Sherry Peatty was wide awake.
-我吵醒你了吗 对不起 -没关系
-Did I wake you up? I’m sorry, -lt’s all right,
l just couldn’t sleep somehow,
你要什么吗 还要喝咖啡吗
Can I get you anything? Would you like more coffee?
不用了 谢谢你问我
No, I guess not, Nice of you to offer, though,
我只是觉得紧张不安 我不会有事的
I’m just nervous and restless, I’ll be all right,
-回去睡吧 -我不要
-Go on back to bed, -No, I won’t,
Even if I don’t get up to get my husband’s breakfast,
the least I can do is sit with him while he has his coffee,
老天 你确定你没事吗…
Gosh, you sure you feel all right–
对不起 我不是那个意思
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that the way it sounded,
l deserved it,
我知道我最近很烦燥 不像老婆该有的样子
l know I’ve been irritable and moody and I haven’t acted like I should,
lt’s just, I can’t stand living like this–
住在破公♥寓♥ 晚餐吃汉堡
a crummy apartment and a hamburger for dinner,
-你没那么惨 宝贝 -我有
-You haven’t been so bad, baby, -Yes, I have,
But things are gonna be different,
我们会买♥♥很多好东西 我也不会老是想到我自己了
We’ll have so many nice things, I’ll stop thinking about myself so much,
Your problems will be my problems,
每当你担心的时候 例如像现在这样…
Whenever you ‘re worried about something, like now, for instance–
-你在担心劫钞的事吗 -有一点吧
-ls it the robbery you ‘re worried about? -I guess it is a little,
没理由这样 我知道不会有事的
l have no reason to, I know it’s going to be all right,
Naturally you ‘d be a little upset at a time like this,
lt’s today, isn’t it?
你怎么会这么想 我睡不着不代表…
What makes you think that? Just because I couldn’t sleep, it doesn’t mean–
我了解我的乔治 他骗不了我的
l know my Georgie, He can’t fool me,
我说对了吧 我们今天就会拿到钱了
I’m right, aren’t l? Today is the day we get that money,
才不对 不是今天
No, you ain’t, lt isn’t today,
lf you don’t stop pestering me,
一直探口风 到时什么钱都没有
tryin’ to find out something, there ain’t gonna be no money,
-你怎能…-我说真的 我受够了
-How can you —I mean it, I’m gettin’ fed up,
你听到强尼的话了 别再插手 他会取消整个计划的
You heard Johnny, Stop butting in, He’d call this whole thing off,
他还跟我讲别的话 只是我没告诉你
He told me something else, too, which I neglected to tell you —
他说如果我插手 他就杀了我
that if I did butt in, that he’d break my neck,
He wanted to make you understand that he means business,
我只想说 自从他们教训过你之后
All I’ve gotta say is you ‘ve certainly changed your tune
since he and his friends slapped you around,
l was pretty sore about that,
但他们能怎么办 你自己都说他们蛮明理的
What could they do? You said yourself they acted pretty reasonable,
-我们没理由怀恨在心 -我不想和你争辩
-We had no reason to hold a grudge, -I’m not gonna argue with you,
lf you let people beat you up a
nd then take their side against your own wife–
是你说的 我想退出 你不让我退出
But you did, I wanted to quit, You wouldn’t let me,
You said I had no reason to,
反正打我的不是强尼 除了伦迪之外 没有人碰我
Anyway, Johnny didn’t lay a hand on me, None of the guys did but Randy,
l was gonna tell you somethin’ about your friend Johnny,
but since you feel about him like you do–
Take his word against mine,
他怎么了 你本来要跟我说什么
What about him? What were you gonna tell me?
Let’s stop the conversation right there,
What were you gonna tell me?
我没办法告诉你 你对他的感觉是这样
l don’t think I can tell you when you feel like you do about him,
not havin’ any faith in me in keepin’ secrets,
我们不会有秘密的 发生了什么事
We won’t have any secrets, What happened?
我前天晚上想告诉你 可是…
l tried to tell you about this the other night, but…
你那么生气 每次我说什么 你就打断我
you were so upset and every time I tried to say anything, you cut me off,
What are you tryin’ to tell me?
我试着阻止他 我一边求他一边挣扎
l tried to stop him, I pleaded and I struggled,
lt doesn’t matter, does it?
The only thing that matters is how I feel about you,
lt is today, isn’t it?
那天稍早 在凌晨5:00
Earlier that morning at 5:00 a.m .,
Red Lightning was fed only a half portion of feed
in preparation for the seventh race that afternoon,
the $ 1 00,000 Lansdowne Stakes.
