不 我从来没骗过你
No, I’ve never hustled you,
你知道的 即使我自认为在骗你
even when I thought I was, you know it.
Do you want me to sit and wait?
忠心耿耿的小莎拉 低调一点 耐心等待
Faithful little Sarah. Pull the shades down and sit.
你想回来的时候 就会回来 好好爱我
When you feel like coming back, you’ll come back and love me.
然后过不久又要走人 这就是你说的爱我吗
And then you’ll go away again. Is that your idea of love?
I’ve got no idea of love.
Neither one of us would know
what it was if we saw it coming down the street.
I’d know it.
I’d know it.
老天爷 你究竟要把我怎样
For God’s sake, what are you doing to me?
I love you.
你爱的定义是什么 锁链吗
What’s your idea of love, chains?

我凭空想像你 可不是吗 艾迪
I made you up, didn’t I, Eddie?
You weren’t real.
我像其他东西一样 凭空想像你
I made you up like everything else.
艾迪 我根本没有被车撞过
There was no car crash, Eddie.
When I was five I had polio.
我从没当过演员 老富翁是我老爸
I was never an actress. The rich old man is my father.
He walked out on us when I was seven.
每个月他寄来一张支票 用来换取从我的生命中消失
He sends a check every month to buy his way out of my life.
The men I’ve known…
离我而去以后 我告诉自己
…after they’d left, I’d say,
“他们不是真的 是我凭空想像的”
“They weren’t real, I made them up.”
可是你 艾迪 我要一个真实的你
But you, Eddie, I wanted you to be real.
I’m so scared!
I’m scared.
-这位莎拉派克 这位巴特戈登 -幸会幸会
-Sarah Packard, Bert Gordon. -How do you do?
That one of mine goes in Drawing Room A.
Thank you.
I got it.
-你真的还好吗 小姐…-派克 莎拉派克
-You sure you’ll be comfortable, Miss… -Packard. Sarah Packard.
It takes me a while to memorize a name.
-你真的什么都不要吗 -不 不用
-Are you sure you don’t want anything? -No, I’m fine.
派克小姐 你参加过 路易斯维尔的德比周活动吗
You ever been to Louisville for Derby week, Miss Packard?
I’ve never been to Louisville.
活动多又到处是钱 正点
Lots of action, lots of money, lots of class.
你可以在这儿看到 全世界最珠光宝气的贵妇人
You see the best dressed, most beautiful women in the world.
Knock your eyes out.
Findley is rich.
他祖父留给他 一家烟草公♥司♥的五分之一财富
His grandfather left him 20% of a tobacco company.
嗄 他还诈赌
What, and he hustles, too?
他是个绅士 绅士老千
He’s a gentleman, a gentleman gambler
who gets his kicks playing with hustlers.
他有栋南方风格的豪♥宅♥ 里头有撞球台
He’s got an old southern mansion, with a pool table.
喝的是八年波旁威士忌 抽的是有软木滤嘴的高级烟
He drinks eight-year-old bourbon, smokes cork-tipped cigarettes.
-他有多高杆 -不知道
-How good is he? -I don’t know.
-我没看他玩过 听说技术一流 -我恭候领教
-I never saw him play. I hear he’s great. -I’m ready.
As soon as I’ve finished my coffee.
-你对我信心十足喔 -才不
-You have great confidence in me. -I don’t.
-我对芬德利信心十足 -这话什么意思
-I’ve confidence in Findley. -What’s that supposed to mean?
我是说 肯定他会是输家 一路输到底
It means I’m confident he’s a loser. All the way a loser.
你不过是个 输赢各半的中间角色
You are only about one half loser, the other half winner.
-喝完了 -知道
-I’m finished. -I got it.
不 你替我出力 我就应买♥♥单请客
No. When you play for me, I pick up all the tabs.
Fats knew the game was in the clutch,
so he had to do something to stop you.
-他深谙此道 -我也心里有数
-He played it smart. -I’ve played that game in my head, too.
再重来 越挫越勇
Play it again. Learn something.
Fats went to the john.
他洗了脸 清了指甲 梳理了头发
He washed his face, cleaned his fingernails, made his mind a blank…
挖空了心思 一副备战架势的走回来
…combed his hair, and came back all ready to go.
You were through.
你看他那架势 革新洗面 准备好要东山再起
You saw how he looked, clean, ready to start all over again.
