-I don’t know what you mean, -I think you do,
听着 彼提太太 我做什么是我的事
Oh, look, Mrs, Peatty, what I do is my own business,
l never tried to pin you down,
我没问过你 在遇到我之前都玩些什么
l never asked you how you got your kicks before you met me,
真伤人 你以前不会 这样对我说话的
That hurt, You didn’t used to talk to me like that,
对不起 宝贝 但不要管我 我得过我想过的生活
I’m sorry, baby, But don’t bug me, I gotta live my life a certain way,
l can’t stand it when the walls start closin’ in,
-你知道我有多爱你 -我也很爱你
-But you know how crazy I am about you, -And I’m crazy about you, too,
I’ve given you sufficient proof of that,
lt’s just that lately every time I call–
就算我偶尔出去玩 你是有老公的人
So I step out once in a while, You got yourself a husband,
The guy’ll spend every last nickel on you,
你下午去看电影 晚上九点回家的时候
He won’t ask you any questions when you come home from an afternoon movie
at 9:00 at night,
-别太贪心 -我不是贪心 我爱上你了
-Don’t be greedy, -I’m not greedy, I’m in love with you,
如果那是贪心 我就是世上最贪得无厌的人
lf that’s being greedy, then I’m the biggest glutton on Earth,
别说得这么可怕 好像要把我生吞活剥似的
Don’t make it sound so ominous, You sound like you ‘re gonna eat me alive,
l might just do that,
亲爱的 你这辈子 最感兴趣的是哪两件事
Darling, what are the two things in life you ‘re most interested in?
-什么 -钱和女人吧
-What? -Money and women?
That’s a nice way to put me down,
-我猜得差不多吧 -勉强接受
-That about sums it up, doesn’t it? -We’ll let it stand,
But I imagine what you really meant to say was ”money and woman,”
We’re gonna have money,
大把的钞票 也许好几百万
more money than you ‘ve dreamed of–maybe even millions,
-是吗 怎么说 -靠乔治啊
-Yeah? How? -George, that’s how,
He’s stumbled onto somethin’ big,
-那个笨蛋 -有钱的笨蛋啊 瓦尔
-That meatball? -Meatball with gravy, Val,
You know he works at the track,
别问我怎么搞的 反正他和黑帮挂上钩
Somehow–and don’t ask me how–he’s got connected with the mob,
他们准备抢劫 赛马场当天的赌金
They’re gonna rob the track offices for the day’s receipts,
他真的跟你说 他和黑帮准备抢赛马场
He seriously told you he and some mob are gonna knock over the racetrack?
他的话可以信 乔治也许笨 但他不说谎的
You can believe him, ’cause George may be a fool, but he’s not a liar,
这家伙疯了 从来没有人这么做过
The guy’s crazy, That’s never been done before,
我也这么告诉他 但他说都安排好了 会成功的
l told him that, but he says the job’s all set up and it’s gonna be done,
只要我耐心等候 我就会有用不完的钱
And if I just sit tight, I’d be up to my curls in cash just like that,
假设这都是真的 这和我有什么关系
Let’s suppose this is all true, How do I fit in?
你知道我要离开乔治 你也知道为什么
Well, you know I’m gonna leave George, I guess you know why, too,
You ‘ve been sayin’ that for a long, long time, Sherry,
现在不一样了 我本来要今晚告诉他的
Everything’s changed now, I was gonna tell him tonight,
George may be very rich very soon,
他只要有钱就好 对不对
That’s all he needs, isn’t it?
He’d still be George,
So you think–let’s say George and his boys
pull this job and George gets his cut–
maybe I could take it away from him, huh?
l think you could,
那其他人呢 你知道他们是谁吗
What about the others? Any idea who they are?
我只有这个 我趁他洗澡时翻他的衣服
Only this, I went through his clothes while he was showering,
I’m quite sure George went there tonight,
宝贝 我们挖到宝了
Kiddo, I think we got somethin’ here,
如果这是真的 这笔钱可比你想像的还多
lf this is true, this is a lot bigger than you think,
你想要我拿乔治那一份 我告诉你吧
You ‘re interested in takin’ Georgie’s cut? I got news for you,
和全部的钱比起来 乔治那一份根本不算什么
Georgie’s cut’s gonna be peanuts compared to this whole thing,
We gotta find out more about the overall plan,
-你想他会告诉你更多吗 -不可能
-You think he’ll tell you any more? -Not a chance,
我看得出来他很害怕 因为他已经讲太多了
l could see he was scared stiff ’cause he talked as much as he did,
强尼 我不明白 这两个人怎么回事
l don’t get it, Johnny, about these two other guys,
还会有两个人加入 但我们不知道他们是谁
There’s gonna be two other guys, and we ain’t gonna know who they are?
