Hey, how you doing? – Hey.
你好 最近怎样 – 很好 不错
Howdy. How you doing? All right, good.
这是你的超级粉丝 – 谢谢
This is your biggest fan. – Thank you.
Yeah. It’s nice to see you again.
我也是 我也是
Likewise. Likewise.
Thank you so much.
Thanks for coming out, yeah.
How are you?
很高兴再见面 看见这家伙了吗
Good to see you again. See this guy?
哟 真不错 真的很棒
Yeah, that was good. That was… That was good.
再见 我先走了
All right, bye. See you later.
Michael 管弦乐队排练怎么样啊
How was orchestra practice, Michael?
贼棒 谢谢关心 老妈
It was great. Thanks, Ma.
我饿死了 回去路上给我买♥♥个汉堡可以嘛
I’m starving. Uh… Can we get burgers on the way?
We got food in the cooler.
I miss Kerry.
He would get burgers for me right now.
行 小老弟 我陪你买♥♥汉堡吃
I’ll eat a burger with you, little brother.
一起吃吧 Kevin
Come on. – Come on, Kev.
All right.
♪ Love doesn’t last that long
♪ I got this feelin’ inside night and day
♪ And now I can’t take it no more
♪ Listen, honey, can you see?
♪ Baby, you would bury me
♪ If you were in the public eye
♪ Givin’ someone else a try
♪ And you know you better watch your step
♪ Or you’re gonna get hurt yourself
♪ Someone’s gonna tell you lies
♪ Cut you down to size
♪ Don’t do me like that Don’t do me like that
♪ What if I love you, baby?
嗨 Kevin
Hi, Kevin! – ♪ Don’t, don’t, don’t…
欢迎回来 观众朋友们
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
今天来到我们节目的是新任德州重量级冠军 Kevin Von Erich
We have the newly-crowned Texas Heavyweight Champion, Kevin Von Erich here,
and he is scheduled to fight in a tag-team match later on tonight
对抗Gino Hernandez和Bruiser Brody
against Gino Hernandez and Bruiser Brody.
But his partner is still a mystery.
说的没错 Bill
That’s right, Bill.
First off, I just wanna say to Gino,
you’ve been running that mouth of yours way, way too long,
and I’m here to take care of it.
哎嘿哟 今天晚上 我给你准备了特别的大招 兄弟
Boy, oh, boy. Do I have somethin’ special for you tonight, buddy.
重新来一次行吗 – 好的 没问题
Can we just do that again from that top, yeah? – Yeah, absolutely.
从头开始 再来一遍
Thank you. – Take it from the top, okay?
准备好了吗 – 好了
Ready? – Yeah.
欢迎回来 观众朋友们
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
We have the newly-crowned Texas Heavyweight Champion,
Kevin Von Erich
Kevin Von Erich here tonight,
and he’s scheduled to fight in a tag-team match
对抗Gino Hernandez和Bruiser Brody
against Gino Hernandez and Bruiser Brody.
But his partner is still a mystery.
说的没错 Bill
That’s right, Bill.
First off, I just wanna say that, Gino,
你那张臭嘴熏人太久了 说我和我家人的坏话
you’ve been shooting your mouth off way, way too long about me and my family.
我给你准备了特别的大招 哎嘿哟
I got something special for you, boy, oh, boy.
今天我可不是开玩笑的 我♥操♥
It ain’t gonna be all roses… Fuck.
没事的 我们再来一遍
It’s okay. We’ll go again.
David 我听见你了 别闹了 – 我啥都没说啊
David, I hear you. Stop. – I didn’t say anything.
欢迎回来 观众朋友们
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
We have the newly- crowned Texas Heavyweight Champion,
Kevin Von Erich
Kevin Von Erich here
and he is scheduled to fight in a tag-team match later on tonight
对抗Gino Hernandez和Bruiser Brody
against Gino Hernandez and Bruiser Brody.
But his partner still remains a mystery.
说的没错 Bill
That’s right, Bill.
我准备了特别的大招 专门为家乡父老和摔跤迷准备的
I got something special for… that the hometown crowd fans are really gonna love…
首先 我想对Gino说
You know, first off, I just wanna say, Gino,
你那个臭嘴 你嘴臭
you’ve been shooting your mouth… shooting your…
嘴 你说嘴
shoot… shooting your mouth…
说说说 嘴嘴嘴 – 该死 真不好意思
Shoobadoobadoo. – Shit, sorry.
