What if Constance’s murder was just a means of getting at Gale…
除掉戈尔 还想让主张废除死刑的人变得可笑呢
not only to get rid of him, but to make abolishionists look crazy?
他当然同情杀人犯 他自己就是杀人犯
Of course he sympathizes with murderers. He is one.
They make sure he sits six years on death row…
因为残忍♥的先奸后杀 然后再让他死
for a brutal rape and murder, then they let him die…
并让他在死前知道 每个人对他的记忆都充满了厌恶
die knowing everyone will remember him with disgust.
他们毁了他的生活 工作 他的一切
They destroy his life, his work, his memory…
-还让他眼睁睁的看这些事发生 -那可是很深的仇恨
-and they make him watch. -That’s a lot of hate.
-为什么又要放出录像带呢 -仇恨如果不分享就没有了乐趣
-Well, then why release it? -Hate’s no fun if you keep it to yourself.
-哇 有人跟来了 -那个牛仔
-Whoa. We got company. -The cowboy?
And doing a lousy job of hiding.
Oh, he must think we’re idiots.
-他有加速吗 -没有 只是跟着我们
-Is he gaining? -No. He’s just sitting back there.
Get a license plate number.
-噢 对不起 -他转弯走了
-God, I’m sorry. -He’s turned off.
What does this guy want?
很好 波比 去把录像带拷贝一份
Fine. And, uh, Bobbi, could you make a quick copy of that videotape…
and bring in Miss Bloom’s original when that’s done?
-我不怪你没看第二遍 -看完后我无法入睡
-I don’t blame you for not watching that twice. -I couldn’t sleep afterwards.
我理解 我常跟朋友说 就连母亲节的长老
I understand. I generally tell folks I’m no more afraid of the Grim Reaper…
than I am of a Presbyterian on Mother’s Day.
But, uh, watching that tape, well, uh…
我不得不告诉自己 那不是康斯坦斯 这样我才撑得下去
I had to keep telling myself that’s not Constance just to get through.
不幸的是 其他人就可能这么辩驳
Unfortunately, others may argue the same.
但是在她的厨房♥ 就在她家里
But it’s in her kitchen, in her house.
Currently home to Weirdos, Incorporated.
也可以说 那个录像带 任何人花20元就可以拍出来
Arguably, that tape could have been made by anybody with 20 dollars and a tolerance for vulgarity.
-有机会帮我们争取延期吗 -我们
-Will it get us a postponement? -Us?
布鲁姆小姐 我不是第一次处理这种案子了
This ain’t my first rodeo, Miss Bloom.
我不得不告诉你 司法机器正在运转
Now, I got to tell you that there’s a machine a-runnin’
明天傍晚6点 这台机器将吞噬掉一个人
And come tomorrow night at 6:00, that machine gonna wanna be fed.
-钱都齐了 贝刘先生 -谢谢你 艾伦
-All here, Mr. Belyeu. -Thank you, Aaron.
如果还嫌麻烦不够 你的可信度也可能受到质疑
Now, to add to our troubles, your own credibility may come into question.
-为什么 -你老是跟罪犯称兄道弟
-Why? -Well, you’ve been fraternizing with the condemned.
-我老是什么 -在法官眼里 戈尔很可能指使你 拍这个录像带
-I’ve been what? -In the court’s eyes, he’s the most likely candidate to have put you onto that tape.
戈尔能言善辩 而你又离经叛道 你们两个很般配
He’s a persuasive man, you an out-of-state woman. That don’t look so good.
贝刘先生 有人将那卷录像带放在我的房♥间
Mr. Belyeu, someone put the tape in my room.
That’s a fact for which we have no evidence.
-谢谢你 波比 -谢谢
-Thank you, Bobbi. -Thanks.
我们不要自怜自艾的 坐在这里读卡夫卡了
Let’s not throw a pity party and sit around reading Kafka.
Could be we find a sympathetic judge.
-我一会儿会提出申请 你要去看戈尔 -对
-I’ll file within the hour. You goin’ over to see Gale? -Yeah.
好 晚一点我打电♥话♥到旅馆 给你说下最新进展
Fine. I’ll give you a call over to the motel later with an update.
我的外套 可恶
My coat. Shoot.
-怎么了 -看到他了吗
-What? -Did you see him?
-谁 -那个牛仔
-Who? -The cowboy.
-他在这里 -他在大厅
-He was here? -He’s in the lobby.
去看看他的车子在不在前面 跟踪他 记下车牌号♥
Go see if his truck’s out front. Tail him, get a license number.
查出他是谁 别搞砸了 这很重要
Find out who he is. Don’t screw this up. It’s important.
-你怎么去监狱 -搭计程车
-How are you gonna get to the prison? -Taxi.
操 操 操
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
你没跟我说实话 我刚走出贝刘的办公室
I don’t think you’re being straight with me. I walk out of Belyeu’s office…
-那家伙就在大厅出现 -嘿 嘿 你冷静一点
-the guy’s in the lobby. -Look, look, maybe you should just calm down.
Visitor, please stay seated.