没错 你们不知道他们是谁
That’s right, You don’t know who they are,
and they don’t know who you are,
-有道理吧 -我想是吧 可是…
-That makes sense, doesn’t it? -I guess so, but–
Makes sense to me, all right,
How come we need them? What are they gonna do?
One of them’s for the job with the rifle,
None of you boys can handle that, even if you were willing to,
The other one starts the fight in the bar,
这两个人可以分到多少 我是不介意啦
These other fellows, how much they cuttin’ in for, Not that I mind,
These men are not gonna be in on the basic scheme,
They’re getting paid to perform certain definite duties
at a certain definite time, and they’re not cutting in on the take,
他们拿一次钱 做一件事
They’ll be paid a flat price to do a straight job,
如果他们不知道这个计划 他们为什么要这么做
lf they don’t know anything about the basic plan, why are they doin’ it?
Simple, These boys are straight hoods, They get paid in advance–
five grand for the one with the rifle, 2,500 for the other,
-钱是从哪来的 -这就是需要马文的地方
-Where’s this money comin’ from? -That’s where Marvin comes in,
他替我们筹这七千五 事成后就连本带利还他
He’s getting the 7,500 for us, and he gets it back off the top,
l wish I could do more,
lt’s almost not right for me to get as much as everybody else,
-After all, all I do is—Your money counts for plenty,
-你没听到有人抱怨啊 -没问题的 马文
-You don’t hear any of them complaining, -You ‘re okay in our book, Marv,
But if these two hoods get paid in advance,
how do you know they’re gonna do their jobs?
我可以担♥保♥ 他们是职业的
I’ll vouch for ’em, These guys are pros,
他们不敢落跑 如果跑了
They can’t afford to weasel out on a deal, lf they did,
they’d be washed up, Okay?
Any other questions?
Let’s take a look at this, then,
这是我凭印象 划出来的赛马场草图
This is a rough drawing of the track as I remember it,
伦迪 你得替我找来 这整区的街道地图
Randy, you ‘ll have to get me an A-1 street map of the whole district,
乔治 麦可 你们和我仔细检查这张图
George, Mike, I want you to go over this thing with me inch by inch,
要把它完全更新 任何改变都要标出来
Bring it completely up to date, Add or subtract the slightest change,
就连多了一个热狗摊 也要把它标出来
even if it’s somethin’ as small as the placing of a hot dog stand,
加减个一 两千块
Now, give or take a few thousand,
l figure the loot on this deal at two million,
There should be that much in the track offices,
That includes profits on the pari-mutuel betting,
破坏赔偿金 分彩机的税金
the breakage money, taxes from the mutuel machines,
各销♥售♥点的收入 还有彩票的收入
receipts from the concessions, and the money from ticket sales,
None of this money is allowed to accumulate
at any one point around the track,
除了用来找零钱 和分彩员付给赢家的钱之外
Except for money to make change with and the mutuel clerks’ payoff money,
it all goes into the office,
Out of the entire take, only a few thousand dollars
is put in the office safe to cover emergencies,
其余的都放在外面 等装甲车来运送
The rest is out in the open, held for pickup by armored car,
That car arrives about 5:00
and parks directly in front of the main entrance to the clubhouse,
车上有两个人 一个驾驶
Two men stay in it–one at the wheel,
the other at a machine gun in the turret,
Two others enter the office to collect the dough,
他们都有枪 赛马场探员也会拿枪掩护他们
They’re armed, and so are the track detectives who cover them
从车子走到办公室 再走出后门
from the car to the office and back,
Once the armored car arrives, a stickup is–
is out of the question,
What in the name of Pete would a babe be doin’ outside the door?
What do you think?
You guys, any of you ever see this woman before?
lt’s Sherry, my wife,
大嘴巴 你泄露消息给她
Why, you, you been talkin’, You spilled to her,
我没有 你以为我疯了吗
l did not, What, do you think I’m crazy?
你这个傻瓜 笨蛋了
You jerk, You clown!
笨蛋 你准备老实招来吧
Come on, clown, Sing us a chorus from ”Pagliacci,”
你最好快说 招认吧 不说我们就逼她说
You better talk, Come clean, Talk, or we’ll get it out of her,
别伤害她 强尼 求求你
You wouldn’t do anything to hurt her, Johnny, please,
我并不想 但如果你不说你告诉她什么…
l don’t want to, but if you won’t tell us what you told her–
l didn’t tell her nothin’, honest I didn’t,
Why would I do a thing like that?
是啊 她不知道
Sure, she wouldn’t,
She’s just the building inspector,