附言 房♥子我要卖♥♥掉
You could at least hide the bottle.
官方说法 你休长假
Officially, you’re on sabbatical.
非官方说法 他们希望你辞职
Unofficially, they want you out of here.
It was 4 to 2.
How did Ross vote?
I’m not supposed to dis…
Against you.
And you?
For you…
and against my politics.
是的 女士
Yes, Madam.
不 等下
No. M… Please, please.
女士 请注意 请注意听
Madam. Attenzione! Attenzione! Attenzione on it!
Uh, I am… My name is David Gale.
我之前打过电♥话♥ 记得吗
I have phoned before. Yes? Yes?
不 麻烦你
No.Uh… Por favor.
什么 不 没关系 你能不能叫莎伦·戈尔接电♥话♥
What? No, never mind. Can you please get Sharon Gale?
-哦 莎伦·戈尔 -对 对 戈尔小姐
-Ah! Sharon Gale. -Ah! Yes. Miss Gale. Yes.
你好 你好
Hello? Hello?
So I, I wanted to hear your feedback on the idea.
戈尔教授 我可以坐在这里
Look, Professor Gale, I could sit here, as I’m sure others have…
拿精简员工当借口 说你的出版物不够
and plead departmental cutbacks. Claim you need more publications…
或者说我要的是少数派 随便什么理由
I need a minority, whatever.
All bull geschichte.
你的成就有目共睹 在现在这个稀有即是价值的
Your record’s brilliant. You’re an original voice, worth “in today’s…
资本主义制度下 你那独具原创性的思想有如黄金
scarcity defines value capitalist system under which we toil” your weight in gold.
甚至 连你酗酒这事都不是问题
Hell, it’s… It’s not even your alcohol problem.
这年头 连一个不吃镇静剂的员工都不容易找
It’d be nice to have a faculty member whose crutch wasn’t Prozac.
但是说实话 如果我聘用了你
But to speak plain, if I were to hire you…
无论校董事会 还是校友 甚至在那些喜欢八卦的新生眼里
in the eyes of the regents, the alumni and every freshman with an ear for gossip…
I’d be hiring a rapist.
-控方已经撤诉了 -人们会说你的律师很有办法
-Those charges were dropped. -People would say you had a good lawyer.
-我是清白的 -你还没明白我的意思 是吗
-I was innocent. -You don’t get it, do you?
戈尔教授 你政♥治♥上犯了错误
You’re not politically correct, Dr. Gale.
Welcome to the club.
Socrates is, is, is sentenced to death.
苏格拉底被判了死刑 我打赌你们不知道 他被判过死刑
Socrates is sentenced to death. I bet you didn’t know that. He was sentenced to death.
但是雅典的法律 允许死囚
But Athenian law, Athenian law let the condemned…
come up with their own alternate punishment.
这观念很伟大吧 但当你需要雅典人的观念时 他们跑哪里去了
Isn’t that a great idea? So where are the Athenians when you really need ’em?
不管怎样 苏格拉底
So anyway, Socrates…
他很丑 我说过了吗 苏格拉底很丑这事我说过了吗
And he was ugly. Did I mention that? Did I mention that Socrates was ugly?
苏格拉底很丑 柏拉图很胖 亚里士多德衣着品位很差
He was ugly. Socrates was ugly, Plato was fat, and, uh, and Aristotle was a prissy dresser.
总之 苏格拉底提出了一个想法
So anyway, Socrates comes up with this idea.
He says, he says, “Well, what if I pay a fine instead of death?”
他提议用罚款代替死刑 他只要说出合适的罚款金额 就可以继续活下去
He suggests a fine. All he has to do in order to live, is to come up with an appropriately punitive figure.
Punitive figure.
猜猜他提议罚款多少钱 30块
Guess what he suggested? Thirty bucks.
30元 这有意义吗
Thirty bucks? Does that make any sense?
30块 不对 是30迈纳 当时的货币是迈纳
Thirty bucks. That’s 30 mina. That was the currency of the day, a mina.
还不对 应该叫迈尼
Well, it’s minae. Minae.
That’s the plural. Minae.
30块 30枚银币
Thirty bucks! Thirty pieces of silver.
审判者们大为光火 这次投票赞成判他死罪的人
And the judges are so pissed that more of them voted to kill him…
than had voted him guilty in the first place.
That just doesn’t make any sense.
Thirty pieces of silver.
这就像犹大 那个亲耶稣的家伙
Just like the Judas guy, the Jesus kisser…
who was also a prissy dresser.
Without a successful completion of an alcohol-treatment program…
you can forget visitation.
You’ll be lucky to get a Christmas card.
That’s if there even is a custody hearing.
