好了 孩子们 还记得我曾说过的…
Now, you remember, children, how I told you
about the good Lord going up into the mountain and talking to the people?
他说: “清心的人有福了 因为他们必得见神”
And how he said: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God”?
他还说: “田野的百合花赛过…
And howhe said that King Solomon in all his glory
was not as beautiful as the lilies of the field?
And I know you won’t forget
“不可论断人 免得你们被论断”
“Judge not lest ye be judged”,
because I explained that to you.
然后 上帝接着说:
And then the good Lord went on to say:
“Beware of false prophets
他们到你们这里来 外面披着羊皮
which come to you in sheep’s clothing
but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”
“凭着他们的果子 就可以认出他们来”
“Ye shall know them by their fruits.”
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40…
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40…
45 50 55 60 65 70…
45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70…
75 80 85 90 95 100…
75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100…
不管你们有没有准备好 我来了
Here I come, ready or not.
What’s wrong?
“A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit,
neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.”
“所以凭着他们的果子 就可以认出他们来”
“Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.”
好了 接下去是谁呢? 上帝?
Well now, what’s it to be, Lord?
Another widow?
已经几个了? 6个?
How many’s it been? Six?
I disremember.
你发命令吧 上帝 我这就去做
You say the word, Lord. I’m on my way.
You always send me money to go forth and preach your word.
A widow with a little wad of bills hid away in the sugar bowl.
上帝 我已经疲倦了
Lord, I am tired.
有时 我怀疑你是不是真的了解…
Sometimes I wonder if you really understand.
不是说你不喜欢杀戮 你的书里都是杀戮
Not that you mind the killings. Your book is full of killings.
But there are things you do hate, Lord.
Perfume-smelling things.
身着艳服的 卷发的尤物们
Lacy things. Things with curly hair.
There are too many of them.
You can’t kill a world.
You driving a touring car with a Moundsville licence?
哈里·鲍威尔 因偷窃汽车罪
Harry Powell, for the theft of that touring car
you’ll spend 30 days in the Moundsville Penitentiary.
是”牧师”哈里·鲍威尔 -偷车贼 带回所在地判决
reacher Harry Powell. – A car thief. Picked up where you were.
牧师? 哈里·鲍威尔…
A man of God? Harry Powell…
Hold Miss Jenny still.
站好 詹妮小姐
Stand still, Miss Jenny.
那儿 有什么困难的吗?
There. What’s so hard about that?
你妈妈在哪儿? -去买♥♥东西了
Where’s your mom? – Out shopping.
爸爸 你在流血
You’re bleeding, Dad.
Listen. We have to hide this money before they get to me.
There’s close to $10,000.
藏哪里呢? 烧火房♥的石头下? 不 不
Where? Under a rock in the smokehouse? No, no.
葡萄亭的砖头下? 不 不 他们会挖的
Under the bricks in the grape arbour. No, no. They’d dig for it.
对 就是那个地方
Sure. That’s the place.
就是他 -他也许还带着那支枪
That’s him. – He probably still has that gun.
听好 儿子 你必须发誓 发誓意味着承诺
Listen to me, son. You’ve got to swear. Swear means promise.
首先你要发誓照顾好小珀尔 用你的生命去守护她
First swear you’ll take care of little Pearl. Guard her with your life, boy.
然后 你要发誓永远不泄露钱藏在哪里
Then swear you won’t never tell where the money’s hid.
Not even your mom.
好的 爸爸 -你懂了吗?
Yes, Dad. – You understand?
连她也不告诉? -你有判断力 她没有
Not even her? – You’ve got common sense, she ain’t.
当你长大好 钱就是属于你的了
When you grow up that money’ll belong to you.
现在 站起来 挺身 举起你的右手
Now stand up straight. Raise your right hand.
发誓: 我会用我的生命守护珀尔 -用生命守护珀尔
Now swear. I’ll guard Pearl with my life. – I will guard Pearl with my life.
我绝不泄露钱藏在哪里 -我绝不泄露钱藏在哪里
And I won’t never tell about the money. – And I won’t never tell about the money.
珀尔 你也要发誓
You, Pearl. You swear too.
Ben Harper.
我走了 孩子们 再见
I’m going now, children. Goodbye.
