I play by the rules even if my colleagues don’t like it. It’s called…
-雄心壮志 -这叫 客观
-Ambition? -Objectivity.
-有什么需要吗 女士 -咖啡 只要咖啡
-So, what can I get you, ma’am? -Coffee. Just coffee.
别跟我作对 小朋友
Don’t push me, smart-ass.
You know you’re in the Bible Belt when there are more churches than Starbucks.
When there are more prisons than Starbucks.
访客姓名 贝西 -记者
He’s ready to see y’all now.
是的 我在认真听
Yes, I am. I’m listenin’ very patiently.
夫人 我不会和你争论什么是对的什么是错的
Ma’am, I’m not gonna debate with you the rights and wrongs of this situation.
Our job is to run the state prison system.
夫人 这不是法国 也不是德国
Well, ma’am, this is not France. This is not Germany.
这是德州 我们必须遵守德州的法律
This is Texas, and we’re gonna follow Texas law.
不客气 夫人 再见
Well, you’re very welcome, ma’am. Goodbye now.
谢谢你 玛吉 我猜是特派记者 布鲁姆和史蒂文斯
Thank you, Margie. Correspondents Bloom and Stevens, I presume.
-是的 你好 -是斯特蒙斯
-Yes. Hello. -Stemmons.
斯特蒙斯 抱歉 不会再弄错了
Stemmons. Sorry. Won’t happen again.
我叫杜克·格罗弗 德州刑事司法局 公♥关♥部部长
I’m Duke Grover, T.D.C.J. Community relations.
He’s usually real good with names.
这年头免不了要问 该称你夫人还是女士
And these days, I always like to ask, do you prefer Miss, Mrs. Or Ms.?
-贝西就好 -那就叫贝西
-Bitsey. -Bitsey it is.
-玛吉 客人交给我了 -没问题
-Margie, I’m stealin’ your guests. -Okeydokey.
-你到过监狱吗 -是的
-Bitsey, you ever been in a prison? -Yes.
-死囚监狱呢 -没有
-On death row? -No.
请再出示证件 德州的死刑都在亨茨维尔执行
I.D.’s again, please. All executions in the state of Texas occur over at our Huntsville unit downtown,
但在那之前 死囚都关在这里
but death row is here for the time being.
This is home to all 442 offenders prior to their date.
Average stay on row is nine years.
有些人得到减刑 但大多数都被处决了
Now, some get commuted, but most get put to death.
可能让你吃不下饭 但我还是要交代明白
Earl. It’ll put you off your supper. But, then, it’s supposed to.
卡拉 戈尔先生的纽约访客
Carla, New York guests for Mr. Gale.
Can I get your bags?
这里有三件事最重要 安全 安全 还是安全
We have three concerns here, safety, safety and safety.
访客区绝对安全 不过 不要碰触玻璃
Visitation area’s entirely secure. We just ask that you don’t touch the glass.
Windex gets expensive.
你没有带武器吧 贝西
You’re not carrying a weapon, are you, Bitsey?
-贝西 -抱歉 没有
-Bitsey? -Sorry. No.
-斯特蒙斯先生 你呢 -没有
-Mr. Stemmons,you packin’? -No,sir.
-手♥机♥ -不通 没有信♥号♥♥
-Cell phone? -They’re not working. No service.
Then you won’t mind leaving them here.
此外 我们还规定不得携带大量现金
We also have rules against the carryin’ of large sums of cash…
也不能穿 露脚趾的鞋子
and the wearin’ of open-toed shoes.
你们的鞋没问题 过去吧
Those will do just fine. You want to step on through now?
There you go. Mm-hmm.
-女士 请 -很好
-Thank you, ma’am. -That’s fine.
-露脚趾的鞋子 -会使他们太兴奋
-Open-toed shoes? -Drives ’em crazy.
轮到你了 斯特蒙斯先生 走过那里
Your turn, Mr. Stemmons. Right on through there.
很好 很好 为了以防万一
Good, good. Now, should anything unpleasant occur in the visitation area…
we ask you to stay put.
并且 听从狱警的指示
And please, follow the instructions of our fine correctional officers…
should they see fit to give you any.
现在 你们所说的话都在监听中
Bobby. Now, anything you say can be overheard…
and any discussion of criminal activity on your part is admissible.
You’re not plannin’ on a jailbreak now, are you, Bitsey?
-当然不 -雨好像停了
-Uh, no. -Well, rain seems to be holdin’ off.
注意脚下 地板砖非常滑
You watch your step here, Bitsey girl. This cement can get pretty slippery.
这庭院是日式风格的 不要往水池里投硬币
This is our Japanese garden. Now, we ask you not to throw coins in the pond.
这边请 快到了
Right this way. Almost there.
到了 这就是我们的访客区
Here we are. This is our visitation area right here.
-交给你了 贝刘先生 -好的 放心吧
-All yours, Mr. Belyeu. -Well, that’s it for me.
-我的工作到此为止 请注意安全 -谢谢
-You folks have a safe visit. -Thank you.
-布鲁姆女士 -对
-Ms. Bloom? -Yes.
