The rivers are littered with empty lodges and broken dams.
Every construction is an attempt to tame nature…
and nature will always win,in the end.
情况对草原犬鼠来说 甚至更糟
Things are even tougher for prairie dogs.
夏天 土地干燥
In summer,the land dries.
The cattle and buffalo can move,
但犬鼠不可以 而且家庭成员们也无处可去
but the dog towns can’t and the families have nowhere else to go.
穴鸮一家都可以飞行了 它们来去自如
The owl family can all fly now. They can come and go.
The prairie dogs eat the remaining grass,
until their neighbourhood becomes a dust bowl.
They face starvation.
The young are a few months old
and now the colony turns against them.
Neighbours start to hunt down cubs.
Even cousins and aunts turn nasty.
每逢干旱年份 就有超过一半的幼崽被杀
In a dry year,up to half of the young are killed.
在地下束手无策 在视野之外
Stuck underground,out of sight,
家变成了一座监狱 一座坟墓
their home becomes a prison,a tomb.
Salvation does come in the end
for the few survivors inside their houses.
到了秋天 雨水会再将池塘灌满
In autumn,the rains replenish the land
春天 草地会再发新芽
and,in spring,the grass grows back
The prairie dogs have done no permanent damage.
They help the grassland over the years,
by mowing and fertilising their gardens.
The neighbourhood returns to normal
河狸也在下游的几公里处 开始了新生活
The beavers have started a new life a couple of miles downstream.
They have found ponds built generations ago,
弃用已久 杂草丛生
overgrown and abandoned.
它们已经修好了水坝 重开了沟渠
They have repaired the dams and re-opened the canals.
The trees here have regenerated,
多亏这些丰富的淤泥 阻塞了旧的池塘
thanks to the fertile silt clogging the old ponds.
我们开始了解 为什么不是每个动物都要建造家园
We can begin to see why not every animal makes a home.
You can’t rely on one place for long.
对许多动物来说 风险太大
For many,the risks are too great.
在季节性的大迁徙中 得不到休息 忍♥饥挨饿
The restless and the hungry follow the seasons in great migrations.
The world is constantly changing
and even the wisest animals struggle to keep up.
These are the homeless of the Earth
不久前 我们也是它们之中的一员
and,until recently,we were among them.
So how did we become the greatest homemaker of all?
我们最近的亲缘动物伙伴 仍然无家可归
Our closest animal relatives are still homeless,
unable even to keep out of the rain.
猿和猴子 不建造庇护所
Apes and monkeys don’t make shelters,
虽然猩猩的手和头脑 可以轻而易举的完成这项工作
though a gorilla’s hands and brain are easily up to the job.
这些山里的猩猩的首要工作 是寻找新鲜食物
The priority for these mountain gorillas is to find fresh food,
所以它们持续前进 一个房♥子会拖它们的后腿
so they keep moving. A house would only tie them down.
然而 能力也会得以展现
The signs of an ability,however,are here.
只要能用一个临时的屋顶 总胜过没有
An improvised roof is better than none,while it lasts.
我们的猿兄弟 用编织的树枝造床 或者平台
Our ape cousins build beds,or even platforms,woven from branches.
但从不把它当屋顶 而坐在下边
But they never sit under them,like a roof.
我们制♥作♥庇护所 或许从编织树条开始的
We may have started with twisting branches into shelters,
but there is another way to get out of the rain.
在肯尼亚苏萨山 狒狒在山洞里过夜
In Kenya,on Mount Suswa,baboons use caves at night.
像这样的山洞 往往含有最早期人类居住的证据
Caves like these contain the earliest evidence of human habitation.
The monkeys’ fingers and sense of balance
使它们得以沿着峭壁行走 豹子和土狼无法到达
take them along ledges impossible for leopards and hyenas to follow.
我们许多的恐惧症 也许就起源于此
Many of our phobias may have originated here,
with bats and snakes,
and strange,ghostly noises in the dark.
We probably became serious builders
only a few hundred thousand years ago,at the most.
It is extraordinary what we have achieved.
We don’t often realise how fragile all this is.
Our cities have all the problems of animal cities –
窃贼和擅住者 把食物运进 垃圾清出
burglars and squatters,and getting the food in and the rubbish out.
我们要供养城市 占尽土地
To feed the city,we eat up the wilderness.
我们忘记了这样做的同时 也把动物们赶出了它们的家园
We forget that we kick animals out of their homes to do so.
Maybe we can be reminded by the refugees,
by an urban generation of peregrines and pigeons,
gulls and bats and foxes.
Animals will share our world,if we let them.
我们能够留有空间 提供保护、提供食物和温暖
We can make space and help with protection,food and warmth.
我们也养家糊口 应该明白
We are homemakers,we understand.
我们建造的世界 也应该有动物的家
We can build a world,surely,where animals can have a home,too.
# 我现在就回家 我现在就回家
# I’m coming home,I’m coming home
# 告诉世界 我现在就回家
# Tell the world I’m coming home
# 让雨水洗去
# Let the rain wash away
# 昨日的伤痛
# All the pain of yesterday
# 我知道我的家人在期待
# I know my kingdom awaits
# 他们已经原谅了我的错误
# And they’ve forgiven my mistakes
# 我现在就回家 我现在就回家
# I’m coming home,I’m coming home
# 告诉世界我回来了 #
# Tell the world I’m coming. #