严阵以待 全力以赴
Hold tight and push hard.
你可知道你在做什么 坐以待毙
Do you know what you were doing? You were waiting to get beat.
陶醉在荣耀与威士忌中的你 未战已败…
You were flattened out on your butt, swimming in glory and whiskey…
…probably deciding how you could lose.
你凭什么知道这么多 你怎么清楚他心里在想什么
What makes you know so much? How do you know what he was thinking?
I know.
Been there myself.
我们都在现场 可不是 派克小姐
We’ve all been there, haven’t we, Miss Packard?
Got a match?
戈登先生 你的打火机不能用吗
Doesn’t your lighter work, Mr. Gordon?
I forgot all about it.
-你的手好些了吗 -还好
-How is your hand? -Fine.
那就好 我可不想把钱交给伤残人士
Good. I’d hate to put my money on a cripple.
-你怎么可以说这种话 -我知道戈登先生绝无恶意
-Why did you say a thing like that? -I’m sure Mr. Gordon meant no offense.
It was a figure of speech.
-说得好 派克小姐 -事实就是事实嘛
-That’s right, Miss Packard. -A fact is a fact.
艾迪 她是个伶俐的女子
She’s a smart girl, Eddie.
戈登先生 这边请 到了 戈登先生 56号♥房♥
Right this way, Mr. Gordon. Here you are, Mr. Gordon, Suite 56.
I wired ahead for two suites adjoining.
-我不记得了 -我记得 我要两间套房♥
-I don’t recall. -I do! I want two suites.
对不起 全都客满 刚好德比周嘛
I’m sorry, we’re filled up, this is Derby week.
错在你 你一定收到我的电报
You’re wrong, you must’ve gotten my wire.
-查阅你们的订房♥记录 -我来看看有什么办法
-Look through your reservations. -I’ll see what I can do.
戈登先生 你是对的
Yes, you’re right, Mr. Gordon.
我放错你的电报了 两间相邻套房♥
I mislaid your wire. Two adjoining suites?
这弹子房♥里音乐真棒 你几乎可以闻到热闹的钱味
That’s sweet music in there. You can almost smell the action and the money.
我从头到脚都可以感觉 这种气氛
I can feel it right down in the bottom of my shoes.
-艾迪 -比利 你好啊
-Eddie! -Billy, how are you?
不知道你在这儿 人人都来这儿了
I didn’t know you were here. Everyone’s here.
It’s like a hustlers’ convention!
西石小子 巨无霸强尼
West Stone Kid, Johnny Jumbo.
来来 大家会很高兴看到你们
Come in, the guys will be glad to see you.
-我们在哪一间 -57号♥
-What room are we in? -57.
I’ll be up later.
派克小姐 请稍候
Wait, Miss Packard.
我们现在是邻居了 叫我莎拉吧
We’re neighbors, now. Call me Sarah.
I want to talk to you.
Do we need words?
我想是的 我们恐怕会彼此伤感情
I think so. We could cut each other up,
but that’d be bad for everybody…
对我 对你 尤其是对艾迪
…for me, for you, and worst of all for Eddie.
You know what’s good for him.
To win.
为谁赢 为什么要赢
For whom and for what?
是什么东西让世界运转的 金钱和荣耀嘛
What makes the world go around? For money and for glory.
请回答我第一个问题 为谁赢
Answer my first question. For whom?
今日为我 明日为他自己
Today for me, tomorrow for himself.
There is no tomorrow with you.
你拥有全部的明天 因为今天你全买♥♥了 廉价
You own all the tomorrows, because you buy them today, cheap.
Nobody has to sell.
-You bastard… -Miss Ladybird!
我知道你以延期特♥价♥优♥惠♥票来了这儿 凭手腕紧抓不放
You are here on a rain check, and I know it. Hanging on by your nails.
You let that glory whistle blow for Eddie…
而你却是路旁破车的残骸 老朽的马匹
…and you’re a wreck on the track, a horse that finished last.
瓢虫小姐 别再惹麻烦了
Don’t make trouble,
自在过活 也放人一马吧
Miss Ladybird. Live and let live!
While you can.
I’ll make it up to you.
You tell me.
下一场比赛中 有三匹马淘汰出局…
There are three late scratches in the following race:
迷迭香 幸运之神及L与R
Rosemary, Stroke of Luck, and L & R.
-巴特在哪儿 -不知道去哪儿了