别在那笑我 有本事你上来说
If it’s so easy, you get up here and do it then.
讲真 我也想上去说啊
Yeah, I mean I… I’d love to,
但我不能露面啊 我是你的神秘搭档 211 00:16:29,773 –》 00:16:30,841我知道
but it’ll kind of ruin the surprise, you know?
Yeah, I know.
你在这就知道添乱 – 对对对
You’re not helping. – All right.
Just get out of here.
再来一次吗 – 行 好的
Wanna try again? – Yeah, yes. Okay.
♪ All our times have come
♪ Here but now they’re gone
♪ Seasons don’t fear the reaper
♪ Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain
♪ We can be like they are
♪ Come on, baby, don’t fear the reaper
♪ Baby, take my hand Don’t fear the reaper
♪ We’ll be able to fly Don’t fear the reaper
♪ Baby, I’m your man… ♪
我会狠狠踹你一脚 你反应演得真一点
I’ll give you a big boot, so I want you to really sell it.
然后Gino上场 你就对付他
I tag Gino in, fight him back.
狠狠撞他 来一个肘坠击
Give him a body slam, an elbow drop.
然后他把你逼到角落围栏 就在那别出来
He’s gonna drive you to the corner, stay there
然后我来上场 继续比赛
’cause I’m gonna be coming in and take the post.
那我就直接上围栏了 别让我等太久
And I’m a go straight up top, so don’t leave me there too long.
Hmm. – Okay. Cross body.
我还在地上演 把气氛烘托起来
I’ll still be sellin’ I’ll heat up.
然后我来一个双飞踢 – 对
And then double dropkick? – Yeah.
然后上铁爪大招 – 是的 没错
Then the Claw? – Right, yeah.
You been working on that with your dad?
嗯 教了一点
A little, yeah.
好 别弄乱我的发型就行
All right, just don’t fuck with my hair too much, okay?
好啦 David 欢迎你来摔跤秀
All right, David. Welcome to the show.
一 二
One, two…
And a kick out from Gino…
来吧 David
Let’s go, David.
David举起Gino 却被Gino一把推进角落
David picks up Gino, but he pushes him in the corner.
Brody接着上来 对他发起攻击
And here comes Brody charging across the ring.
被他躲过去了 躲过去了 他试图从另一面发动攻势
He misses him. He misses him. And comes all the way back over to the side.
Kevin getting up on the top rope.
Brody dazed now.
好厉害的飞身扑 直接干倒Brody
And a huge flying cross body knocks down Brody.
兄弟俩排好队 来了一个双飞踢
The brothers line up a double drop kick.
漂亮的双飞踢 体育馆内沸腾了
An incredible double drop kick. Blowing the roof off of this place!
Can you hear these people?
And here comes the Iron Claw,
his father’s notorious signature move.
他用铁爪狠狠钳住Gino 看啊
Oh, and he slaps it on Gino. Look at him.
疼痛让Gino挣扎不止 他放弃了 Von Eric兄弟赢得了比赛的胜利
The pain is too much. Gino taps out, and the Von Erichs win.
小心了 摔跤联盟 David和Kevin Von Erich兄弟来了
Look out, NWA. David and Kevin Von Erich are here!
David和Kevin Von Erich兄弟
David and Kevin Von Erich!
没问题的 – 不好意思 可以签给Emily吗
No problem. Excuse me. Can you make it out to Emily?
好的 签给 Emily 这是你的 – 谢谢
Emily. That’s for you. – Thank you, thank you.
Thank you. Thanks for coming, guys.
Thank you so much. – Thank you so much.
谢谢你们来看比赛 下周也来看吧 行吧
Yeah, thanks for coming. Come next week, all right?
I’m gonna go.
好的 再见
Okay, bye. – Bye, bye.
All right.
嗨 Kevin
Hi, Kevin.
嗨 可以给我签个名吗
Hey, um… Can I get your autograph?
可以 – 谢谢
Yeah, sure. – Thanks.
Oh, don’t you wanna ask me who to make it out to?
哦 对 是谁
Oh, yeah. Sure.
It’s Pam.
Pam. – Mmm-hmm.
你应该说 很高兴认识你 Pam
You’re supposed to say, “Nice to meet you, Pam.”
哦 不好意思
Yeah, I’m sorry.
很高兴认识你 Pam
Uh, it is nice to meet you, Pam.
也很高兴认识你 Kevin