Miss Giddens,
where are you?
小姐 吉登斯小姐
Miss? Miss Giddens?
你在这里干什么 小姐
Whatever are you doing there, miss?
天呐 你脸惨白得像纸
Heavens, child! You’re white as milk.
我看见他了 别告诉我没有 我确实看见了
I saw him! Don’t tell me I didn’t because I did.
-我看见他目不转睛地盯着我 -谁 小姐
-I saw him staring. -Who, miss?
-就是那个在塔上的人 -塔
-The same man on the tower. -The tower?
就刚才 他在房♥子里盯着我
But now, just now, he was staring past me into the house,
as if he were hunting someone.
-他长什么样 小姐 -黑卷发
-What’s he like, miss? -He had dark, curling hair
-还有坚定 冷酷的眼睛 -他…
-and the hardest, the coldest, eyes. -Is he…
Would you say he was very handsome?
是的 英俊而猥亵
Yes, yes, handsome, handsome and obscene.
但我以前见过他 是的 他…
But I’ve seen him before. Yes, he…
我知道在哪见过他了 画像 这里有他的画像
I know where I’ve seen him. A picture. There’s a picture of him.
A miniature in a cracked glass in the attic.
-我拿给你看 -不可能
-I’ll show you. -It can’t be.
-不可能 你认识他 -那是昆特
-It can’t be? You know him! -Quint.
-彼得·昆特 主人的男仆 -但是你说…
-Peter Quint, the master’s valet. -But you said…
是的 小姐 你瞧 他死了 昆特死了
Yes, miss. You see, he’s dead. Quint is dead.
你铅笔弄出的吱吱声太难听了 弗洛拉
Your pencil does have the most terrible squeak, Flora.
是吗 但我不是故意的
It does, doesn’t it? But I can’t help it, you know.
不是故意的 我知道你是
Can’t you? I thought you were doing it on purpose.
She is.
-停下来 不要祈求 -我没有祈求什么
-Stop it! Stop begging! -I’m not begging!
你有 你在祈求别人的注意
Yes, you are! You’re begging for attention.
又来了 又在祈求
There you are, begging again.
先祈求注意 再祈求关爱
First for attention, now for affection.
停下来 弗洛拉
Stop it, Flora!
不 迈尔斯 安静 迈尔斯
No, Miles. Hush, Miles.
亲爱的 我可怜的宝贝 弗洛拉
Oh, darling. Oh, poor darling Flora.
看 我让你哭了
There now, look, I’ve made you cry.
都怪我那么讨厌 暴躁
Oh, what a hateful, what a grumpy old governess you have.
-老师 你一点也不暴躁 -当然 你不是
-You’re not grumpy at all. -Of course you’re not.
但我怀疑你才是讨厌 暴燥
But I wouldn’t wonder if you were.
我不是的 都怪那些可怕的事
Not would I, with everything so horrible.
你知道 每到下雨天 我都不能到花♥园♥去
Why, as you know, the rain. Not being able to go out in the garden.
我和我吱吱响的铅笔 我一点也不乖
My squeaky pencil and me, I wasn’t even trying to be good.
Oh, but you are good.
You both are.
I know what.
我们放下书本 假装是弗洛拉的生日
Let’s put away our books and let’s pretend it’s Flora’s birthday.
-好的 -好的 今天是你的生日
-Oh, yes! -All right, it’s your birthday.
-现在 你想做什么 -开个派对
-Now, what would you like to do? -Have a party.
-化装舞会 -好主意
-A costume party. -That’s a splendid idea!
-迈尔斯和我会去装扮 -我们可以吗
-Miles and I will go and get all dressed up. -May we?
-是的 当然可以 -那来吧 弗洛拉
-Yes, of course you may. -Come along then, Flora.
Oh, good!
-快 快 快 -你们要去哪儿
-Hurry, hurry, hurry! -Where are you going?
-去化妆 你说我们可以的 -我和你们一起去
-To dress up. You said we might. -I’ll come with you.
不要 否则就没有惊喜了
No, then there’d be no surprise.
你在楼下等着 我们不会太久
You wait downstairs. We won’t be long.
快 快 快
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
I’ve let them go.
-去哪里了 小姐 -啊
-Go where, miss? -Oh!