Maybe you should sit down.
他叫达斯第·莱特 在康斯坦斯之前 他是本地死囚守护者组织的负责人
His name is Dusty Wright. He’s the local DeathWatch director before Constance.
He’s a bullhorner.
他是个狂热份子 认为成功的示♥威♥活动就该以暴♥动♥和逮捕收场
He’s a zealot who thinks that a good demonstration has to end with riots and arrests.
组织将他开除 因为他在集♥会♥中出手打人
DeathWatch fired him because he punched somebody at a rally.
But Constance kept him in the organization.
他崇拜她 他们很亲密 非常亲密
He adored her. They were close. Real close.
审判我的时候 他有出庭作证
He testified at my trial.
出庭支持你 还是反对死刑
Testified to support you or to oppose the death penalty?
He testified against me.
-不利于你 -他证明我的酗酒问题
-Against you? -He testified about the drinking.
在死刑案件中 酒精是减刑因素
Alcohol is a mitigating factor in capital cases.
我不断告诉自己 他这么做
I always told myself that he did it…
是想帮我减刑 虽然方法很笨拙
in some sick way to try to help me get a reduced sentenced.
我猜 他以为真的是我杀了她
I guess he believes I really killed her.
达斯第很容易 被仇恨蒙蔽双眼
Dusty’s a man easily blinded by hatred.
也许因为你和康斯坦斯交往 所以他才恨你
Maybe he hated you because you were seeing Constance.
I wasn’t seeing Constance.
She had your semen inside her.
我知道 事情比你想像的要复杂
I know. Look, it’s just… It’s a little more complicated than that.
Respect for life means every life!
当你杀了某人 你破坏了他的全家
When you kill someone, you rob their family.
不仅夺去了他们的爱人 更夺走了他们的人性
Not just of a loved one but of their humanity.
You harden their hearts with hate.
你夺走了他们保持文明 冷静的能力
You take away their capacity for civilized dispassion.
You condemn them to blood lust.
这是一件残忍♥ 而且恐怖的事情
It’s a cruel and horrible thing.
沉迷于仇恨 永远都是有害无益
But indulging that hate will never help.
The damage is done.
一旦开始人吃人 就永远不会满足
And once we’ve had our pound of flesh, we’re still hungry.
We leave the death house muttering…
that lethal injection was just too good for them.
到最后 一个文明的社会
In the end, a civilized society…
must live with a hard truth.
He who seeks revenge digs two graves.
They’re bringing Betty Sue’s people out.
谢谢你 达斯第
Thank you, Dusty.
你们看 看看这些可怜虫
Just look. Look at those losers.
苦大力 贫民区的小混混 瘾君子 神经病
Rednecks, ghetto hustlers, drug addicts, schizophrenics.
他们是杀人凶手 谁管他们的死活
They’re murderers, and who cares if they die?
恶性循环就这么一直延续 谁在乎
Who cares if the cycle, if it just goes on and on and on and on and on? Who cares?
嘿 赶上今天的会议了吗
Hey, did you make it to your meeting today?
恩 我想我不需要什么权威的大♥师♥
Yeah. I think I have to find one less guru-like.
你呢 吃药了吗
Did you take your, uh, medicine?
Feel better?
You know those stages of Kubler-Ross?
The ones the dying go through?
愤怒 否定
Um, anger… denial…
-沮丧 -沮丧 接受事实
-Depression. -Depression, acceptance.
-你在哪个阶段 -否定
-Which one are you? -Denial.
很好 否定不错 这阶段不错
Well, denial’s good. That’s a… That’s a good one.
光是想着这几个阶段 就让我很累
The whole idea of there being a process makes me tired.
作为一个将死之人 我很不称职
I’m not up to the job of dying person…
marveling at blades of grass…
lecturing strangers to relish every moment.
-原谅别人 -原谅别人
-Mending bridges. -Mending bridges.
Confessing regret. Ohh.
-怎么 没有后悔的事 -没有
-Oh, what, no regrets? -Nope.

I take that back.
-我希望有个孩子 -恩 我也希望
-I wish I’d had a child. -Yeah, so do I.
-我不该提 大卫 -没关系
-I’m sorry, David. -No.
我想 我是希望生活中多些冒险
I guess I just wish I had risked more.
-还有性生活太少了 应该有更多的性生活 -真这么想
-Oh, and not enough sex. Should have had more sex. -Really?
嗯 和你有过性生活的爱人有几个
Well, how, how many lovers did you have?
-算上大学时代的吗 -包括大学时代
-Including college? -Including college.
呃 其实性 并不是所有的性 都值得赞扬
Well, sex is really… You know, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.
It’s so overrated.
You should have had more sex.
你工作太努力 没法把你当成性♥伴♥侣♥
You work so hard not to be seen as a sex object.
Before long, you’re not seen at all.
I see you.
You want to make it five?
-正好凑齐一只手 -什么 因为怜悯和我做♥爱♥
-Complete the hand. -What, a pity lay?
-不必 谢谢了 -嘿
-No, thanks. -Hey.
