Before everything…
I used to share a staircase with Tommy Traddles.
He was a terrific fellow.
用法语说就是 非常好的一个同学
Un camarade tres formidable, as the French say.
Well, now, there’s a thing.
I’d completely forgotten that I can… I can speak French.
This is a remarkable day.
It’s a delight to see you so liberated.
-是不是很出色 -很漂亮
– Isn’t that magnificent? – Beautiful.
单手 先生 单手放风筝
With one hand, sir. With one hand, I tell you.
This boy is terrific.
Thank you, um…
乔特伍德 大卫的儿子
Trotwood. David’s son.
-谢谢你 乔特伍德·大卫逊 -我的荣幸 先生
– Thank you, Trotwood Davidson. – Pleasure, sir.
驴 滚 滚 快走
Donkeys! Shoo! Shoo! Come on!
给我走 我会剥了你的皮把你炖了吃肉
On your way. I’ll tan your hide and put you in a stew!
I’m a huge maniac!
就是这样 滚
That’s it. Shoo.
-你赶驴子赶得真暴♥力♥ -你好
– Very ferocious shooing. – Hello.
We suffer from a plague of donkeys.
你肯定是乔特伍德 我是威克菲尔
You must be Trotwood. I’m Wickfield.
-我是你姑婆财务上的代理人 -对
– I act for your aunt in matters of finance. – Right.
This is my daughter, Agnes.
鞠躬 很少有人对我鞠躬
A bow. I’m so rarely bowed to.
I hope I’ve started a new fashion.
Unless you deem it inappropriate.
不 完全没有 乔特伍德
No, not at all, Trotwood.
I shall demand it at our every meeting from now on,
as if I’m an empress.
Or mad.
威克菲尔先生 艾格尼丝 见到你们真好
Ah, Mr. Wickfield. Agnes, how very nice to see you.
-你好吗 -这一路可不轻松
– Are you well? – That was quite the journey.
-是吗 -现在喝雪利酒是否有点早
– Was it? – Is it too early for sherry?
A little early.
那就喝葡萄酒 新加坡现在是晚上七点
Port, then. It’s seven in the evening in Singapore.
-应该是的 -爸爸 现在喝酒还太早了
– I imagine. – Father, it’s too early to drink.
乔特伍德 威克菲尔先生在坎特伯雷
Trotwood, Mr. Wickfield owns the freehold
of a very fine educational establishment in Canterbury.
It’s snapping at the heels of the better-known establishments.
我对教育极其渴望 可惜这渴望从未被满足过
I have a thirst for education that sadly has never been quenched.
真的吗 你看起来像是受过良好教育的知识分子
Really? You give the impression of a very well-watered intellect.
说了这么多渴望 让我口渴
All this talk of thirst is making me thirsty.
-生意如何 威克菲尔先生 -一切都好
– How is business, Mr. Wickfield? – All is well.
当然有一些挑战 关税减免
There are, of course, challenges. Uh, the reduced tariffs.
重商主义衰落 要是我能在地球仪上跟你比划一下
The retreat of mercantilism. If I could show you on the globe…
Here in Europe and… the Americas.
I could go on.
-印度 -“一切都好”就够了
– India. – “All is well” would have sufficed.
某人 某人
Somebody. Somebody.
不不不 迪克先生 迪克先生 来和我们一起
No, no, no, Mr. Dick. Mr. Dick, come. Come be with us.
你好 我是迪克先生 我特别喜欢姜饼
Hello. I’m Mr. Dick. I’m very partial to gingerbread.
我也一样 迪克先生 我喜欢辛辣的味道
As am I, Mr. Dick. I adore the fiery taste.
Delighted to meet you.
很高兴 谢谢
Delighted. Thank you.
Can you just confirm something?
-我的脑袋 -怎么
– My head… – Yes?
Am I right?
My head is connected to my body?
让我看一看 对
Well, let me have a look. Yes.
I can confirm without any doubt that it is.
Well, that’s good to hear.
-你想看看我的风筝吗 -请带我看吧 谢谢
– Would you like to see my kite? – Yes, please. Thank you.
来 大卫逊
Come on, Davidson.
Where’s that?
-迪克先生 -不
– Mr. Dick? – Uh, no.
是痛苦 要国王的痛苦 得让它上天
Agony. It’s about the king’s agony. That’s going up there.
He believes when Charles I was executed,
烦恼离开了国王的脑袋 进入了迪克先生的
the king’s troubles flew from his head to nest in Mr. Dick’s own.
