-不要过来 -过来了
-You stay back. -I come.
姑娘 你该
Woman, you should…
你该 站在原处
You should… You should stay…
I wasn’t after the grade.
-我不认为这是个 -嘘
-Look, I don’t think this is… is such a… -Shh.
现在我们可以交谈 分♥析♥
Now, we can talk, analyze…
Or you can put your mouth on my body.
Don’t reject me.
-撕开 -什么
-Rip them. -What?
Rip them off.
不 从后面来
No. From behind. From behind.
Do it hard.
Bite my shoulder.
-谢谢各位光临 -继续 继续
-Thanks for comin’ -More.! More.!
时间不早了 伙计们 都回家吧
All right, you guys, it’s time to go home.
Get outta here.
这招不管用 论点漏洞百出
It’s not gonna work. That’s a faulty argument.
即使在死囚中找到一个是被冤枉的 那也没有用
Let’s say we found an innocent on death row. What would change?
案子重审后 州长只会在电视上说
After the retrial, the governor would simply go on TV…
感谢死囚守护者的监督 看到了吧 我们的制度没有问题
and say, “See? Thanks to the good people at DeathWatch, the system works.”
但是 如果我们能证明 有无辜者被执行了死刑
Make sure, if we had absolute proof that he had executed an innocent…
那么我们就可以要求废除死刑 就像伊利诺斯州那样
we could demand a moratorium, like in Illinois.
-你没事吧 -对不起 我没事
-Are you okay? -Sorry. Yeah.
可是我们没有证据 从死人那里我们挖不出证据
But that won’t happen. The dead men can’t make a case…
-只要无辜的人不死那也不能算数 -明白
-and almost-martyrs don’t count. -Got it.
所以 要保持理智 你不准这样
So, keep it rational. And stop that.
-怎么了 -我讨厌别人假装在认真听我讲
-What? -Active listening. I hate active listeners.
要么就不听 要么就给我好好的把耳朵竖起来
I feel like they’re too busy pretending to listen to actually hear what I’m saying.
我可以一边想事情一边听你讲 这是我的长项
I can listen and actively listen at the same time. I’m good at that.
-特赦组织的新数据带了吗 -带了
-Did you bring the Amnesty stats? -Yes.
噢 不 我忘在家里了
No. Oh! I left them at home.
I have a copy.
-愿意透露是什么事吗 -没事
-You want to tell me what’s up? -Nothing.
Something profoundly stupid happened last night.
I hope you used a condom.
哦 我的天啊 大卫
Oh. Jesus Christ, David.
-她是你的学生吗 -是波林
-Was she one of yours? -It was Berlin.
Oh, great!
真是好极了 八卦会这样说
Oh, that’s great. I can hear the grapevine now.
校方不得不将波林退学 这样戈尔搞她就不用良心不安了
“They had to suspend her so that Gale could dick her with a clear conscience.”
权力差别等于强迫 真是好极了
A power differential equals coercion. That is great.
-你真是太弱了 -康斯坦斯 你又不是我老婆
-You’re so weak. -You know, you’re not my wife, Constance. Thank God.
别担心 我才不想当你老婆 滚你♥妈♥的♥
Well, don’t worry. It’s not a position I aspire to, so fuck you.
-我不是这个意思 -我们走
-I didn’t mean it that way.-Let’s go.
-你没事吧 -没事
-Are you okay? -Yes!
-真的吗 -我很好 走
-Really? -Yes. Let’s go.
There are 17,000 murders a year in the United States.
Ten of the 12 states that have abolished the death penalty…
他们的凶杀案比例 低于全国凶杀案的平均值
they have a murder rate that’s lower than the national average.
如果他提出宗教方面的论点 你只要说
And if he starts with the religious stuff, just say that…
nearly every denomination in the United States opposes the death penalty.
Are you listening?
-是的 -好
-Yes. -Okay.
节目 唇枪舌剑
-好 计时10秒 -倒数
-All right. Ten seconds, everybody. -Roll tape, please.
倒数 麦克
Count ’em in, Mack.
准备 5 4
Here we go. Five, four…
欢迎再次收看唇枪舌剑节目 今天是死刑问题辩论的第四回合
Welcome back to Batter’s Box. We continue our very special four-part program…
有请我们的特邀嘉宾 州长哈丁先生
with Governor Hardin, and arguing capital punishment with him…
is DeathWatch regional codirector, Professor David Gale.
-州长先生 先请 -艾伦 你知道我的一贯观点
-You are up, Governor. -You know, Alan, I always say the same thing…
我再重申一遍 我憎恨杀人 但我的政♥府♥将用死刑来制止凶杀
and I’m gonna keep on sayin’ it. I hate killin’, and my administration will kill to stop it.
-你怎么说 -州长先生 杀人凶手并不怕死刑
-How about it? -Well, governor, murderers are not deterred by the thought of execution.
他们就是不怕 这你也清楚
They’re just not, and you know it.
Every single study that’s been done on this subject… and there’s been over 200…
你应该也看过这些研究 它们得出的结论都是一样的 死刑并不能减少凶杀案
and you’ve read them, governor, has reached the same conclusion. They all say the same thing.
Well, maybe you should read your Bible.
申命记 19章21节”以眼还眼 以牙还牙”
Deuteronomy 19,21. An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.
What did Gandhi say about that?
“以眼还眼的旧律法 使我们变得盲目”
“The old law of an eye for an eye leaves us all blind.”
对不起 我无意说甘地怎样 但那是自♥由♥主义者的妄语
Well, I’m sorry, and with respect, that’s fuzzy liberal thinking.