-什么意思 -如果你太太能让西班牙法♥院♥相信
-What does that mean? -If your wife convinces a Spanish court…
你对孩子有危险性 那你永远都别想再见到他了
that you’re a danger to the child, then you’ll never see him again.
他必须得回家 他得回来
He just has to come home. He’s gotta come back.
皮特 再来一杯
Hey, Pete, can we have another round here.
I’m fine.
-我要去把他接回来 -欧洲不是墨西哥 大卫
-I just have to go get him then. -Europe’s not Mexico, David.
他们有真正的国界 你入境可能没问题 但想带一个6岁小孩出境
They got real borders over there. You might be able to get yourself in easy enough… but getting out with a six-year-old…
That’s a whole different kettle of crawdads.
要想见你的儿子 先把生活整理好
You won’t see Jamie again. Then you get your life together.
-我会的 我会的 -尽快
-I’m fine. I’m fine. -Pronto.
Who wants to start?
嗨 我叫大卫
Hi. My name is David, and…
I am an alcoholic.
嗨 大卫
Hi, David.
So, Mr. Gale…
tell me three personal qualities…
that you feel you have…
that would make you a successful Radio Shed manager.
-三项 -三项
-Three. -Three.
Okay. Well…
不 对不起
No, I’m sorry.

-对不起 欢迎回来 -谢谢
-Oh, I’m sorry. Welcome back. -Thanks.
-你气色不错 -我感觉也很不错
-You look good. -I feel good.
Look, there’s somethin’ that you gotta see.
贝蒂·约翰逊 获得改期了
Betty Sue Johnson’s been rescheduled.
Her execution date is set for the eighth.
I have a conference call with Washington tonight.
If the new national director will commit to emergency funds…
如果贝蒂获得减刑 那证明现在的制度行得通
So Betty Sue gets commuted, and you only prove the system works.
But I’ll save a life.
嘿 怎么擦伤的
Hey, where’d you get that bruise?
做家务时不小心 没事
Oh, just… doin’ chores.
-你的牛仔对你动手动脚了 -哈哈
-Is your cowboy gettin’ rough with you? -Ha ha.
他在那儿 嘿 达斯第
Oh, there he is. Hey, Dusty…
does she ever invite you over and not put you to work?
嘿 大卫
Hey, David.
好吧 跟我说说她的事
All right. Tell me her story.
她17岁就被判死刑 我真的想尽全力救她
She was sentenced at 17. I really wanna get behind this one.
-她的口才非常好 -她杀的什么人
-She’s so articulate. -Who did she kill?
-面对死刑 她并不恐惧 -康斯坦斯 她杀了什么人
-She’ll put a face on the death penalty. -Constance, who did she kill?
-警♥察♥ -噢 你疯了
-A cop. -Oh, you’re crazy.
Not just your medium-range “thinks she’s Roosevelt’s bathrobe”,
你简直就是 异想天开 脑袋进水了
but I mean stark-raving, screws-loose, in-the-belfry insane.
17岁 连合法喝罐啤酒 都还要再等4年
Seventeen… four years before she could legally drink a beer.
但她杀死的是警♥察♥ 康斯坦斯
But she killed a cop, Constance.
-你帮不帮忙 -当然帮
-Are you gonna help? -Of course.
噢 你好烫
Oh. You’re burnin’ up.
Jo Edna?
-你好 戈尔先生 -你好吗 很高兴
-Hi, Mr. Gale. -How are you, Jo Edna? It’s good to see…
-送货上门 咖啡来了 -嗨 大卫
-Caffeine jolt. We deliver. -Howdy, David.
-嗨 -嗨 服务真周到
-Howdy, folks. -Hello. My, this is service.
-我的荣幸 -左边的拿铁是给你的 乔什
-Thank you. -Gladly. Latte on the left there for you, Josh.
-摩卡 -谢谢
-Mocha. -Ooh, thanks.
-她在跟华盛顿通电♥话♥ -辛克莱尔 新任委员会懂事
-She’s on the phone to Washington. -Mr. Sinclair, the new national director.
我相信可以争取到几家有线电视台 上他们的节目
I’m sure we can get some pulpit time. Maybe some cable.
有线电视不错 我得挂了
Cable’s good. Listen, I need to run.
我同意 第一次记者会的重点就放在那女孩的年龄上
For now, I agree the first press release should focus on the woman’s youth.
I’ll have the Washington people look into counsel competency…
尽管我相信她在上诉时 已经用过这招了
though I’m almost sure she’s exhausted this on appeal.
-看看还有没有其他办法 -约翰 大卫有事要
-Let’s see what kind of resources these… -John, David’s gonna go…
差点忘了 戈尔没有参与吧
Oh, I almost forgot. Gale’s not around, is he?
