(菲利浦 克莉丝汀 汤姆 李 爱丽丝 安东尼)
李 亲爱的 这么晚了 你在这干什么?
Lee, my darling, what are you doing out here at this ungodly hour?
我有跟你说过我小时候 你对我有多好吗
Have I ever told you how sweet you were to me when I was a child?
Nothing could have been simpler.
我是认真的 在爸爸的传奇周日午餐会上
I mean it. At Daddy’s legendary Sunday lunches.
我还记得你 坐在奥莉薇·哈佛兰的腿上
I can still see you on Olivia de Havilland’s lap.
挺有趣的 她是能得到希拉称赞的…
It’s funny, you know. She was one of the few people…
that Sheila ever had anything good to say about.
Couldn’t you sleep?
可以 吃一颗安♥眠♥药♥的话 我现在还不想这么做
Yes, if I took a Seconal, which I’d rather not do just yet.
天啊 希望克♥林♥顿♥ 真的有意拍这部电影
Lord, I hope that Clinton really does intend to do this movie.
Tom has done nothing but rewrite jobs for so long now.
更别提我们仰赖克♥林♥顿♥ 选择《畸形秀》而活的两年
Need I tell you the two years we’ve tried living off Clinton’s options on Freak Show.
Hardly paid for the pool maintenance?
If a glass of second-rate brandy at this hour…
might excuse a certain tactlessness…
why don’t you dip into capital and produce your own picture?
Private finance is not that uncommon nowadays.
Can you imagine how Tom would feel about that?
你们好 伙计们
[ Tom Mimics Clinton’s Voice ] “Well, heigh-ho, gang.
Going over your hand signals for the bridge tournament?”
How’d I feel about what?
如果我们突然失去意识后 发现自己死了
If after a sudden blackout, we all discovered we were dead…
死于一场可怕的撞击事故 而我们正在前往天堂的路上
as a result of some terrible crash and were on our way to the great beyond.
上帝是克♥林♥顿♥ -没错
With Clinton as God. – Yes.
Give me a sip of that.
这是波旁酒 -好的
It’s bourbon. – Right.
Well, I hear that calisthenics are at 8:00 sharp.
这时候我们可不想招人嫌 对吧
We wouldn’t want to incur disfavor at this point, would we?
Good night.
He’s a nice man.
Come on back down.
我只喝了一杯 -别管了
I only had one. – Don’t worry about it.
Let’s just get some sleep.
我好想泡个热水浴 唯一的浴缸在克♥林♥顿♥那里
I’d kill myself for a hot bath. Clinton has the only tub.
你要吃一颗这个吗? -也许我不需要它 医生
You want one of these? – I may not need it, Doctor.
怎么了? -不知道
What’s the matter? – I don’t know.
事情有些蹊跷 我有些奇怪的感觉
There’s something going on. I’m getting some strange vibes.
我去找克♥林♥顿♥谈一谈 -这个时间去?
I’m gonna have a talk with Clinton. – At this hour?
他从不睡觉 就像吸血鬼德古拉一样
He never sleeps, like Dracula.
自从希拉遇害后 他就没有好好睡足八个小时
He hasn’t had a good eight hours since the night Sheila was killed.
你觉得我们能摆脱 阴魂不散的希拉吗?
Do you think we’ll ever hear the last of Sheila?
汤姆 我们拍了这部电影 把钱存到共同基金 然后回家吧
Tommy, let’s just make this movie, and put the money in mutual bonds…and go home.
睡吧 孩子
Go to sleep, dear boy.
他明天早上就会给我们提供 自相矛盾的报告
They’ll give us conflicting reports about it in the morning.
克♥林♥顿♥ 我一直在思考 当爱丽丝经纪人的事
Clinton, I’ve been thinking on the subject of managing Alice’s career.
我是说我们确实把她的职业生涯 当成我们的共同职业生涯 但是…
I mean, we do think of her career as our career. But still, my…
My aspirations do run closer to the production end of things…
if you know what I mean.
制♥作♥ 选角等
Production, casting, et cetera.
What would you say, and please, be absolutely frank…
to me asking you…
跟我合作制♥作♥接下来这部电影 你觉得如何?
for an associate producership on this upcoming film?
What would I say?
I would say…
“Boo-hoo. Ooh hoo, ooh hoo”
没有比选错时机谈生意 更糟糕的事情了
There’s nothing worse than a hustler with bad timing.
克莉丝汀 帮我在背上涂一点这个 好吗?
Crissy, put a little of this on my back, will you?
我很乐意 但这样会打乱我的计划
I’d really love to, but it would throw my schedule off.
I have to do 25 minutes on my front today.
To make up for the 25 minutes you spent on your back last night.
亲爱的 给她背部涂点防晒霜 我们可不希望她被晒伤
Honey, put some gunk on her back, will you? We don’t want her to burn.