所以你才把它们当风筝放起来吗 迪克先生
Is that why you fly them on your kite, Mr. Dick?
-正是如此 -这是理所当然的行为
– Precisely. – It’s the obvious course of action.
Oh, I like you.
真是个令人愉快的巧合 因为我也喜欢你
What a happy coincidence, because I like you too.
这是大卫逊的主意 这小子可神奇了
Davidson’s idea. The boy’s a marvel.
迪克先生 你看起来就像是在打定音鼓
Mr. Dick, you look like you’re playing the kettledrums.
确实如此 你应该把这句话写下来
He does. You should write that down.
I will arrange for Trotwood to board with Mrs. Strong.
-这事需要庆祝一下 -对
– This calls for a celebration. – Yes.
-万岁 -万岁
– Hooray! – Hooray.
I was thinking more along the lines of a…
-茶吗 珍妮特 -是
– Tea? Janet! – Yes.
-茶 -茶
– Tea. – Tea.
-茶 茶 -茶 茶
– Tea. Tea. – Tea. Tea.
-喝茶就好 -放风筝去啦
– Tea’s fine. – Kite time!
威克菲尔先生 来一大杯波尔多葡萄酒如何
Mr. Wickfield, why don’t you have a big glass of port wine?
-你特别喜欢这个 -确实 迪克先生
– You do love it so. – I do, Mr. Dick.
你还记得这事 我真感动
I’m touched you remembered.
-飞起来了 艾格尼丝 -天啊
– It’s working, Agnes! – My gosh.
I wouldn’t call myself an expert,
-但是 -你们每天都这么做吗
– but… – Do you do this every day?
-看 -看看他多开心
– Look. – Look how happy he is.
Kite time!
你去寄宿学校以后 我会想念我们的野餐的
I’m going to miss our picnics when you go away to board.
You’ll enjoy Mrs. Strong’s establishment.
它不能说完美无缺 但本意是好的
It’s not in a perfect condition but it means well.
A little like my father.
Oh, now.
Thank you.
我学到 如果我是一名绅士
-不必麻烦 -不
– That’s all right. – No.
It’s not even a bit of trouble to help.
It’s pure Christian pleasure.
-我是尤 -你能开一下门吗
– I’m Uri… – Would you open the door?
威克菲尔先生 稳住
Mr. Wickfield, steady on.
这些台阶能要人命 实在太高了
These steps are lethal. Very, very high.
-尤赖亚 没必要 -我没法下去 我能回去吗
– Uriah, there’s no need. – I can’t. Shall I get back in?
你快下来了 来 就一个台阶
You’re getting close. Come on. One step.
-慢慢走 好了 -威克菲尔先生
– Slowly. There you go. – Mr. Wickfield.
斯特朗夫人 欢迎
Mrs. Strong. Welcome.
不 是不客气 我早就在这里了
No, you’re welcome. I’m already here.
-我脑袋一片混沌 -旅途颠簸所致
– My head’s muddled. – From the bumpy journey.
-这是科特伍德·乔波菲尔 -乔特伍德·科波菲尔
– This is Cropwood Trotterfield. – Trotwood Copperfield.
-很高兴认识你 斯特朗夫人 -我才是不胜欢喜
– Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Strong. – Pleasure is all mine.
-你手里拿着的是什么 -没什么
– What do you have in your hand? – It’s nothing.
就是一小片墙皮 但一切都好 跟我来
Just a small piece of wall. But all is well. Follow me.
我们就住在那边 记得过来玩
We live just over there. Come and visit.
I will.
-我是尤赖亚·希普 -我们到了
– I’m Uriah Heep… – Oh, here we are!
老天 这有点让人失望 尤赖亚 滴水了
Oh, dear. That’s disappointing. Uriah, drip.
-要我把桶清空吗 -谢谢 跟我来
– Shall I do the bucket? – Thank you. Follow me.
Like all the great old establishments,
we have our little traditions.
Good morning!
Well, I think we’ll let Mr. Steerforth
just finish his funny little story about the geography teacher.
Wearing the shortest of his three wigs.
这是科波菲尔 他是新生
This is Copperfield. He’s new.
我猜也是这样 斯特朗夫人
I surmised as much, Mrs. Strong,
but I appreciate the confirmation.
很好 斯提福兹先生
Oh, very good, Mr. Steerforth.
很高兴认识你 科波菲尔少爷
I’m thrilled to make your acquaintance, Master Copperfield.
-谢谢你 -尤赖亚 把那个拿去宿舍
– Thank you. – Uriah, bring that to the dormitory.