Oh, I’ve let the children go…
楼上了 可能去阁楼了
upstairs. To the attic, perhaps.
就这些 他们不会有事
Is that all? They’ll come to no harm.
我不能…我不能让他们独处 特别是那晚以后
I can’t… I can’t leave them alone, not after the other night.
那晚 小姐 别再提了
As for the other night, miss, put it out of your mind.
就当是个噩梦 或许本身就是
Pretend it was part of a dream, which perhaps it was.
梦 你以为我会相信吗
A dream? Oh, don’t you think I want to believe that?
那只是黑暗 只是个噩梦
That it was just the darkness? A nightmare?
但那不是在晚上 是大白天 我确信我看到他了
But it’s no longer dark, it’s daylight. And I know I saw him.
一个男人 或曾经是人的东西
A man, or something that once was a man,
他的目光穿过窗户 寻找某个人
peering in through the window, looking for someone.
如果这不是真的 如果我没有看到他
And if it isn’t true, if I didn’t see him,
how could I have described him so accurately?
Well, you had seen his picture.
真的 小姐 你杞人忧天了
Really, miss, you’re upsetting yourself over nothing.
You said he was the valet?
是的 但主人走了以后 昆特就管理这个家
Yes, but when the master left, Quint was alone with us in charge.
告诉我 他怎么死的
Tell me, how did he die?
在那边 小姐 就在这些楼梯上
Out there, miss, on those very steps.
It was winter.
寒冷的 黑暗的冬日晚上
The coldest, blackest winter’s night.
The steps were icy,
昆特回来晚了 我们都睡了
and Quint, he came home late after we were all a-bed.
Late and full of drink.
他好像跌倒了 头受伤了
There was a wound on his head as if he’d slipped,
好像是在黑暗中 从这里摔了下去
as if he’d fallen out there in the dark.
I can’t forget his eyes.
它们圆睁着 充满了惊讶和痛苦
They were open, filled with surprise, with pain.
Like the eyes of a fox I once saw.
A fox the dogs had hunted down.
But it was an accident?
He was a peculiar man.
There were things in his life that could account for violence done him,
vicious things.
Well, it doesn’t do to speak ill of the dead.
The children never mention him.
不 小姐 你也不可以对他们提及
Oh, no, miss, and neither must you, not to them.
小姐 是迈尔斯少爷发现他的
You see, miss, it was Master Miles that found him.
Oh, that poor little boy.
If you could have heard his screams,
看到他凑近他 求他开口说话
seen the way he clung to him and begged him to speak.
That poor little boy worshipped Quint.
Worshipped him?
那个男人 迈尔斯
That man? Miles?
你不认识昆特 小姐
You didn’t know Quint, miss.
Such power he had over people.
你不能责备那个孩子 一个没有父亲的孤独的孩子
You can’t blame the child. A lonely boy with no father.
昆特利用了这个 就是这样
Quint took advantage, that’s all.
迈尔斯在昆特身后像个跟屁虫 这让我觉得很不舒服
It made me sick to see Miles trotting after him like a little dog.
They were always together.
安静 所有的人
Quiet, everyone!
The entertainment is about to commence.
看 小姐
Oh, look, miss.
我借用了你的垫子 希望你别介意
I’ve borrowed your pin cushion. I hope you don’t mind.
吉登斯小姐 亲爱的 请坐
Miss Giddens, dear, would you sit there?
格罗斯太太 你也请坐
And Mrs Grose, would you sit there, too?
现在 迈尔斯要给你们背诵
And now, Miles will recite to you.
A poem.
What shall I sing to my lord from my window?
我唱什么 才能让我的主人停留
What shall I sing, for my lord will not stay?
我唱什么 才能让我的主人倾听
What shall I sing, for my lord will not listen?
我要去哪里 才能跟随我的主
Where shall I go, for my lord is away?
Whom shall I love when the moon is arisen?
我的主人去了 坟墓就是他的监狱
Gone is my lord, and the grave is his prison.
当我的主召唤我的时候 我要说什么
What shall I say when my lord comes a-calling?
当他敲我的门的时候 我应该说什么
What shall I say when he knocks on my door?
当他的脚步轻轻走进 我应该说些什么
What shall I say when his feet enter softly,
leaving the marks of his grave on my floor?
进来吧 我的主人
Enter, my lord.
Come from your prison.
