♫ Who’ll hoe the corn.. ♫
Glad you showed up.
– 嗨 亲爱的.-嗨.
– Hi, honey.
– Hi.
Ain’t you gonna kiss the bride?
我已经很多年没有吻过新娘了 这幸运女孩是谁?
Been years since I kissed
a bride, who’s the lucky girl?
– 是我
– 罗斯玛丽和艾尔
– Me.
– Rosemary and Al.
They just got hitched
about an hour ago.
– 真的吗 艾尔?
– 是的
– Really, Al?
– That’s right.
办了证 还有其它东西
Got the papers and everything.
– 祝贺你
– 谢谢
– Congratulations.
– Thank you.
How about a real kiss now?
不 我们最好先问问你丈夫
No, we better talk
to your husband about that.
吻呗 亲一个男人的新娘意味着告别
Well, go right ahead. You kiss a
man’s bride, you know it means goodbye.
再见 亲爱的
Goodbye, honey.
嗨 露易丝
Hi, Louise.
♫ 我要去寒风刺骨的地方 ♫
♫ I’m goin’ to where
the chilly winds ♫
♫ 不要吹 亲爱的宝贝 我要去… ♫
♫ Don’t blow darlin’ baby
I’m goin’ to where the.. ♫
来 和我们一起喝一杯
Come on. Have a drink with us.
– 还有剩杜松子酒吗
– 当然 韦斯
– Any gin left?
– Sure, Wes.
好吧 伙计 别留了 倒干净
Well, don’t save it, man.
Pour it.
♫ 我要去寒风刺骨的地方 ♫
♫ I’m going to where
them chilly winds.. ♫
Who’s going to be
champion bull rider this year?
– 是你 亲爱的
– 没错
– Why, you, honey.
– That’s right.
扳牛更好 套索更快?
Who can bronc ride longer, bulldog better
calf rope quicker than any man in this room?
– 是你 亲爱的
– 谢谢
– You, honey.
– Thanks.
– 嘿 你要喝酒?
– 啊 当然 这是个派对不是吗?
– Hey, you drinking?
– Why, sure. It’s a party, isn’t it?
– 哦
– 来 亲爱的
– Oh.
– Here, honey.
– 擦掉它
– 什么?
– Wipe it off.
– What?
You got something on your face.
亲爱的 让我来
– Oh.
– Let me, honey.
她穿的裙子真不错 对吧 露易丝?
Now, that is some dress
she’s wearing, ain’t it, Louise?
是啊 我分不清她是想努力挤进这裙子
Yeah, I can’t tell whether
she’s outside trying to get in
or inside trying to get out.
来 亲爱的 我来帮他擦完 你拿着这个
Here, honey, I’ll finish the
repair work, you hold this.
我敢打赌芭布斯一定觉得你很可爱 不是吗 亲爱的?
I’ll bet Babs thinks you’re
pretty cute, don’t you, honey?
嗯 他确实可爱
Well, he is.
是啊 他就是这样的 好吧 很可爱
Yeah, that’s what he is,
alright. Cute.
I got a real cute husband.
I’ll bet Babs is just crazy
about other people’s husbands.
什么 你说芭布斯?哦 她已经结婚了
What, Babs?
Oh, she’s been married.
擦好了 现在好多了
There we are. That’s better.
Now you look almost
like the man I married.
谢谢你 甜心 但我不能因为他很可爱
就让每一个金发女郎来吻他 对吗?
Thank you, sugar, but I can’t let every little blonde
who comes along, kiss him just because he’s cute, can I?
– 你怎么不把他关起来呢?
– 我还真希望我能呢
– Why don’t you lock him up?
– I wish I could.
但他已经长大了 而且赚了很多钱
But he’s grown-up,
and he’s making a lotta money.
可我总得做点什么 甜心
But I ought to
do something, sugar.
亲爱的 那是你自己的问题
That’s your problem, honey.
Of course it is.
Do you think
this is a good idea?
Oh! Look at me.
哎呀 亲爱的 你看起来就跟个水龙头一样 是吧 韦斯?
Why, honey, you look just like
a faucet. Doesn’t she, Wes?
你来这儿到底是要干什么 来吵架吗?
What did you come for,
to start a fight?
I came up here to stop you from making a bigger
fool out of yourself than you naturally are.
Thanks for telling me.
滚出去 出去!这是我的派对!
Get going. Go on, get out!
This is my party!
I’ll call the manager!
嗯 这是个很棒的派对
Well, it’s been a lovely party
and I’ve had a lovely time.
– 杰夫?
– 嗯?
– Jeff?
– Yeah?
This lady just kicked us out.
好了牛仔 要第二笔钱了 赶快
Alright, cowboy.
Claim second money. Come on.
我今晚告诉过你一次 别再管我的事了
I told you once before tonight stop
sticking your nose in my business.
嗯 我挑人挑得很慢很仔细 是吧?
Well, I picked up real
slow and real careful, didn’t I?
我为了有个家才结婚 嗯 我现在可真有个家了
I got married for a home.
Well, I sure got a home.
I wanted to get away from
workin’ in a tamale joint–
All he was doing
was kissing a little blonde.
就这样 这并不意味着什么
That’s all.
It don’t mean anything.
It won’t look so terrible
tomorrow morning.
明早我不想见他 任何早上都不想
I don’t wanna see him
tomorrow morning or any morning.
When he sobers up, he’ll
drop down on all fours and say
“亲爱的 对不起 ” 然后你就原谅他了
“Honey, I’m sorry,”
and you’ll forgive him.
– 我不会的
– 你当然会
– I won’t.
– Sure, you will.
That’s a wife’s profession,
forgiving her husband.
Please help me.
– 怎么帮?
– 带他离开这儿
– How?
– Get him away from here.
这是他唯一的机会 这是我唯一的机会
It’s his only chance.
It’s my only chance.
他自己会穿裤子 他自己会扣衬衫纽扣
He puts on his own pants.
He buttons his own shirt.
如果他会自己做这些 就应该会自己把握自己的人生
If he knows how to do that, he
oughta know enough to run his own life.
But he doesn’t.
你要么战胜金钱 要么被金钱所打败
Either you beat the money,
or the money beats you.
That’s all
you care about, the money.
When you’re finished with Wes
you’ll get yourself
another cowhand.
You’re only thinking
of the money.
等一下 让我告诉你一件事
Just a minute,
let me tell you something.
When Wes first asked me
to come into this
我告诉自己 我是为了钱才这么做 但实际上并不是
maybe I told myself that
the money was making up my mind but it wasn’t.
I was lying a little, to myself.
The only thing that kept me
stringin’ along was you.
