That’s all right. That’s what they’re for. It’s only Sheila’s favorite.
好的 各位
All right, everybody…
到厕所剃胡子 洗澡或冲洗 取决于你们的需要
down to the latrines for a shave, shower, or douche, depending on your hang-up.
我觉得很漂亮 克♥林♥顿♥
I think it’s fabulous, Clinton.
This is the bathroom.
喜欢吗? -真的很漂亮
You like it? – It’s really beautiful.
你觉得这是什么时期的风格 -路易34
What period would you say it was, Clinton? -Louis XXXIV.
来吧 伙计们 我们继续参观
Come on, gang, let’s get this show on the road.
太棒了 克♥林♥顿♥ 非常漂亮
It’s fabulous, Clinton. Absolutely fabulous.
这就像你妈妈的房♥间 -像我们佣人的房♥间
It’s like your mother’s. – It’s like our maid’s.
汤姆 李 你们得共用一个洗手间 彼此了解一下
Tom, Lee, you have to share a john. Get to know each other.
菲利浦 -来吧 亲爱的 我们来试一下
Philip. – Come on, love, let’s try it out.
你给我准备了什么 特别待遇? -是的
What’s for me, something special? – Yes.
Can’t wait to see it.
我好喜欢 但船员睡哪?
I love it! But where does the crew sleep?
爱丽丝和安东尼得到双人房♥ 因为他不希望她郁闷六天
Alice and Anthony got the double because he didn’t want her sulking for six days.
因为他知道你不会郁闷 -克♥林♥顿♥所做的一切都有其道理
And because he knew you wouldn’t sulk. – Everything with Clinton is points.
明白吗 道理
Understand? Points.
你明白吗? -明白得很
Do you understand? – Too well.
我对克♥林♥顿♥没意见 我只是不希望他操控我们的生活
I don’t mind Clinton, you know. I just don’t want him running our lives.
好极了 安东尼和爱丽丝 带了录音机
Wonderful. Anthony and Alice have brought their cassette player.
喝瓶装水吗? -050客舱 明白了吗?
Bottled water? – Cabin-o five-o, capice?
漂亮的小屁♥股♥ 但我想他怕了我 你觉得我们在这里要做什么?
Nice little ass, but I think he’s afraid of me. Now, what do you think we’re doing here?
你也在这 -克♥林♥顿♥的项目
Oh, you’re here, too. – Clinton’s project.
也就是? -也就是?
Which is?
他暗示说拍摄一部 有关希拉·格林的生与死的电影
He’s been hinting about making a picture on the life and death of Sheila Green.
这太怪异了 -不见得
That is truly bizarre. – No, not really.
She’s still a compulsive subject with Clinton.
但他根本不关心她 -他非常关心她
But he never really cared about her. Yes, he did. He cared about her very much.
他非常关心她的 亚利桑那房♥地♥产♥控股
He cared very much about her Arizona real estate holdings…
which we are sailing on right now.
寻找撞她的人 对克♥林♥顿♥而言只是另一个游戏
Finding the guy who hit her is just another game with Clinton.
没错 但这个游戏多好
Absolutely. But what a game.
汤姆可以写剧本 菲利浦可以导演 而她的扮演者…
And now Tom gets to write it, Philip gets to direct it…
我是说我的新客户 爱丽丝·伍德小姐
and what’s her face… I mean my new client, Miss Alice Wood…
可饰演希拉·格林 她从应♥召♥女郎蜕变成专栏作家
gets to thrill you as Sheila Green, who rose from call girl to columnist.
听着 帮我一个忙
Listen, just do me this.
待会克♥林♥顿♥会说起这件事 你们表现得惊讶一点
Minutes from now, when Clinton talks about this, and he will, just be surprised.
我打算给它起名为 先别震惊
Well, I’m thinking of calling it… Don’t be shocked now.
The Last of Sheila.
福克斯和派拉蒙公♥司♥感兴趣 这是完美的女性电影
Fox and Paramount are interested. It’s the perfect woman’s picture.
Every bit as big as Love Story.
只是她永远无法演绎 那精彩的医院场景
Except she never gets to play that good hospital scene.
我觉得这是我们期待已久的电影 当然 前提是我们都有空
Well, Clinton, I think it’s the picture we’ve been waiting for. If we’re available, of course.
以及他们不会在阿纳海姆 开新的购物中心
Provided they’re not opening a new shopping center in Anaheim, you will be.
离游戏时间还有两个小时 各位
Two hours to game time, gang.
Let me describe the week’s entertainment for you.
我最近玩的游戏是猜字谜 -希拉遇害当晚 在我家玩的
The last time I played a game was charades… At my house, the night Sheila was killed.
事实上 在场所有人… -当时都在那儿
As a matter of fact, everyone here was… Was there.
除了李 你说你在圣巴巴拉市 犯乡愁了
Except Lee. You were home sick in Santa Barbara, you said.
不 我说的是 我想念圣巴巴拉市
No, I was home, sick of Santa Barbara, I said.
I like any game where you don’t have to move.
这个游戏不需要移♥动♥ 如果你们够聪明的话
Well, you don’t have to for this one if you’re smart enough.
什么意思? -这有点像…
Meaning? Well, it’s sort of…
I call it “The Sheila Green Memorial Gossip Game.”
听起来很吸引人 -我还没讲解呢
Sounds fascinating. – And I haven’t even described it yet.