到这里来 不要客气
Come right on in here and make yourself comfortable.
Did that P.R. Man validate your parkin’?
-他说可以到纪念品商店盖章 -她很机灵
-He said the gift shop would do it. -She’s a smart one.
-布莱克斯顿·贝刘 戈尔先生的律师 -这位是扎克·斯特蒙斯
-Braxton Belyeu, Mr. Gale’s attorney. -This is Zack Stemmons.
幸会 那位就是我们的主角
My good pleasure. And right over here, we have the man of the hour.
DR 死囚
-你好 -你好 -嗨
-Hello. -Hello. -Hi.
坐下 戈尔 囚犯不准站起来
Sit down, Gale. Prisoner will not stand.
Now, why can’t they turn that thing down?
我的律师客气的 请求你们把音量调低点
My lawyer respectfully requests that you adjust the volume on the speaker system.
戈尔 坐下
Gale. Sit down.
他们想让自己变得残酷 与众不同
They’re practicing being cruel and unusual.
布鲁姆女士 我想你肯定急着开始
Well, Ms. Bloom, I’m sure you’re bitin’ at the bit.
It is our understanding that you are to have three two-hour sessions,
今天 明天 和星期四
today, tomorrow and Thursday.
All at 3:00 in the p.m.
对不起 我们无法增加时间
I’m sorry we can’t afford you more time…
但是 不同于外面的谣传
but, contrary to popular rumor…
we have not yet begun to fight.
It is our understanding that you will do this alone?
-杂♥志♥社希望我也在场 -单独采访
-The magazine would prefer that I’m here. -Alone. Understood.
此外 你不能使用任何形式的录音设备
It’s also our understanding that you will use no recording equipment of any kind.
-明白 -很好
-Correct. -Excellent.
Now, I have a few papers for which I need your Jo Ann Hancock.
所以 请尽快到我奥斯丁的办公室一趟
So if you’d be kind enough to stop by my Austin office at your earliest convenience.
周四早上可以吗 有关费用等细节问题
Thursday mornin’, say? Expenses and so forth.
好 周四见 祝你好运
Fine. Till Thursday then. Good luck, Ms. Bloom.
I’ll stop by later.
扎克先生 我们去外面抽支烟吧
Mr. Zack, what say you and me partake of a death-defyin’ cigarette…
就去停车场吧 再见
in the visitors’ parking lot? Bye-bye, y’all.
-那么 -请坐吧
-So. -Please pull up a seat.
-他很有个性 -没错 他是我目前跟外界的唯一联♥系♥
-He’s quite a character. -Yes. He’s about the only outside contact I have now.
-也是我的好朋友 -你的前妻呢
-And a good friend. -Where’s your ex-wife?
I don’t want you to ask me questions about her or my son.
虽然我给你一个机会 但有关他们的问题不包括在内
What I offer you is one thing, but questions about them are not part of our deal.
好的 只要告诉我”不记录”就行
Okay. Anything else, just say “off the record”.
我会守口如瓶 这点你可以信任我
I’ll take it to my grave. You can trust me on that.
Does this count as recording equipment?
-我们怎么开始 -就从
-How do we start? -We start with…
you telling me what I’m doing here.
透过这片玻璃 人们看到的不是一个人 他们看到的是罪行
No one who looks through that glass sees a person. They see a crime.
我不是大卫·戈尔 我是个凶手 强♥奸♥犯
I’m not David Gale. I’m a murderer and a rapist,
four days shy of his execution.
找你来是希望人们 记得我的生平和抉择
You’re here because I wanna be remembered as much for how I led my life…
and the decisions that I made as for how my life ended.
-为什么找我 -为什么不找你
-Why me? -Why not?
-你最近也进过监牢 -没错 我承认
-You spent some time behind bars yourself recently. -I certainly have.
Because you do take things to your grave.
保护消息来源 是一名记者的准则 即使是青少年卖♥♥淫这种事
Protecting sources, even kiddie porn scum, is the magazine policy…
-你可以放心 -我知道 正因为你的名声才找你来
-and mine. -I know. That’s your reputation.
布鲁姆女士 我的故事很复杂
Well, I have a hard story for you to tell, Ms. Bloom.
It’s not going to be easy.
So where do we begin?
我该告诉你 我怎么成为奥斯丁大学的
Well, I suppose I should tell you how I became the head of philosophy…
at the University of Austin.
Come on. Think.
你们要深入你们的内心 告诉我 告诉大家
I want you to reach back into those minds and tell me, tell us all.
What is it that you fantasize about?
世界和平 鬼才信
World peace? I thought so.
Do you fantasize about international fame?
Do you fantasize about winning a Pulitzer Prize?
Or a Nobel Peace Prize?
An MTV Music Award?
你们幻想邂逅天才 性感的帅哥
Do you fantasize about meeting some genius hunk,
表面上有点坏 但却充满高贵的热情
ostensibly bad, but secretly simmering with noble passion…
and willing to sleep on the wet spot?
-我预订两个 -什么
-I’ll take two! -What was that?
-我预定两个 -金伯利预定了两个
-I’ll take two! -Kimberly will take two.