把枪放下 哈珀 我们不希望伤到孩子
Drop that gun, Harper. We don’t want the kids hurt.
记住你发的誓 儿子 记住
Just mind what you swore, son. Mind, boy.
本·哈珀 这是法庭对你…
Ben Harper, it is the sentence of this court
that for the murder of Ed Smiley and Corey South
you be hanged by the neck until you are dead.
May God have mercy on your soul.
I got you all buffaloed.
你别想从我这里知道 你们都别想
You ain’t none of you gonna get it out of me.
哪里 本? 哪里?
Where, Ben? Where?
And a little child shall lead them.
好啦 兄弟 告诉我
Come on, boy. Tell me.
本 我是个牧师
Ben! I’m a man of God.
你居然想让我在睡梦中告诉你 -不 本
Making me talk about it in my sleep. – No, Ben. No.
What did I say?
你在引用圣经 本
You was quoting the scripture, Ben.
你说: “小孩子要牵引他们”
You said “And a little child shall lead them.”
你杀了两个人 本·哈珀
You killed two men, Ben Harper.
对 牧师 我抢了银行
That’s right, Preacher. I robbed that bank
我已经无法忍♥受让孩子们 饿着肚子在树林里徘徊
cos I got tired of seeing children roaming the woodlands without food.
在这种不景气的年代里 在高速公路上游荡
Children roaming the highways in this year of Depression.
Children sleeping in old abandoned car bodies on junk heaps.
我答应过我自己 我永远也不要看到我的儿子那个样子
I promised myself I’d never see the day when my young ‘uns would want.
用那一万块钱 我可以建一个礼拜堂
With that $10,000 I could build a tabernacle
and make that Wheeling Island tabernacle look like a chicken house.
Would you have free candy for the kids?
想想吧 本 用那些受诅咒的血钱
Think of it, Ben. With that cursed, bloody gold.
你是怎么把那把刀藏在毯子里的 牧师?
How come you got that stickknife hid up in your blankets, Preacher?
当他们把我带到这个邪恶的地方时 是主蒙住了他们的眼睛
The Lord blinded mine enemies when they brought me in this evil place.
I smuggled it in right under the noses of them guards.
“I come not with peace,
而是一把利剑” -你 牧师?
but with a sword.” – You, Preacher?
这把剑已经伴我度过了很多邪恶的时期 本·哈珀
The sword has served me through many an evil time, Ben Harper.
What religion do you profess, Preacher?
The religion the Almighty and me worked out betwixt us.
I’ll bet!
孩子 救赎是人生最后一刻必须做的事情
Salvation is a lastminute business, boy.
继续 牧师
Keep talking, Preacher.
If you let that money serve the Lord,
他也许会对你仁慈 -继续
he might feel kindly towards you. – Keep talking.
现在 难道你不认为上帝也许会改变主意 如果你…
Now, don’t you think the Lord might change his mind if you was to…

主啊 你肯定知道你在做什么
Lord, you sure knowed what you was doing
when you put me in this very cell at this very time.
一个男人把一万块钱藏了起来 一个女人就要成为寡妇
A man with $10,000 hid somewhere and a widow in the making.
有什么麻烦吗? -没有
Any trouble? – No.
他是个很棘手的家伙 那个哈珀 从不肯招
He was a cool one, that Harper. Never broke.
Carried on some. Kicked.
据说他还有一个老婆和两个孩子 -我没听说过
They say he left a wife and two kids. – I never heard.
他从没提到过那笔钱? -从来没有
He never told about the money? – No.
What do you figure he done with it?
我把他吊死的时候 他也带着他的秘密 见上帝去了吧
He took the secret with him when I dropped him.
是你吗 巴特? 晚饭准备好了
That you, Bart? Supper’s waiting.
有时我想 如果我当初辞掉这份守卫的工作也许更好
Mother, sometimes I think it might be better if I was to quit my job as guard.
每次你要执行绞刑时都这么说 你不必去那里的
You’re always this way when there’s a hanging. You never have to be there.
Sometimes I wish I was back in the mine.
然后在爆♥炸♥事故后让我成为寡妇? 就像1924年那次一样?
And leave me a widow after another blast like the one in ’24?
你这辈子别想了 老头子
Not on your life, old mister.
吊 吊 吊
# Hing, hang, hung