我好饱 吃不下 -我虚构了一些可能…
I couldn’t. I’m stuffed. – Now, I’ve dreamed up odds…
你开不得玩笑吗 过来 -请留心听
Can’t you take a joke? Come here. – Pay attention, please.
我虚构了六个秘密 每人一个
I dreamed up six secrets, one for each of you.
Six little ‘pretend’ pieces of gossip.
Now keep them secret.
给我 给我
Give me.
我们可以看一下吗? -这对你有好处
Can we look at them? It’ll help.
你怎么想出这一切的? -这个我只花了一个月时间
How do you think these things up? – “This one’s only taken me a month to prepare, he said modestly.”
It’s marvelous.
It’s what I’ve always wanted to be.
It says, “You are a snoop.”
不 别扔掉 保留到周六 不要给别人看
No,no, don’t throw them away. Keep them till Saturday. And don’t show them.
谁想偷看我的 可获得一个吻
Anybody who wants to peek at mine gets a kiss.
What’s the game?
主旨是发现所有人的秘密 当然 不能偷看
The idea is to discover everybody’s secret. Without peeking, of course.
And prevent the other players from discovering yours.
And how do we do that?
Every day, we’ll park in a different port…
你们可以找到 与一个人的秘密相关的证据
where you can discover the proof of one person’s secret.
我会宣布你们要找的秘密是什么 给你们一条线索
I’ll announce what secret it is to look for and give you a clue…
让你们知道该做什么 去哪里
which will tell you what to do and where to go on shore.
如果你们能正确解读线索 它就会引领你们找到证据
Now, if you solve the clue properly, it’ll lead you to where the proof is.
Suppose you announce, let’s say, “Pyromaniac.”
假设那是我的秘密 我何必费事去找证据?
Let’s say that’s my secret. Why should I bother looking for the proof?
Because when the person whose secret it is discovers the proof…
我就会拿出一张卡片说 该晚的游戏已结束
I’ll put a card out saying the game for that evening is over.
那些找不到证据的人 不能得分 对吧?
And those who haven’t found it don’t score, right?
没错 如果你的导演能力 像你的理解能力这么强
Right. If you could direct as fast as you catch on to games…
you’d never be a has-been again.
获胜者有什么好处? -加薪
What do we get if we win? – Better billing.
Let’s play!
According to the old pizza slinger that runs this tub for me…
the launch will be back to pick you up at 7:00 p.m.
That’s when you’ll get your clue for this evening.
我们今晚要找的人是谁? -手持商店扒手卡的人
For whom are we looking tonight? The person with the shoplifter card.
好的 谁拿着商店扒手卡
All right, who’s got the shoplifter card?
拜托 我们该不会真的这么做吧?
Come on. We’re not gonna really do this, are we?
屁♥股♥上挂条银钥匙 在这无聊的死水中到处跑?
Run around this bombed-out backwater with a silver key up our tokhes?
It probably means that you’re the shoplifter.
Is this the only clue we’re gonna get?
它肯定能开启某处的一扇门 -聪明
It must open a door somewhere. Brilliant.
这是个游戏 我还以为你们会乐在其中
It’s a game. I thought you were going to enjoy it.
维托利奥 我想跟你谈谈 如果我们玩…
Vittorio, honey, I wanna talk to you. If we’re playing…
别再挑逗维托利奥了 克莉丝汀
Stop coming on to Vittorio, Christine.
他和你们一样 对钥匙的含义一无所知
He doesn’t know what the key means any more than you do.
It’s my secret!
Everybody got their key?
Vittorio will be back to pick you up again at 10:00 sharp.
Be on the docks by that time…
否则就得游过满布浮油 和啤酒罐的水域回到船上
or you’ll have to swim back to the boat through the oil slick and the beer cans.
不能讨论 这是单人比赛
And no conferring. This is an individual competition.
别板着脸 爱丽丝
Quit pouting, Alice.
You’re having a terrific time.
Don’t hate me. I followed you.
我知道这有违赛规 但我们可以合力过关
I know it’s against the rules, but we could knock this off together.
事实上 我会说一点法语
You know, actually, I speak a little frog.
克莉丝汀 -别告诉克♥林♥顿♥我这么做 好吗?
Christine. – Just don’t tell Clinton I did it, okay?
你看这廉价的烤面包架 也许这是信插 你觉得呢?
Look at this chintzy toast rack. Maybe it’s a letter holder. What do you think?
I think Steve and Eydie would love it.
How much is it?
90法郎 怎么算来着 90除以5?
90 francs. What is that? 90 divided by five?
谢谢 -开什么玩笑 18美元
Merci. – Are you kidding? That is $18.
我觉得这太离谱了 她去了哪 李
I think that’s outrageous. Where’d she go? Lee!
I’d very much like to be allowed to compare…
跟你们的房♥间钥匙对比一下 如果你不介意的话
this key with the keys of your rooms, if that’s all right with you.
李 你发现了什么 李 等等我
Lee, what did you find? Lee, wait for me!
你有什么发现? -我来给你一个提示
What did you find? I’ll give you a hint.
法语的钥匙是CLEF 明白了吗
The word in French for key is clef. C-L-E-F. Get it?
别跟克♥林♥顿♥说是我告诉你的 好吗
Don’t tell Clinton I told you, okay?
