

这位是罗伯洛佩兹 他负责这些测试
This is Rob Lopez. He’s in charge of these trials.
Nice to meet you.
如果可以的话 他要看一下你手臂上的痕迹 萨拉
Dr. Lopez is going to take a look at the marks on your arm, if that’s okay, Sara?
萨拉 你还好吗
So, Sara… you okay?
– 很好 – 那就好
Yeah. Good, good, good.
听到你经历的这些困难 我很难过
Look, I’m sorry to hear about all the difficulty you’ve been having,
但我真的认为 这个问题我们是可以解决的
but I really don’t think that it’s– it’s anything that we can’t fix, all right?
听我说 我明白
And look, I know.
我家里也有两个女儿 我知道她们的担忧
I– I have two daughters at home, and I know they worry
担忧所有一切 好了 可以吗
about everything. Okay, may I?
对这样小的身体来说 这些药量太多了
That’s a lotta meds for such a little body, huh?
Sara struggles managing big feelings,
– 特别是在她生气的时候 – 没错
especially when she’s angry. Right.
她曾被诊断为 间歇性爆发障碍吗
And she’s been diagnosed with Intermittent Explosive Disorder, huh?
是的 萨拉是最近几年 才出现这种情况的
Yeah, Sara didn’t really start having these problems until a couple of years back.
– 当时发生了什么事吗 – 据我们所知没有
– Did something happen? – No, nothing… that we know of.
只是噩梦般的青春期中 强烈的情绪冲突而已
Just the violent collision with her nightmare teen years.
相信我 这些我都懂 我有个和她年纪差不多大的孩子
Trust me, I know all about that. I have one around her age.
只是我孩子17岁了 你和她聊她的感觉时 她怎么说
– Except mine’s 17. – What does your daughter say when you try to talk to her about her feelings, huh?
说 萨拉不说话 她只会尖叫
Talk? Sara doesn’t talk. She screams.
她讨厌我 讨厌所有人
She hates me. She hates everyone.
对不起 给你
I’m sorry. Here.
我来看看 有丙戊酸钠 卡马西平 妥泰 安律凡
Okay, let’s see. We got, uh… Depakote, Tegretol, Topamax, Abilify,
维思通 临时用苯♥巴♥比♥妥♥…
Risperdal, PRN phenobarbital.
是啊 我们尝试过所有药了
Yeah, we’ve tried everything.
但这是出现这些印记的原因 对吗 所有这些药物
But that’s what caused the marks, right? All the meds,
这些药对她产生了 副作用和一些反应
and she had side effects from them and reactions?
这些药中没有任何一种 会造成这种痕迹
No. None of these medications, even in combination,
could have caused anything like this.
对不起 但这种划痕模式非常明显
I’m sorry. But, you see this, this scarification pattern right here?
叫做利希滕贝格图形 产生的唯一原因就是电灼伤
It’s, uh, it’s very distinct. It’s called a Lichtenberg figure and it’s uniquely caused by electrical burns.
萨拉最近遭受过电击吗 或许有过你们不知道的意外
So has Sara experienced electrical shock lately? Maybe had an accident of sorts that you’re not aware of?
没有 我是说 我觉得没有
No. No, I– I mean, I don’t think so.
这种事她会告诉我的 不是吗
She would tell me about something like that, wouldn’t she?
凯丽 对不起 我知道这种事很敏感 但我必须要问
Kellie, I’m sorry. I know this is delicate, but I’m going to have to ask.
Are you sure that no one’s been hurting her?
没有 据我所知没有
No. No. Not that I know of.
只是吵架 正常地在操场吵架那种
Just fights. Normal playground things.
和女孩们 其他女孩们
With girls. With other girls.
The streets of Carpathia are burning.
这些火灾不是意外 是故意破坏行为
These fires are not accidents. They are acts of vandalism and anarchism.
The perpetrators will face
capital punishment.
她们不仅仅是年轻的女孩子 她们是恐♥怖♥主♥义♥者
These are not just young girls, they are terrorists!
作为敬业的总统 我将恢复法律和秩序 愿上帝帮助我
As your devoted president, I will restore law and order, God help me.
Fuck you all.
今年晚些时候 1999年10月
Later this year, in October 1999,