-你真认为如此 -当然
-You really believe that, Governor? -Of course.
那真奇怪了 你自己第一次竞选时曾经这样说过
That’s interesting. ‘Cause you said that yourself in a speech in your first campaign.
击中你的罩门了 州长 怎么回应
He got… He got you there, Governor. How about it?
没错 没错 他将了我一军
Yes, he did. Yes, he did.
如果你在30岁时不是个自♥由♥主义者 那你不是个有激♥情♥的人
Well, if you’re not a liberal at 30, you’ve got no heart.
但如果你在40岁时还是个自♥由♥主义者 那你的脑子就进水了
And if you’re still a liberal at 40, you’ve got no brain.
-丘吉尔说的 -得分
-That’s Winston Churchill. -Touch
So what you’re essentially saying and what you feel is…
还是引用某人的话”一个健康的社会 应该不择手段的扫除邪恶”
and this is to choose another quote, “that a healthy society, must stop at nothing to cleanse itself of evil.”
嗯 是的 我不得不同意
Uh, yes. Uh… I’d have to agree.
-这句我也说过吗 -不 先生 那是希♥特♥勒♥说的
-Did I say that too? -Oh, no, sir. That was Hitler.
州长先生 难道我们就不能坦白承认 我国的死刑制度根本毫无用处吗
Governor, can’t we all just admit that the capital punishment system in this country is not working?
就凭那些所谓的砖家的证词 还有那些腐朽的科学
We are condemning people to death based on phony expert testimony…
on junk science, on, on jail house snitches…
艾伦 你知道吗 按人口比例算 德州的囚犯在世界上是最多的
Alan, did you know that Texas has the highest per capita incarceration rate in the world,
-即使和中国比 州长 在你处决的43人中 -艾伦 我能
-including in China. Forty-three people, governor, that you executed… -Alan, could I…
他们的辩护律师 要么被取消律师资格 要么被制裁过
were represented by lawyers who were at one time disbarred or sanctioned.
目前就有两位死囚 就在今天
There are two men on death row right now, on this day…
-他们的律师在交叉询问时竟然睡着了 -我又不是律师
-whose lawyers fell asleep during cross-examination. -I’m not a lawyer.
-我不是律师 -德州刑事案上诉法♥院♥却说
-I’m not a lawyer -And the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals ruled that that was not…
that was not a basis for a retrial.
州长先生 这就是本州制度的缺陷 让人抓狂的制度
Governor, that’s just a flawed, insane, crazy system.
And a flawed system will kill innocent men.
好了 等等 让他回答
Okay, all right. Let him answer.
好吧 戈尔先生 我们就按你的规则来 说一个
All right, Mr. Gale, we’ll play your game. Name one.
说一个发生在德州 因为误判被处死的人
Name one innocent man that Texas has put to death during my tenure…
of the hundred or so executions…
是131人 州长先生 免得你数不清
It’s 131, Governor, in case you lost count.
-让他说完 -谢谢 不管多少人
-Let him finish. -Fine. Thank you. Whatever.
说一个名字就行 我会写下来
Just give me a name… I’m gonna write it down…
a man that you can prove was innocent…
你说出来 我立刻提出废除死刑的法案
There you go. And I’ll call a moratorium.
Mr. Gale?
-结束了吗 艾伦 -时间快到了
-Are we through here, Alan? -You know what? We’re running out of time.
谢谢我们的来宾 哈丁州长 死囚守护者组织的戈尔教授
I’d like to thank my guests, Governor Hardin and Professor David Gale from DeathWatch.
谢谢收看 欢迎明天继续收看
Thank you for joining me today. Hope you will join me tomorrow.
Your exact words were…
“Just tell me when my ego’s getting in the way of the work.”
-现在我告诉你 你毁了今天的辩论 -本来我就不想做这事
-I’m telling you, your ego’s getting in the way of the work. -I didn’t wanna do this in the first place.
You put up two seconds of protest at the thought of being on a televised debate.
-什么意思 -意思是死囚守护者组织今天失败了
-What does that mean? -It means that DeathWatch suffers because…
就因为你急着挑战权威 就因为你想公开证明你 大卫·戈尔 比任何人都他妈的聪明
you’re so anxious to finger authority, to publicly prove that David Gale, is so much fucking smarter than the powers that be!
学着谦虚点 想办法从捐款者中挤点钱出来
Learn to work without an audience, David. Try squeezing money from the donor list.
Have you licked one single mail-out envelope?
-戈尔先生 -伙计们 州长往那边走了
-Mr. Gale? -Hey, guys, the governor went that way.
奥斯丁警♥察♥局 我是拉米雷斯 这是哈瑟曼警官
Ramirez, Austin Police. This is Officer Hasermann.
What, is debating the governor a crime now?
不 先生 但强♥奸♥有罪
No, sir. Rape is.
-波林身上有我的齿痕 -戈尔 时间到
-Berlin had my bite marks. -Gale! Time’s up.
还有瘀青 她的衣服被我扯破了 指甲里有我的皮肤
Bruises. Her clothes were ripped. My skin was found under her fingernails.
看起来我强♥奸♥了她铁证如山 后来她撤销了上诉
I mean, it didn’t look like anything but rape. Then she drops the charges…
离开了当地 看起来就像我真的有罪
and leaves town, making it look like I was guilty…
而她因为深受伤害 不愿面对审判
and she was too traumatized to face a trial.
My wife had to read all about this while she was sitting in the airport…
wondering where I was, why I wasn’t there to pick her up.