不管怎样 正如我之前所说 他们会给你注射大剂量镇静剂
Anyhow, as I was saying, they shoot you full of these rhino tranqs…
and then they wrap you in these hot sheets.
等你五天后醒来时 就会瘦30磅左右
You wake up five days later about 30 pounds thinner…
嚷着要吃火鸡三明治 我是说…
and screaming for hot turkey sandwiches. I mean, it’s…
你有听我说吗? -算有吧
Hey, you listening to me? – Kind of.
我来这里是为了 留住和招揽一个客户 你呢?
I’m here because I’ve got a client to keep and one to get. What’s your excuse?
我想留住一个 正努力坚持下去的丈夫
I’m trying to hold on to a husband… who’s trying to hold on.
With your money?
I like you best alone.
多年来 人们一直这样跟我说
People have been telling me that for years.
You know that guy on the corner…
给他的小机器人上发条 让它们疯狂疾走的人吗?
who winds up his little mechanical men, and they run crazily around?
我就是那个人 -天啊 克♥林♥顿♥
I’m that guy. – Oh, Clinton.
“天啊 克♥林♥顿♥” 你想说什么?
“Oh, Clinton”, what?
很抱歉 -抱歉什么?
I’m sorry. – You’re sorry, what?
I’m sorry Anthony didn’t handle that better.
停 到此为止
Cut. Print.
Woo-Hoo, Vittorio!
Woo-Hoo, Vittorio!!!
克莉丝汀 船员正在午睡
Shhh… Christine, the crew are having their naps.
天啊 先是瓦茨人 巴基斯坦人 现在是水手午睡
Jesus! Watts, Pakistan, and now naps for sailors?
亲爱的 能否给我扔一罐饮料
Honey, would you drop me down a Tab?
我的口干得 可以在里面拍《阿♥拉♥伯的劳伦斯》
My mouth is so dry I feel like they could shoot Lawrence of Arabia in it.
You know, Christine just said that her mouth is so dry…
可以在里面拍《阿♥拉♥伯的劳伦斯》 -好的
they could film Lawrence of Arabia in it. – Right.
汤姆 来吧
Tommy! Come on in.
跟我们说说 你对《荒野宽面条》的改编
Tell us about the rewrite you did on Fistful of Lasagna…
or whatever the hell it was.
你从不谈论你的作品 为什么?
You never talk about your work. Why is that?
Hey, Philip!
Philip !
菲利浦 我一直在琢磨片头
Philip, listen. I’ve been mulling over the opening sequence.
你觉得这样如何 给太平洋西北部某处的一个睡袋
What do you think? We zoom in close on a sleeping bag…
somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, right?
It’s Sheila’s mother in labor.
Think it’ll play?
抱歉 克♥林♥顿♥ 我不太明白 什么行得通?
Sorry, Clinton, I didn’t quite get that. Shall we play what?
天啊 回去睡吧 李
Jesus. Go back to sleep, Lee.
站起来 克莉丝汀
Stand up, Christine!
I hope you were taking movies.
Where’s your robe?
Get her a drink.
你们看 我有新发型
Look at me. I got a new hairstyle.
别碰我Dont touch me!!!
Get me a glass of water and a couple of lesbians.
Did you hear what I said?
天啊 腿好软
My, that was limpy.
What’s the matter with you people?
我好累 我现在只须睡个觉
I’m so tired. I just have to take a nap now.
Wake me up when the credits are over.
她没事吧? -是的 她没事
Is she okay? – Yeah, she’s all right.
维托利奥 该死的 你在哪?
Vittorio, God damn you, where are you?
好了 听着 你得解释一下
All right! You listen. You’ve got some explaining to do.
Don’t you know enough not to turn those eggbeaters on…
when we’re ditsing around out there?
这是豪华游轮旅行 不是障碍训练
This is a goddamn luxury cruise, not an obstacle course!
听着 我问过所有人了
Look, I’ve been asking around, and none of us…
在那几秒钟内 我们当中没有人看到其他任何人
was in sight of any of the others for just those few seconds.
爱丽丝声称她当时在客舱里 -我和圭多在休闲室
Alice claims to have been in her cabin. – I was in the lounge with Guido.
李在甲板上 -我在我的客舱里
Lee was on the top deck. – I was in my cabin.
根据这类事件的惯例 我们现在应该寻找动机
According to the rules of the genre, we should now be looking for a motive.
就连克♥林♥顿♥也有可能 从另一条楼梯上来开启引擎
Even Clinton could have climbed up the other ladder and started the engines.
你该不会在 乱翻我的魔术袋吧 爸爸?
Well, well… Not pawing through my bag of tricks there, are you, Dad?
不是 克♥林♥顿♥
No, Clinton.
你在吸引我的注意? -是我的背部
Trying to get my attention? – It’s my back.
Don’t you slip a disc.
不 不要回应
No, don’t answer that.
我们不想将这个话题退化到 讨论阶段
We don’t want this topic to degenerate into the discussion phase.