那天早上七点 强尼克雷的一天开始
At 7:00 that morning, Johnny Clay began what might be
the last day of his life.
-几点了 -还早 才七点
-What time is it? -lt’s early yet, lt’s only 7:00,
我离开之后 你再继续睡
You better go back to sleep after I leave,
我只是想跟你道别 今晚会再见面的
l just wanted to say good-bye… till tonight, that is,
全都安排好了 应该很圆♥满♥
Everything’s all set, Should go perfectly,
但如果不成 别跟别人提起这件事
But if it doesn’t, don’t talk about this with anyone,
除了帐本 你应该不会有事
You ‘ll be in the clear except for your books,
I don’t think they’ll be rough–
我不担心那个 我什么也不担心
I’m not worried about that, I’m not worried about anything,
l just wish I could do more to help,
你已经帮了 我只希望我们能把工作做好
You ‘ve done your part, I only hope we can do ours as well,
We’ll probably never see each other again
after we split the money and break up tonight,
在我心里 你永远是个男子汉
In my book, you ‘ll always be a stand-up guy,
我不知道该怎么说 我不知道我有没有权利
l don’t know how to say this, and I don’t know if I have the right,
but I’ve always thought maybe you ‘re like my own kid,
You can say anything you want,
你经历很多次噩运 也许你犯了几个错
You ‘ve had a lot of rough breaks and maybe you ‘ve made a few mistakes,
但在今天之后 老天保佑
but after today, the good Lord willing,
你就不一样了 成了有钱人
you ‘ll be a new man, a rich man,
That can make a lot of difference,
你有很长的路要走 你会认识很多人
You ‘ve got a lot of life ahead of you, a lot of people to meet–
people of quality and substance,
What are you gettin’ at?
如果我们能远走高飞 就我们两个
Wouldn’t it be great if we could just go away, the two of us,
and let the old world take a couple of turns and…
重新评估一切 那不是很棒吗
have a chance to take stock of things?
lt can be pretty serious and terrible,
particularly if it’s not the right person,
Getting married, I mean,
You better go back to sleep,
第七局比赛在4:30开始 你可以听收音机
The seventh race starts about 4:30, if you wanna catch it on the radio,
I’ll be back here about 7:00,
别靠近赛马场 去看部电影什么的
Keep away from the track, Go to a movie or something,
See you later,
it was exactly 7:00 a.m . when he got to the airport .
重量没问题 普先生 这是所有的行李吗
The weight is okay, Mr, Preston, ls that all the baggage?
我今晚会多一个 我可以带上机舱吧
I’ll have one more with me tonight, I can keep that in the cabin, can’t l?
可以 但在起飞前 要来柜台登记
Yes, but check in here at the counter prior to flight time,
Flight 465 leaves at 9:00 p,m, tonight,
-谢谢 -谢谢你搭乘美国航♥空♥
-Thank you, -Thank you for flying American, sir,
他先买♥♥了花之后 在8:15抵达汽车旅馆
Stopping first at a florist, he arrived at the motel at 8:15.
He was on schedule.
-早安 朋友 -早安 乔
-Good morning, my friend, -Good morning, Joe,
今天下午我有个朋友 会送一个包裹来给我
This afternoon a friend of mine is stopping by and leaving a bundle for me,
-他是个警♥察♥ -警♥察♥
-He’s a cop, -A cop?
He drives a prowl car,
-你的朋友还真怪 -他是怪警♥察♥
-A funny kind of friend you have, -He’s a funny kind of a cop,
让他进来 他会在6:30留下包裹
Let him in, He’ll leave this bundle about 6:30,
我会马上来拿 然后你就不会再见到我了
I’ll pick it up right after that, and that’s the last you ‘ll see of me,
-你要来喝杯酒吗 -我很想 但我要忙
-Would you come in for a drink? -I’d like to, but I got a lot to do,
lf I did, everything would be fouled up,
我明白 今晚见
I understand, I’ll see you tonight,
再见 保重
So long, Take care of yourself,
He reached the bus station at 8:45.
it was 9:20 when he arrived at Mike’s apartment.
目前为止 一切都照计划进行
So far, everything had gone off according to plan .
Mike o’Reilly was ready at 11:15.
What goes on here?
This is no way to get your strength back,
很好吃 我可能只是不饿
lt’s very good, but I guess I’m just not hungry,
-我吃不下了 -吃不下
-I couldn’t eat another bite, -Another?
You haven’t eaten anything yet,
我过一会儿再吃 我先吃药好了
I’ll take something after a while, after I’ve had my medicine,